I'm up for a challenge

POOR meets the RICH

Hye Mi's POV

I walked towards my apartment door. Who could be knocking this early in the morning? It's Saturday so it can't be Synch trying to pick us up. I opened the door and.... "Changjo? What are you doing? We have no classes." He just stands there looking at me. "Uhmmm... Do you wanna.... uhmmm...." I giggled a bit at him. "Kiyoweo..."  I patted his head.... "Arasseo. Let me get dressed." He smiles at me a bit then scrathches the back of his neck. I closed the door and changed. I leaned on the door and placed my hand on my heart. I looked at the mirror andmy cheeks are so pink. "AISH!!! Waegore?!?!?!" Relax Hye Mi. Relax. 


I came out and saw him smiling at me. "So... what's the occassion?"  He gives me a helmet and starts his motorcycle. I hopped on and he looked back at me. "I just wanna take some things off of my mind. Mind joining me?" I shook my head and we headed on. We stopped at a  place. ithink it's a university. It has two BIG fields. I looked at the left field and it was a soccer field. I looked over to right field and there were college students sitting on the field. Playing with frisbees, people jogging, dog playing and some were even having picnics. Changjo got off and removes his helmet. He closes his eyes ang lets out a big sigh. He then looks at me and smiles. "Are you hungry?" I smiled at him and nodded, "Come with me." He holds my hands and my heart flutters.


We head to this small store just close to thetwo fields. "What do you want?" He releases my hand and honestly... I was kind of disappointed. I looked over to the menu and... Oh my god... everything looked delicious. I wanted to eat EVERYTHING. I looked at Changjo and smiled. "You pick. I'm fine with anything." He giggles a bit at me and nodded. 


After we ate we headed to a small cottage house. It was a bit far fromthe fields but we walked anyways while Changjo was pushing his motorcycle. I don't know why we didn't ride the motorcycle but he was smiling the whole time, so he seemed fine with it. As we were in the cottage house, it was gorgeous. We sat in the middle and relaxed a bit. Changjo suddenly lied down and placed his hands behind his head. "Can I ask you something Hye Mi?" While hugging my knees I looked behind and nodded. "Do you like Taemin?" I suddenly was shocked by his sudden question. "Uhmm...I-"


O.O He suddenly back hugged me and he rested his head on my shoulder. "I'm sorry. I should have not asked that question." My eyes were wide open and I can feel my cheeks burning. He raised hishead up and I can feel his breaths on my left cheek. Which means his face is just inches from mine. "You're so cute when you blush." I released my knees and covered my face. "Hajimalago!!!" He release his hug and laughed at me. He pinches my cheek and said "Aigoo... Kiyoweo. Just a little revenge for making me embarassed while we were in your apartment." While still covering my face with my right hand I punched him with my left hand. "Pabo." >3<


He stood up and helped me stand up as well. "Let's eat ice cream!!!" He suddenly smi;es at me like a little 5 year old. He pulled my wrist and we rode the motorcycle. As we were riding his motorcycle, rain drops suddenly touches my skin. "Yah!! Palliyo! t's going to pour. Let's head to my apartment!!! I have ice cream there!!" He nods and follows the direction heading to my apartment.


 We went up my apartment's stairs rushing. We were soaking wet. I hurriedly open my apartment and noticed Changjo wasn't entering. "Yah! Palli! You're gonna catch a cold." He shooks head. "No. I'll just head on. I don't want your apartment to be wet." I pulled his arm towards my apartment and closed the door behind him. "My apartment's really really really small. It's easy to clean. I'm sorry if you're not use to this kind of small places but y-" He shooks his and smiles while looking around the place. "Aniyo. Gwaenchana. It feels homey."


I offered him a towel so he could dry himself. I handed him one of my oppa's shirts. "Here. It's my brother's. You have the same body size as his so it may fit you perfectly." He politely grabs the shirt and he suddenl takes his wet shirt off. I blush at the sight of his abs.


O.O He looks so thin and yet he has these big, muscular,.... What am I thinking?! He caught me looking at hi and he giggles. I quickly turned away. "Mwoya?!?! What the hell are you doing?!?! I do have my own restroom! Even though it's a bit small.... I still have one!!!" He continues laughing. "Why are you blushing hard then?" I stompped my feet and walked towards my restroom. As I was changing my clothes, I looked at my face in the mirror. I'm not blushing that hard. I walked out my restroom and stared at him. >3< "I wasn't blushing that hard!!!!" He giggles a bit. "Arasseo... Arasseo... Let's just eat."


