New friend?

Not Another Fairytale


The following morning when Hee Rin woke up, she practically jumps off the bed after she glanced at the clock that was beeping ‘7:00.’ She tiptoed out of the room for Myungsoo not to wake up and exhales as she successfully made her way down the stairs without bothering her husband’s sleep.

The King gave Myungsoo a one week leave from work for his honeymoon. He didn’t plan for honeymoon though. Once again, he didn’t ask Hee Rin’s side if she wants to go out of town for their honeymoon. But either way, she doesn’t really care about it either, since for her, going out of town doesn’t really have that difference than staying at home with your special someone.

“Omo! You scared me” Hee Rin yelps as she was greeted by a middle aged woman wearing a maid’s uniform when she steps in the kitchen. The woman bowed at her with a small smile and Hee Rin did the same.

“I’m Ara, one of the maids the Queen sends” She introduced and Hee Rin furrowed her brows. *Maids? Do we really need them?* she asked herself. It’s not like she doesn’t agree with the Queen’s decision but she think to herself that since it’s just her and Myungsoo living there, she was sure enough that they can handle things there themselves. It was not a big task to do for Hee Rin and besides, she has nothing to do than to clean the house and serve her husband everyday.

“O-okay.. Nice to meet you too” she smiles and Ara was quite wondering how can someone smile so pretty like Hee Rin does. “Should I call you unnie?” Hee Rin asks and Ara absentmindedly nodded, still lost in her daze.

“I’m going to cook then Ara unnie” Hee Rin waves and was about to skip towards the refrigerator to check something to cook when Ara stops her. She skidded to a stop and stared at the maid curiously.

“You don’t have to do that Miss” She mumbles while ducking her head down, paying Hee Rin a respect. “Prince Myungsoo also hire chefs to cook here” She states and Hee Rin gawked at her. “CHEF?!!” she shrieks and coughs. It’s kind of too much!! She would think. Getting a bit dizzy just by thinking of the maids and chefs serving just the two of them.

“But I would like to cook for my husband though” She sadly spoke and pursed her lips. Ara apologetically bows at her before walking away to start her duty, leaving Hee Rin sighing to herself while gazing at the doors of the kitchen, thinking what she’s going to cook if ever she got the chance to.

When the breakfast was laid on the long expensive wooden table, Hee Rin eyed every dish with her jaw dropping. Thinking how on earth will they finish all of this? And not to mention that it looks so delicious, even how the chefs presented it was no doubt a high class. It was fantastic in a way that Hee Rin couldn’t imagine herself living with this kind of wealth.

Myungsoo just starts eating his breakfast as if everything in front of him was just nothing. Anyway, he live his whole life experiencing this kind of things and it was just like a normal thing for him… Not for Hee Rin though.


As days passed by, everything became familiar to Hee Rin little by little. She was adjusting with everything around her very well. She was also kind of thankful that they have maids to accompany her whenever she feels bored and want someone to talk to, but of course they couldn’t speak to her comfortably and it’s as if they can’t look her right in the eyes when they were conversing. She tells them that they don’t have to treat her like that and just drop the formalities, she just wants to have friends but the maids were strictly ordered that they should treat their masters with respect no matter what.

Myungsoo tried to spend his time with his wife but it’s too boring for him. He tries to bond with her sometimes though and tries his best to appear as a good husband for her. He doesn’t want her to get suspicious. But he couldn't help but to feel a bit antsy. He doesn't find happiness whenever he's with her and he only feels like she's another task for him.

On the other hand, Hee Rin appears infront of Myungsoo as a very good wife and he was glad about it. He always see her smiling in everything she does and it’s as if everyday was a very good day for her… It was one of the things that he couldn’t understand about Hee Rin though; he couldn’t understand how can she smile like that everyday as if everything around her was perfect…

She always greets everyone in the house every morning with such enthusiasm and would compliment every thing she sees; even the smallest things can catch her eye. One of the things Myungsoo can hardly do is to smile… Because everything around him looks so dull, all too familiar and boring…

Finding things that can make him happy was very hard because even he himself was not very satisfied with everything that is happening around him.
The only reason that he can think of that makes him happy was no other than his girlfriend, Min Ae. She is everything to him and nothing can change his feelings towards her.


And speaking of Min Ae… She wouldn’t stop nagging Myungsoo how she wanted to visit him in his new house and to meet his wife to congratulate their wedding. Her voice sounds like she’s mocking though. Either way… She finally convinced him to let her visit him and Hee Rin.

It was when the morning was cold and the sky were gray and as if rain was to approach later that day. The mansion was filled with silence except for Hee Rin who is conversing with the maids about some random topics but it looks like she’s just talking to herself since the maids were just concentrating on cleaning the house and would just give Hee Rin a small smile whenever she tell something funny. Though they wanted to say their opinion to Hee Rin but Myungsoo was just sitting and reading a newspaper while sitting comfortably at the couch. They were afraid that he will get mad at them if they try to act and converse casually with his wife…

“L… Don’t you think our maids were kind of serious?” She whispers as she takes a sit beside him, leaning on his ear. He turned to look at her and their eyes locked. She looks so innocent.

