The Best Punishment!

Love Light


“Etude House is next!” chirped Seohyun. The girls agreed. The boys groaned.

“Remind me why I agreed to this again.” Yonghwa groaned.

“You are the reason we are here in the first place. ‘Okay fine, what’s our punishment?’” Geun Suk mocked Yonghwa. Of course, their punishment was what the three girls liked doing the most. Shopping.


Yonghwa was enjoying this the least, not because it was shopping, but because he couldn’t spend time with Seohyun with all the others there.

“Psst, Geun Suk, do me a favor and don’t ask any questions,” Yonghwa whispered to Geun Suk, “Please, I beg you please, take all the others somewhere else, and leave Seohyun with me for awhile, I just need to...confirm something.” Yonghwa requested Geun Suk.

“You are begging me Yonghwa? This is like a once in a lifetime chance, I better not miss it, keep begging!” Geun Suk teased Yonghwa.

One glare from Yonghwa and Geun Suk dropped his head and headed towards the girls to stop them before they went into another store.

“Okay, Let’s stop here and actually do something fun.” Geun Suk suggested.

The girls completely ignored him and kept walking, Geun Sun looked back at Yonghwa with a look of defeat. Yonghwa glared, again.

“PLEASE! I AM HUNGRY!” Geun Suk yelled.

Yoona turned around surprised

“Sunbae! Are you ok?” She asked worried.

Seohyun and Sooyoung turned around after her, but with blank expressions.

“Yoona! there’s a sale over there! let’s go!” Sooyoung tempted.

“Can we please eat something before anything else?” Geun Suk asked rubbing his belly.

Yonghwa raised eyebrows at him, giving him a “are you kidding me?” look.

“Fine, but this is the only break you guys will get.” Seohyun reminded them.

“Fine.” they all agreed together.

Geun Suk took the lead and directed them towards the Pizzeria.

“Oh god, I am sick of pizza, Can we please go somewhere else?” Seohyun complained.

“How can you get sick of pizza?” Geun Suk wondered.

“Ya hyunnie, I am suddenly craving pizza.” Yoona said supporting Geun Suk.

“It’s sudden alright.” Seohyun winked at Yoona, causing Yoona to blush.

“Oh so it is true.” Seohyun said smiling Yoona.

“Am I the only one that’s kinda, no, a lot lost here?” Sooyoung grumbled.

“Later!” both Yoona and Seohyun said together.

The guys were just looking at them like they had lost their minds.

“Ok fine, you guys eat here, I’ll eat somewhere else, and meet you guys in exactly 30 minutes” Seohyun said.

Yonghwa looked up, his eyes sparkling. He winked at Geun Suk.

“Oh, ah, Hyunnie, you can’t go alone, take Yonghwa with you.” Geun suggested.

“Are you kidding me? You know, this whole idea of a punishment is for you guys, not me. Spending time with Yonghwa would probably be considered the best punishment ever.” Seohyun replied.

“Hyunnie, you complain way too much, just it up and go with Yonghwa.” Sooyoung ordered.

“Sooyoung-ah, not you too!” Seohyun whined.

Seohyun rolled her eyes and walked out of the restaurant alone looking sad. Yonghwa followed her. He followed her until she stopped in front of a Thai Restaurant.

She went in, still not realizing that Yonghwa was following her.

She quickly turned around, catching Yonghwa off guard.

“Why are you following me?” Seohyun hissed.

Yonghwa looked away, with his normal behaviour, and walked past her.

Seohyun blew her bangs and followed him. She ran past him, bumping shoulders with him and sat at a table.

Yonghwa smiled at himself and sat down at the same table.

“Why are you sitting here?” Seohyun asked innocently.

“Oh am I not allowed to sit here?” Yonghwa asked with a smirk.

Seohyun rolled her eyes, “What happened to ‘Oh I hate Seohyun?’” Seohyun asked.

“I still do, but I don’t want everyone to know that you are a loner.” Yonghwa teased.

“I  have many friends, thank you very much.” Seohyun answered back.

“Hello, may I get you anything?” The waitress interrupted them.

“Ah, yes, Hot and Sour soup, please.” Seohyun ordered.

“And what about you sir?” The waitress asked Yonghwa.

“I will get 2 spring rolls, fried rice and green curry.” Yonghwa answered.

“Alright! 15 mins.” The waitress left with that.

Seohyun looked around. The whole restaurant was filled with couples. She sighed, looking down, sad.

“Are you ok?” Yonghwa asked, concerned.

“What is this new act? Mind your own business.” Seohyun answered snarkily.

Yonghwa was about to reply with something even ruder, but Seohyun’s phone rang.

“Oh oppa! How are you? How is Paris? I miss you so much! When will i get see your cute face again?” Seohyun blabbered.

“CUTE?!?!!” Yonghwa bellowed.

“SHHH!” she glared at Yonghwa. Her expression softened remarkably and continued to talk into the phone. “Oh that was no one oppa, just an annoying guy, yeah don’t worry about it.” Seohyun  giggled.

