Episode 2

Supernatural Running Man with EXO

11:30 a.m.

Han River



Two cars were driven on the bridge. They stopped in the middle. The Running Man cast and EXO-M came out of it.

"Wah. It's been a while since we've been here," Jihyo commented, the other Running Man casts nodded in agreement. "I heard Tao's been to this river," Haha remarked, Luhan translated for Tao.

*Pop up balloon: Translator deer...*

"我已经在这里提前亮相, 与我的朋友," Tao replied, the Running Man furrowed their eyebrows in confusion, except for Jihyo. "He said he's been here in predebut, with his friend," Kris translated, EXO-M nodded in agreement.

*Pop up balloon: TaoRis.....*

"Lay, 你还好吗 (= are you okay)?" Jihyo asked him who had been nodding all the time. "Ne, noona," he replied, smiling. Gary furrowed his eyebrows. "Why didn't you ask me? I'm not okay 'cause you're asking that Chinese guy," Gary pouted cutely.

*Pop up balloon: Monday Couple starts...*

"Sorry, dongsaeng. It's Saturday," Jongkook reminded.

*Pop up balloon: Monday Couple... FAILED! ^^*

Haha patted Gary's shoulder, using his power to comfort him. Jihyo just smiled sheepishly.

"So, who are the guests today?" Sukjin asked. Jaesuk and Kris smirked and looked at each other.

*Pop up balloon: What...happened???*



3 days ago, only Jaesuk and Kris were called in to discuss the next episode.

"We'll first meet up on the bridge. The guests will catch up in a water taxi," PD Myuk explained. "Ne," they nodded.

"The guests will be..." PD announced. "Oh!" Jaesuk exclaimed and clapped, reading his mind. "Hyung, seriously," Kris pouted. Jaesuk moved closer and whispered into his ear. Kris blushed after hearing it, which made Jaesuk laugh in his reaction.

"After the intro, Kris will pick them up in the taxi," PD finished, Kris sighed. "Yeah. Fine," he muttered, blushing even more.


Jaesuk nodded to Kris, he sighed and backflipped, flying towards the river.

The others stared at him with a confused expression on their faces. Kris returned, bringing a girl in his arms.

"Oh! BoA-ssi!" Jongkook exclaimed, the others widened their eyes and clapped their hands. Kris landed her on the bridge and flew back, again with another girl.

"Krystal sunbae!" Chen exclaimed. Kris landed her and did the same thing again.

"Jessica!" Haha screamed happily. Luhan and Xiumin whispered at each other, snickering.

"KRIS! LUHAN AND XIUMIN SAID KRISSICA!!!!" Jaesuk spat out. "No wonder you were blushing the whole time in the dorm!" Chen teased.

*Pop up balloon: KrisSica...*

Kris landed Jessica beside Jaesuk and immediately returned to EXO-M. Tao patted his shoulder and smirked.

"So, today's guests are BoA and the Jung Sisters," Jaesuk stated. "PD hyung called me and Jaesuk hyung, like, 3 days ago," Kris added, Jaesuk nodded. The others widened their eyes.

"Mwo!? Why didn't you call us?" Tao pouted. "我是你们的队长 (= I'm your leader)," Kris replied shortly, Tao looked down and gagged.

"Yah, I heard Kris recorded a trio with the Jung Sisters," Jongkook remarked. Krystal nodded. "Ne," she replied. "Can you show us?" Gwangsoo asked. Krystal looked at her sister, then to Kris, and nodded.


(Say Yes - Jessica + Krystal + Kris Trio)





"Wah... You three can speak English!" Sukjin commented. "Hyung, I can too!" Haha spat everything out in English. Kris gagged, so did EXO-M.

"So, what's the mission today?" Gwangsoo asked. "Today's mission is a battle," PD explained, all jaws dropped.

*Pop up balloon: Battle???*

"Between EXO-M and the Running Man. The guests will choose which team they will be in," PD explained. Jessica and Krystal looked at each other, with a worried expression on their faces.

