When You're Mad and You Say "I Hate You"

Block B Group Scenarios


Taeil: SLAM! 

You kicked off your shoes, discarding sloppily at the door and made your way into the kitchen, making sure to stomp your feet as you made your way there. Something about stomping your feet actually gave you some sort of anger release. Because the floor totally deserved to feel your wrath and anger. The floor deserved being stomped on. 

Everything in your path that was inanimate deserved your abuse. Because you had been the target of abuse from everyone you knew. Your boss had called you in to yell at you, your manager had dumped not one but a couple piles of reports on you, and your friends had decided today you were a shrink who had all the time in the world to hear every little problem they had.

Today had not been your day.

You wanted your beloved boyfriend Taeil to wrap his arms around you and tell you how mean your boss was, and how insensitive your friends were. You wanted to hear how his day was probably worse than yours and you wouldn’t feel so bad after that. But when you saw him, you couldn’t help but frown more.

Taeil was on the sofa, smiling like an idiot when you walked in. “Welcome home jagiya! Guess what, today was awesome! I had schedule right? But it ended early. So I went out with the guys and we had so much fun, and then I came home and waited for you jagi~” His face lit up happily when he talked about you. How dare he have a better day than you?! He was the idol; he was supposed to be overworked, tired and stressed. Why were the roles reversing today of all days.

He walked over to you and wrapped his arms around you. “Jagi~ Let’s go have some fun.” 

“Ani.” You said shaking your head; your strong no had shocked him. “I’m not going anywhere.”

“Then let’s just do—“

“Ani.” You repeated yourself, again shaking your head. “I’m not doing anything.”

“Jagi, what’s wrong?” He asked tenderly. 

“What’s wrong? What’s WRONG?!” You screeched at him. Raising your voice suddenly felt amazing. You started to yell, and cry in your stress and anger. “I hate my boss! He’s a jerk and it wasn’t even my fault!” You snapped suddenly, it was time for you to get your anger out. “And I hate my manager! That lazy jerk would have been fired long ago if it wasn’t for me!” You sobbed out your frustrations. “And I hate my friends! Those insensitive jerks have been calling me all day to tell me what’s so wrong about their lives, and it isn’t even bad! One of them just couldn’t get the shoes she wanted from a certain store because they didn’t have her size, BUT THEY HAD THAT SIZE IN ANOTHER STORE.” You snapped and flopped onto the couch, only to sit up again immediately. “AND I HATE YOU FOR HAVING A BETTER DAY THAN ME.” You flopped back down into a lying position again.

Taeil sighed and smiled at you softly, leaning over the back of the couch and cupping your cheek softly. “Jagiya, do you feel better now?” He asked as he stole a quick kiss from your lips.

You sighed, you really didn’t hate him. You knew that, and so did he. You had just been stressed. You just nodded a little bit in response, tears still coming out as you let go of your last qualms. “I’d feel better if you sang for me though~” You looked up at him through teary eyes. “Please?”

He smiled and moved so that your feet were on his lap, running his hands up and down your legs, massaging them as he started to sing for you.

You didn’t even notice yourself falling asleep.

B-bomb: “Minhyuk I—“You were frantic to hide the truth. You weren’t exactly planning on telling him about the surprise birthday party you were setting up, but he was getting suspicious. Not only was he getting suspicious, but he was getting angry. When he got angry, well you just hated when he got angry because he started to get mean. Mean enough to send you to tears sometimes.

Like right now, you felt like you could cry.

He kept spitting insults at you, firing them off one by one.  He wasn’t just a little mad, or a lot mad; he was furious at you. You could tell by the intensity in his eyes.

Not only that but the digs were getting harsher and harsher by the second. You were holding in your tears though. You knew it’d all be worth it if you could only pull off this birthday surprise.

But you wanted to just tell him, get him to shut up and apologize for what an he was being to you. 

It would be worth it.

It would be worth it.

It would be worth it.

You kept repeating it in your head as he kept yelling. Anger was bubbling up inside you, slowly making its way to the top. You were going to explode, you knew it. You couldn’t contain yourself. Minhyuk just, refused to understand you and your good intentions. It was painful.

Trying to keep calm, you shook your head walking away. “You don’t understand.” You muttered through gritted teeth, making sure you spoke loud enough for him to hear you. 

He grabbed your arm tightly and your teeth gritted harder. He gave it a squeeze and you yelped loudly. “What do you mean I don’t understand?!” He roared at you, and you couldn’t take it anymore. You burst out into tears, a mix of physical and emotional pain getting too much for you to handle.

