It's too depressing

POOR meets the RICH

Hye Mi's POV

I was too depressed to go to school yesterday. I can't believe it that Taekyung oppa is dead. I'm sure that if I went to school yesterday they'll just keep asking on what happened the night Taekyung died. I just can't take it. I'll just cry if I see or even hear Taekyung's name. I go to school having a long face. I'm not my usual self today. I told L.Joe yesterday that I wasn't feeling good but I didn't tell Synch. What will they say? i didn't even go to school with them today. i just took the bus by myself. 


As I ente the school gates, I see eyes looking at me. Please stop. As I enter the school hall they start throwing eggs at me. Wow. Am I in some kind of korean drama? I didn't know that this would hurt so much. "Taekyung oppa died because of you!" Tears start forming in my eyes .I told you once I hear Taekyung's name I'll start crying. No. I deserve this. I stand firmly and accept all that they are throwing at me.


Suddenly it doesn't hurt anymore. Maybe the pain is starting to sink in. "Are you okay?" What?! I open my eyes and it's... Taemin. "What are you doing?! You'll get dirty! Stop it! Move!" I try to push him away but he continues to block me. He's facing me while he raises his coat up. "I won't be hurt unless you're not hurt." And that did it. My heart skips a few beats and I just stand there with eyes wide open. As soon as Taemin turned around ot face all the girls whose been throwing at eggs, all of them went silent. Taemin took his coat of and threw it too Shinwoo. who was next to Changjo and L.Joe. "Aish! That was cashmere." he screams and I giggled a bit.


"Who's the mastermind of this?!" No one dared to answer. "Well, if someone dares to touch Synch's MUSE ever again you'll all be expelled from this school. UNDERSTAND?!" A muse is a very important thing to a band. I slightly smiled. I'm honored to be their muse. L.Joe came to me and handed me a towel. "Why do you have a towel?" I asked him, confused. Who brings a towel to school?1 "I knew that this was going to happen. I overheard some girls planning about this. Too bad, I wasn't able to see their faces." I nod and smiled at him. Changjo helped me in wiping off some of the dirt away. "Let's take the day off. I'll excuse us for the whole day. We could just take the lessons you missed in the weekend." That's right1 Changjo practically owns the school. I nod in agreement.


Taemin's POV 

We're here at som weird place. It has so many washing machines. I elbowed L.Joe and ask him "Hyung... where are we?" L.Joe hyung laughs a bit and tells us. "We're at a LAUNDRY SHOP. tss. Rich people. This is one of Hye Mi's part time jobs. She's really close with the ahjummas here so she often gets free laundy." We nod in synchronize.And that's why we're called Synch.. Because everything we do is almost Synchronized. which reminds me, Taekyung hyung thought of that name. :((( I miss him. But as long as we have Hye Mi... it reminds us of him. That's why we're not angry. Because Taekyung is Hye Mi. Without Hye Mi, Taekyung might not have experienced love. 


But there's one problem. it's too hard to not be attracted to Hye Mi. I'm sorry Taekyung hyung, but I love her too. Hye Mi comes out with her tied up. Wearing a simple dress. 

 The one on the left of course...


It doesn't seem too y, but she looks absolutely BEAUTIFUL.L.Joe comes to her and ties the lace behind her neck. "Where do you wanna go?" He asks Hye Mi. He hands a black thin coat to Hye Mi and wears it. "Somewhere fun!" he screams and her smile just leaves me in awe. I stood up then smiled widely. "Do you wanna go to a mall? And go shooping? Don't even worry about the expenses. We can pay them for you." Hye Mi puts her hands up then started waving them. "No. No. I can't cause you anymore trouble." I place my arm around her. "No more buts. LET'S GO!!!!!!" I pushed Hye Mi outside of the Laundy shop then we headed out to the mall. 


We went to the mall close to the school. We enter it and she smiles widely while looking around. I held her hand and she suddenly flitches. She look at wide eyed and I just smiled at her. Her hand is so soft. ow can a girl be so perfect? Shinwoo suddenly leads us to a store full of beautiful dresses. "Hye Mi~ah... Do you have already have a dress for the Acquaintance party?" Shinwoo asks her. That's right! It's in a couple weeks. Should I ask her to be my date? Okay. I'll ask her. "Hye Mi~ah... about the dance... do you w-" Before I was able to finsh my sentence Changjo hyung pulled her hand to the store. I clench my fist up.


Something doesn't seem right. I've never seen Changjo this happy before. Well, I understand him. but I can't just let Hye Mi go. I just can't be left hanging here. There's also L.Joe. *sigh*


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Chapter 32: hello it is taelli or not ??
Chapter 32: WOW! At last you updated T~T I thought where you went ~_~thank youuu update okayyyyy?
Chapter 31: Wow... so much drama...
She just had to ruin stuff, didn't she...
Can't wait till next chapter.

Update soon :D
Chapter 30: Huh :o 9:41 pm and your mum have already scolded you for staying up late????? I sleep at 3 am and never got scolded XD Anyways, thanks for updating ^^

Cherry214 #5
Hai unnie ouo
Just asking
Which language is ohaini in?
if its im chi (cos it sounds like chi)
Its woaini not ohaini
Sorry if it isn't Chinese ><
Chapter 27: Sulli is so sweet and so is Taemin 030 OMG Changjo T-T What am I gonna do with you?
SA_mimi #7
Chapter 26: Giveaways!!!! yaaaaaaayyyy.....

I like your story of Poor Meets The Rich because I like the idea of a girl liking her idol group and ending up getting close with them. It's kinda like the story of every fan girl. Well, except the fact that we own a big business, so yeah. the best character for me is Shinwoo. XDDD He just seems so lonely in this story. And he really has a funny personality.

Your new username is, again, rambutan_2min.

And... i already told you on whom I shared your story right? So yeah...
Chapter 26: Wooohoo Giveaways :D

I like Poor Meets Rich the most. Why? I think the plot is interesting and rare plot and story. I've seriously never seen a story like this. It is a bonus since it has sulli in it >.< and you did a very splendid job on your writing and the way you write that even brought me to tears. (omg Why did Taekyung died T-T) and also laughter.

My favorite character is Taekyung (yes, my lovely taekyung T-T) He was the one that met Hyemii at first right? I mean he helped Hyemi when she fell. I think Taekyung is like a brother to Hyemi (WHY DID YOU NOT LIKE TAEKYUNG AS A BF BEFORE HYEMI?!?!) So, it was so sad when he died while protecting Sulli Dx

Cherimoya_2min (in case you don't know what cherimoya is go and search for it)

i shared my story to a friend on twitter here's her id : @myevilkid
Chapter 18: when are gonna update authrnim?
Chapter 17: Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa why are you like this author-nime T-T