Second Drop

Poisonous Red

Sunggyu hum softly,  looking at the unconscious male in front of him who had both his hands chained up onto the wall and was in a kneeling position as thought of what he read about him.

Nam Woohyun, aged 25. His parents and an older brother were all killed for going against the organisation when he was 11. He was then adopted by Lee Duho, who is one of the top contollers of Peace. Naturally, he was then educated to become a Peace Agent. There was nothing else special about his skills on the information except that Nam Woohyun has never, never ever failed on a mission before.

Which Sunggyu guess is probably the main reason why they sent him after him. A sucidal mission if you ask him, especially since the Organisation knows what Sunggyu is capable of. Usually, Sunggyu dispose of any agents sent after him immediately at first sight and then have a part of the agent send back to their owners. It is Sunggyu's way of mocking them of their incapability

But yet, he didn't want to kill the male in front of him. Not yet anyway. He feels that there is something different about him compared to others before and he wants to know more about the younger one. He looks at the time, it has been almost six hours since Woohyun lost conscious due to the drug and it should be almost time for him to wake up.

As if on cue, Sunggyu hears a soft groan and watched in amusement as the younger male stirrs awake.

Woohyun blinks a few times as he slowly regains his ability to process what is going on. He soon realize that he is situated in a nicely decorated room, white walls and cosy looking furnitures, kneeling and both his hands bounds. Not to mention, his deadly enemy sitting right in front of him with a rather amused expression.

"Rise and shine, sleeping beauty~" Sunggyu teased and was disappointed when Woohyun made no more reaction that a slight frown.

Woohyun kept quiet as he stares at the male. He is used to being stuck in a vulnerable situation. He is used to handling risky situation and dangerous people. But he has no idea what to do when you throw in a deadly attractive enemy into the equation and it definitely doesn't help that he is still attracted the other even though knowing that he is a guy and capable of killing him in an blink of an eye. However, Woohyun knows better than to voice out his thoughts and thus kept quiet, waiting to see what the beautiful male wants from him.

"Not even a good morning?" Sunggyu pouts playfully and got up to walk towards Woohyun who gulp at the sight. Sunggyu was all curled up on the couch before so he didn't have a good look. Sunggyu has his long red hair tied together lazily to the side and he wore a simple white sweather which reaches halfway of his thighs while the rest of his milky, pale legs are clear for view. Woohyun couldn't help but wonder if Sunggyu was wearing anything beneath but he quickly shook off the thought and put on the best poker face he could.

Sunggyu giggled, Woohyun probably does not realize it but he is blushing and his expression was too obvious though he tries to hide and Sunggyu thinks that keeping Woohyun alive most likely one of the best decision he made so far. He is going to have alot of fun with him.

"What do you want from me?" Woohyun tried to sound strong and looks straight into Sunggyu's eyes which he soon finds out it is the worst move ever. He felt his heart skip a beat at the very moment and forced himself to stay calm and not break away so he won't look weak.

Rule number one in this situation, never allow the enemy to know that you are afraid.

But Sunggyu is good at reading people, especially people he has interest in. Smirking, he bends down and leans forward so Woohyun and his face were just mere inches apart. "Hmm... I wonder too..." Sunggyu mutters as he studies Woohyun's features. The younger has expressive eyes and he can't hide any emotions he is feeling right now. Fear, anxiety, confusion and most important of all, there was a wanting look in them and Sunggyu has a good idea to the reason behind them. His eyes then trailed down to Woohyun's lips, they were parted slightly, pink and plump, looking delicious and Sunggyu bit his own lips subconsiously to resist the urge to just kiss them.

Woohyun felt his blood rushing south upon seeing the seductive sight of Sunggyu bitting his own lips, it was incredibility y and Woohyun wants to be the one bitting those lips. Just as Woohyun was about to lean forward to capture those lips, Sunggyu stood up with a teasing smile and turn around, going back to his seat. Woohyun let out a soft growl of frustration and mentally slapped himself for his action.

"Kissing your enemy isn't a bright idea at all, Woohyunnie~ And I am not such a easy person." Sunggyu mocked as he made himself comfortable on the couch, intentionally leaning out his legs so they were in clear view for Woohyun. "Let's talk first, I might let you do what you want with me if you satisfiy me with your words~"

"What? You want me to to you?" Two can play the game, Woohyun decides to be just as teasing as Sunggyu.

Sunggyu was slightly startled by Woohyun's sudden boldness but he was glad that the younger has some fight in him. However, work comes first. "Well, maybe later on the bed. But now, I want details. Detail information on the Organisation."

