When You Go to the Amusement Park

Block B Group Scenarios


Taeil: You spent the night without Taeil again. He had a busy schedule that went well into the wee hours of the night so in order not to wake you up, he chose to go back to his dorms and sleep there. He really was such a caring boyfriend, but you had wanted him to come home and spend time with you.

The door opened to your room, and your sleeping figure did not move from its position. In a deep slumber, you were hard to wake. You felt the bed sink on Taeil’s side as he leaned over and ran his fingers down your cheek softly. “Jagiya~” He called to you softly, beckoning you from your slumber.

But now you didn’t want to wake up, so you flipped sides and turned your back to him. Which only made him chuckle softly. He rested his hand on your shoulder and shook you gently.

“Jagiya wake up.” He called again as he shook you.

You chose to ignore him because right now sleep felt like the best option.

“Fine, I guess we can’t go to the amusement park then.”

You were up and out of bed. “Yah! Get out! Let me change.”

He smirked. “It’s not like I haven’t seen you bef—“


You changed as fast as you could and got everything you could possibly need together. Once ready, you two were out the door and off to the amusement park.

It was really the perfect date for you. You were being pampered like a princess; he had even got you a little tiara to wear. Everything you wanted to do, or wanted to look at was top priority for the two of you. You got to ride all your favorite rides and eat all your favorite foods. It was the real princess treatment, and you ate it all up.

After a couple hours though, a couple being way over four, you couldn’t help but wonder what the special occasion was. You ground your heels into the floor stopping yourself, and him who was holding your hand. “Taeil, what’s wrong…”

“What do you mean what’s wrong? There is nothing wrong.”

“Then what is this all about.”

“I just felt bad, that we couldn’t spend as much time together due to all the concerts.” He sighed softly and wrapped his arms around your waist. “I really just wanted to see you smile all day today.” He admitted, he had moments where he could be such a cornball.

You smiled softly and stole a quick peck from his lips. “I’m just happy being here with you, you should know that.” As corny as it sounded, it was the absolute truth.

“I know, but I really felt like I owed you because you’ve had to stay home without me for a while.” He buried his head into your neck and you smiled softly.

“Aish you, well the debt’s repaid. Now what do you want to do?”

“I dunno what do you wanna do?”

“Oh don’t you dare start that mister.”

B-bomb: What was it with boys and eating? Every time you went out with Minhyuk, it had something to do with food. So today, you were sure you had stumped him when he offered to take you out. He said you could even pick the place. So you picked the amusement park, because you figured you would be able to go on the rides. Needless to say you had forgotten about all that delicious food that was served there.

Thus your day went something sort of like this:







Try to decide on a game.

Eat more.

By that point you were done with eating. You were sure you would never need to eat a bite of food ever again in your entire life. Ever. You felt like being at that amusement park with Minhyuk had made you gain at least a bajillion pounds.

You sighed and stood up from the table. “Bathroom.” You muttered as you walked away. You were not going to the bathroom, you were leaving this date because it was getting so boring you thought you would die. You decided to see if he’d notice your disappearance, hiding in a store, watching over him carefully.

Five minutes…

Ten minutes…


You felt your phone go off and you checked it. Minhyuk? You never saw him pull out his phone. You read it. Jagiya, are you done in that store? Come back and join me at the table. You were furious. You were done, and when you looked up all he did was smile and wave at you. You wanted to punch him in his good looking nose. You shook your head and stormed out of the store angrily, heading for the exit of the park.

Finally, Minhyuk made a move and chased after you. “Jagiya what’s wrong!?” He called as he grabbed onto your hand. He pulled you to a stop.

“All you do on dates is eat, eat, eat. I’m tired of eating! I want to actually go on a date! So when you’re ready to date me, put down your chopsticks and call.” You muttered angrily, trying to pull your wrist from his iron clad grip.

His expression softened, but not his grip. “Jagiya…” He looked at you apologetically. “Mianhe, anything you want jagi, I’ll do it for you. I’ll stop eating until dinner, let’s enjoy this okay?”

You bit down on your lip and looked around, eyeing a giant pink teddy bear, almost taller than yourself. “Get me that.” You demanded seriously, knowing if it was something he had to buy, it’d be expensive. “Get me that and I’ll forgive you.” Why not act like a spoiled brat when you could, no?

He nodded and walked over, realizing he had to beat the high score at the DDR machine to win. Your face went pale; this wasn’t going to be hard at all?! You pouted as you watched him start to out dance the machine. Slowly, you were starting to get distracted by the contours of his body. The way his eyes looked so focused, the way his lips pursed into a little line, the way his hips rolled. It was all very y.

