Christmas Event

Five Points On A Star

Diamond - Girls Generation

Credits to ○ nope, still no idea graphics ○ ○ for the wonderful poster!

Emily her lips and they both got into the car. Emily bit her bottom lip, opening but closing it right after. Because of the limited space their legs accidentally brushed against each other, making them both a bit uncomfortable.

Jay cleared his throat, startling Emily. “So...”

Emily frowned, not liking how their relationship was so awkward now. “What did you need to talk to me about?”

“About the other night,” Jay sighed, “I’m sorry. I don’t know what got into me. I don’t want our relationship to get messed up because I decided to do something stupid. Lets just forget about it and act like it never happened, okay?”

Emily felt like something was punching her in the face. Her eyebrows connected subconsciously and her frown got deeper. “I guess...” Emily said in a small voice.

Jay looked out the window after seeing her nod. He sighed quietly, *Get it together, Jay. You can’t fall for her...*

Emily preoccupied herself with her phone, but she wasn’t actually using it. She just stared at the black screen, *Why am I feeling like this? Am I sick?*


The car pulled up in front of the JYP building. The two artists got out of the car and Emily was the first to bolt inside. Jay sighed for the nth time and watched her anxiously run towards the building. Taking out his phone out of his pocket, he pressed a few buttons and held the device to his ear, “Hello? Hyung? It’s Jay; can you meet me at the café? I need help.”


Emily ran into the building, bumping into someone’s back in the process. She yelped, barely grasping her balance. Emily looked up and brightened when she saw Jong Suk. “Oppa!” Emily exclaimed, embracing him tightly.

The older male grinned, happy to see Emily. He ruffled her hair like he always did. “Hey! Are you attending the Secret Santa event?”

“Secret Santa event?”

“Yup,” Jong Suk nodded, “It’s a JYP event. I was specially invited.” he winked. Jong Suk grabbed her hands, “Lets go!”

Emily let Jong Suk pull her somewhere while she glanced back at the door, *Is he not coming in?* and she frowned.

Emily was surprised to see the whole JYP family in the auditorium, even all the trainees. Suzy, the artist she met the other day, called her over, “Emily! You made it!”

Emily bowed to Suzy, “Hello.”

“Didn’t you get the invite? We sent it via email. Our Secret Santa event is when the whole JYP family fathers and we all drew names out of a box. The name you receive is the person who you’ll be the ‘Santa’ for.” Suzy explained.

Emily sheepishly laughed, “I didn’t check my email. But this seems really fun, I’ve always wanted to try it!”

Jong Suk glanced at Emily and noticed the sparkly in her eyes. He smiled, “I heard they do this every year so that even if you don’t know each other, it gives you a chance to become friends. That’s why the JYP entertainment has such a good connection.”

Meanwhile Jay was outside of his friend’s door, repetitively knocking. The door was opened and Jay bolted inside.

“Hyung!” Jay ran his hands through his hair. He plopped on the couch and just stared into outer space. His hyung watched amusedly as Jay looked like he was about to lose his mind.

“I don’t know what to do.” Jay started.

“About what?”

Jay sighed and explained everything; from how his heartbeat increased at the thought of Emily to how his relationship is with her at the moment. His hyung, whose stage name is Se7en, shrugged. “Just confess.” he simple suggested.

“Confess?” Jay’s eyes widened, “For what?”

“You like her.”

Jay thought about those three words and scoffed at the idea. “There’s no way. She’s just my student.” *Right?...* He kept that thought to himself but had a strong front in Se7en’s presence.

Se7en shrugged again and just sat back. Se7en knew at least this much, he could tell by the expressions Jay had on. After all, he had such a long relationship with Park Han Byul, his current girlfriend. It was obvious Jay had a thing for Emily, though. His eyes grew sad when he talked about how distant they’ve become, and his whole body became brighter when he talked about how they hung out.

Jay’s phone vibrated and he fished it out of his pocket. It was a reminder he set for the Secret Santa event. He groaned and clicked his screen off. “I have something to do at the company. I’ll text you later.”

Jay drove back to the JYP building and gathered at the specified location. On instinct, he looked for his student and grew disappointed to see her happily laughing with Jong Suk. He wanted to drag her away for himself but for the sake of his image, he held back.

Moments later the event started. People went up once their name was called. JYP had a microphone in his hand and he was summoning people up, reading the names in alphabetical order. After awhile, Emily was called. She went up and drew a card from the box. Gripping the white paper in her hand she got off stage and her heart pumped anxiously to see who she picked. The rules stated that no one could open the paper until everyone received one.

Fast-forwarding to the final person, JYP counted down.
3... 2... 1... open!”

Hiding paper from each other, everyone opened the paper and read the name that was inscribed.


“Who did you get?” Jong Suk asked Emily who in return, cheekily grinned at him.

Jong Suk suspiciously looked at her, “Did you get me?”

“Yes.” Emily answered calmly and seriously.

Jong Suk blinked at her boldness but then he started poking her. “You’re lying!”

Emily shrugged playfully and yelped when Jong Suk poked her side, which was her weak spot. She jumped and slapped Jong Suk’s arm playfully. Clueless to her, Jay was watching from behind.

