I don't know who's Krystal Jung

Only U

SNSD - All My Love is for You


It was a full moonlight.
It shone brightly, as bright as my heart today.
It smiles towards me, smiles happily
such as my heart right now
Is he the person who knows me the best?
Like eomma has said to me before,
I'll found someone who knows me better
who can treat me better than her
Have I found him right now?

Taeyon sat on her desk, which was in front of the huge window in her room.

She starred at the full moonlight, which was shining beautifully that day. She grabbed her sketch book, and started to slide the point of the pencil on it, doing one of her hobby after moving her hand on the strings.


She ended her sketch with her sign, a unique sign that she usually make on something that belongs to her.

She felt so different. Not like the other days before.

That 3 devils didn't make a mess with her, or doing something that can make her accused, they were just enjoying their shopping day andtheir beautiful day where they could spend so much mony for skin care, for spa, and for buying something useless.

The creamy coffee that Lay gave to her that day, which made her feel better. Showed that he was so care, and he knew her so well.

Is he the real guy that eomma... means?

She kept thinking about it at night, when she wasn't able to sleep.

1:00 AM.

She took her phone, and looking for Lay's contact.

Does he already sleep?

She started to move her hands on the screen, and type some words that she would send to Lay.


"Not yet. I'm not able to sleep anymore. I think I'm insomnia, How about you, Noona?"

"Me too I can't stay with my eyes closed"

Suddenly her phone vibrated. Someone called her, It was Lay

"Yes?" she picked it up.

"Noona you can't sleep?"

"Yes, I am. So many things inside my mind"

"Stop thinking about me! Or you won't sleep this night"

"Should I stop thinking about you? Alright I'll stop that! kk~"

"You're such a riddiculous noona!"

"And you're a silly big baby"

"I'm not a baby!!"

"Yes you are.."

"Up to you"

They kept talking on the phone and it's been 30 minutes. No one heard their voice, 'cause everyone was in a deep sleep.

"Noona, It was late. You should sleep"

"I can't"

"Let me sing a lullaby for you"

"No I..."

Taeyeon stopped suddenly. Even Lay has a weird Korean accent but he has a great voice. She kept listen to Lay's voice who sang a Korean Lullaby, a lullaby that her mom always sang for her when she was a little girl, when she was unable to sleep.

Her mind suddenly flashback.

A tears suddeny flow from the point of her eye, dropped one by one.

She could felt the warmness of a hug, as long as the song flowing.

It was so warm

So comfortable

That could bring her

To the dreamland

That could bring her

to the peaceful place

where she could close her eyes.


"Yah Lay!" Luhan shouted, walked towards him with a tray on his hand.

"Hey Xiaolu"

"How are you? I haven't seen you these days"

"Pretty good" Lay replied with his weak voice, showed that he was really tired.

Luhan starred at his eyes. It was black around it. Like someone who hadn't sleep for many years. Lay looked so damn tired, and he looked so messy with his style which was similar to someone who already awake from his sleep.

"Hey, are you.. okay?"

"I am. Just... Having a less time for sleeping"

"But, you really okay, don't you?"

"I am.. Don't worry"

Luhan saw Taeyeon walked with her lunch, looking for somewhere to seat.

"Let me give you somethng that can make you feel better!"

Luhan raised his hand and shouted to Taeyeon


"Yah! What are you doing?!"

Lay tapped on Luhan's shoulder, asked him like he was in the big trouble.

Taeyeon came closer, and she took a seat next to Lay. She sat beside him closely.

"Hi Lay ^^" Taeyeon greeted him nicely, with her tiny sweet smile towards him.

No more words can describe who was him when he got some smile from Taeyeon.

Just one word.


"I'm done with my lunch, and I must help Mr. Kang with his paperworks. I'll leave now! Bye noona, Bye Lay! See you later! Have a great lunch!"

"Yah! Lu... Luhan!'

Luhan ran fastly like a little deer, left Lay alone with Taeyeon.

Taeyeon starred at Lay, she saw his bruised eye.

"Lay, are you okay?" she hold his arm softly

He nodded and smiled a bit

"I'm okay..."

"You look so tired. Did you sleep late yesterday"

"Hmm.. not too late. Just 15 minutes after I called you"

Exactly, I'm not sleeping yesterday

"Go finish your lunch and let's have some walk at the park! I'll wait for you"

He ate his papaya salad, that he like the most. He ate it well, and after both of them finished, they have some walk in the park, where usually the music major students use that place for composing or doing something that needs to be thought.

Both of them walked, feeling the fresh air that day.



"Thanks for the lullaby last night. I like it"

"Y... You're welcome"

"It was the lullaby that my mom always sang for me when I was a little girl. She always sang it for me when I was unable to sleep at night"

"S.. Sorry if I make you remember about your mom again"

"That's fine. No problem"

Suddenly Taeyeon grabbed Lay's wrist, tightly, and ask him something.

"Ah, Lay! Do you like composing or... arranging some song?"

"I like composing but... It was a little bit hard to do... so that's why I like arranging the most"

"How about doing that this evening? I'll come to your home!"

"No, you shouldn't. I'll come to your home. It's bad for a girl to go out alone at night, even our home is only several miles"

"Up to you. Okay then I'll wait for you at 6! I think the break is over. See ya!"