It was also all yours.

You were too distracted by him to notice the game finish and the prize descend from off the shelf and into his arms. “Jagi,” He cooed to you, ensuring on using his iest voice. He recognized that face of yours. That face of want, your lids were half open, your thumb was lightly pressed against your lips, and your other arm supported it underneath your s. Just pushing them up ever so slightly. You only made that face when you got by something, which was usually him. “Jagiya, let’s go home no?”

You looked up at him, snapping out of your world and raising a brow.

He leaned over and whispered in your ear, “I’d rather dance for you alone anyways. Besides, I could use some exercise from all that food…”

You giggled and dragged him back home.

Jaehyo: You thought he was overreacting, that moment when he picked you up from the apartment with a face mask and hat on. You thought he was joking when he told you he’d actually take you on a date looking like that. You thought he was most definitely acting childish when you tried to take it off him and he fought against it.

You were so wrong it wasn’t even funny.

Sure, you two had already gone on dates since you went public. Usually, when the two of you went out the fans tried to be really understanding and respecting of your space as a couple. But today was clearly a day that the fans had chosen that their love for their “oppa” was more important than his feelings. You hated how selfish fans could be sometimes, but really you were just more jealous that he had to pay attention to them instead of you and your date.

You couldn’t bring yourself to actually hate them though, because you knew exactly what they were feeling. You had been a fan too yourself at one point. Jaehyo looked to you apologetically as he took care of his fans, so you decided to go hang out by yourself.

You managed to ride a lot of rides, and play a couple games unsuccessfully. It wasn’t as much fun without Jaehyo by your side laughing with you. That stupid boy was like a deer in the headlights when it came to fans.

Sighing, you returned to the scene of the tragedy. Surprisingly enough the fan group had grown bigger while you had left them. Maybe you should have stuck around because clearly it deterred more fan girls from coming.

He saw you through the crowd, for him you stuck out like a sore thumb. For him, you were the most beautiful girl there. He sighed disappointedly as you sat down on a bench to wait for him. This was not what he planned when he came to pick you up this morning. He wanted to have fun. He wanted to play games with you, ride rides by your side and enjoy the day with the person he loved more than anyone else. Even more than himself, and he knew he was pretty fabulous.

Jaehyo made the girls leaned in and whispered something to them. Soon you felt a lot of eyes on you, and when you looked at Jaehyo, he was staring at you. As well as all the girls that were surrounding him.

You offered them a weak smile as you waved your hand a bit. “He’s really great eh?” You said sheepishly. It was really creepy how they were staring at you like that; all of them turning to each other at the same time after you had said that.

Slowly enough, the girls dispersed and he walked over to you. “Hey, I know it’s kind of late to ask this, but you want to go play?” He asked rubbing the back of his head nervously.

You smiled and hugged him tightly, happy he made them leave. “What did you say to make them go Jaehyo?” You asked looking up at him with bright eyes.

He gulped and smiled down at you. “I told them I really wanted to complete this date on the right note. And that I really love you, and spending time with you meant a lot to me…” When he trailed off, you both were blushing like idiots.

Wordlessly, you both continued the date as if that had never happened.

U-Kwon: It was the end to a perfect date. Yukwon and you had gone out to the amusement park, and nothing bad happened at all! Fans stayed away, you were able to ride lots of rides, and what was best of all was that you had each other. As corny and cheesy as it sounds, this was really what you needed. A day off with your boyfriend, you couldn’t have asked for anything better.

Actually, it was getting better. The Ferris wheel line was slowly shortening one group at a time, and you felt your excitement bubbling up inside you. You felt his hand squeeze yours, and you beamed up at him. It wasn’t too long before you two as well were sitting on the Ferris wheel.

It was supposed to be romantic and fluffy, like in those damned romance mangas/comics/novels you kept reading. But there was always a catch; you weren’t that great with heights. It wasn’t as if you would cry and be scared of the, and you wouldn’t vomit from sickness, but it caused you anxiety.

You would go anyways.

Nervously, you sat down across from him, you heart and stomach wrenching as it started to move. Your chilly hands quickly grabbed your bag as you tried to hide your insecurity. He was happy; it wasn’t that hard to tell. Mind you, he had his hands and face pressed against the glass as he gawked in excitement. Yukwon was such a kid sometimes.

You tried to smile softly, but the jolting and moving of the wheel was terrifying. In your mind, all you could picture was the machine breaking and you both falling to your untimely death. You sighed and looked down.

