When He's Mad and You Use Aegyo

Block B Group Scenarios


Taeil: “Fishy, fishy, fishy, fiiiiiiiiiiishy~” You danced around him. The two of you were just returning from hanging out with his group. While you had been out with the boys of Block B, they showed you exactly why your boyfriend Taeil, was indeed a fish. But the cutest fish you had ever seen in your life.

He was sitting on the sofa after you both returned to your apartment, and you were dancing around the living room, completely engrossed in your fish song and wiggling.

You were so fascinated by your own fun that you didn’t notice him get up from the couch and glare at you. “Enough!” He shouted at you suddenly. “That song is annoying, just stop it already! It isn’t cute and it isn’t funny!”

You stared at him with your jaw hanging. He didn’t seem to mind it earlier but why was he so upset about it now?

“I don’t see what’s so great about being a fish! I don’t want to be a fish! Fish are ugly and stupid and there is nothing good about them! So stop calling me a fish!” He snapped and left to your bedroom, slamming the door on his way in. 

He had left you utterly confused and standing alone in the middle of the living room. Did it really bother him that much to be a fish? Why hadn’t he said it before? Surely his friends wouldn’t mind if he asked them to stop calling him a fish? Then again this was Block B you were thinking about, master trolls and giant five year olds. Maybe he was keeping quiet because he was scared of how they would if he reacted to it. Besides, all the fans called him a fish as well. 

You felt the twang of guilt as your feet started to carry you to the room that you two had shared countless nights in. As your hand rested on the door handle, you bit your lip nervously. You were walking in there with absolutely no plan whatsoever. Well, you’d figure something out.

You opened the door and looked at him watching cartoons casually. He was so cute. You couldn’t help but smile at him as you sat down on the bed. “Taeil, turn off the TV.” You said softly, turning to face him.

He complied and looked at you. “What do you want?” Clearly, he was still on edge but you hadn’t really given him any time to calm down. 

You took a deep breath in, letting your improvisation skills take over. “You’re not a fish…” You started hesitantly, but you had gotten his attention. “Even though, everyone calls you one, you’re not a fish. Mind you, you kind of look like one, but hear me out! Being a fish is a good thing…”  

“Go on…” At least you kept his attention.

You brought your hands up to your cheeks like fins. “There are cute fish…” You shot him some aegyo. 

He chuckled.

“And manly fish…” You shot him the manliest face you could come up with. Not that it was very impressive.

He laughed though, and that was good.

“And then there are some downright ugly fish.” With this you pulled of a beautifully horrific expression that had him doubling over from laughter. “But you can’t be a fish, because if you were a fish I couldn’t do this.” You leaned over and kissed him on the lips.

Taeil’s arms wrapped around your waist and pulled you towards him as he pulled back, grinning from ear to ear.  “Aish, you’re too cute. I can’t stay mad at you. Let’s watch some TV.” 

Success! You cuddled into his arms and the cartoons. When he saw it was Spongebob Squarepants, he took the remote from your hands and turned the device off again. “Actually, let’s take a nap instead.”

B-Bomb: You rolled over for what seemed like the millionth time that night. There was too much excitement coursing through your system, so much so that sleeping was impossible. Your beloved boyfriend Minhyuk, better known as B-Bomb from Block B (enough B’s for ya?), was peacefully sleeping by your side. As of late he’d been so busy with other country promotions and preparing for a comeback that he usually ended up sleeping at the dorms. Tonight being the rare exception. 

He had finally gotten off early and came home but you knew he’d be gone again the next day. Yet again. It was why you couldn’t sleep. Why would he want to sleep when at long last you two were finally together? You wanted to make good use of this time and make memories. Sleeping was the last thing you wanted to be doing right now; even though it was well into the early hours of the morning already.

Flipping around in his arms again, you couldn’t help but smile at his peacefully sleeping figure. He was just so breathtaking. Your hands traced down his arm that held you, while your eyes followed the contours of his face. Then you looked at his chest. You found an appreciation for the hot weather because he was choosing to sleep shirtless. Thank you weather gods! By the time you had looked back up to his face, you were not the only one awake. Not only was Minhyuk awake, but he didn’t seem to be all that happy. It was a safe conclusion to come to considering that he was frowning and his eyebrows were furrowed.

