Chapter One

Only You (Alternate Ending Only One - Kris Hyeso)

Please do ignore the grammar...

And this scene took on Hyeji's Wedding...




Hyeso sat in the bench of front of the fountain and exhaled, she closed her eyes and let the night air hit her face. Slowly she opened her eyes and saw Niel and Changjo stood in front of her, Hyeso smiled gently *My other guardians*

"Hey baby girl..." Niel kissed her forehead softly and sat beside her, Hyeso sighed when Changjo also sat at her other side, she rested her head in Changjo's shoulder and Niel hummed softly a song that could lulled Hyeso into a dream world. Hyeso chuckled.

"I can fall asleep if you continue to hummed a song, Niel'ah..." Hyeso said as Niel laughed also, Changjo rested his head on the top of Hyeso's head and sighed.

"Are you okay, Hyeso'ya?" Changjo asked, Hyeso smiled and sighed but then nodded, she knew she couldn't lie to them, they knew her so well.

"Just... a bit tired" Hyeso said, Changjo and Niel looked each other and sighed.

"If you tired, why should you sat here, alone, without us or Byunghun Hyoung?" Changjo continued. Hyeso kept silence.

"Did you.... regret about everything, baby girl?" Niel asked, Hyeso gasped and pulled over from Changjo's comfort just to looked at Niel with her confused eyes.

"I'm not, I didn't regret anything this is for the best, I need Byungie Oppa like he need me, and I love him and..." Hyeso stopped and choked, she covered with her palm. Niel sighed and took Hyeso to his embrace.

"Hush now, baby girl, we're here... don't cry" Niel whispered in her ears as Hyeso keep sobbing. Changjo also gazed her worriedly.

"I'm so egoist... I want both of them, I know I can't do that, it just...something inside me missing when Wufan Oppa left, it just like-like he took a half of me with him" Hyeso blubbered. Niel tightened his hug and caressed her hair softly.

"No, you're not egoist, it's natural, baby girl, he was with you on your hard time, so he gave you a deep feeling for him" Changjo murmured as he took Hyeso away from Niel and hugged her tightly, Hyeso inhaled his scent and closed her eyes. Changjo and Niel always had a right words to tell her, and that's made Hyeso even depressed.


She missed Wufan so much, it's been two months after he left, of course she was happy with Ljoe, she love him so much and vice versa, but Hyeso knew that something inside her missing, gone the same time he was gone, leave her with only a letter, because he wanted her to be happy, that her happiness belong to Ljoe. Hyeso also thought about that also, she never felt this happy since forever, Ljoe's parent didn't forced them to separate again, she always woke up with Ljoe beside her, she would chuckled because no matter what time Ljoe get home from his work, he would sneaked inside Hyeso's house and sleep beside her, took Hyeso to his embrace, felt her warm body next to him, her breathe lulled him to sleep, and when the morning came the first thing he would see was her soft smile and a soft murmured 'good morning' while kissed his lips gently.

Yes, Hyeso happy with only Ljoe by her side, he would took his free times to cherished it with her, filled the time that missing when they being separated. Ljoe would took her to a romantic dinner, gave her surprise, and that made Hyeso over the heels. Hyeso didn't let her mind to think abut other guy beside Ljoe, even it's Kris, but it's hard, because sometimes if she saw a tall, blonde and lean, she would stopped walk and took a good view and realized that wasn't Kris, Hyeso would chuckled by her self and muttered 'stupid Hyeso' because if she forced her mind to not think about Kris again, her heart would always longed for him.

Hyeso would always caressed her necklace that hung on her neck, the last gift from Kris and she never let it go, sometimes she would dream about him, not a nightmare, it was beautiful dream, she was in his warm embrace, his arms wrap possessively around her, he would kissed gently her face and stayed longer on her lips, but then she would wake up and sobbed when she knew it was only a dream, Hyeso definitely not okay, she needs her medicine, her own medicine, her healer, she need Kris so much.

