For(N)Ever [HIATUS]

Luhan’s POV

I placed Mina on the gurney once I saw it on front of me. She was rushed to a separate room to get better treatment. I sat on the bench that was placed next to the room that Mina was in. I felt the tears falling as I was thinking of Mina. I heard the door open on my right and saw her parents holding flowers. They walked up to me. They were about to greet me until they saw the tears falling down from my eyes.

“I’m sorry Mr. and Mrs. Shin,” I started, “I really wanted to bring your daughter out today for a small picnic but out of nowhere, she started getting headaches and she was complaining about how much it hurts,” I felt the wall up against my back so suddenly. I stared straight ahead and saw Mr. Shin angered face.

“Are you saying it’s possibly your fault that our daughter might die because of you!?” I nodded, knowing this was going to happen. Mrs. Shin was trying to prevent her husband from hurting me.

“Stop it honey, I don’t think Luhan knew!”

“He knew her condition! He should’ve known that she wasn’t healthy enough to go anywhere!”

“I’m sorry Mr. Shin but the doctor said she should be healthy enough to withstand the whole day. If I knew that was going to happen to her, I would’ve just let her stay here,” I burst in tears and I fell on my knees. “I’m sorry! I’m so sorry! If I could, I would turn back time so I can just prevent myself to even think of taking her out!”

“Luhan honey, stand up. We know it wasn’t your intention for this to happen,” Mrs. Shin held my arm to help me get up. “For now, let’s wait for Mina out here,” she said. I nodded and let Mr. and Mrs. Shin sit on the bench that was built for two people. I sat on the floor in front of Mina’s door.

Time passed by and Mina was still in that room. Her parents were already asleep while I just stared at the door. My eyes were starting to droop. Before I knew it, I was already asleep.

I walked around the garden, looking at all of the flowers that were grown here. I saw lilies, daises, and many more. I walked passed a path and noticed that it was roses. They were arranged by color. I walked pass the red, yellow, green, blue, pink, and the last color were white, Mina’s favorites. I looked up and noticed a girl. Her back was faced towards me. She had long black hair, wearing a goddess like white dress.

“Do you remember our first date?” she turned around and noticed that it was Mina. She was holding a white rose in her hand and wearing a floral headband around her head. The light was shining on her like she was an angel.

“I do. I took you to an Italian restaurant and we were both dressed up nicely. The servers kept calling us a cute couple and everyone there as well. I took you dancing and we moved gracefully with each other. We were both so happy,” I recalled that time. She wore a simple and elegant gown that night. It was white with pink lining. It was one of the happiest moments of my life.

“Do you remember the flowers you gave me?”

“I gave you pink roses.”

“Do you remember what I said?”

“Pink roses stands for admiration. Just giving me one could’ve been enough but giving me a whole dozen, you must admire me a lot.”

“You remember what I said after that?”

“You said I should give you white roses when we get married.”

“Remember why?”

“Because it stands for a happy marriage, happy love, and a happy future.” I noticed Mina looking down at the white rose that she was holding. She sighed and I thought I saw her tears falling.

“I wish we can still get married,” she cried. I ran up to her and hugged her tight. My tears started to come out as well. “I wish I wasn’t diagnosed with brain cancer! I could’ve still been with you! We could’ve had kids together! We would’ve been happy and grow old together!” She just cried on my chest. I just cried on her head.

“Mina, I do too. But if you love something, set it free,” I pulled her away and looked into her eyes, “I don’t want to do this and hurts to but if this is how our story ends, we need to close the book. We need to realize that we don’t have any kind of happy ending! I’m sorry Mina but I love you enough to let you go,” I held onto her shoulders. I was shaking while my tears were falling. Mina was lost in words.

“You’re right Luhan,” she walked up to me and hugged me. “This will be my last time to hug you,” she tiptoed up and kissed me. “That will be the last time I kissed you. This will be the last time I say I love you,” she walked back and began to disappear.

“I love you too,” my heart is breaking. She started to dissolve with the air and before she completely disappeared, a tear fell on the floor.

She’s gone.

The flowers around me died. Browning away what used to be their beautiful colors.

I woke up when Mr. Shin was shaking me to wake up. There was a doctor in front of us.

“Please tell us doctor, how is she?” Mrs. Shin was holding onto the doctor’s arms.

“I’m sorry to say Mr. and Mrs. Shin but Mina couldn’t make it through the procedure,” they fell on the knees while I just stayed planted on the floor. “She wanted me to tell Luhan that she’s sorry that she had to leave so suddenly,” the doctor left us. I got up from my current position and walked out of the hospital. The rain was falling and I’m left being soaked. I just watch the rain while my tears blended in. I looked at the dark sky and watched the rain fall.

Goodbye Mina…

Always know that I love you…


This was supposed to be update yesterday but I didn't have the time for it since I was enjoying a day with family I don't normally see in a regular basis so couldn't have time for it. But since I didn't get to greet you guys 


Merry Christmas~

Well late Christmas but whatever... 

So I hope all of you enjoyed your Christmas day and loved your presents (because I did) (I got a freakin Exo poster! Who would love that?) 

Anyways, I told you guys I would upate... 

I hope this chapter is a emotional for how I planned it to be... 

Also, this is the end of past number 2 so the next time I update will be a whole new different time period! 

I hopefully will be updating soon and before January 6th. 

For those who are new, if you enjoy my story, don't be afraid to subscribe and comment. Comments make me happy ^^

Until next time, annyeong~

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I think this is gonna be a very successful story someday
Wow this idea is really unique
Kahanbo123 #3
Chapter 4: I just cried....thanks! Lol
love00kpop #4
Chapter 8: Seriously you should be a writer I love them more please...it's cute and sad T_T
Pentium1 #5
Chapter 6: hahahaha authornim your confessions are so funny...anyways keep updating neh?
Chapter 5: assa !!!
Finally you update

So, this time the one who will die is Mina??
Chapter 4: woah....
this story is something
I love this chappie
update more author nim~
Potaytoes #8
Woah this is fresh. Kinda love rain style am I right? Anyways, I love the plot and story! Fighting~
KPOP_survivor #9
Chapter 1: omo bad luhan~so rude hehe=^^^= plz update soon interesting