
Only U

March, 9th.

Taeyeon put a smile on her face.

She looked at her table calendar on her desk. The date was circled widely. Of course that day was her special day. Not just a birthday, but a special birthday where every girls always celebrate it grandly, it was her 17th birthday where she was mature now.

It was 6 A.M and as usual she was so ready to school earlier than those lazy girls. She saw her reflection on a huge mirror.

*I won't grow again. I'll stop in this height. Today*

Taeyeon walked to her door and ready to greet the school. She open it when suddenly she saw Sojin standing in front of her room

"Sojin eonni?"

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY LOVELY TAENGOOO!" she shouted and give Taeyeon a super bear hug.

"A-Aigoo eonni-ya thank you so much! Congratulation 'cause you become the first who wish me a birthday wish"

"He hasn't give you a birthday wish yet?"


"I mean Lay"

Taeyeon was turned into a silent mode. She hadn't seen Lay these days. And it was so uncomfortable not to see her precious best friend. Taeyeon shook her head with a tiny smile on her face.

"He must've give you on 12:00 AM... Well, I have something good for you" Sojin said excitedly.

"What is it?"

"Are you ready for this?"

"Come on do it now. Don't take a long time. I must go to school"

"JJANNNN~~~~" Sojin put a tiny box towards Taeyeon. 

It was her first 17th birthday present. It was small but It looks so precious. Taeyeon opened it slowly. Untied the ribbon and open the box. 

"OH MY GOSH" Taeyeon surprised when she saw what's inside.

It was a guitar string, the best branded guitar string she wished for. She had wished for it since her 10th birthday and when she waited for her parents promise to buy her that thing, sadly no more parents. Lucky for her she had Sojin over there, when she lived with the family whom couldn't called like family.


Like usual, school started pretty good. Even those jerks was still exist, no one will hurt her since they know Taeyeon had a secret power of anger. But even it was a beautiful day, she felt like she missed something. 


She didn't saw Lay everywhere. He wasn't exist. He didn't hear the voice of the piano in the music room. Music room felt so blank without his exist. She used to laugh when she heard his jokes but now there was no jokes. She wondered. 

*Where Is he? Is he sick? But why he didn't talk to me anymore even? He didn't reply all mi texts. He wanted to stay away? From me? What's the reason?*

She sighed, and started to move her hands on her new strings. Played a melody of one of her and Lay's favorite song. 

"Oh gosh I'm feeling so alone" She stopped and murmuring. She was so alone and she really want to quit school today.

He wasn't exist in her special day. Very special day. He use to be on her side everytime, but now he was like away, disappear, for some reason she didn't know.

She went out from the room as long as the bell shouted loudly. She put her guitar inside her locker and put some passwords in it when suddenly she saw Luhan behind her.

"OOPS. Luhan you're here"

"Sorry for surprising noona! Well I just want to give your book back. Thanks it's so useful! I got a great score because of it!"

"Good job then! Anyway, Luhan, did you see Lay around?"

"I wanna ask that to you too. I didn't see him these days. Where's this brat going. Anyway noona HAPPY 17TH BIRTHDAY!!" Luhan cried loudly with her cheerful baby smile and give Taeyeon a tiny hug. He looked so excited like a baby who got a new pacifier.

"Thanks deer! Just go back to your class! It had started!"

Luhan nodded but he was stay still in front of Taeyeon's locker. He waved to Taeyeon who brought a few books for the next subject and still gave her a baby smile.

He put his eyes on Taeyeon's locked locker with the random numbers.

*0903 I'll try*


"Have you got noona's password?"

"I've got what you want"

Luhan tapped his fingers on his cellphone, replying Lay's text. He ran away quickly after he took something from Taeyeon's locker, when finally he succeed to unlock Taeyeon's locker.

He ran outside the school trying to go to Lay's home but the security prevented.

"Where are you going young man?!"

"Something important I must go now!"

He ran fastly such as a deer hitting that old man who prevent him. Talk too much he didn't like it.



"You got it Deer?!"


"Good deer! Have you tell the guys what to do tonight?"

"I have. Lay, next time don't do this again"

Suddenly the atmosphere was getting weird. As long as Luhan was panting, his smile was away from his baby face, and his sweat was flowing.

"W... Why? Isn't this gonna be a great birthday for noona?"

"Yes it is. But she looked so lonely without you"

"But there's so many guys exist at sch..."

"I'M TELLING YA JUST DON'T DO IT!! Even there were a hundred guys inside but she felt like there was nothing. i can see from her face"

"Alright I won't but let me do it today. NOW TELL ME HOW TO SING THIS IN KOREAN"


School finally over. Taeyeon walked heading to her locker to take her precious guitar. She put a password on it but her eyes suddenly widened when she saw something in her locker.