Ljoe knew she was changed, even she always laughed whenever he told a joke, kissed him back whenever he would kissed her, replied 'I love you too' everytime he told her how he felt, but still he knew something was off, because sometimes he would see Hyeso sad eyes when she looked outside the window, she would snapped from everthing she did when ever she saw someone who tall, blonde and lean. Yes, he knew who Hyeso saw , it was Kris, Hyeso missed Kris, even he knew Hyeso love him but he also knew that Kris was the one that she longed for. Ljoe knew she didn't want to be egoist, she love both of Kris and Ljoe, and Hyeso choose to be with Ljoe, or so he thought.

Ljoe never knew how's Kris leave, how Hyeso and Kris made their separation, he didn't ask and he didn't want to ask, as long Hyeso still beside him, and smiled to him everytime he opened his eyes in the morning with endless 'good morning' that made him would sacrafice anything to made this last forever.

"Baby..." Ljoe whispered to her when they were cuddled together while watching a boring movie, Hyeso hummed and snuggled closer to Ljoe, she tucked her head in between Ljoe's neck "Did you love me?" He asked, Ljoe's heart beat so hard inside his rib cage. Hyeso snapped her head and gazed Ljoe confusedly.

"Oppa, why are you asking about it?" Hyeso asked back "Of course I love you, so much" Hyeso said as she pressed her lips to him, Ljoe molded their lips together and sighed when their separated for an air.

"I love you too..." Ljoe said, Hyeso smiled and back to tucked her head to between his neck. Ljoe inhaled her shampoo and closed his eyes. *But you are not happy, baby*


China, Two Years later...

Kris walked towards his office and nodded slightly when a few employees greeted him. Yixing smiled when he saw Kris came, he walked towards him and Kris just nodded, Yixing sighed, since he choose to leave Hyeso two years ago, Kris became someone different, he became a cold man, never smile even ot for their clients.

"We have an appointment today with a new company that just opened a new office in China, they knew we are the best in our country so they propose a contract, I leave it in your desk" Yixing said as they walked inside Kris' room. Kris just hummed and nodded.

"I read it later, what time?" Kris asked as he checked a few papers that already on his desk and let the papers that Yixing bought left beside the telephone. Yixing sighed.

"Have you eaten breakfast ?" Yixing asked, Kris stop checking and rose his head, he furrowed his eyebrows but then sighed.

"Just coffee" He muttered, Yixing sighed again and walked towards him.

"You should eat something, bread probably, want me to order it for you?' Yixing asked, Kris shook his head.

'I'm not hungry anyway, so what time the meeting held?" Kris asked again, Yixing checked the papers and nodded.

"An hour before lunch, we have to invite them to lunch if it's possible, you want to?" Yixing rose his head and gazed Kris who still busy checking the papers.

"Sure, just booked a good place" Kris said, Yixing chuckled.

"I heard it was  a woman who represented the company" Yixing said, teased Kris. Kris raised his eyebrows and frowned.


Yixing sighed and face palm him self, he knew Kris almost never date again since Hyeso, sure he was sometimes took a few dates when Yixing told him, but it never lasted, either Kris didn't call them again for the next date or girls ran from him because his cold face.

"Alright, do whatever you want, I will be in my room, call me when you ready to go to the meeting..." Yixing said as he dragged himself out from Kris' room. Kris sighed and back to checked the documents.

Kris glanced to his watch and leaned his back to the back of the chair, he turn his chair and gazed outside the window, it's been two years, two years since he left Korea, and left his heart there, he already buried his feeling inside, but sometimes he would always missed her, when he was eat, sometimes he would remember how Hyeso would so picky and never ate her carrot because she always whined and said that she wasn't a rabbit, and would mocked Kris who ate like a pig whenever she cooked for him, well don't blame him, her cook was the best. Kris would frowned whenever it was raining, because Hyeso hate rain, she was afraid when the thunder came, she would snuggled in the corner of her room, covered by a blanket and sobbed, until Kris came and hugged her close to his chest, let his heart beat lulled her to sleep, whispering 'It's okay, I'm here' repeatedly in her ear until Hyeso stop trembling.

He sighed and turned to his desk again, the times surely walked so fast, because everytime he reminisced everything about her and him. Sometimes he would stop when he remember that she was happy back in Korea with someone she love so much, his heart hurt so bad with that thought.  Kris closed his eyes and tried to erase the picture of Hyeso inside his mind, his eyes caught the documents that Yixing bought for the meeting later, Kris took it and started to opened the document. His eyes followed letter by letter that written in the paper.

