
Maybe in Next Life



     What are you suppose to do when you know that your life is going to take from you? That your going to leave the world that you used to live and most especially leave the people that you precious.

"why am i even asking?"

 I just got discharge from hospital and just recieve the result of my test and the doctor said it's uncurable, the cancer cells already scattered to my body. Funny right? In all of people in the world that disease got in to me. It doesn't even make any sense, Im a healthy person. I exercise daily, eat healthy foods.

How can i tell them?  Specially to her.


     One week have passed since I got the result. And i already got the courage to tell to my family what is going on me.

"Tim, come on! That is not a funny joke you know." My sister yelled, but then ahe broke when i pass to her my result

"How come you dont lool like you care?!"

"I care. I am scared. But what can i do? I cannot changed it. And i am tired of crying. I know it was unexpected but i want you all to know that i love you all. And whatever happen i want all aof you to be happy" a tear escape from my eyes.

Now that i have told my family. I think its time for jessi. Though my family told me not to go far, i insist. This will be the last trip i'll be going with jessi. A pang of guilt hit me because i couldn't tell her my condition. Well base on jessica's personality, like my family, she'll just insist me to stay  and rest. I want this time to be speciall for the last time.

I already bought a ticket to Thailand. I've always want to go there since but i we don't have time. Now i'll grab this chance.

''Tim oppa! Why so sudden? Ow you look tired, are you fine?'' Jessica used her aegyo to tim

''Well, yeah. I want to relax a bit and of course to spend time with the loveliest, cutest, iest and prettiest girlfriend of mine" Tim smirked.  Jessica furrowed her brow.

''Tell me the truth. You're cheating on me, don't you?'' Jessica asked in serious tone which make Tim laugh hard.

''Hahaha! C'mon jessi. Just let me compliment you this time. And seriously i want to make it up to you'' tim ruffled jessica's hair

''Hmm. Weird. They say if your boyfriend suddenly turn to be sweet its because he guilty and did something wrong '' jessica pout cutely

''Why? Am i not sweet to you all this time?'' Tim faked a hurt expression

''No! I'm sorry oppa, you're sweetest '' Jessica peck at tim's cheeks

''I Love you jessi'' Tim put her arms around jessica's shoulder

''I Love you more Tim '' Jessica happily hug his waist tightly while walking off the the sand beach

 They had best days in Thailand. Obviously to Jessica it will be the last time. So tim make sure he would not let Jessica see her everytime his body will hurt. 

      Their one week vacation is now coming to end. And Jessica want to spent more time outside the resort they stay in.

''jessi let's buy some memorable thing here in thailand''

''sure oppa. hmm look!'' jessica point a stall that sell jewelry

  So they went to the stall. Most of it is kinda antique. But one thing caught tim's eye. A infinity sign necklace with heart in the middle

''Jessi look at this one'' tim pick up the necklace 

''wow oppa you have good eye. That's so pretty ''

''That necklace means an eternal love. When a man put this on the girls neck. Their love will last until eternity and can they can also meet in the next life'' the sales lady told them.

''how much?" Tim asked 

''750 bhat ''

''So expensive, let'a just try the other"'

''Jessi since when did you concern yourself with money? Haha! We'll take it'' 


    They left the stall and bought some snacks ,after that they went to the nearest park so they can sit down

''oppa why do you buy that necklace its so expensive''

''dont worry jessi its just money and look this necklace look so good on you'' 

''but still''

''turn around'' tim said to jessica and jessica turn around. Tim put the necklace around jessica's carefully

''you know oppa, I dont think we even need this. our love will really last in eternity''

''well who knows..what if one day ..i'll be gone''   jessica immedaitelly face tim and hug him tightly 

''oppa dont you ever say things like that. I cannot live without you'' ' i am sorry jessi' Tim return the hug.

''I..i promise jessica'' tim lied  and jessica break the hug

''your scaring me when you talk things about that '' jessica slightly punch tim's chest

''Hehehe. c'mon let's eat our snack *cough*'' tim emmediatelly get his handkerchief

''oh oppa! are you okay'' jessica pat's tim's back and tim nodded. he excuse himself to a public bathroom 


   When he got to bathroom, blood stains are on his handkerchief. He wanted to cry but not now with jessica. He doesnt want to jessica find out what is his condition while they are in their vacation, not now. He rinses his mouth thoroughly and disspose his handkerchief. After that he returned to jessica.

''oppa what happened?''

''oh nothing ..did you finnish eating?''

''yup..ahh oppa lets go back to our hotel ..i wan to so tired '' 

''okay ..lets go'' then jessica cling to tim's arm


    after the vacation they went back to korea

''do  you have so much fun my jessi?'' tim ask

''yes oppa..thank you so much..omo!! oppa why your so pale '' jessica cupped tim's face and tim hold it

''oppa are you alright?..why your so pale like this?..are you not feeling well?''