She talked on the phone for about 15 minutes, with Yonghwa making rude remarks here and there.

“So oppa, how’s your new job?”, she smiled into the phone.

“I bet he works as a garbage man,” Yong Hwa snarked.

Seohyun death glared at Yonghwa and went back to her phone.


When she finally got off the phone, “Who was that?” Yonghwa asked curiously.

“YAH! Didn’t I just tell you to mind your own business?!” Seohyun snapped.

“You order is here, aww you two are so cute,  out of all the couples that come here, you guys look the most adorable  together!” the waitress commented.

“AHJUMMA! We are not a couple!” Seohyun nearly screamed at the waitress.

“Thank you,” Yonghwa said with a small bow, Seohyun glared at him, “For the food.” he added.

“Enjoy, I’ll be back to check on you guys later!” The waitress winked at them, mouthed, “Kiyopda!” and left to care of the other tables.

Seohyun immediately dug into her soup. Yonghwa tried to share some of his food with her, but  she just ignored his unbelievably unusual behavior, and enjoyed her food.



“Maybe we should go somewhere else.” Geun Suk whispered to Yoona, who was oblivious to Joong ki’s eye darts to Geun Suk.

“Why?” She asked confused, then she noticed Joong Ki looking at Geun suk, “Oh, maybe you are right Sunbae, let’s go.” Yoona declared.

Yoona got up to leave, “Where are you going?” Sooyoung asked.

“I don’t want pizza, I am suddenly craving for an ice cream. I’ll take Geun Suk Sunbae with me, you eat this too.”  Yoona said pushing her plate towards Sooyoung.

Geun Suk led Yoona out, “So, where shall we go?” Geun Suk asked.

“I am not hungry Sunbae, you can go eat somewhere. I’ll just hang around.” Yoona said.

“No way! You are coming with me, have you ever tried fried ice cream?”  Geun Suk asked Yoona.

“Eww no! what’s that? That sounds weird.”Yoona said disgusted.

“Are you serious??? You have never tried it?? You have to try it!” Geun Suk said, dragging Yoona with him. He started running holding her hand, to the nearest restaurant, ignoring the weird looks he was getting from other people.

“Sunbae! I am outta breath! Let’s stop for here for a while.” Yoona requested, panting.

“No way! We are almost here!” Geun Suk prodded.

They reached a small deli that sold fried ice cream.

Geun Suk ordered their dishes and they both sat down, waiting for their food. Geun Suk was intently looking at Yoona,

“Oh oppa, is there something on my face?” Yoona asked feeling her face.

“Oh no, I was just thinking about something.” Geun Suk said looking away. “I have a serious question for you, Yoona.  Tomorrow is Shin Hye’s birthday and I don’t know what to get her. What should I get her?” Geun Suk asked Yoona.

“Oppa, this is really not something that you should be asking me.” Yoona replied.

“No, it is something I should be asking you,” Geun Suk prodded. “Please help me.”

“Ok oppa, I think you should get her...a necklace!” Yoona concluded.

“That’s too typical, something different,” Geun Suk said. “Something that would make her happy, something that she really needs.”

“She needs a good attitude.” Yoona mumbled to herself.

“What was that? I didn’t hear it.” Geun Suk questioned.

“Never mind...I’m gonna need some time to think about this.” Yoona requested.

“Arasso, just make it before tomorrow morning, please.” Geun Suk pleaded.

Yoona took her cell phone out to text Seohyun.


Sunbae wants me to think of a birthday gift for shin hye eonni, apparently it has to be unique and something she really needs. I am literally dying right now, I can’t think of anything for that girl, the first thing she needs is a heart, not a birthday present. smh the things I get myself into. HELP HYUNNIE!


Seohyun checked her phone that was buzzing. She read the text and forgetting that she was sitting in front of someone, spit her food out from laughter. And of course, the food decided to land on Yonghwa’s face.

“YAAAAH!!!!” Yonghwa yelled. “I HATE YOU!”


Seohyun looked up from her phone innocently, almost dissolving into laughter again at the sight of Yong Hwa’s face, but suddenly, her face soon turned to shock, not at Yonghwa’s face but as she saw something else.

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bluelover235 #2
Chapter 23: Sorry for the short late chapter! my laptop broke down and my other two friends are gone for vacation:( so they can't do it either.Please be patient! and I'll update whenever I can! We love you guys!!
cnsdGirl #3
Chapter 22: We~ So, it's mean, YongSeo will become a friend..for now, of coz. :3
And Sooyoung, we, the reader, is the witness that Joongki is kissing you. Or it's just me? ._.
Oh well, I'm curious about that noona and why she avoid Seohyun. Shinhye? Hm..can't be.
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Chapter 22: What??? It can't be Siwon... Right? Yoona saw them...?
BabyBoiceVIP #6
Chapter 22: He should be joongki. Sooyoung must have made a mistake ._.
Chapter 22: WHUT?! No way .___. I thought it was Joong Ki sobs sobs
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