Chapter 9

For The Love Of The Game
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Today is Yoona's birthday and she still didn't go to school after the incident. She still wants to leave no matter what. But she told herself to go for one last day which is the last softball game for school. As she walked down the stairs in her uniform holding on to her softball equipment, her dad seen her. He was surprised to see that she's dressed to go to school. He put the last plate down on the table and asked her.

"I thought you said you didn't want to go there anymore. Why are you dressed?"

"Appa, it's the last day for me to play softball. The season will be over after today, I just want to finish it before I leave." She said putting the bags down.

"I understand. Oh Yeah. Happy Birthday sweetie." He said giving her a kiss on her forehead and then pulled out a present for her.

"Appa, you know I hate when you do this. I don't want to celebrate my birthday which also mean I don't want any present to remind me it's my birthday."

"Yoona ah, just let it go for today. You should celebrate this day sweetie."  He looked into her eyes hopeing she would agree.

"I don't want to so stop trying to make me!" She yelled

"Okay, okay. I wont bring it up again. But at least open it."

"I don't want to." She threw it back on the table and started to eat.

The door bell then rings, Mr.Im walked to it and opend the door. Taecyeon then appeared infront of him in his uniform.

"Taecyeon sshi, it nice to see you but what are you doing here this early?"

"I wanted to see the birthday girl this morning." He looked at Yoona up and down, seeing that she is wearing the school uniform,

"Your going to school today? I thought you said you didn't want to go there anymore."

"I asked her the same thing. She said its because its the last softball game." Her dad answered his question while Yoona was just eating ignoring Taecyeon presence in her house.

"Ah, that's right and they need their star player today." He said while sitting next to her. Taking one of the toast made by her father and put it in his mouth. Yoona just looked at him with disbelief.

"I'm going to school now. See you later appa" She said grabbing her bags and heading to the door. 

"Birthday girl! Wait for me, let's go together." He said stumbling to stand up on his own two feet.

"I don't want to." She finished putting on her shoes and grabbed her softball equipment and left. Taecyeon just chased after her.

They were walking together in silence when Taecyeon decided to break it. He stopped and held Yoona's arm, making her look at him, He takes something out of his backpack and brought it towards her.

"Yoona ah, here." He gives her gift. "Happy Birthday."

"I dont' like gifts, you should go get your money back." SHe said while trying mto give him the gift back.

"Aniyo, it's for you. I'm not taking it back. This is a special gift for you since I probably won't see you again." He said looking down at his feet.

"Why do you sound like your about to die or something?" She said looking at him.

"Since I'm graduating before and going to play in professionals baseball leauge. I won't get the chance to see you like this."

"Is that so." She looked at the gift in her hand then back at him. "I'll keep the gift then since it will remind me how annoying you are."

"Ya! I'm not annoying. Your just stubborn. It's really hard liking you."

'Then don't like me. I didn't ask for you to like me and I also didn't ask you to talk to me. Now if you don't mind I would like to get to school now." she said and kept walking leaving Taecyeon behind. She put his gift in her pocket without looking at it.

They finally got to school and Yoona decided to go to the girls locker room to drop her equipment off first before heading to class. TAecyeon decided to wait for her outside, but that idea changed when his friends came up and talked him into going to class with them. Yoona left the locker room and headed to the class room but she bumped into someone really hard. She looked up and see a very handsome guy looking down on her.

"I'm so sorry about that." He said in english. Yoona couldn't understand him.

"I don't understand you. Your not from here are you?" She looked at him from head to toe. "You look Korean though. You can't speak korean?"

"I'm not really good with speaking it, but I understand it very well." He said in english again making Yoona even more confused.

"Aish! I wished I could speak english. How could I be top of the class if I can't even speak english well?" She said to herself

"I'm actually new here. I'm looking for this classroom. Can you tell me where it is?" He said pointing at the paper.

"Ah~ your in my class. But you do know that the school year is almost over right?" She asked him.

"Yeah I know. Ah, that's right you don't understand me." He took out a pen and wrote down what he wanted to say.

"Ah, I see. Your eomma must be a busy person to keep making you change school. Well since your in my class I'll show you the way."