“Go to sleep.” He muttered his voice husky from just waking up.

Sighing, you pouted and tried to make it up to him by acting cute. “Oppa~ I can’t sleep. It’s been so long since we’ve been together.”

He sat up and looked down at you angrily. “You know I don’t get enough sleep, and when I finally come home to rest all you want to do is play. I’m tired, and I’m going to sleep. If you can’t sleep, then get out of the bed.” With that, he turned his back to you and lay down again.

A sea of guilt hit you like you had run into a wall of bricks. He really had been so busy lately, so much so that he couldn’t come home. Of course he would be tired, and he had every right to be cranky. You had been flip-flopping all night long. Getting out of bed, you walked over to his side of the bed and crouched on the ground to watch him. 

Of course your movement had caused him to open his eyes again. “What now?”

Smiling, you shot him some aegyo. “Oppa mianhe~ I was just too excited since you’re home…”

Minhyuk chuckled, how could he stay mad at his cute girlfriend? He made some room in the bed and you crawled in next to him again. 

“Oppa forgive me~” You cooed in your cutest voice.

A soft and tired chuckle escaped him as he threw an arm over you and pulled you close. 

“Sleep,” he commanded.

With a tired nod, you obliged and fell asleep in his arms. 

Jaehyo: You jumped as the door slammed behind him. Since there were only two people living in your apartment, yourself inclusive, you knew exactly who it was. Jaehyo was home from filming! You were so excited that you scrambled up from the couch and ran to see him. “Welcome home!” You chirped happily as you threw your arms out to hug him.

“Not right now.” He muttered as he slid off his shoes and bypassed you, entering the apartment. Biting your lip, you watched the aura around him. It was dark, gloomy and screamed for people to leave him alone. Something must have happened, but what? 

It was time to play detective, you read all the body signals he was shooting at you. Which were angst, anger and disappointment. He was wearing relatively plain clothes, so you figured it was safe to assume he changed into them once filming was over. You checked his shoes, mud. He must have been filming a variety show, but just to check you called out to him. “Yah, Jaehyo. How was filming today?”

“Don’t ask!” He snapped suddenly. You had hit that one right on the nose. A bad day of filming had always got him stressed out.

This was an easy fix, because you had dealt with this problem a few times now.

You ran up behind him and gave him a massive back hug. “Oppa~” You cooed cutely. Aegyo was something you hated, but it tended to cheer him up so you’d suffer it or him. “Did someone have a bad day?” You puckered your lips cutely and gave him your best doe eyes.

Jaehyo softened as he watched your expression. He knew you hated to do such cutesy things, but it was just so adorable he couldn’t help but get cheered up by it. “Yes~” He answered with a small smile.

“And how can I make it better for you?” You asked in a sing song voice.

“Three expressions would be great if you don’t mind…” He trailed off as he wrapped his arms around your waist.

“Anything for you oppa~” You chirped shooting him your three best aegyo expressions you could think of. Your ‘bbuing bbuing’ being your final and killer as you saw him smiling as much as he could. When you were done you nestled yourself into him and groaned. Aegyo really did kill you.

Jaehyo chuckled and held you close. “You’re the best jagiya. Thank you~” 

“Anytime, just not anytime soon, ok?”


U-Kwon: You were both standing there yelling at each other. After an hour of yelling at each other, you couldn’t even remember why this had started, and what you were yelling about had become so vague it was just a matter of who could yell louder. 


“HEY. YOU’RE LUCKY I MAKE IT HOME AS MUCH AS I DO, I’M A BUSY MAN YOU KNOW.” He snapped back at you angrily. 

“YOU THINK I DON’T HAVE A LIFE AND ALL I DO HERE IS WAIT FOR YOU?!” You yelled at him. How dare he think of you like that! You were very busy as well with school and work. Your life was not spent watching him on television and counting the minutes until he could come home. “Even if it was all I do, WHICH IT ISN’T, I would clean up and do housework better than you.”

“I’m pretty good at housework, probably better than you!” He retorted angrily.

“You do not do any house work. You at it!” You spat back.

“Do not!”

“Do too!” 

“Do not!”

