Crush (짝사랑) - Sandeul Pt. I

Birthday Wishes.

Crush (짝사랑) - Sandeul Pt. I

(ft. B1A4 & BAP)

" Please don’t turn away, please accept my heart ...I’ll make you happy forever, I want to be with you, can’t you just come to me? "

[►Crush (짝사랑)]

Narrator's POV:
' O-Oppa ... S-saranghae..... S-saranghaeyo!-- ' Rei confessed to him with all the strength that she had left. Silence suddenly filled the atmosphere. The two stood still. Not one said a single word to the other after that statement. Rei's eyes slowly glanced down to the concrete below as she waited for some sort of response. Her heart pounded right against her chest and her breathing was uneven. Thoughts constantly slipped in and out of her mind with each second that passed. Her palms were sweating and she felt as if she could pass out at any moment. Suddenly, a pair of lips were pressed against hers and Rei's eyes immediately widened in shock. It didn't take long for her to give in. It was most definitely the best day - best birthday in fact, of her life.


" Now that's how you start a birthday. " Rei thought as her eyes fluttered opened to the morning sunlight, only to be blinded by it. She sat up slightly, blinking several times as she looked around the room. None of the members were on their beds, which was pretty weird to her since she's usually one of the first to wake up in the morning, but it certainly wasn't like that today. Then she stumbled across a note that was written in Yunni's writing:

' Rei-Appa! Mianhaeyo, it looks like the four of us have a schedule today. ); But don't worry! It won't be long until you see us soon keke. Have fun! Oh and Happy Birthday! ' - Yunni

Shrugging it off, Rei laid back on her bed as she pulled her phone out. Sure she was a bit disappointed that she wasn't going to spend her birthday with her friends but a schedule is a schedule. Afterall, she can still spend the day with her Dongsaeng Army!

' #REIDEULDAY #960319REMYDAY #920319SANDEULDAY #cuteduckbutts '

' Hehe , great work my little ducklings! Great work! ' Rei smirked to herself at the sight of these words on her screen. She read through several more tweets on her feed, scrolling through a whole chain of messages that were made just for her and finally stopped to read one special tweet.

이정환 ‏@SANDEUL920320 : ' So what if I have a schedule planned out later today, it's #REIDEULDAY ! Make room for the best couple out there!  ' @_hyungry ' Happy Birthday, birthday twin! <3 '

Boy, did Rei feel weak. That one tweet triggered about a thousands sparks to go off through her  body. Her feelings took over her within an instant. Rei stared at the tweet in awe and giggled childishly to herself. First an awesome dream, now an awesome tweet! How much better could this day get?

After replying to the tweet, Rei managed to roll off of her bed, nearly tripping as she made her way over to the bathroom to take a shower. After several minutes, she stepped out of the bathroom in her bathrobe and wore a towel on her head. Rei walked back over to the bedroom, only to find a set of clothes prepared for her on the bed. She raised a brow suspiciously as she looked over her shoulder. Nobody was there and she was certain that she didn't put that out their either. Weird.

Slipping on her undergarments along with the clothes that had already been picked out for her, Rei proceeded on with doing her hair and make up. She might as well look good on her birthday anyways. Maybe she'll run into a couple of her friends from the entertainment industry! Yeah!

' Eh, I guess I'll just put my birthday wishes off to the side for now. I've gotta pick up Sandeullie's cake! ' Rei chided herself, pushing her own thoughts off to the side. After eating a light breakfast, brushing her hair, and making sure that she looked good,  Rei happily sprung up from her chair and headed out the door and right on over to the cafe right across the street. She walked up to the counter and grabbed the package, bowing to the baker in respect and rushed out the door. She wasn't done just yet, she still had to buy some balloons and some other gifts as well!

After spending a good thirty minutes on buying the right balloons, chocolates, and duck plushies, Rei eventually made her way over to the WM Entertainment building, hoping that she would be able to catch up with Sandeul before he goes off to their first radio show of the day.

She managed to get into the building despite of the crowds of fans that were blocking the entrance of the building. Rei hurriedly looked around the building in search of the duck. She didn't want to just hand it off to their Manager Hyung, since she felt that it would be even more meaningful if she were to give it to him herself. After what seemed like hours for her, she eventually found Sandeul.

But she found Sandeul with someone else.

" Oppaya, Happy Birthday~~ " the girl greeted him happily and handed him her gifts.

" Waaah , all of that is for me?! Jjang! " Sandeul cheered happily and hugged the girl. Rei's confidence hit ground zero, her shoulders sulked. She sighed and turned to the side where she found a staff member. " Please give this to Sandeul, I have to go now. Thank you. " She bowed and left within an instant before he could even see her.

Moping around the streets with a pout, Rei felt just as lonely as ever. " This has got to be the worst birthday ever......... " She pouted and crossed her arms. She walked around for about an hour and didn't mind at all of where her feet would take her. She had no other choice but to either way, since the girls probably wouldn't get back until nighttime and if she were to go back to the dorm, she would just mope around even more than she was doing now.