''im alright jessi..hehe '' he smile weakly but then he started to cought so hard 

''oppa !!..oppa!! oh my god oppa..your bleeding '' jessica emmediatelly call an ambulance


  the ambulance went so fast and the nurse carry tim inside..while tim is lying on the ambulance bed ..jessica is holding his hand tight and calling his parents to know what is tim's condition....When they arrived at the hospital he is emmediatelly brought to the emergency room ..jessica is cring so hard ..because she cant do anything ..but to see her boyfriend coughing blood..then tim's family come


''mom..what's happening to tim'' she hug tim's mother 

''shhh..jessica dont worry everything's gonna be alright''

''no ..he is bleeding blood he sick?!..please tell me?!'' 

  mr.hwang and mrs. hwang look at each other before they say it to jessica 

''jessica *sigh* sorry but.....has a cancer and the cancer cells already spread through his body'' jessica is dumbfounded 

''no!! that is impossible ..please tell me your lying..please'' jessica's knee weakend so she is now on the floor ..cying so hard ..

''jessica im sorry but ...tim has a four stage cancer '' mr hwang said

''no ...tim is healthy can he have a cancer..we just went to thailand and he is so fine '' tears wont stop falling from jessica's eye and mrs hwang help jessica sit in chair 

''mom , dad ...this can be happening ..why tim didnt told me that he does have this illness..he should have rest ...maybe he got to tired from the trip''

''this is why tim didnt say this to you.. he think that you might refuse to go there and he is afraid to see you like this..jessica he want to spend his last days with you'' jessica again cry out loud when mr.hwang said 'spend last days with you'

''no'' jessica keeps mumbling ..

   the doctor walk out from the emergency the three rush to him

''he is stable now sorry to say but i think he will not make it'' mrs hwang and jessica broke into tears again

''what do you mean he willl not make it'' mr hwang say it ,trying to hold hid tears

''anytime he will be gone ...the cancer cell is all over his body sorry we cant do anything now'' the doctor leave and they went into the room where tim are


  Mr hwang and Mrs. hwang emmediatelly went to tim and hug him...they all they all cry but tim just smile at them and tell them to be strong .but something is missing ..jessica is just standing at the front door and crying ,she cant face tim in that condition, she feels like its her fault


''jessi what are you there?'' tim smile at her ..ignoring the illness you have ..jessica just cry more

''please come here'' tim's parent step aside he bed so jessica can come to tim..jessica run toward tim and hug him..she cried in tim chest

''tim ..why?!..why you didnt told me?!'' she keeps on crying

''shh stop crying i dont want to see you crying remember..hehe sorry cause i didnt tell you''

''i hate you!! how can laugh at this thing ..tim this is serious''

''im sorry jessi ..but i think i will never last''

''please tim dont leave me'' tim cupped her face face and just smile at her


''fight for you life ...please do it for me''


''say something!!''

''i really love you but ..i think God have other plan for us.but remember i will always love you, even we're not meant to be together now..maybe in other time''

''what do you mean other time?..why cant it be now?!''

''maybe in our next life * cough* ...God will let us be together , but for now i think i cant make it up for you .. please understand ..i will always love you*cough*'' tim keeps on coughing blood

''dont say things like that!!...please, please dont leave me ,, if you cant be here my life will be useless'' 

''im sorry ..hehe jessica please live for me huh?...promise me that you will leave and be happy....even not here physically....always remember....that im always in your heart ....i promise you ...i will meet you again in our next life '' tim hardly catch for air they started to panick

''tim..tim!! dont !! dont go!!'' jessica yell ..while his parent is calling the doctor ..but then tim inhale deeply and then the line went straight

''no !!!'' her knees brought her down to the floor 

''time of death 6:30 pm'' one nurse declared

    jessica feels her world fall down...her heart tore appart  ..and she feel numb ..the one she love just leave her like that....


not done yet ..hehe this is multishot :XD


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Chapter 1: please update soon
KalakiMae #2
Chapter 1: oh my gosh that is soo sad poor jess
JeTiLoVe #3
Chapter 1: i'm excited for next part already..
update soon..
VivaLaVida #4
Chapter 1: so heartbreaking T___T

update soon...
Chapter 1: Aish....I am crying now, author....
Chapter 1: so saaad :(
Chapter 1: it's angst T_T
i can't believe that Tim will leave Jessica like that :(
update soon ^^ hwaiting~ i can't wait to see the other chapter ^^
doublescoop #8
yes.. new FF story.. can't wait for the next chap!