"I'll go with EXO-M," BoA declared, walking beside Luhan. "Wait. What's BoA's power?" Gwangsoo asked. "Fauna," she replied. Their jaws dropped, BoA just smirked.

"Mine is flora, Krystal had telekinesis, just like Luhan's," Jessica explained. The others nodded, Luhan smirked.

"So, what team is Krystal in?" Jaesuk finally asked. Krystal twisted the corner of her lips. "Oh, and one more thing. The Running Man team can only have one guest, so the members are equal," PD explained. Running Man widened their eyes.

On the other side, EXO-M cheered, as they have the advantage.

"Well, Krystal-ssi?" Sukjin asked. Krystal smirked and gave a look at Jessica.

"Unnie, why don't you stay with Duizhang oppa?" Krystal made her choice, in the Running Man team. Jessica blushed. "Ne. That's fine," Kris comforted her, wrapping his arm around her shoulder, making her blush even more.

*Pop up balloon: Again, KrisSica...*

"DUIZHANG~," the rest of EXO-M teased, Kris gave an icy glare at them. They snickered, Tao did the 'buing buing' at him, Kris rolled his eyes and released his arm.


Mission 1


Both teams got into their uniforms. EXO-M's team wore yellow, while Running Man wore blue.

Chen and Jaesuk's phone beeped, they got the mission message.

"Drive to Sejong Center for the Performing Arts. The first team that gets there will have an advantage," Chen read.

*Pop up balloon: Advantage???*

EXO-M's team put their hands together. "EXO-M SARANGHAJA!!" they shouted, raising their hands and got into the car. They drove to the mission's landmark.

"Hyung, there!" Tao pointed as a Running Man banner came into view. EXO-M's team got off the car and entered the building.


They walked to the table where PD is standing.

"So, we're the first one?" BoA asked, PD nodded. "Ne. The team's advantage is... you get to choose which position your team is; the Chasing or the Mission," PD explained. They widened their eyes and smirked.

"What is the Mission Team's goal?" Kris asked. PD gave them the mission card.

"Find 5 white envelopes in this building. Each has a question within, with numbers as the answer. You have to find it all, then arrange it, and give it to the PD in an hour," Chen read.

"The Chasing Team will only wear bells and rip the nametags off," PD explained.

"Should we be on the Chasing Team first?" Lay offered, some furrowed their eyebrows.

"I don't know. Maybe the Mission Team's not so bad," Jessica said. "Yeah. We should be on the Mission first. I can't rip off Jongkook oppa's nametag, though," BoA agreed. Kris penetrated his eyes on s, they all nodded.

"Well, Mission Team it is," Kris declared, the others nodded.

"One hour will start after the Chasing Team arrives," PD told them. They nodded and got the envelopes' locations.

1. Orchestra Pit

2. 3rd Floor Audience Seat

3. King Sejong Story Section

4. Chamber Hall

5. Museum of Art

*Pop up balloon: Running all around Sejong Center...START!*

Kris, Jessica, and Chen went to the Main Auditorium to get to the seats.

"Gosh. It's so dark in here," Jessica muttered. Suddenly, the lights went on.

Kris and Jessica turned, seeing Chen shooting lightning at the cables.

"Kamsahamnida," Kris thanked him. They ran to the stage, Kris flew up to the third floor. Jessica followed, thanks to her flora powers. They searched the seats, Jessica found one. They got down and showed it to Chen, he smirked.

"What is the last digit of EXO's debut year?" Chen read. "2," Jessica and Kris replied at the same time, Jessica blushed.

*Pop up balloon: This is a definite KrisSica episode XD...*

Luhan and BoA went and searched the Museum of Art. They scrolled through the paintings and statues. "Gosh, where is this envelope thing?" Luhan muttered in Chinese.


Luhan widened his eyes. "One hour," BoA reminded. They quickened their paces, they heard a ringing bell on the other side.

Haha was there.

BoA saw a painting of birds, she immediately transformed into it. "Lu, hold me up," BoA ordered him, planning a camouflage. Luhan nodded, he hid and pointed his hand to BoA. She levitated, Haha walked pass her. Luhan sighed in relief.

