Stepping it up

Idiots in Love

“Tell me the truth Myungsoo, did you ever proposed to Sungjong? Did you ever bring him to a date? Made him lunch? Wake him up?” Hoya asked


“Nope, nope, and I couldn’t even cook for my life, I’m sure I don’t want to risk his life” Myungsoo paled thinking of his cooking skills


“S-seriously hyung, do not let him go near someone who’s cooking or let him cook. The last time I ate something made my him, I was charged into the emergency room and it was just scrambled eggs, and somehow, even if he is not cooking the food, do not, I SHALL REPEAT IT AGIN, DO NOT LET HIM GO NEAR SOMEONE COOKING. I don’t know how or why but in the end, the food gets ruined and the effects will not be good” Sungyeol wailed while waving his hands in the air emphasizing how YOU SHOULD NOT let Myungsoo near someone cooking or cook himself


“So cooking is a big NO-NO. but seriously kid, the reason why my little brother isn’t opening up to you is because he thinks that it’s all business but he likes you, that’s why he wants to marry you but you really should do stuffs for him to prove that you love him like LOVE, LOVE him” Hoya said seriously


“Is it true that Sungjong liked Sungyeol once?” Myungsoo paled while glancing at his best friend


“Nope, that is not true. He just likes you to get all worked-up, but seriously, you just need to step it up a little bit” Sungyeol gave him an encouraging smile


“Step it up you say” Myungsoo thought and smiled


“Obviously this thing works every single time” Hoya huffed annoyingly


“It ruins the guys pride and ego because of that. He’ll feel insecure and just give up” Sungyeol waved his hands in frustration


“So you got something in your sleeves?” Sungyeol asked


“A little this and that” Myungsoo smirked


“Please not those cliché stuffs in those Korean dramas you always watch” Sungyeol pleaded


“I got on-” Hoya was about to suggest when Sungyeol cut him off


“No one asked you to open your mouth” Sungyeol snapped


“Meanie” Hoya mumbled


“I’m going to tell Author-nim to make a YaDong story and I’m the one who’ll personally you” Sungyeol smirked


“Uhmmm……I don’t know how to make YaDong fic Yeollie” Author-nim rubbed her hands


“Because Hoya is too much of a douche” Sungyeol said like it was a fact


“It’s not that-” Author-nim tried to explain

“Oh I see, you only love Myungsoo, I totally get it” Hoya said sulkily


“It’s really not that! I SWEAR. It’s just I don’t know how to describe your ship. Both of you have this passion in rapping in dancing and I can totally do this easily but I don’t know how to express it” Author-nim pouted


“LIES” Sungyeol sing-sang


“Yah! I’m telling the truth” TnT “Why are you so mean?”

Imma make some more of this to make it up for you~~~

and Via and Julia shall appear here~~

CONGRATULATIONS *insert fireworks*

I'm gonna update and the said people will appear after 2 chapters?

Let us see, I'm just letting my hands take over everything

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rei_zha #1
Chapter 5: I really like this story and all of your story, update please...
madesun #2
I love it!
meiadinda #3
Chapter 5: aaaaaaaa soooo cuteeeee
please continue this story
Chapter 5: Updated please.... such... cute story...
Chapter 2: sooooooo cute :3 I Love it <3
Chapter 2: Novy, you're so cute :'3
"You go do that Author-nim so that the lesser they appear, the faster I get to kiss Myungsoo." <--- LOLOLOLOLs xD
this is so cute beyond cute, Novy is cute :'3
thank you for this~^^
Can I still answer the trivia? I haven't read the chapters yet xD
Red is Sungjong.
Blue is Myungsoo.
Purple because if you mix blue and red, it's the colour mixture :)
(I think, purple is the british way and violet american English, IDK.. But purple in French is Violet.. xD)
gosh i have a similar title but it's a myungeun story XDDD
AznDuckies #9
Chapter 2: Haha omg Hoya and sungyeol OMG the true and real idiots lol. And lol how can Myungsoo not know bu I guess he just to in lloovvvee lol. Update soon please.
AznDuckies #10
Haha I laughed when there's "hogod" in the tag lol haha.
And RED would be Sungjong
BLUE would be Myungsoo
Purple because when red and blue mix it become purple hahahahahha
At first I thought it would be Hoya but why would he be called they lol stupid me haha. I hope I win lol
And can't wait for the update!!!!