Jealous Yonghwa

처음 그 자리에 (At the First Place)

A/N: Yonghwa is in a band. He performs in a music bar. While Shinhye is working on a fashion industry. She is a model. While Shi Yoon is a barista in a coffee shop.

That morning, Shin hye decided to visit Yonghwa since its her break from work. A few blocks away from her house, she walked to her bestfriend's home and pressed the door bell. Yong Hwa opened the door and was surprised to see Shin Hye.

"Wh..what bring's you here?" He asked.

Shinhye crossed her arms, "Aish.. You don't want to see your best friend? Okay bye." She was about to walk away when Yonghwa pulled her back. Making her face him again.

"You never changed." Yonghwa laughed, "Araso.. Get in.." Shin hye smiled and went inside. As soon as Yonghwa closed the door, both of them went to the kitchen.

"Let's eat.." Shinhye says and grabs a chocolate from the top counter.

"Yeah.. Eat that so you"ll get fat and get kicked out of work." Yonghwa joked.

"I. Won't. Come on let's eat.. Please please please?" Shinhye pleaded and took a bite on the hersheys chocolate bar.

"It's a good thing that I love you. So I have no choice but to say 'yes' and go with you." Yonghwa snatched the chocolate from Shinhye and ate it in front of her face finishing it all up.

Shinhye wrapped an arm around Yonghwa's neck, "Mm.. How about let's eat in a coffee shop?"

"Wherever you like.." Yonghwa and Shinhye went out of the house and walked down the city.

As soon as they entered the coffee shop, Shinhye ordered a latte and a chocolate cake while Yonghwa ordered a toasted bread w/ a side dish of eggs and a coffee. While waiting..

"So how's the band? Did anything happened? Or aside from that?" Shinhye asked. She wanted to know what is going on since they were both busy at work.

Yonghwa clasped his hands, "Oh.. We received a letter from another music bar.. They're inviting us to perform there for awhile and we accepted it.."

"Wow.. Congratulations! You see the more you guys accept these kinds of opportunities, the more you"ll get discovered. You never know, some agency out there might get you guys and you"ll be famous.." Shinhye smiled happily.

"Thanks. I hope that happens and Oh, we did not only receive a letter of invitation but.. I received a fan mail. Before we left the music bar, someone gave me a mail." Shinhye was amazed.

"Woah.. What did it say??" She asked. The waiter placed down the food and drinks that they ordered and surprisingly there was a sticky note attatched to Shinhye's tray.

This interrupted Yonghwa from telling the story to Shinhye. She curiously picked it up and read it loud enough for her bestfriend to hear.

"You're pretty. Keep on smiling." Shinhye read from the note.

Yonghwa observed the workers on the coffee shop and saw an oranged haired guy looking at them.

That guy... Is too obvious..

"Ah... Yonghwa.. This person said I'm pretty.. I'm pretty right?" Shinhye asked.

"No." Yonghwa sarcastically said as he rolled his eyes.

Shinhye hit Yonghwa on the shoulder playfully, "Yah.. Why are you so mean?" She laughed. "I wonder who gave me these." She looked at the piece of paper again.

Yonghwa took a sip from his coffee and placed it down the table, "It must be that guy." He pointed out.

Shinhye turned around and saw the orange haired barista stealing glances at them while making the coffee.

Shinhye chuckled, "Are you sure its him? But he's cute anyways." She faced back on Yonghwa and grabbed her fork to eat the served cake.

"Ahh.. Look at those eyes." Yonghwa pointed at his best friends' eyes, "I see hearts in it. But be careful.. I don't think he's the type of guy--"

He was cut off by Shinhye who's chewing the cake in , "Oh.. That's too sweet my dearest bestfriend. You really cared for me." She acted as if a guy confessed to her and smiled like a cheshire cat.

"Yah. Quit that. I don't have a care for you. You're scary. I'm just warning you about that guy. Araso? So when you get to know him.. Study him more carefully." Yonghwa advised and ate the toasted bread on his plate.

Shinhye nodded, "Yeah. I won't give my heart away to him that easily. And besides you're here for me. I don't have feelings for him yet because we're not sure if that's really him who gave me this note."

"Mm.. I'm just saying it. That's all." Yonghwa said and continued to eat.

She sliced the cake into a smaller piece with the fork and shoved it into . "Oh... There must be reason why you're saying it..right right?"

He shooked his head and took another sip on his coffee, "No.. There isn't."

"Could it be that you're jealous?" Shinhye asked seriously with her wide eyes.

Yonghwa faked a cough then he laughed, "Why will I be jealous? And besides I think our friendship is up until best friends only."

If you only knew....

Shinhye hit Yonghwa lightly on the shoulder again, "Yah. My question is just a joke. Don't take it too seriously."

CLIFFIE To be continued

Thanks for subscribing and reading! The italisized phrase is Yonghwa's Point of view. I"ll update and make it longer next time. ^^

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Wendy-1977 #1
Yonghwa jealous namja😍
Chapter 2: He want his bestfren to be with him and he sounds jealous with orange guy....
Chapter 2: Awe.... he is so cute lover boy...Shinhye ya...<LOVE>*V
destinyYS11 #4
Chapter 2: Kekekeke yong is really an actor!! Love the update authornim..they care each other a lot!! Yong fighting for your love...^_^
destinyYS11 #5
Chapter 1: Kekekeke I really like how yong get jealous ^_^..please continue ur story!!
Chapter 1: Thanks for update. It's good start of the characters...V*
Chapter 1: Wow nice..waiting for your next update. really really nice and interesting..:)
Chapter 1: Haha...XD 'that guy is too obvious'..LOL..yongie yong.:D
spy_may #9
Interesting story., seems like this story will be a great story. I will wait for your update :)
NadineMarissa #10
please update soon. I'll be waiting for you to post first chapter. good luck and all the best, author-ssi.