That was it! You were done with this all by now. The more the two of you talked, the louder the fighting got and thus you were farther away from resolving this issue. You figured a one hit knock out wouldn’t be too hard at this rate, you just had to change the game. You pouted cutely and shot him a pair of your signature puppy eyes. “I could use just a little more help around the house if that’s okay.”

Clearly, he was having fun fighting you though because all of a sudden he changed his expression into a cute one. “But I’m so tired after work jagi~” He whined and reached out to hug you.

Oh it was on! Aegyo was your special attack, and he wasn’t allowed to take that from you. “Yukwon ah~ You can’t steal my aegyo~” You whined cutely.

“But I’m better at it than you are!” He shot back some more of his own awkwardly adorable aegyo. Your toes cringed under you as you watched the battle unfold.

About half an hour later, you were both aegyo’d out on the sofa, snuggling. As if the fight earlier today had never happened. He kissed your cheek softly. “I’m sorry I blew up babe, work’s been really tough. But god, your aegyo really is the best.”

You smiled; glad to hear you’d one the battle.

Kyung: “What do you mean you have to go out tonight?!” He screeched at you as you collected your things. “I, your beloved boyfriend Park Kyung, am now home and you’re leaving me here by myself?!” He yelled following you around like a lost puppy. “Besides, who are you going out with anyways!?”

“Friends.” You replied, cutting him off in the middle of his rant. 

“What do you mean friends?! Tell them you can’t go. Right now! You’re not going anywhere.”

“You can’t tell me what to do Kyung, I need to go this time.”

He grabbed your phone and texted your cancellation. “There, you aren’t going.”

“WHAT?!” You yelled at him, grabbing your phone back.

“I’M HERE TO SPEND TIME WITH YOU AND YOU’RE DITCHING ME. HOW DO YOUTHINK I FEEL!?” He shouted at you suddenly, “You know what, go with your friends. I don’t care.” With that, he went to sulk on the living room couch by himself.

You weren’t expecting him to come back that night, which was why you made plans. You and your girlfriends were going to go study since you all had finals next week and you were all nervous. Usually, studying together didn’t actually get much studied, but you definitely all felt calmer when you would leave the library. But he was right, your friends would be there tomorrow, and he might be back at work.

You confirmed the cancellation and walked into the living room, hoping over the back of the sofa and landing seated right next to him. “Kyung…”

“What.” He shot you a look of pure anger. You had screwed up. But then again you really did need to study. There was only one time to do this final, and it was coming up. There was no redo’s or restarts after that. 

“Can I explain?”

“Go ahead.”

“Oppa, my finals are next week…” Not that he would know because he’s been away for so long. And when you said it he looked to you in surprise.  Probably because he called you every night without fail, and you stopped studying just to talk to him. “I was actually headed to the library with the girls to get some good studying in. I really don’t want to fail this Kyung, because after this I can get a real paying job, and I can help bring in more money too…”

He just watched you.

“Forgive me?” You shot him a quick aegyo and burst into a bright red blush.

He smiled and chuckled as he pulled you into his lap. “Aish ______-ah, you should have just said so earlier. Besides, can’t you stay home anyways? I’d love to help you study.” He kissed the top of your head. “I’m sorry for getting so mad.”

“It’s okay~.” You used the cutesy voice again, might as well since you couldn’t stop blushing.

Zico: You knew he was on edge right now. Ever since he had packed away everything to do with that iconic kitty, Jiho was different. He tried to manly and tough, but that wasn’t the person you fell in love with. He needed Hello Kitty that badly. Sure, it was a little ridiculous to love an animated character the way he did, but you found that side of him charming and endearing.

But the longer Jiho remained without his kitty companion, you could tell that it bothered him. You really couldn’t understand why he was even listening to other peoples’ opinions. The Jiho you fell in love with was confident with every part of himself. Now, something very important was locked up in his closet to protect his pride. You didn’t get it. 

But it definitely had an effect on you. Every time you mentioned the little cat, you were glared at. So now that you were sitting in the kitchen drinking out of your Hello Kitty mug, you were getting an earful from him. Apparently, you were being insensitive and a for teasing him. “I can’t believe you would do this to me when you know I’m trying to get rid of her now get rid of that cup!” He snapped suddenly after a minute of staring.

You’d heard it too many times before, so you just watched him with an eyebrow raised. Ready to take whatever he was going to give you.