“Hey, you okay?” You head jerked up to see Yukwon now looking at you.

“Yeah, I’m fine.”

“You look really nervous.”

You couldn’t lie to him, so you just sighed and looked down. You were extremely nervous.

The car jostled and you looked up in a frantic state. “Yah! What are you doing!?” You gasped as Yukwon moved towards you and sat down, pulling you into his lap.

“I want my jagiya to feel better. I wouldn’t have brought you here if I knew you were bad with this type of ride.”

“Aniyo,” you muttered. “I would have come here anyways.” You admitted bashfully. You watched one of his brows perk up in confusion and intrigue. So you continued, “I kept reading about these types of romantic dates, and—“

You were cut off by the sound of laughter, which made you flush 50 shades of red.

“Jagiya, you’re so cute. Now relax, I’m here.” He cooed as he kissed the top of your head.

You smiled softly, wrapping your arms around him and waited until the ride came to a stop. After that, the two of you went home holding hands, a tired couple ready to go to bed.

Sure, you didn’t like Ferris wheels, but that had been your favorite ride of the day.

Kyung: You were sick and tired of all the rides you had been forced to go on. Everything you said you were scared of when it came to amusement parks were the rides and attractions you had been stuck doing. What was Kyung’s idea? You knew he had some sort of plan because if he didn’t you were getting ready to ditch him. But you knew something was going on in that head of his.

Not that you could take much more of his plan, that was the fifth haunted house you had run out of in fear, with him right on your heels. You hated getting scared like that, today was the worst.

“Jagiya! Wait up!” He said as he held you from behind, wrapping his arms around your waist.

“You’re a jerk!” You snapped at him as tears ran down your eyes.

He sighed and spun you around with a soft smile on his face. How the hell could he be smiling at this kind of time!? You wanted to smack that smug look right off of his face and into the middle of next week. You pushed him away from you angrily, glaring at him. You wanted super powers right now; the powers to shoot lasers from your eyes because you wanted to kill him with you stare.

“Why would you even do something like this?!” You said as you held back your sobs.

He sighed and pulled you into his arms again, holding you tightly this time as he kissed the top of your head. “Mianhe jagiya.” He mumbled against your hair.

“Why Kyung?! You knew I was scared but you won’t let me do anything else!” You sobbed into him. Your perfect date now becoming a perfect nosedive and there was no way for you to stop it. You could feel his arms tighten around you, but no answer. “Well?!” You were getting impatient.

Kyung brought a hand up and used a finger to guide your face up towards him. “Well it was all part of the plan…”

“PLAN!?” You knew it! That son of a—

“Wait a sec babe just hear me out!” He grew frantic as you continued to grow angry.

You pursed your lips and continued your harsh glare at him.

“Well, I wanted to scare you.” He knew he couldn’t find the words for it, at least not properly. “I wanted you to get scared, because then you’d always run to me. I wanted to protect you and have you think about me.”

Really? That was it? You smacked him in the arm and burst out laughing. “Aish, Kyung… You’re an idiot.” You said to him with an exasperated sigh.

He grinned. “But I’m your idiot, and you love me, right?”

“You are my idiot,” You told him as you unwrapped his arms.


“And what?” You scoffed as you walked to the ride of your choice.

“Aish you!”

Zico: You both sat in the kitchen, wordlessly sipping at your teas. He had the day off, but neither of you could come up with an idea on how to spend your day. You sighed for the umpteenth time when he finally spoke up.

“You want to go to an amusement park?” He asked watching your features.

You looked out the window only to be greeted by the bright rays of the sun, and with a smile you turned back to him and nodded eagerly.

“First one who’s ready will pay.” He said getting up and running to your bedroom, with you right on his tail. You both knew you’d have troubles picking an outfit so of course he was going to be paying for the day.

When all was ready, you two made your way to the park like promised. And while you were there, you guys did manage to hit a couple rides, but you both ended up being distracted by the gift stores.

In one store, and out another, shopping to both your hearts’ content. The rules in the stores were that you both had to like what was being bought in order for the money to be put down. You had completely forgotten about the rides by that point. Besides, you were having fun anyways and that was the most important part of the day, to enjoy it.

A couple hours into your date, you both had your hands so full that there was no way you could even attempt to get on a ride. Both of you carrying stuffed animals and cups and notebooks and pens and anything cute you both could get your hands on. You looked to your boyfriend, and then a ride that featured Hello Kitty.

