Chapter 4

What does the leader do, when a member becomes distant...?

Sunggyu pulled the duvet back so Hoya could clamber under it, followed by him.  There wasn’t exactly much room considering it was a single bed but after Hoya settled into his side it was far from uncomfortable. Although Hoya’s breathing was starting to calm, it was needless to say that Sunggyu was still worried about him. An outburst like that must have meant the problem was bigger than he initially thought.

“Hoya… You know you can talk to me about anything… right?” Sunggyu left the question hanging. He wasn’t really sure what he was trying to achieve, he knew it wouldn’t be easy to get Hoya to tell him something so easily. After all, Hoya wasn’t known for his ability to talk about his emotions.

He felt him sigh a breath of warm air against his neck as he buried his head further into Sunggyu’s shoulder. “I know… Just… Not yet. Need to make sense of it first.” Hoya mumbled softly. Sunggyu smiled to himself. It seems like he’s slowly getting Hoya back. Slowly, but surely.

The silence wasn’t at all awkward now. No tension. No…fear? No fear that Sunggyu might have lost him, that he wouldn’t get his Hoya back.

“M’sorry.” Hoya whispered, voice almost non-existent in the small space between them.

“Don’t be.” Sunggyu whispered back, feeling the small smile against his shoulder that Hoya failed to hide.

Dongwoo let his eyes flutter shut as his face was bathed in the early morning rays falling softly through the open kitchen window. His mouth curving effortlessly into a wide smile showing his pearly white teeth. The breeze gently brushing his newly ash blonde hair from his eyes.

Leaning against the counter he sipped his steaming coffee. Dongwoo loved mornings like these, calm and serene. Leaving him some time to himself to think as the members slept. A crease appeared on his brow. The latest source of his worries… Hoya... Dongwoo saw how much his recent mood was bothering Sunggyu. He knew how much his hyung worried about the boys (as much as Sunggyu hates to admit it). He just hoped that Sunggyu had managed to relieve the younger of at least some of the burden from his thoughts.

Dongwoo was brought from his reverie at the sounds of footsteps. Turning to look over his shoulder he saw the cause of his worry, stood looking rather sheepish in the doorway. Eyes slightly swollen, but the boy looked the most rested he had seen him in weeks.
"G'morning, coffee?" Dongwoo offered with a smile.

"Good morning hyung, no thanks." Hoya's voice was rough and quiet (from sleep or lack of use Dongwoo was unsure). However the younger did seem more relaxed. As Hoya leaned his back against the adjacent counter, Dongwoo turned back to the window. He could tell that Hoya wanted to say something  his imitation of a fish out of water was a giveaway, but he didn't want to rush him, he figured he would get there in his own time.

Hoya sighed, "Dongwoo hyung... " he looked over at his dongsaeng expectantly. The look of concentration on Hoya's face adorable as always (he wondered if he knew how cute he looked with his cheeks puffed out and brows furrowed...).

"Hyung, how did... How did you get over your...erm... your..." Hoya shuffled his feet.

"My feelings for noona?" Hoya blushed as he lowered his head, fiddling with the hem of his shirt. Bingo. Dongwoo chuckled as he saw his ears turn red. “You know, even after all this time… I still haven’t forgotten.” Hoya lifted his head slightly, a look of confusion on his face. Dongwoo sighed as he turned to look back out of the window. Now he knew why Hoya had been so quiet, so brooding over the past few weeks. He was at a complete loss because he didn’t know what to do.  How to control it… when he fell slave to his emotions.

Hoya likes the control he has over his body. The perfect abs, which weren’t overworked, but made you gape in awe. His toned arms and slim waist. His skin, which since he had become an idol, he had taken care of like a ritual to avoid the disaster of spots or blemishes. His hair which he could mould perfectly and his eyes which he could line precisely in a flash. He revelled in the control he had. However when it came to emotions… some might call him ‘emotionally constipated’.

“You want some advice right? How to control the thoughts and urges and such?” Being straightforward with Hoya about emotions is best. Otherwise he gets shy and runs back to being a hermit. Dongwoo took a sip of his coffee as he waited for a reply.

“… Yeah, I guess.” Hoya mumbled, scratching the back of his head. No reason, just something to keep his hands from shaking. Sometimes he hated how much he relied on his hyung's words of advice. He saw Dongwoo pause for a moment as he thought deeply, before setting down his cup and turning to face him.

“Well… I’m sorry to disappoint, but I can’t help you with this one. I think it would be best if you just talk to this person. Since it’s you, I find it highly unlikely that said person you... like or whatever it is, will be the kind to laugh in your face or leave you feeling humiliated. Okay?” Dongwoo held Hoya’s gaze so that he knew he was being sincere. The smile he got in return was small, but held what Dongwoo was looking for. Relief.

“Okay.” Hoya’s voice was small it’s been too long since he’s made a sound louder than a mouse, however the flicker of fire in his eyes reminded Dongwoo of why he loves s. As he watches Hoya’s retreating back, he smiles to himself. Because he knows that no matter how bad things are, how dire any situation may seem, or how alone they may feel... they will always have each other to turn to.

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seeshyh #1
author-nim,,, it's been a year.... please update T.T
Chapter 5: it's so good author-nim. you don't want to update it? please update.i really want to know what is gooing to happen in next chap
I hope this isn't over.
salflower #4
Chapter 5: Omg Hogyu ♡And the ers as well =_=
Chapter 5: Omg this is awesome. Please update soon. I really am enjoying this story!!!
Samona #6
:D :D :D Oh my Siwon!
I am loving this story.
Wah, Hogyu FTW! ^-^
seeshyh #7
Chapter 5: O.O
kyaaaahhhhhh..... they're kissing???? OMG
update more please.... <3
seeshyh #8
Chapter 4: uhuhh??? hoya falls in love???? 0.0 *omg
marxx0512 #9
Thank you for this amazing Hogyu story ^^ there are not many good stories abut this pairing :(
seeshyh #10
Chapter 3: aigoo,,,, our hobaby is crying *cupcupcup....*
well I don't have to worry since sunggyu say he'll stay ^^ <3
nice update