Sunggyu's tone became serious and Woohyun knows he means business now.

"You want me to betray the Organisation by telling you our weakness? Are you belittling me, Kim Sunggyu?"

"Of course not, I just don't see the reason for you to stay loyal to them. They took what was important from you and forced you to become one of them. I know you want to break free from them and I can help you with that Woohyun, all you have to do is tell me what you know."

Woohyun grimaced at the horrible memories that flashed across his mind, "Seems like you have done your homework well..." He comments sarcastically.

"I am not your true enemy, Woohyun. The Organisation is! What they are doing is wrong and I am sure you can see it! Depriving people of their rights and killing those who does not obey, it is just pure tyranny!!!" Sunggyu explained. "Both you and I are victims of it! Our family were taken from us and we are forced to work for those killers!"

"So?" Woohyun's tone was cold and distant, "So what if what they are doing are wrong? What can you do about it? Organise pathetic terrorist attacks to make your point? Do you seriously think a small group like yours can actually do any serious damage to Peace? Do you think you are strong enough to survive and win?"

Sunggyu stormed over to Woohyun and gave the younger a hard slap across the face as he whole body shook in anger. "Don't you dare call what we are doing pathetic! At least we are trying to make a difference! And what are you doing?! Slaving your life to the muderers of your family!" Sunggyu paused and took a few deep breathe to calm himself down, "Everything is probably too sudden for you, I would give you some time to consider my offer."

And with that Sunggyu left the room, leaving Woohyun to himself and his thoughts.

"Woohyun-ar... Be a good boy alright? Just a little more..."

"Omma... I can't run anymore..."

Woohyun closed his eyes tightly, "Shut them out, Woohyun. Just like how you always do it..."

"Come here Woohyun, Hyung will carry you."

"Let's hang on a little more, the port is just in fro-."

Woohyun clenched his fist and desperately tries to push down all those horrible memories that are flashing across his mind.


Sunggyu was still shaking in anger when he reached his room and tears in his eyes were threatening to fall. His eyes land on the white, tattered teddy bear that was sitting innocently on the bed and Sunggyu walked over to bring it into his embrace.

He knows that he should not have lost his cool in front of Woohyun and even ended up slapping the younger male. But it angers him that the other belittles all the effort and risks he took in order to revenge while Woohyun just sat around and took orders from the very ones who killed their parents. Hugging the bear even tighter, Sunggyu recalls the very day that he stood at the exact spot where his parents' life were taken and the promise he made to them back then.

"I will definitely avenge for the two of you, Appa.... Omma... I swear on my life." Sunggyu promised as tears streams down.


Sunggyu wakes up with a startle and looks out of the window, realising that the sun was long gone and quickly checks the time. It was almost midnight and he had not fed Woohyun since he was brought here. He gets up quickly and rushed to the kitchen to make some instant porridge. Once it was ready, he walks over the the room that Woohyun was held captive in. Before entering, he takes a few deep breaths, "Alright Sunggyu, don't lose your cool no matter what this time..." He mentally tells himself before entering the room finally.

Woohyun looks at him with a pair of lazy eyes when Sunggyu enters. His lips curls into a amsued smile when he sees the bowl that Sunggyu was bringing in with him. "I thought you were going to starve me." He said, with a hint of mockery in his voice and seems to be unaffected by the events earlier.

"I'm sorry, I fell asleep." Sunggyu apologised and sat down on the floor, right in front of Woohyun. Woohyun sees the porridge and knows that it is for him but he soon realize that Sunggyu is not going to release him.

"Are you going to feed me?" Woohyun asked, finding this situation rather amusing and enjoyable.

"Obviously. I am not going to risk untying you and letting you have a chance to escape." Sunggyu explains with a bored tone. "Open up." He commands as he brought the spoon filled with hot porridge to Woohyun's mouth.

"At least blow it cool for me... I can see the steam..." 

Instead of doing what Woohyun asked, Sunggyu took the opportunity to shove the spoon into Woohyun's mouth. "You will survive." He said, ignoring Woohyun's muffled screams. Woohyun pouts and glares at Sunggyu who seems rather satisfied with what he has done. But he glares soon softens as he looks at the other and again realize just how pretty Sunggyu is. He looks at the way those pink lips parted as they told him to open up his mouth again, which he did obediently while keeping his eyes locked on Sunggyu's lips.



"Can I kiss you?" Woohyun asked out of the blue and Sunggyu nearly dropped the bowl.