“Don’t worry babe, we’ll ride it, just follow me.” He grinned and got a hand stamp at the exit, waiting for you on the other side to follow him through. You followed him all the way to the taxis, and looked at him in confusion.

“Jiho, what in the world are you doing?” You asked as he hailed down a cab and opened the back door with his pinkies.

“Put them inside.” He commanded as he threw everything he was carrying into the backseat of a cab. He grinned at you evilly, he had a plan.

You smiled, putting your trust into him and placed your gifts in the backseat of the car, looking apologetically at the driver when he just stared at you. Zico whipped out a heft bill and gave it to the man, as well as a piece of paper with his name and an address.

“Go to this address.” He told the man, you recognized it as the address to Block B’s manager’s apartment. “And give all these to the man that lives there. Tell them there from Zico.” He pointed to his name on the paper. “Tell him that I’ll come pick them up later.” He said with a grin and grabbed your hand as he started to walk back to the park. “Thank you Mr. Driver!” He called and started to run back to the park.

You looked at him in utter shock, mentally apologizing to his manager as the taxi driver took one look at the bill he had been given and drove off. “Jiho! Your poor manager!” You sputtered as he dragged you back with him.

“Doesn’t matter, now we can go on the rides, right?”

You smiled excitedly; he was such a kid sometimes, doing whatever he wanted. You loved him anyway. You nodded eagerly and finished all the rides with him.

By the time you got home, you opened the door of your shared apartment to see all the goodies you had bought that day sitting on the floor with a note attached.

“Woo Jiho; don’t do this again you punk.”

P.O: You ran up hand in hand, excited like two children going to an amusement park for the first time. Attached to you was your boyfriend Pyo Jihoon. Both of you had excitement beaming from your faces. Upon your arrival you both skidded to a halt, the excitement and awe obviously evident on your faces. Breaking into grins, you both started dancing like children, bouncing on the spot and singing at the top of your lungs: “WAH WAH WAH DAEBAK DAEBAK WAH WAH WAH!”

It was sort of your chant when you got excited.

You both were in such perfect sync that people were staring at what two children were doing skipping school that day. The stares didn’t bother you, not even in the slightest.

He crouched down in front of you with a grin. “It’ll be faster if we went had one set of feet moving.”

“Yah! Jihoon! Are you assuming I can’t keep up with you?!” You laughed as you climbed onto his back, taking his backpack and wearing it yourself.

He ran in, with you in tow and you spent most of the day in that position. The only time he let you down was when he was getting tired, or you were bored of sitting on his back.

Eventually, you had rode on most of the rides, and it was time to take a break from the thrills of the rides to do something else. You had spotted a whack-a-mole. Even though it wasn’t really a mole coming out of the hole, you knew you were supposed to whack it. You were good at this game, not just good but a pro.

You begged him to play until he complied, and he gave you the money to. You had seen a cute pink caterpillar that would be adorable next to his Toto. You would win it, you knew it…






Game over.

And you were exactly right. You had won and thus the lady running the stand looked at you with her eyebrow raised. It was time to claim your prize. You pointed at the pink caterpillar and hugged it to you when it was finally yours. You ran to Jihoon with the biggest smile. “Look what I won! Toto’s going to have the prettiest girlfriend!” You bragged and gave him the caterpillar.

His eyes lit up as he hugged the caterpillar too, “Wah yeppeo! Toto will love her!” He placed the new toy in his backpack, now determined to win you a giant stuffed animal of your own. “Sit right here, I’ll be back soon ok?”

You raised a brow at him and sat on the bench, watching him run away in excitement. Why wouldn’t he let you watch the games he was playing? Didn’t matter, you were happy watching his face light up in overjoyed expressions from where you were.

So much so you didn’t realize an hour had gone by, and then half of another. Your eyelids slowly closed as you lay down on the bench. All the excitement from the day had finally gotten to you. When your eyes opened again you were staring into the beady eyes of a giant stuffed bear.

“UWAH!” You screamed coming to an upright position. You looked at Jihoon, who was rolling around laughing at your priceless reaction. “Yah! That isn’t funny!”

“This is what you say when I win something for you?” He asked as the laughter died down.

“Aish, you. Thank you oppa~” You cooed using some aegyo, to which he grinned.

“Anything for you jagiya~” He returned the aegyo and swivelled around in his now crouching position. “Okay, hop on, it’s time to go home.”

You nodded sleepily and pulled the bear into your arms, before crawling onto his back. Before you knew it you were asleep cuddling two things you loved the most.

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Musicislife1295 #1
Chapter 4: These scenarios are really cute and well written!!