
Diary of an Equinox




18th September 2004


Sirens filled up the cold air as two injured bodies were being rushed to the hospital. A black Mercedes car followed behind, holding up two passengers.


“Ahjussi, will Omma and Appa be okay?” 9 years old Kim Hwayoung asked to her parent’s manager. She was crying the whole way. Her eyes have gotten so red and her tiny face was covered by tears.


“Of course young master. I can assure you they’re going to be fine,” Manager Yoo said, holding up his tears, knowing that his two masters have 0% chance in surviving.


2571 years old Jung Daehyun heard their conversation and knew that Manager Yoo was lying. He could feel some pain in his heart, but he knew he couldn’t do anything. He was, after all, Kim Hwayoung’s guardian, not her parents’. This was beyond his powers and was controlled by the Great One.


Goma*, himnae. I will send you chocolates and candies from here okay? So don’t cry. (*Goma; little kid)

Mr. and Mrs. Kim was one of the most respected people who owned a business partnership through out South Korea. Hwayoung, being the only daughter of the household, was loved by the couple more than anything in the world.


Everyday, Mrs. Kim would read Hwayoung a bedtime story and kissed her goodnight. Mr. Kim would send his men to buy Hwayoung the best birthday presents. A love like this, it would be devastating to give it up. But now, now that the couple is gone, Hwayoung had to give it up.


“Omma! Appa! Please don’t leave me! Omma!!” Hwayoung screamed her lungs out when her parents’ bodies are being taken to the corpse room. Their pale face was being covered with a white cloth, and Hwayoung could only look at them in despair.


“Omma…” she squeaked, losing her voice after the screaming and yelling she did.


“Young master…” Manager Yoo bowed his head in front of young Hwayoung to show his condolences.


Hwayoung stared at him, teary eyed, “They’re still here, aren’t they? This is just a joke right? Please… please tell me this is a joke,”


“I’m afraid not young master… the mourning ceremony will be held tomorrow. Once again, I am sorry for your loss,” Manager Yoo bowed his head lower, staring at the young girl who’s crying on her knees.


9 years old Hwayoung knew that her parents wouldn’t ever come back and give her that warm embrace. She knew that little by little, she had to move on.


“Goma, I will take care of your parent’s inheritance. Until then, you can stay at my place. It’s my duty to protect you,” Manager Yoo straightened Hwayoung’s dress and carried her in his arms.


And my duty too!


“Yoo ahjussi, thank you for being a guardian to me, but I can’t possibly live with you. I’ll only be a burden to you and your son,” Hwayoung sniffed, finishing her last round of crying.


“No Hwayoung-ah. I’ve been treated much better by your parents. This is the least I can do,” Manager Kang smiled.


“Thankyou. Thankyou for everything,” Hwayoung hugged Manager Kang tightly, deciding that from this day onwards, she would see him as a father.


9 years old Hwayoung is going to see the world for the first time ever. Being the only daughter of the Kim household, she didn’t really have the permission to play in the streets like any other kids do. But now she wanted to make a change.




8 years later… 6th January 2012


“Ahjumma! One radish please. Oh and also a bag of onions will do too,” a 17 years old girl, with hair as dark as raven and eyes that shine so brightly captivated a few university boys and ahjussis along the way.


It was her morning routine to go to the market and picked up some of the best products for her to bring home and cook breakfast for her family. After that, she’d go to school and be the diligent student she is. After school, her destination would be the Café Bookstore in Hongdae. That way she can earn more money and apply to the university she wanted to go to.


“Aigoo Hwayoung-ah, coming here every single day and buying groceries are jobs for us ahjummas, not a young lady like you. You should get ready for school! Add a little bit of make up or even perm your hair,” One of the ahjummas said, leaving the other ahjummas nodding in agreement, “Who knows someday you’ll bring your boyfriend over here,” they giggled.


“Ah boyfriend is something I’ll need when I have the time. Right now, all I’m thinking of is earning money for the Kang family,” Hwayoung smiled, taking a bag of fresh picked vegetables and paying the ahjumma.


“How I wish I had a daughter like you,” the ahjumma smiled, receiving the money and bid goodbye to the young lady.


Hwayoung enjoyed every single seconds of the ride back home as the breeze trickled her pale skin. She remembered how determined she was to buy groceries every morning a few years ago, and how she insisted on Youngjae Oppa to teach her how to ride the bicycle. The wounds from a few years ago were still visible on Hwayoung’s knees, arms and hands, but those are the things that could make her smile even until now.


“Youngjae Oppa! Can you help take in the groceries for me?” Hwayoung called her brother, her no-blood-related brother. Youngjae appeared not so long after and carried the heavy paper bags as Hwayoung took the milk that was left in front of the gate.


“Oppa, what do you want to eat today?” Hwayoung smiled, satisfied at the amount of food she bought that morning.


“Hmm… how about kimchi fried rice?” Youngjae said. Hwayoung nodded in agreement and started taking out the rice she cooked yesterday and a box of kimchi from the fridge. Youngjae washed his hands and was about to help his beloved sister when his shoulder was being pulled by someone.