"What?!" Sungyu exclaims and looks at Woohyun in disbelief.

"Can I kiss you?" Woohyun repeats without shame. Sunggyu just sat there and stared at Woohyun and Woohyun has hates the chains bounding him even more at this moment. Sunggyu was just right in front of him, defenseless and  slightly parted lips screaming to be kissed but yet, he can't.

"You must be mad..." Sunggyu mumbles.

"No, I have never been more sane. I know what I am saying and what I want. I want to kiss you. Now." Woohyun emphasized. He sees Sunggyu's face became flushed and broke their eye contact, looking down as if he was in deep thoughts.

Just when Woohyun thought everything is hopeful, Sunggyu looks up at him and his flushed face long gone. "No." He said with a determined tone.

"Why?!!" Woohyun whines and he knows it is ridiculous of him to do so but he can't help it. He felt like a child who has been just deprived of eating a sweet he wanted badly.

"Cause one, you are still my enemy and two, I have better sense than to kiss an enemy."

Woohyun pouts and tries to persuade the other, "But it is just a kiss! What harm can it do?!!"

"More than you think." Sunggyu thought as he kept his stern expression. He wants to kiss the other too, probably more than the other wants to kiss him but no way is he going to let Woohyun know. "Since you are done eating, I shall go now. Good night." He said and got up to leave. Closing and locking the door behind him, ignoring Woohyun's whines and threats.

Threats of ravishing him the day he gets his hands on him.

And Sunggyu mentally slaps himself for anticipating for the day to come.



"You still can't find him?!" Hoya lashed out the one at the other end of the video call. Woohyun has been missing for almost 24 hours and yet, they have no clue where the missing male is and who took him. Though Hoya has a good idea who was the one who took him.

"What about Kim Sunggyu? Did you find where is he?!"

"We are very sorry Sir... But he covered his tracks real well..."

"I don't want any excuses!" Hoya slams his fist onto the table and the reciever flinched. "I want answers! And I want them fast! I will give you another 24 hours, if you don't have anything for me by then I would consider you dead."

Dead. As in literally, dead.

And Hoya cut off the line before anything else could be said. He leans back onto his chair and pinch the bridge of his nose. "Hyun.... Where are you?"

"You will get a lot of winkles at this rate, and that would be such a waste on this handsome face."

Hoya looks up and sees his most trusted and capable subordinate at the door, with a cup of what he presumes to be his favourite hot chocolate and walks towards him.

"Oh... Dongwoo... Thanks..." Hoya said as he took the cup from the other.

"Still no news?" Dongwoo asked as he took the seat oppsite Hoya. Hoya sighs before shaking his head, "I really have no idea what to do...."

Dongwoo made a soft hum as he ponders. "I don't think you have anything you need to worry about though." He concludes and Hoya looks at him with wide puzzled eyes. "Explain." Hoya said, knowing that Dongwoo has most likely thought of something that he had not since Dongwoo is afterall a genius of IQ180.

"Think about it Hoya, based on previous experience, any agents who went missing will have part of their body mailed to us within 12 hours as a prove of their death and from what I see, Kim Sunggyu won't change his pattern. But yet, it has been almost 24 hours and we have no news about Woohyun. From this, I am very sure that even if Woohyun is in Kim Sunggyu's hands, he is still alive. Kim Sunggyu is keeping him alive but for what reason, I have no idea yet..."

Hoya gave Dongwoo's words some thought, "That makes sense..."

"So in this case, having no news is better than bad news. And for Woohyun's sake, we shouldn't try to force Kim Sunggyu out. He might end up sacrificing Woohyun to get away."

Hoya looks at Dongwoo in surprise and cursed. "Damn! Why didn't I think of that?!" He immediately clicks on his laptop to make a call as he continues to curse.

"No cursing Hoya," Dongwoo softly chided him, "And no frowning."

Hoya immediately wipes the frown off his face.

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Chapter 2: I know it's been a while since you've updated because of you being in Korea, but I cant wait til you get back to updating again! I'm a big fan of Don't judge a book by its cover, and this sound just as good! Enjoy OGS (you lucky thing) and we'll see you when you get back! :)
Chapter 2: I love that part when woohyun asked gyu for a kiss shamelessly...
epibunny #3
Chapter 2: Wow, this story is different from others. Looking forward for the rest of the chaps :)
iLoveCheesecake #4
I'm really happy that I took the time to check this story out! It saddened me once I reached the end of the first chapter haha. I can't wait till the next update! ^^