Crush (짝사랑) - Sandeul Pt. II

Birthday Wishes.

" Happy Birthday Rei. "  Sandeul greeted Rei as he embraced her. Suddenly, the room was soon filled with the sounds of laughter and loud voices. Streamers, confetti, balloons, and surprisingly even bubbles - thanks to Baro - were flying about in the room. Rei lifted her head up and took a good look at her surroundings with wide eyes. Just about everyone that she knew was here, even her co-members who had told her that they had a schedule. Rei tried her best to take everything in and in the end, just ended up letting out an amused laugh. This day has just been filled with surprises: left and right, up and down. Amazing.

Approaching her with wide grins on their faces, Sora and Rumi greeted Rei. " Happy Birthday Rei! "

Rei stared at Sandeul, then at her two friends, shaking her head from side to side. " You guys are unbelievable. " she laughed again, this time along with Sora and Rumi. Sandeul grinned, feeling quite successful with the whole plan, little did he know that they had something prepared for him too.

" Yah, Sandeullie! Don't think that we forgot about you too! Rei has something for you! " Rumi said, being followed by Yunni and Ara, who both held a boxes, balloons, and bags in their hands.

" Uh.. I-I do? " Rei stuttered and backed away from Sandeul, facing the rest of her friends with an obvious look of puzzlement shown right along her face.

" Yes you do! " Yunni chimed as both Ara and her placed the gifts into Rei's bare hands. " She rushed from cafe to cafe, store to store, just to try and find the right cake, balloons, and gifts for you. " Yunni continued, and swiftly glanced at Rei and the rest of girls, winking at them.

Rei was completely speechless. Were her friends following her this whole time? Aing~! They must've saw how she was moping about in the streets after what had happened back at the agency for sure!

" Y-you actually used all of your time just to get these for me? " Sandeul asked Rei, who only replied with a weak nod since she was having so much trouble sorting her words out, let alone trying to process what was going on. Sandeul smiled cheekily and threw his arms around Rei. " You're the best Rei! "

" Aha... of course. " Rei smiled and handed the gifts to Sandeul as soon as he let go of her. " Happy Birthday Sandeul. "

" Thank you so much! " Sandeul replied with a cheerful tone.

" Yah, Lee Junghwan. " a voice called out to him, despite of the noise. He turned around, to find the rest of his co-members behind him, all dressed up in ducksuits that were quite similar to what Yongguk and Himchan were wearing. Sandeul slowly turned around and gulped at the sight of s. They looked like they could kill. " Uh... Hey guys! " Sandeul greeted them nervously.

" You owe us for this. " Baro muttered and crossed his arms. " I can't believe you would actually stuff us into this! Why couldn't I dress up as a squirrel instead? "

" Baro, let it slide for today. It's Sandeul and Rei's birthday celebration today and we all know how much these two love ducks. " Jinyoung said as he tried to calm his fumed dongsaeng down. Baro let out a sigh and nodded at his hyung. Jinyoung beamed brightly at Sandeul and hugged him. " Happy Birthday Sandeul-ah. " Then he turned to Rei and hugged her as well. " Happy Birthday to you too Rei! "

" Wah , Sandeul-Hyung! Rei-Noona! Are you sure that the two of you aren't going out yet? The two of you seem pretty perfect for each other! " Gongchan commented. Shinwoo reached over and patted Gongchan's shoulder. " Channie. " Gongchan shrugged and giggled away childishly. He liked teasing his hyungs, especially when it came to girls.

♪ Now everybody put your hands in the air, Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
Maeume ssahin geogjeong boda nopge, Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh ♪

" Looks like they got the music playing now. " Jinyoung said, as he watched everyone swarm towards the dance floor. He faced Yunni and who just laughed at him, obviously not taking Jinyoung all too seriously at the moment because of his costume. Jinyoung pouted his lips out which made Yunni laugh even more. " Let's go~ " she said, taking him by the hand. Gongchan, Shinwoo, and Baro followed after the two, along with Sora and the rest of the girls, leaving Sandeul and Rei alone to theirselves.

Sandeul and Rei stood there in silence. Rei fiddled with her thumbs, trying her best to avoid Sandeul's gaze. Sandeul cleared his throat, " Um.... So.... "

" Sandeul-ah, is it okay if we head on outside? I have something to tell you... " Rei said bluntly, as she glanced down at her two feet. Sandeul nodded his head and followed Rei out of the venue. The two stood by the entrance of the venue. Time slipped passed them all to quickly, as they glanced up towards the night sky. The sounds of cars honking and the busy streets filled their ears. Sandeul and Rei faced each other, both with heavy hearts pounding right against their chests, making it uneasy for them to breathe properly, and the fact that they stood so close to each other wasn't helping all that much either.

