Bye Thailand ♥


"Sica, say ah~" Yuri held up a piece of her steak into Jessica's mouth.

"Ahh~ thank you! Hehe, here." Jessica giggled, offering Yuri some of her pasta.

"Tsk tsk...this is getting ridiculous." Hyoyeon scoffed.

"Hahaha, fine. Say ahhh~" Jessica lifted her fork up towards Hyoyeon.

"No, I don't want it from you." Hyoyeon laughed, eating it anyways.

"Oh, is this what we're doing now? Yoong say ahh~" Sunny lifted her spoon towards Yoona.

"Heheheh thank you!" Yoona gulped.

"Why isn't anyone offering me any?!" Sooyoung exclaimed, causing everyone to burst out in laughter.

I slightly chuckled at my group's antics, maintaining my focus on texting back Kyuhyun oppa.

- That's what you get! -

- Still.... I only shared your embarrassing picture with my members.. You showed the whole world! An article even came up about it!! -

- Too late :) -

- I'm going to get you back so bad when I get the chance. >:) -

- Try me bro. -

"Tae?" Tiffany whispered into my ear.

"Eung?" I looked up at her mindlessly.

"You should put that away and eat." She nudged, pointing at my phone.

"I will, I will. Hold on~" I turned my attention back to my phone, continuing to text.

"Come on. It's time to eat." She said sternly, putting my phone away into my bag.

"Yah! I was using that." I yelled, startling the others at the table.

"Sorry.. heh." I chuckled apologetically.

"It's okay, unnie, join the convo!" Seohyun chirped excitedly, smiling at me.

I picked up my fork and started eating as Sooyoung started telling us a story about one of our performances.

"Yeah, so I thought it was the sound from her shoes or something but it started smelling all of a sudden. That's when I realized Hyo farted." Sooyoung finished, bringing our table to an uproar.

"I remember! It did smell a bit funky that one time. I thought it was just the air!" Sunny exclaimed, laughing out loud.

"Me too me too! Hahahaha!" Yoona laughed uncontrollably, gasping for air.

"Sorry guys.. I had digestion problems that whole day." Hyoyeon defended herself, chuckling in embarrassment.

"It's okay, we love you haha," Jessica giggled.

"Sica's only saying that cuz she did some pretty embarrassing stuff too." Sooyoung let out.

"What? I want to hear!" Tiffany perked her body up in excitement.

"Sooyoung, please don't~" Jessica whined, puffing her cheeks.

"Nope, your aegyo doesn't work on me." Sooyoung rolled her eyes before laughing.

"So what happened was-"

"I accidentally slapped her chest while I was dancing." Jessica interrupted, her face turning red.

"No, you technically felt me up!" Sooyoung laughed hysterically.

"Nooo it was an accident!" Jessica defended herself.

"Wait, didn't you do that to me too?" Sunny butted in.

"Oh yeah, that was an accident too!" Jessica shook her head violently.

"Unnie, you did that to me too!!" Yoona let out, causing everyone to burst into laughter.

"This can't be just a coincidence. Yup, it's true - Sica is a ." Sooyoung laughed.

"Noo I'm not! Hing." Jessica pouted before giggling in embarrassment.

*Vrrrr Vrrr*

I heard my phone vibrate from my bag and before I could even reach for it, a pair of hands stopped me.

"Tae, join the conversation, let's have fun." Tiffany squeezed my hand, shifting my attention back to our table.

"Any fun stories for you to share?" Yuri looked up at me.

"I have a couple." I teased, looking around the table to see which member I could embarrass.

"Ah! Our maknae." I pointed to Seohyun, smiling.

"She has the pointiest elbows in the world, you guys have no idea." I chuckled.

"Our Sones even sent her elbow pads!" I let out, causing everyone to laugh.

"How bad can it be?" Yoona asked, lifting Seohyun's arm and bending it.

"Hit me with it." Yoona requested, her eyes full of curiosity.

"Oof- ow! What in the world!!" Yoona burst out into laughter, causing the rest of us to follow.

*Vrrrr Vrr*

Before I could even react, Tiffany's hand found its way to my thigh.

I turned to her, tilting my head in confusion.

"No phone." She whispered, before bringing herself back to the conversation.

"Unnie, tell us more. Not about me though!" Seohyun giggled shyly.

