
Time is Ticking

A month later Tao sat alone in his Literature class waiting for the other students to pour in. It bugged him, a lot. Ever since he had that weird encounter with Suho and Baekhyun, strange things just kept happening over and over again. Not to mention he constantly felt as if he was being watched. A few of the strange things that happened to Tao was happening right now.

Tao would be sitting in class and was pretty sure he was on time. However he would spend a few minutes alone waiting by himself and then suddenly everyone would rush in. Whenever he checked the time on his phone, it never seemed to change too. It was like time froze for a few minutes then resumed. The whole thing seemed ridiculous to him though and he simply laughed it off, thinking that perhaps he needed to get his phone repaired.

Today was different though. Instead he found himself waiting for what seemed to be thirty minutes. Usually it was only around three or five minutes. When he got up to open the door and check outside, he couldn't move the door handle at all. Scared of being locked inside now, Tao tried to open the window but instead was shocked to see a bench crash through. Luckily for him, he was fast enough to dodge the bench by jumping to his right. Shattered glass and wood lay by his feet and a strange man walked in. He had light ashy blond hair and a small deer like face. He practically floated on air and Tao was astonished the boy made it to the third floor through a window. Through tossing a bench through a window and then floating up. The strange deer like boy looked at Tao with a straight face and then with a flick of his finger, Tao was raised in the air too. He tried to shout for help but he couldn't, there was a strange hold on his neck and then together with the deer guy, they floated off to God knows where.

Tao never really had a thing for heights and being up this high sure scared the hell out of him. He could hear the other male chuckle and it was not too long until they reached their destination. It was an abandoned warehouse and Tao gasped at how the place seemed to be crumbling. The deer guy gently brought himself down to the ground, but refused to let Tao join him. Instead Tao remained airborne and was trying hard not to look down. That proved impossible because he had to look down at his kidnapper as he spoke. "Let me down!" Tao shouted and tried not to fall, like that was going to happen anyways. The stranger laughed playfully but refused to put Tao down. Instead they were joined by a big doe eyed guy, a boy with tossled hair, and both Suho and Baekhyun.

What the hell was Tao getting himself into?!

Baekhyun giggled as he saw how distraught Tao was and Suho ordered deer boy to let Tao down, saying he wouldn't be able to run away anyways. That made Tao sweat a little. The boy complied though and lowering his hand, he let Tao fall. As in, really fall. Tao landed right on his and he yelped in pain. Baekhyun nudged the deer guy and ran to Tao's side asking, "Are you okay Zitao?"

Tao didn't reply though and rubbed his backside as he stood up to look at his kidnapper, "What the hell?!" He shouted but the other just smiled playfully and hid behind the boy with the crazy hair. "Don't mind him... Luhan just likes playing games on people." Suho said and then stretched his hand towards Tao as if gestering him to come closer. When Tao refused, Baekhyun pulled on his arm until they were all standing in a full circle. Tao squeezed himself out of Baekhyun's grip and the shorter frowned, his light dimming.

Suho cleared his throat and then spoke, "Tao... Do any of these people looke familiar to you?"

Tao raised an eyebrow and looked at all the strange faces before shaking his head no, "I don't know these people."

Almost instantly the faces of the others frowned and looked displeased. The male with the tossled hair scoffed, "This is a waste of... Well, time! He clearly isn't who we think. Look at his dumb face, he hasn't a clue of what's going on!"

Tao scrunched his face up in irritation at the stranger, "Yes, I'm clearly not who you all take me to be. I'm not this Zitao fellow, okay?"

But the deer hiding behind the crazy haired kid revealed himself with a sigh. "This has to be Zitao. He looks just like hin and obviously time froze earlier. Sehun, do you not recall being rendered immobile just a bit ago? Because I do. Only Zitao is capable of that." The one with the crazy hair scoffed again and chose to shut up with Baekhyun silently snickering.

"Uh..." Tao was lost again. Suho noticed and then smiled, "Let me introduce them to you. The one who brought you here is Luhan. The one infront of Luhan is Sehun. The silent one over there is Kyungsoo by the way. These are our... Friends."

Tao looked up and down at the 'friends' and then nodded his head, "Okay. This must be a dream. It has to be. I'm dreaming. I must have been dreaming when I met you two as well. It's all just one big dream." He closed his eyes and started lightly humming but Baekhyun pulled him out of it by shaking him. "Hey! This isn't a dream! Do you know how big of a pain it was to gather up these three? They're not easy to contact you know, especially Luhan!"

Tao shuddered at Baekhyun's touch and pushed him away. He still didn't like the ghostly feeling. Baekhyun frowned but his light remained the same.