“Aigoo… Don’t they look like newlyweds?” A low voice was heard, followed by laughter.


“Yongguk hyung! You surprised me,” Youngjae laughed.


“What’s the breakfast for today chef Kim?” This time, it was a pretty looking boy.


“Why if it isn’t our royal majesty, Kim Himchan!” Hwayoung smiled, frying the kimchi in the hot pan.


“Is it kimchi fried rice?” A dorky looking boy peered over the stove.


“Yes Jongup, now if you’ll excuse me, I have stomachs to feed,” Hwayoung dumped a big bowl of rice into the pan. She looked around, realizing she’s missing an ingredient. Hwayoung thought for a moment before remembering where she placed the sesame oil, “Can someone help me take the sesame oil from that top cupboard?” She said shyly, cursing herself for having a short body.


“I’ll help you noona!” a tall boy stood up from the table and stretched his long arms, grabbing the tiny sesame bottle.


“Thank you Zelo,” Hwayoung continued cooking.


By this time, the BAP boys are their lips like hungry hyenas waiting for prey. It was that moment when the kitchen was filled by that wonderful scent of home foods. The boys stared at Hwayoung in wonder as she served the kimchi fried rice in a huge bowl.


For almost 4 years, Hwayoung had been living with the BAP boys. BAP boys? Yes, they are the Best Absolute Perfect boys in the district. The five of them are high schoolers, attending the same school with Hwayoung. Since their schools are far from their houses, they decided to move somewhere closer. And here they are, living in the Yoo’s crib.


The first member of BAP is Yoo Youngjae, the owner of this marvelous rental house (co-owner I suppose, since the house itself was owned by his father). Judging by his appearance, people could tell he was a smart guy. He was, after all, the smartest one among the five boys. Youngjae’s favorite thing to do: studying. Hell yeah he was a nerd, but a hot one indeed. Girls would line up just to talk to him. Being the most popular one out of the five boys doesn’t stop him in reaching his dream on becoming an international soccer player.


Next member to join is Bang Yongguk. Although Youngjae was the first one to create this group and practically owned the house, it was Yongguk who stepped in and became leader. If people saw him at first glance, they’ll think he’s this rough, rude gangster who’ll do anything to get girls’ attention, but no, he’s not like that. Yongguk may seem to be a stern looking boy when he’s actually incapable of getting angry to the ones who are close to him. When he came into this house, he was known as the quiet boy who doesn’t know how to express himself. But a little later, Hwayoung and the Yoos found out he got this deep passion in hiphop music.


Next one, the maknae. Jun Hong came in when he was still in elementary school. His parents had to go to Japan a few times in a month, leaving him alone at home. They decided it’s best to keep him with the Yoos since the Chois are pretty close to them. That is how Jun Hong joined the BAP boys. How he got the name Zelo… that’s a pretty long story. Yongguk wanted to have a little brother named Zelo ever since the series Captain Zelo ended in 2004 (I made that series up hehehe). And Jun Hong was known as Zelo ever since.


Himchan and Jongup came in together a year after Zelo arrived. They lived in a boarding house before in the outskirts of Seoul, but they felt bored and decided to move out.


BAP was created by Yongguk, obviously being the oldest means controlling everything, and Hwayoung was included until she was 14 when she thought she needed a girl in the group to accompany her but the boys told her it’s a big no to include another girl. Hwayoung then decided to leave, but they remain as Best Friends Forever till now.


“Okay, now get you lazy asses on the run otherwise we’ll miss the bus,” Hwayoung banged the pan using the spoon, ordering the boys as if they’re cows.


“Arasseo… sometimes I think you’re the mom here, when it should’ve been me,” Himchan pouted. The other boys laughed, enjoying the bright morning before going off to school.


“Youngjae Oppa,” Hwayoung said, as soon as the boys left. The two of them are still in the kitchen, cleaning the tables and washing the dishes, “You don’t have to act like we’re all close during school you know. It’s going to be a burden for you and the BAP boys,”


Youngjae stared at her, giving her a deep meaning from his eyes, “Hwayoung-ah, I don’t care what the other students will think. You’re my sister-“


“Adopted sister,” Hwayoung butted in.


“Okay fine, adopted sister, but still you’re my sister okay? And I can’t stand it seeing you being bullied,” Youngjae circled his arm around Hwayoung, splattering water and foam all over her clothes.


“Yah! Don’t ruin my clothes,” Hwayoung pouted, “Sometimes I think you’re like a boyfriend than a brother,” Hwayoung threw her brother’s arms off and went upstairs.


“Oh so it is like that then? Okay. Honeeeey! Don’t leave meeee!” Youngjae joked. He wiped his hands and hurriedly up the stairs, and joked around with Hwayoung a little more.


and that… is the definition of a perfect morning.

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--daedreamer #1
Chapter 2: Ahaha, this seems really interesting! I'll be anticipating your next update! xD