The first meeting 10 years ago

POOR meets the RICH

Changjo's POV

I just watched her running while holding L.Joe's hand. She looks so happy.


I thought this wouldn't be possible but I might actually have a chance to make her mine. Let's just forget the fact that Taekyung hyung likes her too. -___- But... I really do like her. Since the first day I met her I was always watching her from afar. Hpw she and L.Joe would always get ice cream after Jam Yi's pay day. How she works non-stop so she could survive on her. How she helps an orphanage every Tuesday. I just admire the fact that she is so down to earth. 


Flash Back --- 10 years ago...

"Buttler Shin!!!! Buttler Shin!!!" I kept on calling Buttler Shin's name but I don't think he can hear me. Ommo! I hope I'm not lost... Okay. Remember what mom said just stay where you are. Ahh... It's really cold! I look around I see a big tree with some benches under it. Perfect! I hurriedly ran to the benches. I sat down and hugged my knees. i must keep warm. I don't have any money with me. TT_TT I knew I should have Brought my wallet with me. >3< 


O.O I was suddenly surprised when a little girl sat beside me and covered me with her jacket. "Annyeong!" She smiled brightly at me. "Hi I'm Hye Mi. Go Hye Mi. What's your name?" I smiled back ather and handed out my hand for a handshake. "Annyeong. Changjo inmida." She took my hand and shook it twice. Her hands are so cold. I opened the jacket's zipper and widened it out. "Here it's big enough for the both of us." She quickly hugged me and I felt her body shivering. 


After maybe 20 minutes, I suddenly heard something. "Hye Mi~ah!!! Hye Mi~ah!!!" Hye Mi? Isn't that this girl's name?! I looked at her and she was soundly sleeping. I shook her a bit and she immediately woke up. "Why? What's happening?" She asked while she was rubbing her eyes. "I think someone is looking for you." She looks around and..... 


O.O "It's my oppa!!! Oppa!!! I'm here!! Oppa!!" She screams while waving.


No... Don't leave me yet. I don't want her to forget about me. Aha! I think it's here... I searched my pockets and I found it. The two necklaces that I just bought. 





I bought this a while ago... I was so attracted to the guitar necklace that I wanted to buy it. Too bad it needed to bought as a set so I just bought both of them. I took them both out and gave the golden one to Hye Mi. "Here. I believe that someday we'll meet again." 


Hye Mi accepted it with both hands out and she just stared at it, smiling. "It's really pre-" Before Hye Mi could finish her sentence a teenaged boy grabbed her hand. "Where have you been? I've been looking all over for you. Let's go." Hye Mi clutched her fist and held the necklace tightly. "Wait oppa. It was nice meeting you. What was your name again?" "Ch-" Before I could finish they left already. Her oppa screamed at her. "No! We have to go! NOW!"


And she was dragged away. She didn't hear me. -_-... It's okay. At least she has the necklace. ^^ 


Wait! She forgot her jacket. I held it and searched for her. But she was gone. "Changjo!!! Changjo!!! Where are you?" And then I heard Buttler Shin. I'll never ever forget about her.


End of Flashback


Then I asked Buttler Shin if he could search for a little girl named Go Hye Mi. Because we're rich and famous even when the other Synch members and I were little, I had a lot of people to help me. And then after 3 days I found out where she lived. And that's where I watched her from afar. Admiring her.


I didn't like her simply because she was pretty. But I was attracted to her because she was the only one who came to me. She was nobody to me but just by simply giving me her jacket she became the one I have ever loved. 


And now that she's in front of me.... I.... I just don't know hat to do... How am I going to approach her? "Hey! I'm Changjo! I was the liitle boy who you gave your jacket to me... Wanna be my girlfriend?" LIKE THIS?!?!?!  I just don't know what to do. I do want to talk to her but I guess that I can't talk to her because all of this time I've been admiring her from AFAR. 

But someday..

I'll figure it out.

I can do this.

Hye Mi... 





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Chapter 32: hello it is taelli or not ??
Chapter 32: WOW! At last you updated T~T I thought where you went ~_~thank youuu update okayyyyy?
Chapter 31: Wow... so much drama...
She just had to ruin stuff, didn't she...
Can't wait till next chapter.

Update soon :D
Chapter 30: Huh :o 9:41 pm and your mum have already scolded you for staying up late????? I sleep at 3 am and never got scolded XD Anyways, thanks for updating ^^

Cherry214 #5
Hai unnie ouo
Just asking
Which language is ohaini in?
if its im chi (cos it sounds like chi)
Its woaini not ohaini
Sorry if it isn't Chinese ><
Chapter 27: Sulli is so sweet and so is Taemin 030 OMG Changjo T-T What am I gonna do with you?
SA_mimi #7
Chapter 26: Giveaways!!!! yaaaaaaayyyy.....

I like your story of Poor Meets The Rich because I like the idea of a girl liking her idol group and ending up getting close with them. It's kinda like the story of every fan girl. Well, except the fact that we own a big business, so yeah. the best character for me is Shinwoo. XDDD He just seems so lonely in this story. And he really has a funny personality.

Your new username is, again, rambutan_2min.

And... i already told you on whom I shared your story right? So yeah...
Chapter 26: Wooohoo Giveaways :D

I like Poor Meets Rich the most. Why? I think the plot is interesting and rare plot and story. I've seriously never seen a story like this. It is a bonus since it has sulli in it >.< and you did a very splendid job on your writing and the way you write that even brought me to tears. (omg Why did Taekyung died T-T) and also laughter.

My favorite character is Taekyung (yes, my lovely taekyung T-T) He was the one that met Hyemii at first right? I mean he helped Hyemi when she fell. I think Taekyung is like a brother to Hyemi (WHY DID YOU NOT LIKE TAEKYUNG AS A BF BEFORE HYEMI?!?!) So, it was so sad when he died while protecting Sulli Dx

Cherimoya_2min (in case you don't know what cherimoya is go and search for it)

i shared my story to a friend on twitter here's her id : @myevilkid
Chapter 18: when are gonna update authrnim?
Chapter 17: Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa why are you like this author-nime T-T