What you didn’t expect him to do was rip the cup out of your hand and chuck it away. Crashing against the floor, the cup shattered into pieces.  Well, there goes your favorite cup. Sighing, you really didn’t want to hear this anymore. “If you’re going to take it out on me, you might as well take her back.” You muttered and walked to your room, slamming the door behind you as you left him in the kitchen.

You sat on the bed and thought, really it wasn’t your fault but it wasn’t his either. He was doing this for work, for his image. Which mind you, was ruined already, but there was no harm in trying to fix it. But you didn’t like the Jiho that didn’t have Hello Kitty by his side. You had already thought of a way to fix it, and you were saving it for a rainy day but it seemed as if it was needed in that moment. You dug through the closet and pulled out a white kitty headband out of your closet, and on the right ear there was a tilted red bow. Yes, you had bought a Hello Kitty headband. It was perfect! You could wear it, do some aegyo and you figured he’d go running up to his box and unpack it. But first, you were going to let him cool down instead of having him attack you again.

About an hour later, you quietly opened the door and poked your head to look into the living room. He wasn’t there, which meant he was in the kitchen. Sliding on the headband, you skipped in cheerfully, using your best cute voice you could muster. “Jiho~ You don’t need her, aren’t I cute enough for you?” You asked shooting some aegyo at his back.

The moment he turned around, he blinked a couple times and looked at you blankly. But you saw it, the corners of his lips were twitching upward and soon enough he was grinning. “Aigoo, come here. You’re much cuter than her any day of the week ______.”

You smiled and ran into his arms, surprised to see your Hello Kitty cup perfectly mended. 

“Sorry about the cup, I shouldn’t have taken it out on you.”

P.O: “WAAAAAAH! TOTO! WHY ARE YOU BROWN!? WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU!? YAH! _________! WHAT DID YOU DO!?” You heard the stomping feet of your maknae boyfriend Jihoon as he attempted to find you. While you had been making hot chocolate for yourself earlier with Toto, his stuffed caterpillar, you had run into a little accident and spilled some on him. But it wasn’t even that big nor should it be that big of a deal. You couldn’t even see it! Nevertheless, you sunk down on the sofa with your hot cocoa in hand, trying to hide from him.

The footsteps got closer and you gulped. Then suddenly, they stopped altogether. Were you in the clear? You sat up and turned around. Nope, Jihoon was standing there, with Toto, glaring at you. “Yah. _________. Why would you do this to Toto.” He growled at you with his deep voice. As much as the voice was y, the glaring eyes made you nervous.

“Jihoon, I really didn’t mean to, I’m so sorry.”

“Why would you even bring Toto into the kitchen?”

“It was an accident Jihoon!”

“TOTO IS RUINED!” He snapped at you and threw down the toy as he stormed back to his room. 

You felt bad, immediately you grabbed your phone and called your mother, asking her how to get stains out of toys. Of course, this only lead to an interrogation of why you would even have toys as a grown woman. Because having toys obviously somehow meant you were preparing for a kid. Right, mothers. 

Once you had cleaned up Toto, and let him dry; he looked as good as new. You were proud of yourself, and you nodded to Toto. “Good job buddy, let’s go bring you back to daddy now, okay?” You spoke to the toy in a bossy tone. It had no say in the matter. It was going back to daddy, even though you wanted to cuddle with it and a cocoa. 

You walked up to your bedroom and knocked on the door. Not that Jihoon had time to answer because you walked in anyways. You sat next to him and placed Toto in front of your face. “Jihoon appa~” You cooed cutely in your brand new Toto voice. “Please forgive ______ umma. She really didn’t mean to. She just wanted to cuddle with you while she was drinking cocoa, but you were asleep. So I was the substitute. Then she accidentally tripped and the cocoa spilled on me a bit. But I’m okay now appa~”

He rolled over and turned to look at the two of you. “Yah, you little punk. I’m not that old yet. It’s still hyung to you.” He took the doll out of your hands and threw it away. “And to you, it’s jagiya.” He pulled you into his arms and smiled. “You really got that stain out?”

“Of course, who else is as brilliant as I am?”

“Your mom?”


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Musicislife1295 #1
Chapter 4: These scenarios are really cute and well written!!