
The war of love


“Class, keep quiet now. Let them introduce themselves” When the two new students came inside the class, Chaerin and Jenny who were busy poking each other suddenly felt something unusual. They looked in front the class and saw the two new students.


This aura… It’s so familiar. But… no it can’t be.’ Chaerin’s playful look suddenly turned serious.

IT’S IMPOSSIBLE!’ Jenny’s once laughing face turned to a shocked one.

“Hi! My name is Gong Mingkki! Do take care of me.” The girl named Mingkki waved hyperly and bowed.

Omg… No freaking way!’ Chaerin & Jenny thought.

“The name’s Kwon Ji yong.” The guy bowed calmly.


The both gasped. The two girls couldn’t believe what just happened. They couldn’t believe their eyes and their ears. It was impossible and coincidental. After like what, 2 years? 2 years without contact, and now finally? Although they were shocked, they also can’t hide that bit of excitement in their eyes but after awhile all the excitement seemed to go down when they remembered Dara. They looked at the same time and just in time, they saw her looked away with hurt in her eyes.

“Dara, you okay?” Chaerin asked almost immediately, concern can be heard in her voice. But Dara didn’t seem to hear her. She just continued staring out the window. Chaerin looked at Jenny. Jenny didn’t know what to say and what to do to calm the girl down.

“Dara… Earth to Dara!” Chaerin tried again, just to see if the girl is still with them, and it was successful. Dara instantly snapped back to reality and looked at Chaerin with a composed face.

“Oh. Sorry. Were you calling me since just now?”

“Yes pabo. Are you ok?”

“Yea, I’m fine. I’m just tired that’s all. Couldn’t sleep well last night.” Dara lied. That’s the second time this day she thought.

Chaerin let out a big sigh. Jenny’s tensed face calmed down too. Chaerin was about to ask why when their professor interrupted them, making Dara thankful that she didn’t have to answer and lie her way away.

“Ehem Ms. Park and Ms. Lee, anything wrong over there?” The whole class looked at the two, even the two new students who had shock in their eyes.

“A-ani! Nothing sir! Heehee.” Chaerin was blushing while Dara giggled at her cute panicky cousin.

“Well if that’s the case. As I was saying, Mr. Kwon and Ms. Gong, you’ll be seated behind Ms. Park and Ms. Lee. Raise up your hands now Ms. Park and Ms. Lee.”

Chaerin’s eyes were full of shock while Dara just raised up her hand not showing how bothered she really is. Jenny had to force Chaerin’s hand to be raised up. Jiyong and Minggki smiled and made their way to their seat. They too were shocked but excitement was evident in their eyes too.

“Oh and Ms. Park, I would like you to help Jiyong and Minggki settle in and do help them catch up on what they need to know for the rest of the subjects.”

“Ermm, yes sir.” Dara could only reply. She may be uncomfortable but she didn’t need to show other people that. She’s good in hiding after all. She convinced herself that she’s just tired and too stuck up with that dream of hers that’s why she’s behaving like this.

Dara, calm down. This are nothing, they are just new classmates that’s all.’

When the two new students came nearer and nearer, Dara had already calmed herself down and gained her composure. She gave her best smile to the two.

“Hey! I’m Dara Park, just call me Dara. This two ladies here are my cousin and my bestfriend, Lee Chaerin and Park Jenny.”

“Yay new friends!” Minggki said excitedly. The three giggled at the girl’s hyperness.

“Hi. Thanks for the warm welcome.” Jiyong smiled warmly at the three girls. The three girls just nodded their head and smiled. The two new students proceeded to their respective seats. Unlucky for Dara, Jiyong sat behind her making her more uneasy then she already is.

Ok calm down Dara, it’s not as if you knew him before or something. I must really be exhausted cause of that dream.’ Dara just shrugged away whatever uneasiness she was feeling and just focused in class.


Class ended and it was already their break.

“Ungggh. Finally classes ended! I’m hungry!” Jenny stood up and stretched.

