Lee Hongki

To Be With Minho

Hey guys, just remembered that I haven't been putting the point of view down... I can be so forgetful! *Facepalm*... However it has been Alex for a while, but I think the next chapter might be Minho. I'm not sure yet...but I'll come to that later. Enjoy this chapter and this cute Hongki gif^^

Oh, and can someone explain to me how Seunghyun is the maknae of F.T. Island? Minhwan is younger...

Alex/your point of view

"Hi, we didn't really get a chance to talk earlier. I'm Lee Hongki, as Minho said. And this is Jonghun-hyung." He's pointing to the dark-haired guy who's hair is in a pony tail. "He's a bit shy, but he's a really great guy. And this is Seunghyun-ah. He's a bit crazy, so be careful around him."

"YAH! Hyung, that's not very nice!" The chestnut colour haired Seunghyun is giving Hongki one of the dirtiest looks I've ever seen. I think it's safe to say he's annoyed at his friend.

"It's very nice to meet you all." I give them the brightest smile I can, which they all return. They all look completely stunning of course. It's not fair! Why are there so many beautiful people all in one place?! You're lucky if you can get one cute guy every ten miles in England.

"It's nice to meet you too, would you like to dance?" Hongki is holding his hand out to me, hoping I'll take it... But I don't dance! I have two left feet and they do not move in time with any rhythm. This is the reason I didn't do any dancing at prom! Also, because the music was awful! There's no way in hell I'll dance to Justin Bieber! Now, if a rock song started and a mosh pit opened up... I might have considered it.

"Don't worry, I'll wait here for you," Minho says with the cutest smile. "You go dance with Hongki-hyung."

What do I do? I really don't want to dance, but I don't want to let Hongki down. He seems like such a nice guy. And now Minho's told me to dance too... I'll embarrass myself big-time, for sure! What if I hurt someone? What if Hongki trips over me, or something? Grr, I'm freaking out here! It's too late to back out now anyway... He's pulled me to the dance floor. Right in the middle as well, to make matters worse! God, I really don't like this. I'm scared, so very very scared.

"Calm down, we're just dancing. It's not we're going to bungy jump off a cliff."

"Yeah, well I'm not used to dancing. I at dancing." I have to be honest, so he doesn't expect anything amazing.

"So if Minho asks you to dance, you'll turn him down too?"

"No. I didn't exactly turn you down, did I? You didn't give me chance to, before you dragged me out here. I have two left feet, and neither can dance. And...hey! I'm dancing!" Wow, my feet are moving with his in time to the beat of this amazing song... I hadn't paid attention to it until now, but wow, this is a brilliant song. It's a rock song, but in Korean! But I'm still amazed that I'm actually dancing. "How on Earth did you manage to get me to dance?!"

"Don't concentrate so hard. Just listen to the music, your feet will do the rest. Do you, by any chance, know the song?" There's a glimmer of hope in his eyes. He really wants me to say I know the song, but I honestly don't.

"No, I don't know it. But it's really good!"

"Oh, well I'm glad you like it. It's a song by my band, F.T. Island. It's called 'Hello Hello'. Anyway, what did Minho mean earlier. When we got to you he said something about you liking our music."

Haha, I love how Minho already knows my music taste so well. He really is amazing. In fact, he's so incredible, it wouldn't surprise me if he was alien. No human I've ever met is that perfect! "Minho was referring to my rock taste in music. I love rock, indie, punk, and some heavy metal. But when I started researching for the student exchange trip, I really got into the SHINee songs. It's like a breath of fresh air. I'm not normally that bothered about pop songs, but there's something different about them, and SNSD. I've heard a couple of their songs as well."

"I'm just glad you like it." He's smiling in his eyes, which makes him look incredibly beautiful. "Minho's lucky to have you, I'll say that much. You really are an amazing girl. So, I hope that we can get to know each other a little better and be friends you know. And judging by the fact that Jonghun-hyung and Seunghyun keep looking at you, I think they'd like to get to know you a bit better too."

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Shineelovingshawol #1
Chapter 62: This story is just so good! I love how sweet minho is! Ahhh my ultimate bias!
kpopluver98 #2
your story is so cute~ ♥♥
Zelo_Biased #3
Yayy its awesome! And jongkey is in it automatically. Makes it episcopal and on chapter 18 I LOVE MUSE its one of the few bands I listen to in english
Cuteeeee story! <3
New reader here! I'm only at chapter 3, but I love it. This may also be because my name's Alexandra too.^^
That is so cute
sooo good !!! (=^.^=)
Once again, once I started, I had to finish in the same day. Great work ^^
Lol I'm jealous of a fictional character xD I love Minho out of all the Kpop stars but a happy ending always makes me feel awesome <3 love this story