"Oh, so I forgot when this exactly happened but Yuri..." I went on.

After hanging out for a couple of hours, we all made our way back to our hotel, bidding each other good night before walking into our respective rooms.

"Whew that was fun." I smiled as I entered my hotel room.

"Right? Much more fun than being on your phone right?" Tiffany asked as she closed the door.

"Oh yeah that reminds me. You didn't have to take away my phone like that. I was gonna put it away." I mumbled as I took off my shoes.

"Yeah, sure. You were too focused on texting Kyuhyun oppa that you couldn't even pay attention to practically the first half of our conversation." She scoffed, taking off her shoes too.

"Kyuhyun oppa? Oh, is that what all this is about?" I smiled, turning around to face her.

"No.." She looked away.

"Ppani-ah, we already talked about this jealousy thing didn't we?" I grabbed her arms, carressing them gently.

"I know I know.. but.. I can't help it." She sighed.

"Sorry.. I didn't mean to make you jealous." I slid my hands down to hers, intertwining our fingers.

"No, it's fine. I guess I just didn't like how you were giving him so much attention.. more than you were giving to our members.. and most importantly, more than you were giving to me." She mumbled, still sounding disheartened.

"I'm all yours now?" I chuckled, trying to cheer her up.

"Pft." She pouted.

"Mianhae... I'm sorry Ppani-ah." I had nothing else to say.

I knew I was at fault. I did give Kyuhyun oppa a lot of attention today, but that's only because I haven't talked to him in so long.

"If you're really sorry, make it up to me." Tiffany let out, pulling me by the hand to our bedroom.

"Hm? How?" I asked, sitting on the bed.

"Give me 3 wishes." She proposed, finally smiling a bit.

"Sure. Hehe, sowoneul malhaebwa~" I sang, trying to cheer her up even more.

"Number 1.... pose ily." Tiffany giggled, handing me my phone.

"Wait, what?" I looked at her in confusion.

"Pose ily, take a few pictures, and post it on Instagram." She flashed a smile, looking up at me with expectation.

"That's three wishes Tippani." I frowned.

"No, that's part of wish 1." She rebutted.

"Nope, you said 3 things. That's 3 wishes." I held up 3 fingers at her.

"Nooo, fine then. I change wish 1 to.... post a y picture of yourself on Instagram." She stuck her tongue out at me.

"Haha fine. I'm genie for your wish." I chuckled before posing as seductively as I could and posting a photoset of my pictures onto my Instagram.

"Wish number 2?" I asked as I refreshed my Instagram.

"Mm... put away your phone." Tiffany replied.

"That's a waste of a wish!" I reasoned, putting my phone away anyways.

"No, it's not! I can't ask for my third wish without it." She made a face at me before taking my phone and turning it off.

"Why are you turning it off? I wasn't going to look at it anyways. A wish is a wish!" I assured her.

"I just feel like I should. I don't want any distractions." She shrugged as she turned around to face me.

"Psh, okay. Wish number 3?" I asked anxiously.

"Mm...." She leaned in, hovering on top of me.

"Make love to me."

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Chapter 40: Welcome back! Please continue this series maybe just do instagrams that contain taeny
effzedey #2
Chapter 40: I stumble upon this and finish reading it in 2 days. You should continue with this, just start with this year's posts should be manageable or any TaeNy related update. Looking forward to the next chapters.
iCass14 #3
Chapter 40: Autor-sshi you should continue from the newest post on Tae's gram you don't need to do them all maybe just the ones you can relate to TaeNy but you shouldn't stop writing I really enjoyed it
Chapter 40: Hi author shi. I hope that you'l continue the story at your own pace. You dont have to do all. Just maybe only the ones that caught your attention and inspired you ? ^_^
taeyeonlovers91 #5
Chapter 40: Please continue this story ^^
blueeey #6
Chapter 40: Just continue! You don't to do /all/ of her posts, just the ones you deem important :)
Chapter 11: Gosh I love your story,author-ssi,I have a wide grin on my face the whole time I was reading it.This seems so realistic♡
Chapter 38: Awww Tiffany was just jealous
Kimchuckles #9
Chapter 37: Poor taeyeon. Now im gonna look at at THAT picture differently. Lol.
pimplemenu #10
Chapter 37: Really like your story author nim! I will be reading it with lots of love! Thank you! :D