Chapter 3

What does the leader do, when a member becomes distant...?

The faint noises of rustling and car doors opening is what roused Sunggyu from his sleep. Slowly rubbing his eyes he noticed the weight on his left shoulder. Hoya was cuddled against his side, sleeping soundly.

"Sunggyu." Hyoan whispered from the door, making Sunggyu look up. He noticed the rest of the members slowly walking up the pathway to the dorm.

"Hmm?" Sunggyu was still trying to blink the sleep away, he didn't realise how tired he was earlier. At least his headache had gone now.

"Do you want me to carry Hoya inside? He looked really tired earlier so it's probably best to not wake him." Sunggyu had always loved their managers from the first day they met. They were the best he could ask for as the leader of the group and for the wellbeing of his boys. Always taking into account how tired the group is when the company asks for more, and the little things like sneaking them extra food on breaks. Especially making sure they get as much sleep as they can for their health (Sunggyu had seen the same blanket in the back of the car that Hoya was curled up under before the performance). They worked just as hard possibly even more as Infinite did. Smiling, he shook his head.

"No, it's okay, I'll take him." Hyoan nodded and stood back from the door to hold it open. Sunggyu reached carefully around Hoya to unbuckle his seatbelt, followed by his own. He felt him stir slightly as he placed his arms behind his back and under his legs, but he remained asleep as Sunggyu carried him up the pathway.

He kicked off his trainers as he entered the dorm and made his way to Hoya and Sungjong's room. Pushing open the door with his foot he walked over to Hoya's bed and placed him gently on the mattress. Carefully pulling of his shoes, he left the room and placed the shoes in the hallway and walked back into the living room. Dongwoo, Myungsoo and Sungyeol were heading to the bathroom to shower together and Sungjong and Woohyun were sat on the floor wrapped in duvets, settling down to watch a movie. They were giggling... like a pair of girls...

"Hyung, do you want to watch Titanic with us?" Sungjong asked excitedly, laughing when Woohyun started singing the theme tune in what was supposed to be English. Sunggyu grimaced. He felt... greasy.

"No thanks, I don't want you to try and braid my hair again... it took me weeks to feel manly again after that." Sunggyu shivered at the repressed thought. He saw Nam pout at him from the mountain of cushions he'd taken off the couch. "I'm gonna sort out Hoya and then go to sleep, I'm shattered." He didn't miss the pointed look from Woohyun when he mentioned the younger. He nodded at Woohyun who seemed to relax. He bid them goodnight and went to change into some sweats and a loose shirt.

He knew what Woohyun had meant with that look. He didn't want Sunggyu to push Hoya to tell him what was wrong. Woohyun believed he would tell us when he felt comfortable enough. That he had a reason to hold something back from us. He hated that he knew Woohyun was right, but it was hard to think about how long he'd have to wait.

Sighing, he made his way back to Hoya. He gently closed the door and switched on the lamp on the bedside table, and turned off the main light. Looking over at Hoya, he noticed he still had on a jacket and jeans. He couldn't let him sleep like that, but how was he supposed to remove them without waking him? After puzzling himself for a few moments he sighed and sat gently on the edge of the bed.

"Hoya?" Sunggyu gently shook his arm. He knew it didn't take a lot to wake him, as he saw Hoya gently open one eye. "You need to get changed before you sleep." Sunggyu watched as Hoya rubbed his eyes awake, using the arm Sunggyu had shook. He tried not to notice how Hoya had broken the contact... it wasn't the first time since the strange mood had started. However Sunggyu couldn't help but feel the pang of rejection on his chest. So, to busy himself he stood up to find some pyjamas for Hoya to wear. With his back turned he didn't notice the glassy eyes that watched him.

Sunggyu found some jogging bottoms and threw them at the end of Hoya's bed as he continued his search for a shirt. He heard the sound the zipper of Hoya's jeans made as he changed and Sunggyu felt himself blush. There was no reason to, the members walked around the dorm in boxers all the time, so it wasn't something he hadn't seen before. Maybe it was just because the situation was a bit awkward? Hoya still hadn't said anything, which was so out of character it made Sunggyu feel as if he was in a room with a stranger.

"I can't find a..." Sunggyu turned to see Hoya wearing the pants he'd thrown to him and a black vest top, sat cross legged on the bed. "Oh... never mind then." Sunggyu mumbled, he must have been wearing it under his button up shirt he had on. Sunggyu stood there awkwardly, swaying slightly from one foot to the other. "Erm... Do... Do you need anything?" Sunggyu asked quietly, anything louder would have seemed wrong in the silence. Hoya kept his head bent but made no move to say anything. Sunggyu knew something was definitely eating up the rapper from the inside. Before today, even in this mood, Hoya would have still answered, even if it was just a simple yes or no. Sunggyu simply nodded to himself and walked towards the door. He felt so useless, he didn't know what to do, it made his head hurt.

"Don't go..." It was a quiet, broken sound... Like the sound you'd expect to hear when someone's heart shatters before you. Sunggyu whipped around, seeing the tears on Hoya's face before he could hide his face again. It felt as though he was being crushed, his chest felt tight at the sight of his friend... his strong, fierce friend broken down into tears. He was frozen. The look of utter despair on Hoya's face was unfathomable. When he heard him sniff and saw him swipe tears off his face with his arm, Sunggyu snapped back to reality and hurried to his friend. Wrapping his arms around Hoya he felt the younger grasp his shirt as he finally let out his pent up emotions.

"I'm sorry... I... I just..." Hoya shook as he tried to get a grip back on reality, before his walls crumbled completely in Sunggyu's strong arms. Gripping so tightly Sunggyu thought his shirt would tear. "Please, just don't... leave me..." Sunggyu rested his head on Hoya's as he felt his eyes sting. He just hoped Hoya wouldn't notice the tears that had already fallen.

"Don't worry, I'll stay with you." Sunggyu murmured, pressing a kiss to the top of his head.

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seeshyh #1
author-nim,,, it's been a year.... please update T.T
Chapter 5: it's so good author-nim. you don't want to update it? please update.i really want to know what is gooing to happen in next chap
I hope this isn't over.
salflower #4
Chapter 5: Omg Hogyu ♡And the ers as well =_=
Chapter 5: Omg this is awesome. Please update soon. I really am enjoying this story!!!
Samona #6
:D :D :D Oh my Siwon!
I am loving this story.
Wah, Hogyu FTW! ^-^
seeshyh #7
Chapter 5: O.O
kyaaaahhhhhh..... they're kissing???? OMG
update more please.... <3
seeshyh #8
Chapter 4: uhuhh??? hoya falls in love???? 0.0 *omg
marxx0512 #9
Thank you for this amazing Hogyu story ^^ there are not many good stories abut this pairing :(
seeshyh #10
Chapter 3: aigoo,,,, our hobaby is crying *cupcupcup....*
well I don't have to worry since sunggyu say he'll stay ^^ <3
nice update