Teenaged Yoogeun

Shinee-short stories


“Hello is this SHINee?” asked a person on the other end of the telephone.

“Yes, yes it is. Who is it?” said Jonghyun while trying to eat some rice.

“It’s Yoogeun’s mom, I am going on a trip with my husband to the US and we won’t be back until next week, maybe. Can you take care of Yoogeun while we’re gone?” said Yoogeun’s mom.

“Sure, we will head there after eating lunch.” Jonghyun said. Jonghyun happily skipped towards the others who were all seated on the couch.

“Guess what?” Jonghyun said. The other members looked at him, his facial expression looked suspicious so they all said, “ don’t want to hear it.”

Being a dino, Jonghyun decided to say it anyway, “We’re taking care of Yoogeun again!” He said while doing a fist pump.

“You do realise he is now a teenager.” Said Key, but that didn’t get through Jonghyun’s head.

So of they went, to Yoogeun’s house, carrying their heavy luggage. Key was carrying 2 huge luggages and a backpack, while the others were carrying a luggage and a backpack each.

“I wonder if Yoogeun is the same, or different.” Taemin said while sipping on his cup of banana milk.

“Probably as rebellious as you.” Minho said.

*When they got to their destination*

“Die you mutheel!” someone inside the house said.

The SHINee members looked at each other and with a deep breath, they entered the house. They were surprised by the person in front of them. The person in front of them wasn’t a child anymore. He was a tall young man. His hair was dyed light brown and his face was more mature than before.

“Oh, appa’s you’re here.” He said when he finally noticed them. After saying that , he went back  to his game.

The living room was such a mess, there are chips and cans of soda on the floor, the couch was also messed up.

Onew whispered to Key, “I think I know now why we are needed here.” Key nodded in agreement.

“There’s a spare bedroom at the end of the hallway, you all can take that one, there is also my mom and dads bedroom but who ever is going to sleep there has to clean up before they leave.” Yoogeun said informally.

Jonghyun’s POV

Hang on, this doesn’t seem like the Yoogeun we know. He seems so different. It’s like I don’t know him. Wahhhhh I’m about to go insane, what happened to our innocent child. Haven’t we done enough to teach him respect. Now that I think of it, we never did teach him respect.

*Dinner time*

The six of us sat down and ate the food that Key cooked. Yoogeun was saying that we should just order Blackbean noodles but Key said that we shouldn’t waste money and just eat the food that he cooked and of course Key won the argument. We started having a conversation about Hello Baby. I’m surprised to hear that Yoogeun remembers a lot about that show when I can barely remember who won the competitions.

No ones POV

“So Yoogeun, tell us something that you found out about each member.” Minho said.

“If you insist,” Yoogeun stopped eating for a moment and then continued speaking, “firstly, is really weird when he is acting all romantic. Especially when you were in To The Beautiful You. I cringe every time I see that drama.”

Feeling embarrassed, Minho just laughed and stuffed his face with food.

“Ooh, me , me next.” Taemin said.

“Easy, you are awkward with girls.” Yoogeun said smirking at him.

“ Like you’re any better.” Taemin crossed his arms and pouted.

“Of course I am, I have a girlfriend you know.”

“I KNEW IT, YOU HAVE GIRL PROBLEMS!!” Jonghyun who was now on his feet said pointing at Yoogeun.

“What? No I don’t, at least I don’t hide playboy magazines behind a story book.” Yoogeun said slouching on his chair.

“WHAT?!” The other members looked at Jonghyun who had a confused expression. Realising that jonghyun is confused, Yoogeun decided to fetch the book.

“Here.” Yoogeun threw a story book, one of the books that SHINee gave to him, when the members open the book they found a playboy magazine with Jonghyun’s name clearly written on the front. The other members glared at Jonghyun.

“It could be another Jonghyun! Theres a lot of Kim Jonghyun’s you know.” Jonghyun said protectively.

“Then what about the magazine that you said you lost. We were worried that our fans got in and exposed your true erted self!!” Key said. “You are to be blamed for how Yoogeun turned out!!”

“Wow, you guys are so entertaining to watch. The only reason why I needed a ‘babysitter’ is because there are noona’s that try and break into the house. If you are wondering why, its because I am going to debut soon.” Yoogeun emphasised on the word babysitter.

“Say waaaa.” Taemin had his mouth open.

As Yoogeun said, he did debut with his group, ‘Echo’. His stage name is Alex.  The SHINee Appa’s were there to support him. Also, Yoogeun exposed all of SHINee’s secrets during their d-day. After that day, Yoogeun was grounded until his parents came back, which was a couple of months after.

The end


A/N: Heres another story, just something for the weeks that i have missed. I hope you all like it. I really am curious of what would happen after Yoogeun turns into a teenager, will he be an actor, or an idol , or both. sorry if its confusing, I had the idea but then i had to do some chores and then  i lost what i was suppose to write. enjoy anyway ^^

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