
Diary of an Equinox


22nd September 1995


I am a Reborn.


My name is Jung Daehyun. Well at least that’s what The Great One named me. I’m 2562 in age but I lived in a body of a 19 year old.


You see here, I’m an equinox. I’m sure I’ve mentioned that hundredths of time in my past journals, but we have to start over our journals when we turned into Reborns. Journals? Lame! I know. I’m not sure why I had to write this too. But I’ve spent 2652 years writing, so I guess I’m pretty used to it. No biggie.


Reborns are equinoxes that had died and rose back to life and become a guardian angel for a new baby. (Yes I had to write that in the first page of my journal. It’s the rule. Or whatever.)  I’m wondering what kind of person I’d be guarding for the next … 100 years? I don’t know, people these days seem to die a lot faster than they did in the past.


Oh I have to explain about Equinoxes too. You seriously can’t compare us to white winged angels that seemed to glow. We’re different than that. Way different.


We do have wings, but they’re not particularly white and they don’t glow. They’re grey. Dust grey.


Angels are created to be a guardian to every human being. Us equinoxes are created to be a guardian to those lucky ones who are born on the 22nd September or 20th March. And today is the 22nd September. Time to see the new baby!


Oh and one last thing:


     I, Jung Daehyun, pledge to be an everlasting guardian. To guide them into the light devotedly, for they are consigned to me, and only me. I will never fall in love with them, for I will fight the lust until the end of time. And I, Jung Daehyun, will start the Vocation.



Hey guys! Just wanted to tell you that the parts of stories that are written in the font above there is going to be Daehyun's POV and diary(or journal, doesn't matter) and the stories that are written in the font i'm writing with right now is going to be the narrator's POV. i don't want you to get mixed up.


PLUS I'm going to be focusing more on finishing my Jotwins fic, so i'm saying sorry in advance for the super late updates for this story. but i will try my best to upload it on time :-)




thankyou! ppyong <3

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--daedreamer #1
Chapter 2: Ahaha, this seems really interesting! I'll be anticipating your next update! xD