"AH. By the way my name is Choi Seunghyun." He said bringing his hand out to her.

"I'm someone who you don't want to be close with." She said and ignore his handshake and kept walking.

"She could at least told me her name." He said and followed her.

They get to the class and the teacher was already there. She was surprised to see Yoona coming to class today after missing so much of school. She then looked at the tall student that followed Yoona into the classroom.

"And who are you?" She asked him, making the whole class look back at him.

"I'm Choi Seunghyun. I'm new to the school." He said in english. The teacher understood and told him to sit next to Yoona.

"So your name is Yoona? It's a pretty name." He said in korean while looking at Yoona

"Thanks, my eomma gave it to me. I just realized that you said it in korean." She looked at him with wide eyes

"I told you I wasn't good at it, not that I couldn't speak it." He said in korean again and looked away from Yoona

TAecyeon was watching the scene from afar with his teammate.

"I heard that kid is really good at playing baseball. I wished he was here earlier, maybe we wouldn't have been losing so many games"

"Who needs him? We did fine without him." He said with a angry tone in is voice.

"You did fine as a pitcher but the rest of the team looked like out there."

"No you guys didn't. You guys helped me murder every play." Taecyeon said trying to convince his teammate that they did do good.

"Whatever man. It looks like the new kid is hitting on Yoona ssi." He said making Taecyeon look back at Yoona and the new student.

"Why is she smiling and talking to him?" He said in a jealous voice and his teammate caught on to it.

"Your jealous of the new student, aren't you?" He said in a joking voice

"What? No!" Everybody in the class looked at him. He appologized to the teacher for disturbing her class. "I'm not jealous of him."

"I heard he is also going to play in the baseball league. I guess you have a rival now." He said settling back into his seat and started to pay attention.

"It looks that way don't it?" Taecyeon said to himself still looking at the new student and Yoona.

School was now finshed and Yoona had to get dressed for the last game of the season. On her way to the locker room a group of voices stopping her from going any father. When she looked back she seen her teammates with a cake in their hand.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY YOONA AH!!!" They all yelled out to her. 

"Um, thank you. I really don't celebrate my birthday though. You guys really didn't have to do that."

"We wanted to and plus you helped us this far." One of her teammate said.

"And we heard that you would be leaving after this game. We wanted to give you something to remember us."

"Thanks you guys. But I perfer you guys playing with your hearts instead of getting me a cake that I find pointless in."

"Quit your ing and cut the cake Yoona." The toughest teammate said to her. Making Yoona do as she said.

They ate cake and headed to the locker room and changed into their softball uniform. Yoona was the last one to come out of the locker room when she heard a voice yelled out her name. She looked at the tall male student that she just met today.

"I didn't know you played softball" He said looking at her from head to toe.

"There is a lot of things you don't know about me. Your a new kid remember?" She said to the tall student.

" That's true, but it feels like I have known you my whole life." He said with a smile on his face. Yoona just turned

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sorry still working on both chapter, been really busy please wait for me


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gween97 #1
Chapter 31: oh my, i think yoona died! you really surprise me. yes a happy ending story, i love happy ending.. but so sad this story is end huhu wait your new storh update dear
Chapter 31: What a beautiful ending authornin. Thank you so much for this story. I can't wait for your next story. Alwaysss keep the faith. Fighting TaecYoon Shipperss <3 . Advance Happy Birthday to you
Chapter 31: OMGGG sweet ending love the story author-nim!!! waiting for the new story!
steiyoon #4
Chapter 31: Thank you for the happy ending!
Soshisone93 #5
Chapter 31: THANK YOU!!! :D
Love TaecYoon Until The End!!!
Really anticipated your new story... :)
Kamsahamnida for make this story, it's really daebak jjang!!! :D
gween97 #6
Chapter 30: why this story became a complete when the last chapter still not showing?

Btw, success for your school:)
Soshisone93 #7
Chapter 30: I'm waiting for the last chap... :)
Success for your college too, but don't make us wait too long... ;)
steiyoon #8
Chapter 30: Don't take too long on your last chapter......i'm waiting on your fabulous & superb ending!