Silent Agreement

Love Light



“Wait...WHAT?!?!!” Sooyoung yelled, sitting up straight, awake as well. “Was that to catch my attention or are you being completely serious?”

Yoona bit her lip and looked down.

“I know it’s wrong. I know that he is Shin Hye Unnie’s but I don’t know how to stop this. And then to be honest, I don’t even know if I actually like him or not.” Yoona confessed.

Seohyun was speechless, her face gone pale.

“Seohyun, what’s wrong with you?” Sooyoung poked Seohyun.

Seohyun was distant, worrying.

*What if Geun Suk likes Yoona? What if they become a couple? What if Shin Hye takes revenge on Yoona? What if Yoona gets hurt? What if..What if...* Seohyun was too busy thinking about the cons when her phone buzzed.


It was a text from Yong Hwa.

Call me ASAP! If you are still awake, obviously.

Sooyoung looked at Seohyun's phone

Seohyun grabbed at her phone, breaking out of her trance

“Oooh, are you hiding something Hyunnie?” Yoona asked, winking at Seohyun, temporarily distracted from her confession.

“Shut up, worry about yourself.” Seohyun said crabbily. Yoona sighed as she lied on the bed thinking about her mixed up feelings again.

“Oh missy, you ruined my sleep and..*yawn* never mind, good night, we’ll talk tomorrow.” Sooyoung said tiredly.

Meanwhile, Seohyun was on the phone with Yonghwa.

“Hey!” Yong whispered.

“Why the hell are you whispering? And you called me to say ‘hey’? Get to the point!” Seohyun snapped.

“Damn, you have some huge mental issues.” Yonghwa chuckled.

“YAH! CHUGULE??? Can you just get to the point? I am already worrying about Yoona and you are pissing me off at the moment. Anyways, why did you want me to call?” Seohyun asked.

“What happened to her? Is she ok? Should Geun Suk and I come over?” Yonghwa asked, worried.

“NO!!! Not oppa! leave him behind!” Seohyun shrieked.

“What? Then should I come over?” Yonghwa asked, confused.

“Never mind. And no...I'd rather shoot myself than have you come over...Now, idiot, do you want to get to the point or do you want me to hang up?” Seohyun threatened.

“You know, you're not a very nice person." Yonghwa teased

"I'm nice to PEOPLE, just not you....NOW GET TO THE FREAKING POINT YONG HWA!" Seohyun yelled.

Amazingly, the other girls were still asleep.

"Hurtful! Haters gonna hate... anyways... Noona just called Geun Suk and told him she was at the library studying for exams all day”. Yonghwa finally said.

“And your point is...?” Seohyun asked.

“Aish, she told us she was with her cousin, remember? She obviously lied to Geun Suk, why?” Yonghwa said.

"There should be a reason why she didn't tell him she was with her cousin." he added on, explaining.

“Oh, that’s right, I didn’t forget. But we can’t do anything about it, unless we can actually prove that Shin Hye was cheating with someone else. I don't even know if I want to do that though,  thinking about Oppa. He loves her so much, would he able to take it?” Seohyun asked.

“Well, I don’t know about that. He doesn’t even make an attempt to hang out with her anymore.” Yonghwa pointed out.

“WHAT? WHY? DOES HE LIKE SOMEONE ELSE? WHAT? WHO?!?!?!” Seohyun screamed into the phone.

Sooyoung and Yoona miraculously slept through this outburst as well, having gone straight into deep sleep because of their fatigue.

“Yah! My ears! I don’t know what’s going on in his mind! I was just pointing out what I noticed. Geez calm yourself!!!” Yonghwa said.

“UGH! This is horrible...Sorry, I'm going to have to say goodnight jerk!” Seohyun said.

“Jerk? Then you're a devil.” Yonghwa taunted.

“Suit yourself, everyone knows I am an angel. Bye.” Seohyun sparred back.

Yonghwa hung up without saying bye, because, well it was just his character that he did stuff without thinking.

Seohyun sighed into the phone and slowly dropped it to her side. She looked into the dark night , deep in thought about Yoona.

*How can I help her? She can’t control her feelings, and I don’t expect her to. But..whatever, we’ll just have to wait and see.*

With that, she went to bed like the others and soon fell asleep.


The next day, they all went to their respective classes as usual. There was dance class today which meant that they would

all get together, since it was the only class they all had together. They all greeted each other, but Yoona was very hesitant

when saying hello to Geun Suk.  Seohyun noticed it, but she didn't know whether to help her best friend or to just let the

problem fix itself up.. She obviously wanted to help her best friend, but she also knew that it would only lead to trouble.

Seohyun was  so concentrated on the issue at hand  that she didn't realize the teacher was talking to her.

"Come down to earth Miss Seohyun!" The teacher said in a strict tone.

"Huh? Oh I am sorry Mrs. Lee, what was the question again?" Seohyun asked nervously.

"Detention!" Mrs. Lee said without a second thought.

"But Mrs.Lee, I always pay attention, this is not fair." Seohyun protested, afraid that the detention would ruin her clean record.

"That's right Mrs. Lee, Hyunnie always pays attention, it was only once." Yoona said supporting her best friend.

"Oh, it's wonderful that you are supporting your best friend Miss Yoona,  you can keep supporting her in detention too." Mrs. Lee announced.

Both Seohyun and Yoona gasped. Yonghwa could not stand the unfairness anymore.

"What the hell?" Yonghwa stood up. "This isn't fair!"

"Well,  Mr.Jung, your language is considered inappropriate in this school. I am sure you didn't know, but I would be happy to go over the rules with you when I see you too at detention today." Mrs.Lee declared.

"Mrs.Lee, you might as well give me a detention too." Geun Suk added and winked at Yonghwa. 

"Oh of course sir, whatever you want," Mrs. Lee said sarcastically. "Ok, I'll see you four in my room at 4 sharp!"

Sooyoung and Joong Ki exchanged glances and burst out laughing.

"Oh, is there something funny going on here, Mr. Song and Miss Sooyoung?" Mrs. Lee asked.

"DETENTION! Guys, I know you are all friends, but this is not a party I am inviting all of you to."

All six of them looked at each other, well Seohyun and Yonghwa glared at each other, Yoona blushed when Geun Suk looked at her, while Joong Ki and Sooyoung shared awkward glances. And in that moment, their friendship was formed, the promise that they would stick through anything together created.


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your Graphics are ready ^^
bluelover235 #2
Chapter 23: Sorry for the short late chapter! my laptop broke down and my other two friends are gone for vacation:( so they can't do it either.Please be patient! and I'll update whenever I can! We love you guys!!
cnsdGirl #3
Chapter 22: We~ So, it's mean, YongSeo will become a friend..for now, of coz. :3
And Sooyoung, we, the reader, is the witness that Joongki is kissing you. Or it's just me? ._.
Oh well, I'm curious about that noona and why she avoid Seohyun. Shinhye? Hm..can't be.
Chapter 22: i thought joong ki is that? but siwwoooonnnnnn?
Chapter 22: What??? It can't be Siwon... Right? Yoona saw them...?
BabyBoiceVIP #6
Chapter 22: He should be joongki. Sooyoung must have made a mistake ._.
Chapter 22: WHUT?! No way .___. I thought it was Joong Ki sobs sobs
Chapter 22: Aww Yongseo is so cute I want more keke sorry being greedy here update soon
Chapter 22: Yonghwa being very nice , hyun might fall for him soon kekeke
Chapter 21: when is the yongseo moments coming??...