Taeyeon ran away from him, waved her hand, and gave him again a nice smile that he like the most, more than everything in this world.


"Hyung I'm going out!"

"Where are you going, huh?"

"I'm going to go to... Luhan's home! Yeah, Luhan's home"

"Hold on"

Minho walked away, and come back with some stuffs that could make him look like a celebrity in his school. He smeared some thing on Lay's hair.

"Yah hyung! stop it!"

"Shut up Lay"

"I'm not going to met a girl! I'm going to met a deer!"

"No, you're going to met a girl"

How can he know that I'm going to Noona's home?!

"Have a great day with noona! She looked so beautiful in your wallpaper! I like it!"

He gave Lay a cellphone, it was Lay's.


Lay starred at his phone for several minutes.

Minho hyung knows everything inside my phone? And of course he saw my wallpaper. DAMN

"I see your phone was charged in my room, and sorry if I take it without your permission"

"I'm looking for this like crazy and it was on your hand?! How dare you hyung!" he pushed Minho.

"Ssshh! Now go Lay, girls don't like waiting the most!"

"You're such a bastard hyung!"

Lay walked away from him. He slammed the door.

Lay... you're such a cute teenage boy... So cute when you're in love


"Jess Eonniiii!!" Krystal went into Jessica's room when she was with her school uniform, she was crying a lot.

She grabbed Jessica.

"Kr... Krys? You.. okay?"


Krystal kept crying. She was unable to stop. Her big sister, Jessica, was trying to calm her.

"Keep calm Krys... keep calm. Hold on your tears, and tell me what's your problem"

"Taemin oppa..."

"What's wrong with your boy?"

"We're... We're break up"

"WHAT?! W.. Why?!"

"Well, He said that, we can't stay any longer. Just because he saw him having dinner with Seungyoon oppa last weekend. I've told him that there was no relationships between us! But he didn't wanna know.."

"Well... just believe... there was so  many guys who are more than him. Don't worry. You'll get someone better"

"I hope so.."

Suddenly, she heard the doorbell rang.

"Who's that?" Krystal raised, and went to the balcony near the room.

She saw a boy, with his purple T-Shirt, standing in the terrace.

He was so damn handsome.

More than Taemin.

"Eonni Eonni come here!!!"


"Who's that boy?"

"I don't know..."

"He's so handsome Oh gosh!!"


"G.. Good evening, noona" Lay bowed

"You must be Lay"

"Yes, I am.. And... Is Tae..."

"I'll call her. Come in and took a seat"


He put off his shoes, and walked inside the room. He sat on the luxurious living room.

What a lucky noona. She was being adopted with a rich family

He heard the footstep from the stairs wich was smeared with the golds. He saw legs, and it looks like a girl's leg. He thought it was Taeyeon. So he stood up and walked near the stair.

"Hi, oppa!"

No.. this is not Taeyeon noona. Who's this girl?

"H... Hai.. May I see... Taeyeon noona?"

"Just wait here, she'll come soon"

It was Krystal, the youngest daughter in that home. She grabbed Lay's arm tightly, and asked him to go back to seat. She sat next to him closely.

She began to act like she was a professional model, with her exotic acts.

"So.. Let me introduce myself. I'm Krystal Jung. The famous professional model"

She gave him her hand.

Lay was starred him awkwardly.

"I.. I'm Lay"

Oh gosh who's this girl. Ergh. I never see a professional model named Krystal Jung after many years I live here.

"So... oppa, where do you come from? You aren't like a Korean guy..."

"I'm Chinese"

"Really? Wow.. great! And... are you Taeyeon eonni's friend?"

"Yes I am. I'm her best friend"

He tried to release his hand from Krystal's trap. But his arm was totally trapped. She grabbed his ark tightly.

"Umm... do you think she's a... good girl?"

Oh God please help me. Noona, come on! I want to get out from this girl's flirt!

Suddenly she saw a footstep from the gold stair.

It was Taeyeon.

"Sorry Lay I make you..."

Suddenly Lay pulled his hand out from Krystal's trap and stood up.

"Noona! Finally you're here"

Taeyeon starred at Krystal, then move it to Lay. She starred awkwardly like someone who wants to know what's going on.

"Are you ready Lay?"


"Let's go follow me!"

Lay ran to Taeyeon agressively, and put his hand along Taeyeon's neck.

He.. is Taeyeon's... He must be mine!!

Krystal ran upstairs, to her sisters room.

She got in and slammed the door. Her face looked happy.

"Why? Success?"

"That boy, his name is Lay. He's Chinese and he was so.. handsome!"

She threw her body on the bed.

"But... He was Taeyeon's best friend, and they look so close like someone who are dating"



"It's easy Krys. It was Taeyeon. Only Taeyeon! You can easily get him from Taeyeon!"

"You sure?"

"I'm so sure. I'll help you"

"Really?! I love you Jess!"


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Hwaiting Author!
lakaransahrawi89 #2
Chapter 6: evil krystal & jessica
lakaransahrawi89 #3
Chapter 4: hope taeyeon can open up a little to lay..^^
pyudding #4
Chapter 2: Update soon ♥
Chapter 1: Taeyeon so pitiful~~ I feel so sad for her... ;( Update soon~~