Actually, Haha already saw Luhan, he pretended like he didn't see anything.

*Pop up balloon: Little Hunter...*

"Hyung, have you seen Luhan?" Haha asked as Gary came to his view. "I don't know," he replied calmly.

"Noona! Wait a second!"

Luhan jumped back, seeing Jihyo behind him. BoA immediately flew out of the room, Luhan followed. On the way, BoA saw an envelope, she reached for it, but was captured by Gary.

"Oppa, wait!" BoA pleaded, transforming back to human form. "Sorry, unnie," Jihyo apologized, ripping off her nametag. Luhan escaped, but...


BoA furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. Luhan came into view, with Jongkook patting his shoulder. "Mianhae, noona," Luhan apologized.


"Mwo?" BoA asked in disbelief.


Tao and Lay searched in the Chamber Hall. They looked for an envelope, a piano came into Lay's view. He smirked and walked near it. They heard bells, they hid at the backstage. Jaesuk and Sukjin were searching in the seats.

Tao smirked.

"I'm not gonna make the same mistake," he muttered in Chinese. He snapped his fingers, everything around him froze, even his hyung.

"Mianhae, ge," he said as he ran outside the room, unfreezing the time.

Lay jumped back, surprised to see Sukjin beside him. Accurate eyesight, remember?

Jaesuk, who read his hyung's mind attacked from the other side, ripping Lay's nametag.

"Guys, there is an envelope in the Museum of Arts, just by a painting of birds," Luhan informed from the walkie. Xiumin  and Tao met up after Lay got out. Xiumin nodded, heading towards the direction.

Xiumin saw it, took it off... Just as...

"Jongkook hyung!" Tao hissed. They both ran, searching for a place to hide.

Just as they passed it..

"Jihyo-ah!" someone shouted. Tao and Xiumin peeked from the wall, jaw dropping.

"D-Duizhang!?" Xiumin gasped.

Thanks to Kris, Jongkook's target changed, he pinned him to a wall.

"Jihyo-ah, ppali!" he smirked at him.

"Daebak, Duizhang's out!" she smirked, ripping off his name tag.


"Aish!" he groaned.

"Yah!" someone poked Xiumin's shoulder from behind. They gasped, turning around. Jessica clamped her hand on her chest, Xiumin and Tao too.

"Duizhang's out?" Jessica asked.

"Wasn't he with you just now?" Tao asked. Jessica nodded.

"Ne. Chen and I escaped. He's looking around the Orchestra Pit now," she told them. They nodded and ran to catch up to him.


"Mwo?" Xiumin exclaimed. Chen was on his way to prison, with Krystal smirking at him.

The remaining three ran and hid.

"How do we escape? It's only the three of us now. Still 4 envelopes left," Jessica groaned.

"I can just freeze Jongkook hyung's feet," Xiumin hissed.

"Wait. Where's Tao?" Xiumin asked all of a sudden. He was nowhere in sight.


"As the usual..." Xiumin groaned.

They walked out of their hiding place, seeing Jongkook and Krystal on their way.

"Dongsaeng-ah!" Jessica pleaded.

Now it's sister vs. sister. Xiumin, known as the strongest in EXO-M, had to fight the Commander.

As it turned out later..



"We won!" Krystal cheered. Jongkook received the Running Balls.

Mission 2

National Museum of Korea



"So, which team are we on now?" Luhan asked. "The opposite; Chasing Team," PD Myuk said.

"We will give you advantages, since this place is huge for Bells Hide and Seek," he said. EXO-M nodded.

"These are 6 rings, only for EXO-M. BoA and Jessica won't use it," he said, showing them a box of 6 rings with their symbols on.

"Mention you name, then say a spell, say the person you want to capture after. That man will be delivered to you in an instant," he said.

"Mwo? What spell?" BoA asked. The PD gave them the card.

"6 powers combined and rule the space," she read.

"Hyung, remember that episode before?" Chen asked, Xiumin snickered.

