I don't love you anymore

Want to give it a try?


Jessica’s POV

Yaii Today is Monday, that means….Y-U-R-I!


I want to see her so bad!

I walked down stairs, I opened the door and jumped in surprised

-“Are you okay? I didn’t mean to scare you?”

What is she doing here?

I listened someone behind me, It was my mom.

-“Jessica, don’t forg- WHAT IS SHE DOING HERE?”

-“Hi Mrs. Jung! I’m here to take you daughter to school”

-“I don’t want you to be around my daughter! Get away! I don’t like you, not even a little”

I didn’t expect to see her here, outside my house.

-“Sorry Mrs. Jung, I didn’t mean to be rude”

-“I don’t ing care what you mean!”


My mom just closed the door letting her outside….



Incoming message

From: The love of my life

Sub: What happened?!

I’m still waiting for you, is everything okay? Is there any problem?



My poor Yul…so cute!


Yuri’s POV

I’m worried about Jessica!


Incoming message

From: Sica <3

Sub: What happened?!

I’m okay, I’ll be there with you in a few minutes. Wait for me under our tree.


“Our tree” I like it, I’ll wait for her there.

I can’t wait to see her, maybe this is what they call “love”.


God…When is she coming? I’m starting to sleep here.


-“Huh?  Sica?”

-“My cute girlfriend…I told you before that you can’t sleep here! The Sun is a bad person!”

-“Bad person? What are you saying? Anyway, Why take you so long to get here?”

-“Nothing…Just nothing.”

-“Okay, let me take you to your classroom okay?”



Jessica’s POV

Why take me so long? I don’t wanted to tell her, after all is not worth it


I looked outside my window, she still there, the woman I don’t want to see, never ever again, the woman I used to love so much that It hurts……Tiffany, my ex-girlfriend. What is she doing her anyways?

I was surprised when my mom was so angry, Tiffany is the reason why my mom don’t trust Yuri, after all….Tiffany broke my heart into million pieces.

 If I don’t go out now I’m not going to get on time to my classes.

-“Hi Sica!”


-“Why so cold?”

-“Well, sorry but I have to go now….It’s getting late”

-“About that…I came back from Germany so I’m now in the same school as you! Isn’t that great?”

I didn’t say anything and just walked towards my school, she started to follow me….this is bordering me, Why now? Why did she comeback when I was starting to heal ? I hate her! I hate her for leaving me when I most needed her!

When I arrived to the school I started running to the place I was supposed to meet Yul, I can see her now! <3

·End of flashback·


It’s break time now, I can’t stop thinking about Tiffany, I don’t want to see her never again, but that’s impossible…she is now in the same school.

I went to where Yul and I always meet.

-“There you are Sica! I want to introduce you my new friend, her name is-”


-“Huh? You guys already know each other?”

Now Yuri and Tiffany are friends? This can’t be worse…..

-“Yes, I already know Jessica”

-“Oh.I see”


Yuri’s POV

I was talking with my new friend, she is funny.

I saw Sica walking towards us, I’m going to introduce Tiffany to her, I thing they are going to like each other. Maybe they can even become best friends.


-“There you are Sica! I want to introduce you my new friend, her name is-”


-“Huh? You guys already know each other?”

-“Yes, I already know Jessica”

-“Oh.I see”

She knows Sica? Now I’m curious.


-“We have to go to our classes, Yuri why don’t you go, I’ll go later, I want to go to the restroom”

-“Okay,see you later, Tiffany,Sica”

I walked away to my classroom.


Jessica’s POV

I started waking away but I felt a pair of arms around me, My cute girlfriend

-“Yul stop it, we ha-“

-“Jessica I want to talk with you”

-“Tiffany? What are you doing? Let go of me!”

-“Let me talk firsrt!”



I feel her lips on mines….

-“I still love you Jessica…”

-“I don’t love you anymore, just let me go!”

-“Why? We used to have a very nice relationship.”

-“We USED TO! Now I’m in love with Yuri!”

-“Yuri? I’ll make you mine again no matter wat!”

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Chapter 25: Entonces lo probaron?
Chapter 1: Buen inicio
Chapter 25: HAHAHAHA XD
Yuri is so innocent here... really cute..
Nice story author :D
Love yulsic and gaeny here... and congrats for donghae and siwon kekeke...
Keep up the good work author^^
buynlara #4
Chapter 17: cap 17: buahahahahahahahahahahaah *tirada en el piso agarrandome la barriga*
Chapter 25: it is a great story
please write more
Chapter 24: it is a great story
please write more
Chapter 24: wooh hahahaha XD
Chapter 23: lol… yuri is innocent??that's a lie!!! X)