“Aigooo don’t tell me you’re gonna eat corn again?” Chaerin and Dara laughed at the glaring Jenny.

“Let it go Chae, we don’t wanna see her rage here cause of her hungerness, do we.” Dara stopped laughing along with Chae. After hours of drawing, which Dara likes so much, she finally composed herself and stopped thinking weird stuffs. She was back to her bubbly self again. She looked back and noticed that the two new students were quiet.

“Hey Jiyong and Minggki, wanna join us for lunch?”

“Yah! Do join us! It will be fun!”

“The more the merrier”

Chaerin and Jenny agreed while convincing the two new students.  Minggki stopped packing and she looked at Dara. After awhile, she smiled and nodded profusely.

“Yes! Yes! Yes! I would love too! Lets join them Ji yong oppa!” The excited girl looked at Jiyong with sparkles in her eyes. And Jiyong couldn’t say no to that.

“Err… Ok sure.” He faintly smiled at Minggki then he looked at Dara, who was busy talking to some of their classmates. He looked at her then he looked at the other three girls who were looking at him. He faintly smiled and nodded.

“Come on, let’s go.”

They ate their lunch underneath some big old tree located near their school field.

"Well, let's eat!" Chaerin and Mingkki said. Dara giggled at their hyperness while Jenny was already digging in her corn. Ji yong remained quiet.

"So Mingkki and Jiyong, heard you all moved in from Japan." Dara asked.

"Yes, we did. We moved in here for we needed to settle some stuffs here." Ji yong simply replied Dara.

"And I'm glad we did! I find Korea nice, cool and a whole lot more!" Minggki said enthusiastically while looking at Chaerin and Jenny and the two smiled widely.

Dara felt more and more comfortable around them. She was glad that she calmed down.

"Ehem... So... You all have the same major?" Ji yong asked.

"Not really, some are different which I'm pretty bummed about it, since I'm more into Fashion Design path, Jenny is more to the Interior Design Arts path, and Dara is more to Art Design path, well atleast thats what we got." Chaerin said with a bummed face.

"I'm more into Fashion Design too!" Minggki said happily with excitement in her eyes.

"Woah really!? We'll be together in most of our majors!" Chaerin said excitedly then the two high fived.

"Woah kids calm down!" Jenny said. While Dara and Jiyong were just smiling and laughing.

"Hey Dara!" One of the students came jogging to them. "Mr. Chan asked me to look for you."

"Oh okay! I'll just pack my stuff and then I'll follow." The student smiled and nodded. Dara packed her stuffs and stood up.

"I'll see you around or in some of our classes Ji yong and Mingkki."

"Ok! See yah Dara!" Minggki said and then hugged Dara. Dara was taken aback on how she felt comfortable with Minggki hugging her, although they both just knew each other, but nonetheless, she hugged Minggki back trying to shift away the thought. After she hugged minggki, she looked at Ji yong and Ji yong just smiled and nodded.

"Bye guys! Chae and Jen see yah at the school gate later!" Dara shouted while jogging her way to the teacher's room.

The rest waved back to Dara, and when Dara was not in sight anymore, they resumed eating in silence, all have different things running through their mind. But not long, Ji yong decided to break the silence. He cleared his voice.

"I didn't know you all are here in Korea. I thought you all were in US."

Jenny put down her food and looked up in the sky. Both Chaerin and Minggki stopped eating forawhile, but resumed eating.

"I guess, we just landed here in Korea. She wasn't unconcious for long. We didn't want to risk it so we stayed here." Jenny answered while staring at the clouds passing by.

"Oppa, you know us meeting again like this is not a good sign right?" Chaerin suddenly said. They all wanted to say no, but they all knew eventually that Chae rin was right.

"Maybe it's just fate for us to meet again. Maybe it's not a bad sign." Minggki tried to convince them. They were all in deep thought. They wanted to believe in Minggki, but something was stopping them. What Ji yong said made the 3 girls gasp in surprise.

"Maybe.... It's time for her to finally know the truth..."



finally I'm back in action.

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