'Eternity Soul'
Ran as an Art Consultant Company, even it's only a year but already had our own market in Korea, we want to spread our wings and choose China to our next market target, we heard your company is one of the best of this industry, and we would like to propose so we can work as partner. We do have our own photographer and...

Kris couldn't help but once again remember about Hyeso, how she love to took everything with her favorite camera, she and her sister were surely talented, Hyeso always had a few medals and trophy from the photography's competition, and the younger, Hyeji, was a wonderful artist, her paints always sold out and she also a good interior design.

Kris ran his eyes to the next paper, it was about the company's profile, he furrowed when he read that the company was under The Lee's Corp. It was Lee's family company, Kris gripped the paper tightly and read slowly, his heart almost drop when he read the company's owner.

'Eternity Soul's Profile'
Under The Lee's Corp. , a well known company from South Korea, Eternity Soul was a subsidiary from the biggest company, owned by the Lee's head, Lee Jihoon. Eternity Soul represented by the closer relatives from our company's president, Lee Chunji, and Kangta as their Vice President.

Kris took a deep breathe, Chunji is Hyeso's guardian, he was like other brother for her beside Jihoon, and Kangta is her brother in law, he heard he married to Hyeji two years ago. Kris didn't realize that his hand was trembling when he read the papers, he closed his eyes and tried to calm himself down.

Kris took the phone and dial Yixing's room number "I need to talk to you" Kris said. It took a few minutes only when finally Yixing sat in front of Kris with his widen eyes and an opened mouth.

"Okay..." Yixing said as he massage his temple gently "Let me repeat again, so the new company that want to join with us was related to Hyeso" Yixing said and didn't miss when he saw Kris' winced when he said her name. Kris nodded slowly.

"How did they know about our company?" Yixing asked, Kris sighed and stood up then walked to the window.

"Hye-I mean she must be told him about us, she knew how's our office and she always said that she really wanted me to join with her brother's company" Kris said softly. Yixing sighed.

"You want to decline the proposal?" Yixing asked. Kris silenced and kept his eyes to outside the window.


Kris tried to calm his beating heart when he walked to the meeting room together with Yixing, he didn't know what should he do if he meet Hyeso now, should he smile to her and said that he was okay, because he's not, or should he pretended like he didn't know her, but it was impossible, how can he do that if the one he love the most sitting in front of him. Yixing glanced to Kris and couldn't keep his worried, he's afraid how's Kris would act in front of Hyeso's guardian later, should he asked about Hyeso? but what if her guardian said that she was happy now with someone called Ljoe or Byunghun and it would broke Kris' heart eventually.

Yixing opened the door and realized there's only two men inside the room, Yixing could tell by looking at Kris' face that he was dissapointed that Hyeso wasn't there. Kris sighed and cursed himself inside his mind, why should Hyeso came if her guardian, Chunji, the president of the company was there. Kris tried to smile but it was like he's forget how to when Chunji turned to him and smiled gently, Kris could only nodded and shake hand with Chunji.

"Long time no see, Kris'shi" Chunji smiled and both of them sat in the chair, Kris sat in front of Chunji, Kris just pursed his lips together and nodded.

"Yes, it's been a long time" Kris said, Chunji smiled and nodded.

"How are you doing, Kris'shi? You look so different now, I almost can't recognize you" Chunji leaned his back to the chair, Kris just let a simple smirked.

"Maybe it because I change my hair style" Kris said, Chunji nodded.

"Yes, probably..."

"So.. let's start the meeting now?" Yixing said as he felt an awkward silence between them, Kris and Chunji nodded and started the meeting.

A half an hour left and they were in the middle of conversation when someone knocked the door, Kris let a soft 'come in' assumed that it was his secretary to gave a  drink for them. But when he rose his head he held his breathe when he saw her there, stood in front of the door while smiled softly.

"Ahh... Hyeso'ya.." Chunji stood up and took Hyeso to sat beside him, Kris couldn't tear away his eyes, she was changed, she look thinner, looked so pale, even she always been pale. Hyeso eyes caught him and Hyeso smiled gently to him.