"The one with Big Bang in it?" he asked. Chen chuckled and nodded.

"Should we practice?" Lay asked. The others nodded and put their rings on.








"Kim Jong Kook(?)" Luhan muttered, making them gag.

"Same like the previous, you got one hour to capture Running Man team," he said. They nodded.

"Arraseo. We should split up first," Kris said.

After 5 minutes..


"Let me catch Haha," Luhan muttered.

EXO-M smirked, as they had the advantage. They split up, Chen and Kris spotted Sukjin and Krystal.

"Duizhang, catch him! Ppali!" Chen shouted. Kris flew to him, pinning him on the wall. Chen took care of Krystal.


"ASA!" Chen cheered. Krystal pouted cutely, stomping her left foot. Chen chuckled in response.

Luhan and Xiumin walked by the corridors, seeing Haha alone. Luhan smirked.

"Hyung, help," he said. Xiumin smirked, freezing his feet and hands.

"Yah! What is this!?" Haha shrieked. Luhan lifted him up to them, Xiumin ripped his nametag.


"Feel my revenge, sunbae," Luhan snickered.

After 50 minutes, all got out, except for the Commander.

EXO-M, BoA, and Jessica gathered in a small room.

"Should we use this now?" Tao asked.

"We only got 10 minutes left, and the mission's almost done," BoA said.

"Wait. I think I know how to do it," Chen said.

They smirked as they walked into the Running Man's prison.

"Yah! We'll show how your Commander will bow to us!" Xiumin shouted to them. Running Man gasped, EXO-M formed a circle.








"SUMMON KIM JONG KOOK!" Kris finished.

Jongkook, who was still searching for the last one, got caught by the bodyguards, being delivered to the prison.

"Yah! What's happening!?" he shrieked.

He arrived, EXO-M smirked.

"This is taking a long time," Luhan protested, lifting him up with his telekinesis. Xiumin froze both hands behind him.

"Sunbae-nim, mianhae," Kris said, ripping off his nametag.

"Kris, is this some kind of revenge on me?" he asked, as he was the one who ripped his nametag earlier. Kris chuckled.




"Yeah!" EXO-M cheered.

"Yah! How did you get those bodyguards!?" Jongkook asked them.

"We have a spell," BoA answered.

"Wait. That spell like before? They did it to me once! Now again!?" he noticed. EXO-M and Jessica gagged.

*Pop up balloon: Tiger's mad...*

"Yah! Show it to me!" he told them, Luhan's jaw dropped.

"Again!? It's so embarassing!" he protested in Chinese, Tao laughed at his hyung.








"SUMMON KIM JONG KOOK!" Kris said, then bursted out laughing after it in embarassment. Jongkook and the others too.

"Okay, put your balls in," Jaesuk said. They put all their balls in, again praying for it.

Crossing their fingers, the balls roamed in the lottery.

"1...2...3!" Jaesuk pulled it up...

Kris, Tao, Gary, Haha, Sukjin, Jessica, Xiumin, and Gwangsoo got punished.

"EXO-K hyungs, hwaiting!" Tao said, pumping his fist.

Next Episode Preview

Baekhyun: "Hyung, otokhae!?"

Chanyeol: "Yah! Sehun-ah!"

Kai: "Mwo? Aish!"

Sehun: "Luhannie hyung.. Help me.." *others burst out laughing*

Next episode is going to rock!

EXO-K! Hwaiting!

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WaterNinja1092 #1
Chapter 2: Low key wished Kai was in this episode...
Chapter 2: daebakkkkk! i really like ur story authornim!
please update sooooooon~ :D
authornim fighting :D
lucky9606 #3
please update ^^
Update soon!! ^^
Chapter 2: please update !!! I love it !!
Chapter 1: running man with exo would be so hilarious though omg
Chapter 1: Kyaaaaaaaaa njiiiiiii nice one you gotcha hiyeeee
Haha this seems like it'll be fun to read! Gwangsoo is my fav. In running man xD
You got yourself a subscriber right here~!! :D