" Can't you just come to me? " Rei muttered as she kicked a few rocks around.

" Rei-Noona! " a voice called out from a distance, but still managed to catch Rei's attention. Turning around, Rei squinted at the two figures that ran towards her. It was none other than Zelo and Jongup. A sigh of relief escaped from Rei's lips that quickly transformed into a bright smile. " H-Hey guys! What's up? "

" It's your birthday that's what's up! What are you doing here all alone? " Jongup asked. Rei's face stiffened as she glanced down. " The others all have schedules today, that's why I'm alone.. "

" Aw! Don't be too sad! " Zelo chided her, flashing his best eyesmile to his favorite Noona and slung an arm around her shoulder. " We're here now! "

" That's right. " Jongup chuckled. " By the way, someone wants to see you! "

" More like sometwos~ " Zelo giggled and nudged Jongup's arm. Jongup in turn, just stared at his dongsaeng, causing the younger one to look down and reflect on his failed joke.

Rei tilted her head to the side, " R-really ? Who? "

" Quack. "

" .. H-Huh? " Rei's eyes roamed about.

" ... Quack. "

"... What the. "

" ... Quack. "

Rei pulled away from her dongsaengs and walked around. " Is that a duck?  Is there a duck nearby?! "

" Quack. "

Rei looked behind a bush. " Where is it? "

" Oh for crying out loud we're right here! " two guys cried out. Rei stared at the two figures in front of her that were both dressed up in duck suits. She tried her best not to laugh, but failed to. What in the world were two grown men doing in duck suits.... and in public?

" Omo, I'm sorry I-I just c-can't--pahahaha! " Rei snorted. " And out of all people why are the two of you dressed in duck suits? "

" That's the same question I asked them when they pretty much stuffed me into it... " Yongguk mumbled in despair, crossing arms across his chest. Meanwhile, the other guy in the pink duck suit, Himchan, seemed to be having a lot of fun with his.

" Don't I look good in it Rei-ah~ ? " Himchan winked.

" Oh shut up. " Yongguk snapped in an irritated tone.

Rei wheezed, " Right..... so what's all of this? "

Yongguk cleared his throat, taking out a note from his pocket. " We were summoned upon the Great Duck Master to bring you over to a special venue filled with ducks, pretty boys, and steamy hot tubs-- who the heck wrote this? "

" I don't know. " Youngjae and Daehyun shrugged their shoulders as they followed after their co-members.

" Anyways, just go with us. You won't regret it. " Daehyun assured as he took out a bandana and placed it over Rei's eyes. Daehyun, placed his hands on her shoulders and guided her. Bam. Awesome dream, awesome breakfast, not so awesome visit to the agency but an awesome .

The gang made it over to the venue within less than fifteen minutes. They entered a really dark room. Daehyun continuted to lead the way for Rei and eventually stopped in the middle of the pathway. Removing the bandana, Daehyun whispered lowly. " Just stay here, okay? " Rei nodded in return. Daehyun let go of her hand and made his way back with the others.

Just then the sound of a piano began to play a sweet melody that was familiar to Rei. She stood still, allowing herself to be enveloped by the sound. Her lips curved into a pleased smile that could take just about anyone's breath away. A single spotlight was aimed right on Rei and there she stood, face to face with Lee Sandeul. He began to sing the sweetest words to her and sang with so much emotion.

♪ It’s been so long, Me, liking you and you never know
I worry that I might get caught, keep thinking if I should say or not...

Rei's eyes sparkled in delight, her heart and mind mixed with emotions.  A single tear escaped from her eye unknowingly, and trickled down her cheek.

Do you know my mind? Are you pretending like you don’t know?
Pretending like you can’t overcome it, Can’t you just accept my heart?

Sandeul slowly made his way over to Rei as he continued to sing with all of his heart.

My love, my love
Please open up your mind, I’ve been tired of waiting
So exhausted but so that I won’t fall
Please hold my hand...

Sandeul took Rei's hand into his and squeezed it. He drew the mic away from his lips as the interlude of the song began to play in the background. Rei bursted out into even more tears. Sandeul shook his head and chuckled, he brought his hands to her face and smiled warmly at her.

" Don't cry. It's your birthday. You should be happy. You should always be happy. You deserve to be happy. " Sandeul told her, staring into her eyes as he wiped her tears away. "... I want you to be happy... "  Rei nodded slowly and buried her face into his chest.

" Happy Birthday Rei. "


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Chapter 2: "I love me too"
I'm dying at the accuracy of these responses.
Everything is so perfect it hurts.
Thank you so much maknae!
Chapter 1: Haha thank you umma lol you gotta love himchan and yongguk in animal suits ;P
Chapter 1: good job maknae:) lol them bunny suits was the cherry on top
Chapter 1: dying adlfjalkfjl;fjafl omg why do you do this to me