As we were eating the most delicious cookies and cream ice cream, Changjo suddenly placed his spoon down and sighed. "I'm not going to stand in the corner and just watch you from behind you know." I left my spoon ony mouth and looked at him. ""He smiles at me. I'm not going to lose you. I'm up for a challenge. I don't care if he's my dongsaeng. I'm not going to lose you." He cups my cheeks and circles his thumb on my cheek bones. "I really like you Hye Mi." He removes the spoon from my mouth and pulls me towards him. I can feel his warm breaths. "Wait. Chang-" He crashes his lips to mine, interrupting my sentence. He breaks the kiss but once again he pushes his lips to mine. Making me land on my back and hit my head on the floor. I broke the kiss off and stared at him. "Ouch." He suddenly laughs at me, I felt silly as well so I laughed with him. 


"I'm not pressuring you, okay? I'll give you some time. But, I told you, I'M NOT GOING TO LOSE YOU." He pecked my cheeks leaving me bllushin lying down on the floor. "I'll myself. I had a fun day with you." As he closes my door,my head was a mess. AISH. I don't know what to do. I love bpth of themtoo much to hurt them. But I can't keep their hopes up. I don't know. Why are they like this?



Hehe... I told you something would happen. I hope you like this chapter. Who do you think would win? I'm telling you this is a complicated love story. So don't go for obvious answers. Please subscribe and comment below. Also, please read "My Heart is yours...." if you like tragic love stories this one is for you. Also, I will update the nest chapter in "My Life revolved around you" shortly. For all my readers who doesn't know about my new fanfic "My Life revolved around You" it's about a girl whose crush is his bestfriend's boyfriend. It may seem boring when I describe it to you, but I assure you. It is DAEBAK!!! Igeo jinjja daebak!!! Again, please subscribe and leave you comments below!!! Kasahamnida!!! 



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Chapter 32: hello it is taelli or not ??
Chapter 32: WOW! At last you updated T~T I thought where you went ~_~thank youuu update okayyyyy?
Chapter 31: Wow... so much drama...
She just had to ruin stuff, didn't she...
Can't wait till next chapter.

Update soon :D
Chapter 30: Huh :o 9:41 pm and your mum have already scolded you for staying up late????? I sleep at 3 am and never got scolded XD Anyways, thanks for updating ^^

Cherry214 #5
Hai unnie ouo
Just asking
Which language is ohaini in?
if its im chi (cos it sounds like chi)
Its woaini not ohaini
Sorry if it isn't Chinese ><
Chapter 27: Sulli is so sweet and so is Taemin 030 OMG Changjo T-T What am I gonna do with you?
SA_mimi #7
Chapter 26: Giveaways!!!! yaaaaaaayyyy.....

I like your story of Poor Meets The Rich because I like the idea of a girl liking her idol group and ending up getting close with them. It's kinda like the story of every fan girl. Well, except the fact that we own a big business, so yeah. the best character for me is Shinwoo. XDDD He just seems so lonely in this story. And he really has a funny personality.

Your new username is, again, rambutan_2min.

And... i already told you on whom I shared your story right? So yeah...
Chapter 26: Wooohoo Giveaways :D

I like Poor Meets Rich the most. Why? I think the plot is interesting and rare plot and story. I've seriously never seen a story like this. It is a bonus since it has sulli in it >.< and you did a very splendid job on your writing and the way you write that even brought me to tears. (omg Why did Taekyung died T-T) and also laughter.

My favorite character is Taekyung (yes, my lovely taekyung T-T) He was the one that met Hyemii at first right? I mean he helped Hyemi when she fell. I think Taekyung is like a brother to Hyemi (WHY DID YOU NOT LIKE TAEKYUNG AS A BF BEFORE HYEMI?!?!) So, it was so sad when he died while protecting Sulli Dx

Cherimoya_2min (in case you don't know what cherimoya is go and search for it)

i shared my story to a friend on twitter here's her id : @myevilkid
Chapter 18: when are gonna update authrnim?
Chapter 17: Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa why are you like this author-nime T-T