First Drop

Poisonous Red

"This is your next target." 

Woohyun took the file presented to him and began to flip though it. Kim Sunggyu, aged 27 and an active member of Colours with doubt. Nothing else about him is known . Woohyun then flips to the next page and sees his target. Small eyes, chubby cheeks and striking caramel coloured hair which is hardly appropriate for an agent since they should be keeping their presence as unnoticeable as possible. Striking hair colour is just screaming for attention, in other words, trouble. But nothing else is special about him, just another pretty face in Woohyun's opinion.

"Don't underestimate him Woohyun." Woohyun looks up at Hoya, who was looking back at him with serious but concerned eyes, "I know he may not look like it but he is strong and ruthless without doubt. He has killed three of our agents, including the one we sent to negotiate peace with him and Tablo-hyung."

Woohyun is surprised, totally not expecting the news that this seemingly harmless hamster is the one who killed one of the top agents in the organisation. Well, this is what people meant when they say you can't judge a book by its cover. Now this is getting his interest.

"So how much time do I have?" Woohyun asked as he draws his attention back at to the photos.

"The Boss wants him dead asap. He has placed too much damages on our operations in addition to killing our agents."Hoya explained with a grimace. "And if you succeed, the Boss is willing to give you what you have been wanting." 

Woohyun looks at Hoya with wide, surprised eyes. An agent can choose go refuse an mission if they find it too dangerous thus, they are presented with rewards as incentives to motivate them to take up the mission and the level of reward depends on the level of the mission. The better the reward, the more dangerous the mission is. And for the Boss to give in to Woohyun's wish, if shows how desperate he wants this man dead and how out of the world dangerous this mission is.

"Hyun, I think it would be better if you just giv-" 

"No Hoya, I can't." Woohyun cut Hoya off before the latter could finish. He knows that the other do not wish for him to accept the mission since he knows full well how dangerous it is. "This is probably my only chance in getting the old man to give me what I want. I am not going to let it slip away just because I am afraid of dying." 

"But Woohyun! Even Tablo-hyung lost to him! No offense but what makes you think you can win against him?!" Hoya's tone was filled with annoyance and concern. Woohyun was not offended by the other's words at all. He knew that Hoya is worried about him since they were practically brothers to each other. Well, they are in some sense.

"I will go talk to the Boss, I am sure there is some other way to make both sides happy."

Woohyun gave Hoya a weak smile, "You know he won't. I am just a adopted child. He wouldn't care if I die as long as I accomplished my mission. If I want to break free from him, this is my only chance."

Seeing how determined Woohyun was, Hoya knew it is impossible for him to persuade the other to give out. Letting out a heavy sigh, Hoya looks at Woohyun with eyes filled with pure concern, "Promise that you will come back alive, alright?"

Woohyun gave a weak smile, "I'll try." 


Within 24 hours of receiving the mission from Hoya, Woohyun got himself in a hotel in Italy. According to their Intel, the last place that Kim Sunggyu was located is here but that's all they could find about him. There was no information on why was he here, where is he staying and if he was alone or travelling in a group. 

Woohyun couldn't help but to let out a sigh of frustration, how do one go looking for someone who you have almost no information on in such a big city?! 

Deciding to take things easy for the night and wait for more information from the organisation, Woohyun changed into a long, black sleeve shirt with black pants and head out for a drink. 

While heading towards the lift, Woohyun was looking at his phone and thus not looking at where he was going. As he took a corner, he collided with someone and he instinctively wrapped one of his arms around the other to prevent the latter from falling. 

"I'm so sorry! I wasn't..." Woohyun felt words getting stuck in his throat as he looks at the beauty in his arm. Long red hair, pink lips that looks really kissable, fair skin and seductive small eyes. The beauty smiled sweetly back at him and Woohyun barely resisted the urge to just pin the other down and kiss her senseless. "No, its alright. I am at fault too, I wasn't looking at where I was going. Thank you so much for helping me." She said and placed her hand on the arm that Woohyun has around her. Woohyun knew it was a sign to let the other go and he unwilling unwrapped his arm from the slim waist.

"Are you a Korean?" She asked and Woohyun nods, surprised at the question. "How did you know?" 

"Just a feeling from meeting a fellow Korean I guess." She explained with a chortle and Woohyun finds himself mesmerized by her voice. So instead of making another response, he just stood there and look at the lady. 

"Well, I guess I will be going now." She said as he sees no response from Woohyun, but just as she was about to walk off, Woohyun stopped her by grabbing her wrist. "Wait! What is your name?" He asked and she seems slightly taken back by the question for a moment but she recovered quickly and gave Woohyun a flirty smile. "I'll tell you if we meet again." She said with a wink and lean forward, giving a quick peck on Woohyun's cheek. Woohyun being totally caught offguard by the kiss, froze and his grip loosen. By the time he recovers, the red hair beauty was gone. 

