Curse that woman


Baekhyun almost crushed Kris' computer when he watched Chanyeol in K.will's music video, "You don't know love."


"Baekhyun my laptop!!" Kris screamed as he pulled it away from Baekhyun.

"No! Let me see it once more!" Baekhyun tried to get the laptop from Kris.

"Dude stop! You are going to destroy it. Awhile ago you just wanted to punch the screen of my laptop. Let's not watch this okay.."

"Curse that woman!" Baekhyun shouted and was angry. When suddenly someone knocked the door and Chanyeol entered.

"Hey guys, we have to eat now." He smiled but noticed Baekhyun's pissed. His smile disappeared.

Kris stood up and took his laptop, "Uh let's eat. I"ll go first." He immediately left the room leaving Baekhyun and Chanyeol because Baekhyun might throw his laptop if he gets angry.

Baekhyun was lying down on Kris' bed. He buried his head on his pillow. "I'm not eating."

Chanyeol sat on Kris' chair as he looked at Baekhyun, "Why not? Do you have a problem or something?"

"Yes, and you are my problem. So go away."

Chanyeol laughed, "Me? That's not new, you always avoid me whenever I tried to talk to you. Okay then, let's talk about it. What did I do?"

"a lot!" Baekhyun exclaimed angrily as he stormed out of the room.


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Chapter 2: It's ok , but you can start a new one . I'll keep supporting you ^^
Chapter 1: To be honest , it's my first time reading a fanfic of yours , & I'm telling ya .... U ROCKED MY WORLD !!!!!!!!
Fantastic Fanfic ^~^ Keep going I'd like to read about the baekyeol couple . Fighting !!!!!
Jia_Yi #3
Chapter 2: Good Luck on your other fics ~
Chapter 2: Oh okay... :(
Then good luck with your other stories!
Chapter 1: it was good, so yes, please continue!