“I HATE YOU!” You screamed at him suddenly. “You get stressed, and when there is something you don’t like you take it out on me! All I was trying to do was prepare your birthday! But you can’t even let me do that! It was supposed to be a surprise!” You yanked yourself away from him and locked yourself in a bathroom. Somewhere you could lock yourself in and have a legitimate excuse to keep him out.

His eyes widened as he replayed everything he had said to you in the past twenty minutes. You had every right to hate him, but he wouldn’t let you. He couldn’t. He was regretting it instantly. He ran after you as you slammed the door on his face and locked it. “________! ________! I’m sorry! I’m so sorry I got mad at you!” He thought for a moment and tried to calm down. “Is your arm ok?”

You chose not to answer him.

Which only rendered him angry again. He knocked on the door until he muttered a stay back and he crashed his full body weight into the door, ripping it from his hinges. Clearly, he would have to pay for that. He crashed onto his knees in front of you and hugged your thighs, trembling as he held you to him. “I’m so sorry jagiya. I’m so so sorry jagiya. I was jealous; you were going around behind my back. I didn’t even remember my birthday coming up. “ He admitted. 

You sighed and petted his head softly. “Well there goes the surprise.”

“No worries, I’ll probably forget again anyway.”

Jaehyo: “I HATE YOU!” You screamed at him at the top of your lungs. Tears like waterfalls streamed down your face and you were storming out of the apartment. That was it, wasn’t it? Did that mean you two were over? Had you just somehow ended it between the two of you?  You were so mad you could swear you’re seeing red. As you put on your shoes, you heard hands hitting the door right beside your head.

Your (recently turned) ex-boyfriend Jaehyo had his arms up against the door, his body pressed up right behind you. Clearly, he was planning on attempting to make you stay. You were so mad at him right now you could hit him.

“No.” Was all you could hear him say through his gritted teeth, his face right next to yours.

“No?!” You screeched at him. After all this that was what he had to say?!

“No.” He repeated as he spun you around and pinned you to the door. 

You pushed him off as his plump lips came crashing against yours in a fiery passion. This wasn’t new for you, but every now and again he had an amazing sense of self confidence. This was not one of those times where he should have such amazing self-confidence.

But you didn’t want to hear anything about this right now. You hated him and that was your final decision. His kiss drove you insane, you couldn’t say no to him. Evidently, you kissed him back.

He smirked against your lips. He knew he’d win you back.

“Get off me!” You muttered and tried to push him away, only to get forced into a deeper kiss. This time it was not just a kiss of firey passion, but of want and love. It was hot and you wanted to just wrap your legs around him and take him to bed for some hot makeup .

“You don’t hate me.” He informed you, but his stance was weakening with all this rejection. 

You glared at him and frowned.

“You don’t, right?” He asked, his resolve completely disappearing.

Aish, why was he so cute. Sighing, you pursed your lips and looked up at him, shaking your head. 

He smirked and pulled away from you with a satisfied grin. “I knew it.” Well, that was escalated quickly. Jaehyo had turned back into the cocky boy that had originally got you mad. 

You frowned but he pulled you into his arms again, muttering a sorry against the hair on the top of your head. You couldn’t hate him, you just loved him too much.

U-Kwon: You had waited well over one hour for him just to be embarrassingly stood up. The date you both had been planning for weeks, and he clearly had forgotten about you… again. You felt as if you should have been used to it by now. But you weren’t. The waiter had brought you a bunch of drinks as you waited for his arrival, and after an hour you had ordered without him.  Actually you ordered, ate, paid the bill, walked back to your shared apartment, showered, changed, made (and finished) tea, crawled into bed and burst out into tears before he even showed up. This entire time as well, he never even bothered to text you.

That was probably what hurt the most out of all this. He had the gall not to at least text you this entire time that he left you alone.

The door swung open, and you didn’t even bother to answer when he started shouting for you. “_______!? JAGI!? WHERE ARE YOU!” He was frantically searching. You could just picture his sweet face contorting in worry as he ran around looking for you.

You didn’t answer though, you didn’t care. He deserved to worry, and you wanted him to suffer a bit. He deserved it, he really did. Yukwon had forgotten you for the last time. He should be worrying more about how he was going to cope with this break up rather than apologizing. You were at your last straw.

The bedroom door swung open and you hid farther underneath the blankets. You didn’t want to see him right now. 

“Babe I’m so sorry, the managers took away my phone, and I tried to get away but schedule was never ending today.”

“I hate you.” You mumbled to yourself under the covers, making it so that he couldn’t hear what you were saying.

“What?” He leaned closer to you to hear properly.

“I HATE YOU KIM YU KWON!” You snapped, sobbing to yourself.