She was so worried, and she ran around the school. It was a huge mansion, so she was exhausted and panting so bad. But everything she did just a waste. She didn't find it, even she had ask to hundreds of people inside. Ask to the jerks and to the strangers she didn't know.

She walked home only with her small bag without carrying her heacy guitar on her shoulder.

Her face was pretty pale. Sweat everywhere. 

She got into her home, not her home. The hell. It was so silent like there was no one inside. Only her, without those sisters and bastard step mom, without her special eonni and his care appa.

Searching for her precious guitar make her arrived at home on 5 PM. It was so late, but in her special day, she felt so many weird things, and in her best day, no fortunes for her.

Enough. Enough for all of this suffers. 

She got into her room. Throw herself on the bed. She stared at the scenery that she could see from the huge window in her room. The sun was getting red. It was dark as dark as her day.

Tears flow along her face. dropped on the bed, as long as she closed her eyes.


The sky was totally dark. Her head felt so heavy. And the house was still silent. She the lamp and closed the curtain. She walked to did some wash up in the bathroom and changed her outfit into a pink baby doll. She brushed her teeth with her bangs tied up on the mirror. She felt like she really want to away from the world and greet her parents. No more happiness no more beauty in her life, no more brightness. Only tears darkness sadness and everything exist in the hell.

She threw her body again on the bed when she heard some noisy thing downstairs. finally the Jung family arrived. She didn't even care about what they did. They weren't her family. They couldn't give her a happiness in her life.

Suddenly her phone turned a light. And a beep heared. She grab it quickly. She was curious. And she hope it was from Lay.

She unlocked it but as long as her phone is a stupid gadget, it took a long time to open it because of the "hang" thing.

*Stupid phone*

At least 5 minutes, finally she saw a text message and it was from Lay. She smiled widely when she opened it but it wasn't a birthday wish as expected. Just a message without emotions that he always put everytime they were texting.

"Met me at the school hall now. Get in from the back door"

She stood up, put her sweater on and run quickly.

"Jung Taeyeon where are you going?" a stranger asked her. She didn't know who is she but she kept busy with herself.

"Taeyeon-ah, this is my sister. This is your aunt" Jung eomma introduced.

"I'm going somewhere and my name is still KIM Taeyeon and don't ever thing or hope I'll change the Kim into Jung. I'm going now"

She ran quickly before those bastards catch her and shouted some weird thing to her. It just make her suffers became worst. And she didn't want it happen in her special day.

"What an impolite girl!" that ahjumma cried with her anger face.

"Just let her go"

Taeyeon kept running to the school which were a few blocks away from her home. It was fully dark. She walked from the back door, that means she must walked along the garden, which was totally dark. She know she had a dark phobia.  And now she tried to prevent.

"Lay where are you?!"

She shouted in the dark school, no one inside. She kept denying her phobia even she was like unable to did it more.

She need to use the stairs to go to the hall 'cause the lift was off. 

Walking along the stairs to the 4th floor just like no difference with doing 100 km marathon.

She get in to the room and she saw a light. But no one inside. She called Lay in the room and her voice was echoing.

"Lay? Please tell me where are you. I don't want to feel the darknes again"


Taeyeon's heart was pumping faster and faster. The light suddenly went away and again she felt the darkness.

She walked slowly and felt everything around her.

It was extremely silent. And a few seconds later...

She heard the sound of a guitar, it was so similar with her guitar voice. It was loud. But she didn't notice who's singing. It played Lay's favorite song which he always sing that for her. A chinese song which she didn't know the meaning.

An angel voice suddenly appeared. So similar with Lay's.

The light suddenly appeared at the stage.

Yes it was Lay.

And he sing it with the Korean version one. With her LOST guitar

Even it was a bit weird.



A smile was full in her face now.

And a tears of happiness appeared.

It was out more more and more.

One word that she had got

It was the real beautiful day.

He finished it nicely. He walked headed to Taeyeon and give her precious guitar towards her.

"You're a naughty boy. Who teach you to stole things and how can you know my locker password"

"No need to know that. Happy 17th Birthday noona" he smiled a bit.

Both of them were silent and suddenly they burst a laugh.

"And.. noona I wanna ask you"

"What is it?"

"Umm... May I... come into your world? 'Cause I think I love you"

"Yes you may"

Another laugh came out. World felt like it was the world of angels, and it sounds cute.

When it comes to love.

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Hwaiting Author!
lakaransahrawi89 #2
Chapter 6: evil krystal & jessica
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Chapter 4: hope taeyeon can open up a little to lay..^^
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Chapter 2: Update soon ♥
Chapter 1: Taeyeon so pitiful~~ I feel so sad for her... ;( Update soon~~