
Famous Love

Yonghwa's POV

The next day, my phone rings. It's my older cousin, Seunghyun.

"Oh hi Seunghyun hyung. What's up?" I say.

"Dude, can you do me a favor? Please?!?!" He asks.

"Um.. sure." I say.

"Pick up my little sister from her day care. Please." He begs.

"Why me?! What do you have to do?" I ask.

"I have work! Come on, please?" He begs more.

"Aish.. Fine." I agree.

When I grab my jacket and head for the door, Manager Kim stops me.

"Woah woah, where are you going?" he asks.

"I have to pick up my cousin from her daycare. I'll be right back." I say.

"take Shinhye with you." He suggests.

"What?! No!! This will only take like 20 minutes!" I tell him.

Then he says that I can't leave unless I take Shinhye. What the heck...

I shove Shinhye in the car and drive as fast as I can to the daycare. Going in, I see the teacher.

"Oh! You're finally here!" the teacher says.

"Um.. yeah I guess."

"Ok, you can go help out with the coloring and the you, miss, can go hand out the snacks." She instructs.

"Wait, no what? I'm no-"

"HURRY HURRY! THE CHILDREN ARE WAITING!" She screams. Damn...vicious.

I go over to my cousin and she doesn't look that happy to see me. I try to interact with the little demons.

Meanwhile, I see Shinhye getting little milk pouches and animal crackers.
She hands them out. All the little kids go to her. Whew~ Now she can suffer.

"Look at this!" One kid shouts.
"Wow! It's an elephant!" Shinhye says.
"I have a pet elephant." says the kid.
"Woah! That's so cool!" Shinhye responds.

"One..two...three...four...five" A little girl counts her cookies.
"Wow, aren't you a smart one?" Shinhye says.
PSH. I can count to five.

I notice how the kids are all cute and nice to her but not to me.
Finally, it's nap time. Shinhye starts hugging all of the kids and then they go to sleep... weird. I guess it's because she can't kiss them to sleep?

I start to give this little boy sitting alone a hug but when I do-

"NO! I want a hug from Shinhye noona!" He screams.
"Listen. You're going to hug me and then go to sleep. Got it?" I said.
He shook his head.

Right when my fist goes in the air, Shinhye comes running and hugs him. And then she gives me an evil eye.

"I swear if you touch that kid... I'll kill you myself." She says.

What the hell. I didn't do anything.

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lol seohyun bad?? thats hard to picture since shes always the inocent maknae!
seokykyu #2
owwwwwwwwwwww..<br />
seo is a bad person here???<br />
can't imagine it..<br />
update soon pliz...
nizzyool #3
aw so Seohyunnie will be the bad girl here? x|<br />
I like the way Yonghwa & Shinhye interact up to ch 6 ;) too bad she didn't get to explain it wasn't her fault.. But I think she'll manage to tell him later, right?
nizzyool #4
and where will Seohyun be in the picture? ;)
oreocookie #5
i loove the story!!! annd why would she hate yonghwa???