He gulped and lifted you up, blankets and all, and transferred you into his lap. “I am so sorry, I know how much you’ve been looking forward to that. But trust me… I can make it up to you.”

“Right.” You scoffed under your blankets.

He lifted you off the bed, and walked you out to the dining room where he had prepared dessert, having assumed you ate without him. It was a candle light dessert, and it was your absolute favourite. Gently, he lifted the blankets away from your head and kissed you softly. “Please, let me make this up to you babe. I’m so sorry.”

“You .” You muttered as you got out of his arms. Sitting down you started to eat, “I can’t stay mad at you when you do cute things.”

Kyung: You saw them together on more than one occasion. It was almost like an obsession for you, and you hated it. Every time Kyung would back out on your plans last minute, you knew exactly who he was going to. Her. She was a noona, you could tell because you thought she looked like an old hag (probably due to your anger) and you hated her with everything you had.

You were right on the money too, he was with her again. How did you know? Well, without wanting to sound like a creep, you had followed him around after schedule today. You were still trying to understand why exactly he was cheating on you, and what was so great about her. Besides, you needed solid proof he was cheating on you. Thus far, they still only looked like really, really close friends.

You were sitting in a café across the street, watching them intently. Watching his face light up like you had never seen before, you hated it. You wanted to storm over there and slam your couple ring down on the table. Or better yet, kiss him passionately right in front of her to claim him for your own. But you wouldn’t move. 

At least you were hiding behind your sunglasses not to seem to obvious, but you really were just staring at them with pursed lips from across a narrow street. But it was still surprising when his precious noona had pointed you out. You watched Kyung turn to you and his jaw drop. He knew he had screwed up, you could tell on his face. He excused himself from his date and started heading towards you, which was when you got up. It was time to escape; you quickly walked out of the outdoor sitting area and started to walk away from him.

“__________!” He called after you starting to jog up to you, closing the distance between you.  

You picked up your pace as well, willing to do anything to keep your distance.

“__________!” He called again, this time louder as he started to run. It wasn’t long until he had your arm in his and spun you around. His trademark smile leaving his lips when he saw the tears pass your sunglasses. Slowly he lifted them from your face with his free hand. “Why are you crying?”

“This is where you go when you’ve cancelled our dates?” You asked him weakly, your voice breaking and cracking underneath your resolve. You wanted to be mad, you did, but you were heartbroken instead. 

He shook his head. “Wait jagiya, listen to me. It’s not—“

“Don’t you even DARE say it Kyung.” You snarled at him, ripping your hand from his grasp. “I hate you.”

The lady approached now, and you couldn’t help but glare at her. To which she only laughed. She was laughing, at you? Really?! She had the gall to come up to you and laugh in your face?

“Kyung, is this her?” She asked giving you a quick one over. “She’s really cute. You’re a jerk if you really haven’t told her about me the whole time.”

The whole time?! He’d been cheating on you this whole time?!

Kyung gulped and looked to you, and before he could speak, she cut him off again with a smile. “Don’t be worried, if I touched this grease ball, it’d be considered .”

Your face flushed red as relief hit you like a truck at full speed. So that was what he meant by noona! You smiled to the lady, grinning from ear to ear as you wiped your tears. You bowed quickly. “Ah, it’s a pleasure to meet you, I’m ___________.” You introduced yourself.

“Call me unni.” She informed you as she gave you her name. “Come, let me take you shopping since my little brother screwed up.”

You smirked to Kyung and joined his sister. “I still hate you.” You stuck your tongue out at him and walked away.

“Yah! ________! Wait!” He called after, chasing you two to catch up, completely dumbfounded by the events that just happened.

Zico: He was sitting there holding her, well technically it. But you knew it was a girl. She wasn’t even human either! This was ridiculous; you were getting jealous over a stupid cat. Stupid Hello Kitty was distracting your boyfriend from spending some much needed quality time with you and this wasn’t the first time that he was ignoring you for her.  It was distracting you from your math homework.

When Jiho got up to go to the bathroom, he left his precious kitty behind. It was time for you to get that thing out of your way. It was embarrassing to be jealous of a stuffed animal of a child’s icon. Maybe you could fall madly in love with Pororo to get your revenge. 

This was ridiculously childish of you, but you couldn’t even control your jealousy at this point. You sat down and placed the doll in front of you, staring it right in its beady eyes.  Literally. 

“Yah.” You hissed at it. “Listen you… thing. That is my boyfriend you’re toying with and this isn’t fair. I hate you, did you know that?” It felt good to rant at the toy like this. You brought a hand up and smacked the doll right across its smug white face.

“WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!” Jiho gasped as he ran in to console his stuffy which you had thrown to the ground in shock. “Waaah Kitty are you okay?!” He asked and cuddled the stuffy.

Why were you even here at this point? Clearly your boyfriend loved that damned cat more than he loved you.

“Aish Jiho, I hate you.” You muttered as you stood up and walked to the kitchen. You started collecting your school books so you could head back to your apartment. 

“What?” He asked as he stood up, still holding the cat in his arms. Not that you even bothered to look up, you knew that cat wasn’t leaving his arms.

“You heard me.” You said as you closed the bag and slung it over your shoulder and went to go get your shoes. 

It was the first time you’d ever seen that cat fly so far. As you started to walk towards the door, the cat had beaten you there, without Jiho attached. You simply raised an eyebrow at him, trying to keep your composure so that you wouldn’t cry. You would hold some dignity over this. You would not lose to Hello Kitty of all people.

But when you felt your bag slip off your back and his arms slink around you… you couldn’t take it. Tears welled up in your eyes as you didn’t bother fighting back.

“________-ah… tell me what’s wrong.” His hot breath caressed your ear as his arms tightened around you.

But you remained strong and shook your head.

“Don’t say you hate me jagi. I know you don’t mean it. I love you so much.” He cooed and kissed your cheek softly. 

“No, you love that cat so much, so much so that I’m invisible to you.” Your voice cracked, and the tears fell quickly down your cheeks. “You love that cat so much and you forget me all the time. I come here to spend time with you, and you cuddle with her. We go shopping? And of course you’re too busy looking at her damn stuff to notice when I put on a y dress just for you.” You felt his arms tighten around you when your knees started to buckle.

“You don’t hate me.” He repeated into your ear. This was not a comment, or a question, it was a statement with full knowledge coating his voice.

This was true, you could never hate him. One of his arms moved from your waist and wiped your tears. You just nodded like an idiot who couldn’t find words, which in this moment that was exactly what you were.

“Come here.” He scooped you up and brought you to the sofa for some much needed cuddles.

P.O: You drummed your pen against the table, glaring down at the foreign language in front of you. Text books open trying to explain your nemesis. A subject you hated solely because of the fact that you failed to understand its elusive concepts. Math.  Why was it so hard? How come you couldn’t understand it? 

Most likely because you were partially distracted by a pair of eyes boring right through you. Not the boring in which someone was uninterested, but the boring in which the eyes that stared at you were drilling a hole right into you and piercing your soul. 

You tried to avoid looking up as long as you could. You needed to study! But you couldn’t help yourself anymore, and your eyes pulled away from the page only to see your boyfriend Pyo Ji Hoon staring at you intently. You could tell by the expression on his face he was trying to telepathically make you look up, because when you did he was leaping over the sofa to run to you. “Jagi~” He drawled in his deep voice, practically singing your name.

“Not now Jihoon, I need to study.” You snapped your head back to the table. “Your staring at me is really distracting, can you stop?” You leaned over your books again, preparing to write. But when you moved your arm to perform the action, you were stopped by your boyfriend grabbing onto you.

“No.” He said seriously, crouching on the floor next to you.

You looked at him angrily. “Excuse me?” You asked him with a hint of surprise in your voice. Not that you should have been because this wasn’t the first time this happened. Every time you weren’t paying a full 100% of your attention on him, he would come and bother you. Initially, you found it endearing and cute, much like a lost puppy following a new master. But now, months later, it had become annoying and you couldn’t stand it anymore.

“Come play with me jagi~ You can do work later.” He said as he started to pull your arm, as well as you, right out of the kitchen. Before you could fight against him, he arms were wrapped around you tightly as he pulled you to the sofa. “That’s much better jagi.”

“It may better for you, but what about me?!” You snapped at him. “I actually need to study! I can’t always be paying attention to you Jihoon! I have a life of my own and you just need to accept that!” 

“But jagi…” He cooed deeply, shooting you some of his aegyo.

“Stop that!” You snapped and sat up. “As of right now, for the next hour I hate you. Now let me do my work, then in an hour come and bother me again.” You headed for the kitchen table.

“But you don’t actually hate me right?!” Jihoon squawked awkwardly as he followed you to the kitchen.

“No, but I feel like hating you would easily refocus me on math. Come back in an hour.”

He nodded, seemingly content with the compromise. He cuddled up to Toto and watched television. When the hour was over, he returned and attacked you with aegyo until you put your books away and went out together on a real date.

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Musicislife1295 #1
Chapter 4: These scenarios are really cute and well written!!