"Wufan Oppa..." Hyeso greeted her, oh how much Kris want to stood up and ran to her, hugged her tight until there's no space left between them, her voice was the last thing he wanted to hear, because he knew it was his weakness. Kris just nodded and Hyeso let a sad smile appeared on her face and Kris missed it as he looked down and pretended to busy with the paper.


After  two hours of torture, Kris finally exhaled when they finished their meeting, they stood up and ready to go when Chunji asked Yixing where the toilet wash, Yixing, as a good partner, took him to the toilet, left Hyeso and Kris together with one of Chunji's staff.

"Miss Lee, I want to give this to Mr. Kris' secretary first, it was for our next meeting" Chunji's staff said, Hyeso smiled and nodded.

When he left, Hyeso and Kris was in an awkward silence, Hyeso glanced to Kris and frowned when she saw  a dark circles on his eyes, she could tell also that he lost some weights. Even she has to admit that she like his new hair style but she hate it when Kris always forget to took care of himself.

"How are you, Wufan Oppa?" Hyeso asked finally when she was tired of an awkward silence. Kris snapped back from his thought and turned his head to Hyeso.

Bad choice, Kris, he cursed himself when he turned his head and met Hyeso brown orbs and immediately drowned inside it. Kris cleared his throat awkwardly and turned away.

"Good, like you can see now..." Kris mumbled. Hyeso nodded and smiled sadly.

"But you look so tired, did you eat well, Oppa?" Hyeso asked again "Did you sleep well? Did you take care of yourselves well?" Hyeso almost cried but she prevented it. Kris swallowed hard.

"I do eat" Kris sighed *even it just a coffee or sometimes crackers, if it includes meal* "I- also sleep well" Kris continued *Even sometime I can't even closed my eyes without seeing your face behind my eyes* He looked down and closed his eyes to calmed himself.

'I'm okay, Hyeso'ya..." Kris forced himself to saw Hyeso's sad eyes *please don't see me like you pity on me, I don't want you to, I want you to know that I'm okay you can be happy with him*

Their eye contact broke when Yixing back with Chunji and told them that she and Chunji should go now, Hyeso smiled and nodded to Chunji when Chunji pat her head gently.

"It's really nice to meet you again, Kris'shi..." Chunji said shook hand with Kris. Then he walked away with Yixing beside him, Hyeso walked followed him along with Kris in her side.

"I'm glad you were okay, Wufan Oppa..." Hyeso said as they still walked to the front door, Kris turned his head to Hyeso and gazed her eyes. "I was glad, because I'm not okay" Hyeso whispered. Kris could feel his knees gone week and he fist his palm.

Hyeso smiled softly but sadly when she saw Kris' hard face, she felt rejected so she sighed and closed her eyes. "I don't want to lie, I-I can't sleep well, I can't eat well... " Hyeso said again as she tried to prevented her tears.

"When I want to eat, I remember you, because we always eat together, and I- I can't sleep because sometime I would have a dream" Hyeso said again, she smiled again to Kris and they stopped.

"I know I shouldn't say that, but really, I'm so glad you were okay, Wufan Oppa..." Hyeso said and she bowed slightly to Kris, Chunji called her and she turned her head to Chunji and nodded.

"Goodbye, Wufan Oppa..." Hyeso whispered for the last time and walk leaving Kris stood there, froze.

The car was slowly moved and Kris could see Hyeso still locked eyes with him with a sad smile. He snapped to the reality when Yixing patted his back with a simple question 'are you okay' and now Kris couldn't tell if he really was okay or not, because now his heart hurt even more since the separation.






The First chapter here....

So please do comment :(


Will update my other story soon..

Until then...

Mhee0901 Out

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junghyeji #1
Chapter 2: Wwaaaahhhh congratulation for hyeso and kris wedding...

Hmmm.. Speechless ...
junghyeji #2
Chapter 1: Hmmm.. I'm confused..

But, its so sad.. I think kris will regretting his word,that he's okay.. (ʃ╭╮ƪ)

Update more .. Pleaseeeee ~