“It’s because you won’t stop disturbing them” He comments with his voice flat before turning back to read his newspaper. Hee Rin pouts and sadly muttered a ‘sorry’ to the maids as she sighs, making Myungsoo stops reading. The maids started to feel guilty and they couldn’t help but to gaze sympathetically at Hee Rin, she does look so sad.

Myungsoo his lip as he exhales through his nose, staring at the newspaper as if he was reading. He can see Hee Rin’s deflated shoulders and head hung low as if the whole world turns her down. He felt guilty.

He opens his mouth to say something to comfort her but before he could even speak, the door bell rang. One of the maids told Myungsoo that someone was looking for him and he coolly walks to the door.

“Oppa!” A voice yelps and before Myungsoo can even look up to see who it was, a pair of arm suddenly wounded around his neck, making him stumble. “I miss you!” And Myungsoo knew who owns that sweet voice and he can smell her familiar sweet scent, making him smile.

“Min Ae” He breathed and hugs her back, inhaling her fragrance. The maid who opened the door was quite taken aback of how Min Ae acts so daring towards Myungsoo…


“Hee Rin..” Myungsoo calls when he led Min Ae towards the living room where the sad Hee Rin was. She turns her head to see what Myungsoo was up to.

“I want you to meet someone” He says and Hee Rin abruptly stood up as she took sight of the pretty girl standing beside Myungsoo, eyeing her curiously with poker face on. She walk run towards them and bowed to Min Ae with her biggest smile.

“Uh.. This is Min Ae… my…” He trails of and Min Ae smirks. “I’m his close friend” she says, her chin was up and her eyes were like shooting daggers towards Hee Rin. “Very very close friend” She exaggeratedly added and Myungsoo scoffs.

“Oh! It’s very nice to meet you Min Ae! I’m Hee Rin” She brightly smiles. “I didn’t know my husband have a close friend that is a girl” She giggles and Myungsoo looks away while Min Ae cringed at the word ‘husband.’


Soon, Myungsoo and Hee Rin was found touring Min Ae around their mansion. Hee Rin would not stop telling how wonderful everything in this mansion and that it gives her that warm feeling, which Min Ae thinks was corny.

“So this is your bedroom” Min Ae coldly stated while crossing her arms, eyeing the room with raised brows.

“Oh yes. It was wonderful isn’t it? The bed is my favorite here…” Hee Rin beams and Min Ae gave Myungsoo a cold stare.

“I bet the both of you enjoy the bed huh?” She sarcastically asks with a smirk and Hee Rin blushes.

Myungsoo can’t take this anymore and convince Min Ae that they should just settle in the dining room to eat some snacks which the two girls agreed thankfully.

While on the table, Myungsoo wouldn’t stop staring at Min Ae and they were playing with each others feet under the table as Hee Rin blabbers about some things that the two didn’t care at all. “You see Min Ae, I was glad that you visit us here. I want to know you more..” She says as she took a bite of cake. Min Ae just gave her a fake smile.

“If you don’t mind, since you’re my husband’s close friend… Can you be my friend too?” She asks happily and Myungsoo almost chokes. Is she for real? Min Ae laughs at her and claps her hands as if what Hee Rin says was the funniest thing on earth. Hee Rin just stared at them in bewilderment.

“Hee Ri—“ Myungsoo starts but Min Ae kicks his feet and says. “Of course we can be friends… That would be a great idea” She fakes a smile and Myungsoo notices how Hee Rin’s eyes twinkle when she heard her answer. He couldn’t help but to feel guilty.


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I'm quite busy these days. Hope you'll understand if my update is taking so long


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rebeyoum #1
Chapter 35: Update please!!!!
sukinee23 #2
I hope you'd find time to update this fic. One of the best I've ever read
AthenaHerr #3
Chapter 33: Chapter 33: NOOO!! she cant forgive him yet ughhhhhhhhh!
i miss this fic i think i have read it >10x already lol
rose-sama #5
Chapter 41: Noooooooooo omg this got good!!!! I shipthem soo bad ...
Please tell me your gonna do an update I read this in one go.......omg I love your stories so much....your such an amazing writer pls pls I really hope u fo an update soon...FIGTHING!!!!!
Chapter 41: Wow it was really good ... It's been a while since your last update .. Are you still planing to write another chapter ?
If you don't please just tell us
Chapter 41: authornim~ its been a while please update...i'm really anticipating this story...
Chapter 41: Breaking my heart so much! Urgh fate is so cruel! Aish fighting for the next chapter
C3cilia #9
Chapter 41: T~T i hope they get together soon
ReCla12 #10
Chapter 41: Update please *aw* i liked it author-nim :)