"I need a drink..." Woohyun mumbled.


The next day....

It was already late afternoon by the time Woohyun wakes up and had a slight hangover. He checks he phone and cursed when he realised he had over forty missed calls and messages from Hoya. He quickly calls back and before he could say anything when the call got through, Hoya began to yell at him.


"I was sleeping.... Stop yelling... You are making my head hurt even more...." Woohyun said.

"What the hell were you doing last night?!" Hoya asked and Woohyun could tell that Hoya is seriously missed off from his tone. "I went out drinking since there was nothing to do, drank a little too much I guess." Woohyun answered and hears Hoya letting out an angry growl.

"I won't do it again, I swear. So don't start lecturing me." Woohyun immediately added, knowing that Hoya was about to get started on him. There was a moment of silence before Woohyun hears a sigh from the other end of the phone and he couldn't help but grin, knowing that Hoya has let him off this time round. 

"Anyway, we have information on where Kim Sunggyu might possibly appear at." Woohyun's eyes lit up at the news and listen attentively to what Hoya has to say. 


Hoya paused and stopped speaking so Woohyun urge the other to continue, "But what?" 

"Something is fishy about it. Up till yesterday, we couldn't find anything about his trace but today, a clue sudden popped up. I suspect that it might be a trap." Hoya explained. 

Woohyun gave it some thought, "Well, trap or not, I am still going."

"No, if this is a trap, you can't go Hyun. It is to-" 

"This is our only lead right? If we are going to be so cautious of everything, we will never get him. Plus, if this is indeed him intentionally baiting me, it means that he knows that I am here for him so there is no point hiding." 


"You can't get the cubs if you don't enter tiger's den." Woohyun said, with a determined tone. He was prepared to do anything to catch Kim Sunggyu. 


Pub Paradise. 

Woohyun surveyed the surroundings as he walked down the steps. The place was dark, dimly lit so one could see where he is going. Soft classical music played in the background and there was not much people around, so it was pretty quiet.

Then something caught Woohyun's eyes, by the bar, a familiar red head enjoying her drink. Woohyun could barely keep his cool as he approached her. 

"Hey."And Woohyun mentally slapped himself for his weak greeting. The red hair beauty turns around, seemingly not surprise with Woohyun's appearance and gave the male a flirty smile. "So we meet again." Woohyun flashed her his best smile as he took the seat next to her. "I guess fate is helping me then." 

The bartender came up to them and Woohyun ordered a Gin and tonic before turning his attention back to the lady. "So.... You alone?" Woohyun asked, trying to sound cool and suave and she giggled at his words. "What will you do if I say no?" 

Woohyun couldn't hide his disappointed expression and she singgered at his reaction. "You are so cute. Don't worry, I am alone." she said with a wink and Woohyun immediately brighten up at the answer. "As much as I am happy to know that you are alone, I am curious to know why is a beautiful lady like you being all alone in a bar, on such a beautiful night?" 

The bartender served Woohyun's drink and he took a sip as he waits for her reply. "Well, I am waiting for someone..." She says with a suggestive smile.

"Oh, when is this someone going to arrive then?" Woohyun asked, silently praying that it isn't her boyfriend or anyone near that status.

"He is here already." She answers while looking straight into Woohyun's eyes. There was a odd look of triumph in them and it reminds Woohyun of how predators looks when they caught their prey. It took Woohyun a while before finally realising what 'she' means. His eyes widen in horror and he immediately stood up to back away from the other.But the very moment he stood up, a wave of dizziness hit him and he fell onto the ground while knocking the chair down too. 

He could feel his consciousness quickly slipping and he looks back up at 'her', who was sipping her drink with a satisfied smirk. 

"Kim... Sung..gyu..."

And Woohyun out.


Hi Guys! Thank you so much for subscribing! This is my first Woogyu based fanfic so I hope you guys likes it. It probably wont be too long, I am aiming to finish it in 6 chapters(MAX).

Please subscribe if for future updates! (P.S. It motivates me to write too XP)

Cya in next chap~

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Chapter 2: I know it's been a while since you've updated because of you being in Korea, but I cant wait til you get back to updating again! I'm a big fan of Don't judge a book by its cover, and this sound just as good! Enjoy OGS (you lucky thing) and we'll see you when you get back! :)
Chapter 2: I love that part when woohyun asked gyu for a kiss shamelessly...
epibunny #3
Chapter 2: Wow, this story is different from others. Looking forward for the rest of the chaps :)
iLoveCheesecake #4
I'm really happy that I took the time to check this story out! It saddened me once I reached the end of the first chapter haha. I can't wait till the next update! ^^