Kyungsoo finally spoke up, "Zitao, do you truely not remember us?" Tao didn't want to reply to the name Zitao, but nodded. "We were... Friends with you before, you do not even recall my face nor my voice?"

"I don't know you, I'm sorry. And my name is not Zitao, it's just Tao. I have never seen any of you before in my life and it isn't a matter of forgetting. I never said I forgot any of you, I just don't know any of you." Everyone seemed hurt by his words again, even Sehun who seemed to not even like Tao at first. "I'm really sorry to disappoint you all, okay?"

Luhan wasn't content with it though, "No. You are Zitao. You are Time."

The others looked at him and Suho shook his head, "Luhan. Please, don't."

But Luhan refused to accept that the person infront of him was not Zitao. "How else do you explain all the strange events that have transpired?" He was talking to Tao only now, "You noticed them right? Those strange time gaps and weird feeling pooling up in your stomach." He was spot on. Every time he was in one of those weird situations, his stomach would feel weird and it worried him how much this Luhan seemed to think he was Zitao. It worried him because he began to believe it too.

"H-How did you?" Tao asked and Luhan pushed himself away from Sehun and towards Tao, "You are Zitao."

Tao shook his head though, "No, no I'm not. This is just a dream. Just a dream,"

Luhan seemed a little angered now and he raised his hand, along with Tqo up. The others were shouting at him to stop but he pushed then all towards to other side of the room and kept them there. "Does this appear to be a dream to you, Tao?" He said his name with a bit of disgust and Tao winced as Luhan began to swish Tao's body back and forth in the air like a rag doll.

"Luhan stop!" Suho shouted but Luhan's restraint on the other four proved too strong. His emotions were getting the better of him and he continued 'playing' with Tao in the air. "If you want me to stop, Tao. All you need to do is simply stop me. You have the ability to. Only you and I are able to make each other immobile upon will."

Tao felt a lump in his throat and he held back oncoming tears. Never in his life had he been so afraid. He thouht he was going to die, all he wanted right now was to wake up from this nightmare. Luhan would swing him towards the ceiling and windows, attempting to smash Tao into them but always stopped before his body could make any contach with them. Tao clenched his teeth tightly every time he though he'd get crushed into the metal or glass and his heart raced with fear and anxiety. Finally a strong gust of wind blew out from beneath him and swept Luhan off his feet. Tao immediatly panicked as his body began to free fall but the wind seemed to form into two big hands and craddled him down to the ground gently. Sehun ran to Luhan who was now on his and he grabbed his hands. "Lu, calm down!" Sehun pulled Luhan up and shook him.

Suho and Baekhyun ran to help Tao who was frantically trying to get back on his feet, but his legs refused to stand properly. Luhan was now sobbing hysterically and Sehun was holding him. Kyungsoo was by the two and tried comforting Luhan as well. Tao was shaking and Suho kept asking him if he was alright, while Baekhyun held him up. Too much had happened. Tao was afraid of these people. They were strange and could do strange things. Baekhyun shined and Luhan had an immense amout of power. Not to mention that incredile gust of wind that nearly blew the whole place down. He didn't want to stick around and see what else they could do. His legs finally were able to operate properly and he pushed Suho and Baekhyun aside, running like a mad man for the exit.

He didn't stop running until he was outside of his cousin's apartment complex. Knocking like crazy on the door, his cousin opened it with wide eyes. "Tao, what are doing here? Shouldn't you be in school? What's wrong, you look like you've seen a ghost!" The tall male asked and moved aside for the younger boy to enter. Tao fell to the floor immediately, panting and sobbing. His cousin crouched down next to him and lifted him up, continuing to ask what was wrong.

"Oh God, it's too horrible to tell you, Kris."


So Kris is finally introduced! But he isn't with Baekhyun and them...

Luhan is pretty scary, but he just really misses Zitao, okay?

Sehun knows how to keep his man under control.

Tao's a chicken.

And I hope you guys continue to read this story~

hehehe leave comments for me!!

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I just found this. And it was made months ago?! I CAN'T BELIEVE I DIDN'T SEE THIS!
Chapter 3: Chanyeol to the freaking rescue
How awesome is that!!!

The flow of the story it's really nice
And it's really unique
Chapter 3: Aiiiiiiiiiiiiii looooveeeeee thiiiisssss. More more more muahahaha
Chapter 2: Kris is Tao's cousin.. But the main pairing is Taoris right? Is there something you havent reveal? There must be.

I like the first two chapters! Update soon authornim! Fighting! ^^
Chapter 2: WOW so exiting didn't expect the last scene well I didn't expect almost all XD