Sandeul cleared his throat, " So... you were saying? "

Rei's cheeks grew warmer as she thought about the dream she had earlier this morning. This dream of hers could go two ways: it could come true or turn into a horrible nightmare. But she knew one thing forsure. If she wasn't able to get this out of her right here, right now, she would expload. And so with all the strength that she had left inside of her, she decided to confess her feelings to him. Turning her head away from him, she took in deep breaths and let them out. She turned back to face him, only to have silence filling the atmosphere between them yet again.

" O-Oppa... " Rei stuttered as she tried her best to get the right words out of her mouths. Sandeul nodded and looked deep into her eyes.

" S-Saranghae.... S-saranghaeyo! " Rei confessed to him with all the strength that she had left, shutting her eyes tightly Honestly, Rei was all too afraid to see the Sandeul's expression. Shortly however, she peeked at Sandeul's pale face.  Not one said a single word to the other after that statement. Rei's eyes slowly glanced down to the concrete below as she waited for some sort of response. Her heart pounded right against her chest and her breathing was uneven. Thoughts constantly slipped in and out of her mind with each second that passed. Her palms were sweating and she felt as if she could pass out at any moment. Suddenly, a pair of lips were pressed against hers and Rei's eyes immediately widened in shock. It didn't take long for her to give in. It was most definitely the best day - best birthday in fact, of her life.

Snaking her arms around Sandeul's neck, Rei pulled her body closer to Sandeul, closing the gap between them as they deepened the kiss. Despite the cold weather, they both felt warmer than ever from the heat that they were both experiencing at this very moment. In need of air, Sandeul and Rei pulled away with goofy smiles on their faces. Sandeul grinned as he rested his forehead against Rei's.

" You have no idea how long I've been waiting just to hear those words come out from your mouth. " Sandeul breathed airily, warmly nudging their noses together. Rei giggled cutely, pulling away and nuzzled his neck.

" Be Mine, Rei. "

Rei lifted her head to look at Sandeul, " You mean as in like .... girlfriend ... and boyfriend .... a-and stuff.... ? " Rei blushed.

" Duh~! " Sandeul laughed, pinching her nose.

Rei hugged Sandeul tightly, " Okay then! "

" Oooooooh~ ! " a crowd of voices called out, causing the couple to turn their attention to their friends that stood right by the entrance of the venue, cheering for the new couple.

" Say hello to the new couple! Reideul~!!! " Baro yelled out and snickered, as everyone let out a few catcalls. " Congrats Sandeul-ah! You finally got a girlfriend! "

" Baro! You--MMPH--!! " Sandeul quickly shutting up as soon as Rei laid her lips on his.   

" Just ignore them. " She murmured against his lips. Sandeul blinked, but quickly gave in.

" Wah! Noona and Hyung are eating each others faces off! " Gongchan shrieked, covering his eyes. Shinwoo laughed at the younger ones reaction and squeezed his shoulders. " It's okay maknae-ah, one day you too will understand. "

" What, did hyung eat off his girlfriend's face too? " Gongchan asked out of the blue as he faced his Hyung, who was blushing madly.

" O-of course not! ahaha... " Shinwoo stuttered nervously and ruffled his dongsaeng's hair.

" Kyaaaaaaaaa~! Reideul jjang! " Rumi and Yunni squealed, as they both brought their hands to their own faces. Ara and Sora eyed the two and facepalmed and shook their heads in embarrassment.

Jinyoung smirked, " Yah, don't forget about me. " he whispered into Yunni's ear, as he s his hands around her waist from behind. Yunni turned into a bright tomato within a matter of seconds. " Y-yah, not in public! " she pouted and slapped Jinyoung's hands away, while her boyfriend and the rest of her friends snickered at her.

Rei and Sandeul eventually, pulled away from each other after quite a long while and watched their friends head back into the venue.

Sandeul cupped Rei's face, " I love you Rei. "

" I love me too. "

" What. "

Rei giggled, " I'm kidding. Of course I love you too, duckie. "

" You better. " Sandeul threatened.

" Whatever~ Happy Birthday Duckie. "

"... Happy Birthday to you too Jagi~ "

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Chapter 2: "I love me too"
I'm dying at the accuracy of these responses.
Everything is so perfect it hurts.
Thank you so much maknae!
Chapter 1: Haha thank you umma lol you gotta love himchan and yongguk in animal suits ;P
Chapter 1: good job maknae:) lol them bunny suits was the cherry on top
Chapter 1: dying adlfjalkfjl;fjafl omg why do you do this to me