Familiar Man

Prince and (wannabe) Princess

Thanks God, today Dara can wake up early in the morning and her car not broke down anymore. Because Dara still have many times to go to work, she decides to stop by to coffe shop. "One cappucino coffe please." Dara said to the waitress. Dara have to wait for the coffe. When she is waiting, Dara see the man who hitted by her last night is sitting on the table beside her. He still wears the same clothes as last night. Black cap,black jacket,black shirt and jeans. He looks mysterious with that clothes. "Miss, this's your order." Dara shocked because the waitress suddenly appears. "Oh ya, thank you." 

After the waitress is gone, Dara approach the man who hitted by her. "Hey, may I sit here?" Dara asked him. "No" Dara lift her eyebrows after hear the man's answer. "Why? I promise I won't distrurb you." "Tsk. You disturb me already." Dara just smile and sit infront of him. The man shocked when Dara suddenly sit infront of him "Why do you sit here? I said NO. Do you hear me?" "Of course I heard you. I just want to ask you something."

"About what?"

"You still remember me, right?"

"Yeah, you're the girl who hitted me last night." Answered him careful.

"Good then. Hmm, Have we meet each other before last night?"


"But why I feel you're familiar to me?" Dara noticed his face. The man looked down.

"That's just your feeling. Now, you have to stay away from me."

"You... you just drived me away?" The man nodded his head. "Ya! meanie!" Dara shouted. The man ignored her and drink his coffe. Dara who is annoyed by his attitude decide to go away from the coffe shop. "How dare him drived me away." Dara muttered. She looks at her watch. "OMG, It's 6.58 AM! I'm gonna die." She turn on her car quickly. "Oh boss will mad again. Aaah it's all because that man!"


Donghae drew his breath after Dara disappeard. "It was almost." Donghae thought. "What should I do now? I don't know where's should I go. I want to stay at hotel I'm affraid everybody realize that I'm a prince." Yeah, Lee Donghae a.k.a Donghae is a prince. He escaped from the castle because Donghae's parent forced him to marry Princess Jessica from Jung's kingdom. He doesn't like Princess Jessica, because she is spoiled and annoying. She always think that she is the prettiest girl in this world. How disgusting. Donghae massage his forhead. He remember about Dara. "Maybe... that girl can help me?" Donghae thought but he directly shook his head. "No way." But he think again "Why don't I try? She seems doesn't realize I'm a prince." "Hmm, yeah maybe I should try."


Dara looks at her stack task and sigh. Her boss mad at her again because she came late again, so, he gave Dara a stack of task. Dara refocus driving. Suddenly a man appears infront of her car. Dara stopped her car quickly. "What the hell is he doing?" Dara get out of the car and approach the man. "Are you crazy or tired of life?" Dara asked him. The man who was looked down now looked up his face. Dara shocked when the man looked up his face "YOU?!"


Because I'm free today, I decide to make this chapter too hehe.

As I promised,I make the longer one.

Sorry for typo(s) and bad grammar.

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msdeathstalker #1
Chapter 5: hahaha.. good story... update pretty please
Chapter 5: Hahahaha! Oh god these two are... -dies laughing- When I ended up thinking of Hae in black clothes... I ended up thinking of him in Pandaya. -bricked-
daramaegon #3
Chapter 5: wow this is cute and im enjoying reading this~dara wanted to be called princess by donghae who is actually a real prince,,kkk! thanks for the update:)
Chapter 4: Hahaha cute~!!!! Donghae having to call Dara a princess like that actually makes me laugh and their developing relationship is ♥♥♥. I actually wonder what Hae's thoughts are of Dara being that poor though...

Oh! And good luck on your exams!!!!
Chapter 3: OMG! I love their interaction and LOL! I just realized I added two words to the poster and background... oh well ^^ Him saying his name is Donghan made me think of Geng
Chapter 2: OMGOMGOMG! I'm actually excited. :3 So Hae's going to try to use Dara to escape Sica? I really hope he ends up falling for Dara. :3
iztah83 #7
i'll subscribe eventhough theres no foreword..because this is a #darahae fic ..
Can I make you a poster? :3

Haha I actually love the title ^^