Flower boy

Shinee-short stories

The atmosphere that surrounded me reeked with false fragrances, which made me cringe in disgust. It was a mistake to ever set foot in this overly populated building full of promises that will never happen. All the signs blaring a large price that is printed with a high quality printer. The others that were just like me wore their bright pink uniform proudly, smiling when the tiny bell that hang above the door like a Campanula takesimana1.  I would walk around arranging all the plastic tubs in the brightly coloured shelves. 

“Taemin-ah, you should take a rest, you’ve been working since morning.” a concerned voice rang through my ears as I placed the last plastic tub full of facial cream on the shelves only for it to be raided by the eager costumers.

“Neh, kamsahamnida.” I exclaimed as I bowed my head politely and marched my way to the staff room.

In full honesty, my heart was saddened by his absence. Like an Oenothera2, he only appears at night, always bringing flowers, teaching me each and every single one of them. Their family, genus even specie; I was never interested by the facts and knowledge but his voice is stuck in my head repeating each name of a flower.

I sat down on the cushioned chair as I brought out my cold lunch. The light odour it release as I open the box comforted me from the overpowering smell from the society that awaited behind those doors. I smiled as I found the Buldak still glistening under the ceiling light. I placed the sticks between my fingers correcting them as I started eating my meal.

“Looks like the Dionaea Muscipula3is hungry today.” A soft chuckle appeared behind him.

I spun around feeling delighted at the sight in front of me. A tall man stood holding a flower in his hands fumbling with the soft delicate yellow petals of a familiar flower.

“Minho hyung, I thought you weren’t going t come.” I say with confidence.

“It was troubling to get this lovely thing since it always follows one thing.” he says as he sits down and places the flower in the vase that once contained plastic flowers that gloomed with age.

I sat happily eating my food as he rambled on about a different flower from what he had presented today. My thoughts clashed with each other as a contemplated if I should interrupt and ask about the flower that watched us with beaming eyes.

“Hyung, why did you bring this flower?” I asked timidly as I set down the empty box that once contained my food.

He looked at me with hesitation before taking the flower into his hands a trail of water droplets following. He holds the flower to his face looking at it lovingly admiring the beauty it presented. I watched happily as he smiled across towards me. I felt the apples of my cheek tingle as a colour appears on it.

Helinthus annuus4is a plant that may appear harsh because of the rough stem and leaves, but it depicted the most treasured gift of life, the sun.” Minho started. “That’s why it’s called a sunflower. Its colour is always bright and exciting and it is; if you look at the centre, you will see the beautiful pattern it has to offer.”

I looked at him as he stared back at me, the deepness of his eyes bringing me memories of seeing him in that shop full of wonderful fragrances and the feeling of smooth petals brushing against the back of your hand as you walk past the aisle full of colour and different range of flowers. He stood at the very end surrounded by Syringa vulgaris. His gentle smile sweetly attracting me; I just stood there like a flower planted in the middle of an empty back yard. I can still remember the clear memory of him walking gently towards me picking up a sunflower and handing the large flower to me saying it fits me.

“You know how they say the sunflower follows the sun, I am quite jealous of that fact. I have always wanted to be the sun; I want this flower to look at me.” Minho said looking at me with love and care. “If you were a sunflower and I was the sun, would you look at me?”

The question rang in my head touching every corner of my brain in search for an answer and I knew it was time for me to release all of the feelings that have built itself inside me. Torturing me with its taunts and making me fear for the answer to my question. Now, I am sure; it may not seem clear but I am sure that I won’t be left unheard, left all alone, left to walk the same infinite path that I have walked since I met him. He has created a new path, the choices I have is to take it or leave it. The question may seem easy but the more I thought about the right answer the more my mind decides to bring me down like a heavy anchor. I would drown if I don’t let go now.

“I-I would. Minho I-I love you. I have always loved you ever since we first met.”  I manage to say through the barrier that choked me.

He smiles as he pulls me into a hug saying I love you too, over and over again.  The words bringing warmth and comfort to my chest as I felt him close to me; not just as a friend but as a love, thanks to a flower.



  1. Campanula takesimana: a flower called Elizabeth but is sometimes called Korean bellflower.
  2. Oenothera: Evening Primerose
  3. Dionaea Muscipula: Baby Traps, or Venus flytraps
  4. Helinthus annuus: Sunflower, as mentioned in the story
  5. Syringa vulgaris: Lilac, it means first love



A/N: OMG what the heck did i just write, well i have no idea :P Anyway, it was written in taemin's POV since i am a big 2min shipper Fyeah!!!! I just thought it would be nice if i develop my writting skills by writing this so yeah anyway lets interview the characters

T for tae, M for Minho and A for me(mwahahahaha)

A: Hello Hello, I am back Muthe Fu

M: Hello (is shirtless)

A; (drools)

T: WEEEEE, wait do i have a job in this story :O

A:uhhhhh yeah ?

T: OK :D

M: he's still a child (Still shirtless)

A: gceujwkdccwejkbjkdhq PUT  A SHIRT ON PLEASE!!! (on my knees)

M: (puts a shirt on) no need to scream

A: thank you

T: yay sunflower i like sunflowers

A: Oh BTW sunflowers dont follow the sun, its just a thing that a farmer believed in, it turns out, new borns tend to do that yadiyadiya complicated stuff

M: hmmm so you basically lied in the story

A: its just a story, its fictional

T: can you ship me with other shinee members or other sm members?

M: WHAT?!?!?! NO !!!!

T: Why not hyung? I think being partnered with jonginnie would be so much fun since he is like the playboy of exo


A: It doesnt sound like a bad idea, and taekai doesnt sound bad...

M: NO your NOT allowed to ship my taeminnie with other people

A: "MY Taeminnie"?

T: Im owned by someone? :O

M: I'll just leave...

T: Wait for me hyung (runs towards minho and joins him)

A: All by myself~~~ dont wanna be all by my self~~~ anymore


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Ninjapants237 #1
Chapter 32: Bye for now... I guess. I really liked these... See you soon?
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