At the network’s president’s office


“Alright, that’s it for now.” Mr. Lee said, the network’s president and stood up. Leaving his associates and executives in the long table.

Seung Ri, the newly appointed CEO cleared his thrat to gain the people’s attention to him. When he was sure he had them, he started outlining the project for the next quarter of the year.

Choi Seung Hyun, also known as T.O.P, the country’s most famous actor yawned, not caring to whatever his cousin was saying but straigthened his seat when Gian glared at him across the table.

Minutes, maybe hours had passed before Seung Ri finished his agenda.

Daesung, the network’s leading newsanchor, cleared his throat before Seung Ri stood up, “I do hope you haven’t forgotten to sign my sister’s application.”

“Oh, don’t worry about that hyung.” The young Ceo answered. “It’s been signed, sealed and delivered.” Then gave him a wink.

Kwon Jiyong, the most awarded director sighed. He knew what that wink meant and he could already imagine what chaos would ensue.

“Alright, since we’re done, I’m going out now.” Taeyang, the greatest singer said as he stood up. “Gian, would you want to have lunch with me?”

“Cut it out Taeyang, my girl’s not coming with you.” TOP said as he stood up too.

“That’s right.” Steph said as she gathered her things. “Gian is coming with me.”

“Right, we have a lunch date.” Clariise said.

Jiyong immediately stood up and glared at TOP, indicating that he insist on going and including him. But TOP just shook his head as Daesung assisted Clarisse and whispered something to her that she answered with a nod.

“Useless rake.” He muttered to himself as he watched the girls go out with Daesung behind them.

“Are you calling yourself names now?” TOP grinned at him.

“That’s not me, that’s you.” He said.

“Right.” TOP said. “That’s because I’m the one who can’t even mutter a word in front of my crush.” He made another grin that Jiyong wanted to erase with his fist.

“Whatever dude.” He said as he walked out and left them.

Seung Ri watched the two as he shook his head, disapproving and made a tsk tsk sound.

“What are you shaking your head for Mister CEO?” TOP glared at him.

“Oh, nothing.” He said and immeditely left the room.

“Taeyang.” TOP called before the singer left the room, “Stay away from my girl.” He warned.

But the singer just smiled, irritating TOP off his skin then left the room and all TOP could do was groan.





Two days after the conference. . .


“Oppa, why can’t you let me do this?” Divina asked after the field reporter left the room to check on an ongoing rally somewhere.

“That’s because it’s too dangerous out there.” Daesung answered, not glancing on his sister as he read the news he’d need to report.

“But I’m suppose to be a field reporter!” She stomped her foot, irritted with his brother.

“Not until you graduate.” Daesung said after a sigh. “Why don’t you check on the files for this?” he said then handed her some papers.

Divina angrily snatched the papers and walked out, bumping on Seung Ri on her way out. She almost fell flat on her face if not for Seung Ri’s fast reflexes.

“Careful now princess.” He said when she straigthened. “We don’t wanna hurt that pretty face of yours.” He said with a bone melting smile of his.

“Hmp!” With her chin held high, she walked pass the CEO.

Divina knew that she should be nicer to Seung Ri but she just couldn’t do it. She hated how arrogant the young CEO was when the y first met. He acted as if he was a gift to the female population of the world. Not that he was ugly or anything. The truth was, he had the right to act as one as he was one of the most good looking man she have ever seen. But of course, not as good looking as the director on the other studio, Kwon Jiyong.

And speaking of the director, she decided to give him a visit. Instead of going to the news room, she made a left turn and another left going to the studio where Jiyong was shooting.

It looked like the set was on a break as she saw Jiyong sitting and sipping his coffee.

She looked at her dress, making sure that her uniform was not crumpled then pasted her sweetest smile.

“Hello Sir.” She called when she was a few feet away from Jiyong.

Jiyong almost choked on his coffee when he saw Divina, Daesung’s sister who was on training.

He looked around, looking for an escape but he found none, with a deep breath, he smile to the girl who was now standing beside his chair.

He looked at her with a patient smile. It was not that he hated her or didn’t like her. It was just because the girl obviously had a crush on her. Since she was introduced to him, she clung to him in every chance she have and he was getting an uneasy feeling from it, especially whenever Clarisse was around.

“Hi Divina.” He said. “Fancy seeing you here when its only. . .” he looked at his watch, “five minutes before your brother go live. Do you need anything?”

“Actually. . .” She tucked her hair behind her ear, “I just needed to see.”

Jiyong swallowed a lump of nervousness and smiled, unsure of to answer. He cleared his throat as he think of something.

“Oh but don’t bother much Jiyong oppa.” She said with her smile not faltering, “I’m going now.”

He nodded as that was the only thing he could do.

“I’m going now.” Divina said then bended and gave him a peck on his cheek. “See you later oppa.” Then she left.

Jiyong was left dumbfounded, didn’t know what exactly happened.

“Be careful around that girl Jiyong.” He heard someone said and when he looked, he saw the most beautiful smile, Clarisse was standing not far away from him. “She’s too young to have her heart played around by someone like you.”

“Of course. . .” he cleared his throat as he didn’t really know what to say. This was what usually happened whenver hse’s around him. He completely lost his thoughts and then looked like a fool.

“Of course. . .” she repeated and left the studio.

“Damn and blast!” he slumped himself on his chair. “Stupid me!

Now, how could he start wooing Clarisse when she thought him a playboy and worst, how on earth could he explain himself when he couldn’t even complete a whole sentence in front of her.

“Just great Kwon Jiyong!” he muttered, closing his eyes.





Sorry for the wait my dear readers.

And please don't forget to check:



and my fellow GA's story:

Me and my Dragon


Thank you and until the next update!!!

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