Feeling irritated by their friendliness, Jay stormed forward and tapped Jong Suk’s shoulder once.

The two turned around, a little surprised to see the soloist. “What’s up?” Jong Suk asked.

“Uh.” Jay said, hesitating with Emily’s presence.

Emily seemed offended for a second before pulling herself together. “I’ll wait outside. Clearly I’m not wanted here.” Frowning, she walked out.

“Hey, that wasn’t nice to kick her out.” Jong Suk said.

Jay was hurt but he had to talk to Jong Suk. “Did you get Emily for the Secret Santa event?”

Jong Suk shrugged his shoulders, noticeably ticking Jay off. “Maybe, why?”

“Did you or did you not?” Jay huffed angrily. He just had that gut feeling that just maybe Jong Suk was lucky enough to pick Emily’s name out.

“Why does it matter?”


Emily let the wind blow into her face and through her hair. It upset her whenever she thought about Jay’s behavior. She was happy when they hung out but ever since she found out her feelings for Jay, she noticed how much he seemed to push her away. It was only a few days ago when she found out her feeling towards the Seattle root singer.


Emily stared at Cameron through the Skype video. Cameron looked at Emily with confusion and irritation. “What’s so urgent... that you had to wake me up... at THREE IN THE MORNING?!” They both always had their laptops on and charging. It wasn’t pleasant when Cameron received a Skype call and it blasted through her ears when she was having a nice dream.

Her voice echoed through the laptop and Emily winced, lowering the volume. “Aren’t your parents sleeping?” Emily meekly laughed in a poor attempt to calm her down.

Cameron glared at her for the umpteenth time, “I’m hanging up.”

“Wait, wait!” Emily urgently said, relieved when her best friend didn’t end the session.

She explained her situation with Jay and she also told her about how she felt. Cameron let out an ear-splitting shriek that shook the house and it surprised Emily how her parents were still able to sleep through the night. “Emily, you stupid kumquat!”

Emily, wide-eyed, covered her ears until her best friend stopped yelling at her. “What’d I do now?!”

Cameron excitedly smiled as Emily’s heart pounded against her chest and she felt like she knew the answer. She knew that face all too well.

Cameron opened and the trainee felt faint at the next word that came out of .

“You’re in love!”


Jay was happy yet embarrassed at the same time. *I can’t believe I just did that.* Yet, he was satisfied. Jay took out the slip of paper from his back pocket, smiling goofily at the name that was printed on it.

The Secret Santa event gave him three days to find a present, which meant Christmas, was obviously three days away.

He looked up and almost stumbled over his feet. A girl was holding a large amount of novels as they covered her face, which covered her line of sight in the process. She squealed in surprise, “Sorry!”

Jay took a little more than half the books, which left her with only two. “It’s okay, where are you headed?”

The girl blinked and then blushed upon the reality of seeing a celebrity in front of her. “T-the library...” she stuttered.

Jay smiled nicely, making the girl nearly faint. “Are you a trainee?”

She nodded slightly, not trusting her voice in front of the cute boy.

“What’s your name?”

“Yoo Su Bin.” She bowed as much as she could without having the books topple over. Jay didn’t think much of her name and kept walking towards the library.

They finally reached the book-filled room and placed the books on the table. Su Bin bowed to Jay, “Thank you for helping me with the books.”

Jay ruffled her hair, “No problem! I’m always here to help my hoobaes. If that’s all then I’ll get going. See you around!” He waved.

Su Bin snickered to herself, “This’ll be an interesting turn of events.”

Surprise update, guys! I know I said I wasn't going to update till I finished finals week but my hands were itching to update! Soooo it's a little late for a Christmas event but it's better late than never, right? :)

I also introduced a new character~! Look forward to future chapters because it's about to get really intense! Thanks to everyone who wished me good luck on the finals! I'll see you all after next week! Bye! :)

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Why are you not using the posters you requested in our shop? And also in your other story.
Chapter 20: this story was really great! dont feel down about how it turned out, i really enjoyed this fic!! im glad they have a happy ending together!:}<333
KwonHyemi #3
Chapter 20: Thanks for this amazing fic!
even if you say that it didn't turn the way you wanted and expected, for me it was awesome!!!
ohshytsitzmarina #4
Chapter 20: It was awesome! Though the ending didnt go as you want, it was still a great story and youre a great author! im glad you didnt give up and finished it like you said you would! :)
ohshytsitzmarina #5
Chapter 18: omg! that girl has nothing better to do with her life! Emily should also know better from her and Jay's tALk the other night!
Chapter 17: aw this is really sad.=( i feel so bad for Emily.T_T
KwonHyemi #7
Chapter 17: Oh my god!!! NO! what do you mean you don't have more inspiration!
this is getting more exciting and interesting!
Please don't give up on this fic!
ohshytsitzmarina #8
Chapter 17: this chapter is sad, but why the sudden disinterest? :( you have no interest in writing? or just the story itself? don't give up! know that i've been here since you started and know that you still have readers or at least me!.. :/
Chapter 12: awww sweet chapter!:}<3
Chapter 10: omg the Running Man episode sounded sooooo FUN!!:}