Nichkhun was ahead of Mario. If Mario would not swim any faster, then for sure Nichkhun would have the car. And he won't let that happen. He wanted the car and he needed it. There's no way he's letting Nichkhun to have the car.


Poor Mario, Kim Bum thought, shaking his head while watching the brothers swimming. Nichkhun's a fast swimmer, and he knew that he was fast ahead froom his brother. The car's mine, i knew it were in his mind, confident enough to win the game.


Trying so hard to swim as fast as he could, Kim Bum's eyes widened when he saw Mario catching up! Now, they were swimming in the same level, just like twins! This is not good, Kim Bum thought. There's a big possibility that they would reach the finsh line in the same time.


And it really happened! It was a tie! The brothers were gasping for air but Mario still managed to ask, "Who won?". They looked at Kim Bum with their arms resting on the side of the pool.


"it's a tie," Kim Bum simply replied.


"MWO?!" Nichkhun exclaimed.


"You guys both won or nobody won... in short, it's a tie."


Nichkhun shook his head. "This is crazy," he said breathlessly.


"So what are we gonna do now? Have a 2nd round? Or think of another game?" asked Mario, still gasping.


Kim Bum thought for a moment. Then he let out a smirk, a sign that he had already thought of something. "Don't worry, everything is under control."


Bewilderment was drawn on the brothers' faces.



The next day....


"Hey girls, Nichkhun and Mario were having a one-on-one game in the basketball court and Kim Bum is the referee!" gushed one of the girls in Amiya-High, and giggled. Her friends giggled as well.


"REALLY?!" asked the girl excitedly.




"WHAT ARE WE WAITING FOR?! LET'S GO!!" The 4 girls rushed away to go in the basketball court.


It happened that So Eun, Yuri and Yoona heard it. Yuri and So Eun looked at each other. They have the same thoughts and they knew what they're going to do......... SCREAM AND GIGGLE!



Yoona covered her ears when they screamed. She hated it everytime they do that. It was like breaking her ears.


"I COULDN'T CARE LESS!!" So Eun blurted out.


"I CARE LESS!!" Yoona said, but her firends just ignore her. She was about to walk to the opposite way from the basketball court but her best friends had already grabbed her arms.


"LET"S GO!!" So Eun added, and ran to the basketball court with them dragging Yoona.


"I SAID I CARE LESS!" repeated Yoona as her friends had already dragged her. But it was useless cos her friends didn't listen to her.



"OH MY FISH CAKES! MARIO ON 3!" Yuri giggled. "Isn't he cool?" Her eyes were only set on Mario.


"Such a cute referee they have," So Eun said softly. Her voice has a dream like quality to it.


If they were having fun, Yoona on the other side was annoyed. First and for all, she's not interested in watching the one-on-one game and she's not a fan or an admirer to any of  the guys. Girls screaming, cheering, giggling, squealing, equals freaking annoying, she thought irratatedly. Why make such a fuss over those so-called cute guys? They're not even worth screaming for. She sighed. And they're even taking a video on them? WHAT THE HECK?! WHAT ARE THEY? SUPERSTARS?! PFFT!  These girls are stinkin' crazy. I know they'll end up in mental hospital i could say. Guess I'm the only human left.


Mario's current score was 48, while Nichkhun's 45. The time was almost over and if Nichkhun couldn't point a 3. then Mario would have the car. 15 seconds were they only time left and Nichkhun has the ball. MArio was trying to block him from pointing a 3 but... 11, 10, 9, 8, 7..... Nichkhun has tricked Mario that he had shoot the ball into the ring making the girls screamed so loud! So it was 48-48. The 2 were gasping and were sweating. The kind of sweat that every girl would love to wipe off.


The 2 made contact for a few seconds, gasping. then Kim Bum went toward them and shook his head. "We're playing another game."


"This is hillarious,' Mario said, couldn't believe that they're tie again.


The nexy day....


2 characters on the video game were fighting and killing each other. Nichkhun was controlling the man in a taekwondo suit while Mario was controlling the man in a ninja suit. Kick, punch, jump....


Kim Bum was just comfortably sitting on their bouncy and soft sofa and was enjoying the fight of the characters. Popcorns, deserts and chips were with him. The fight was incredible and the room was noisy because of the loud volume of the game.


After how many minutes....


"No...no...no, NO!!" the brothers exclaimed in unison as they watched their characters both knocking down.


"WHAT ON EARTH DO YOU MEAN BY THIS?!" Nichkhun yelled irratatedly, banging the video game controller with force on the sofa.


If they're mad, Kim Bum were laughing out loud. He found it funny how the brothers tried their best in winning each of the challenges but end up FAILURE.


"For the 3rd time... WHAT THE HEK IS THIS?! " Mario yelled angrily, making Kim Bum to laugh more.


The 2 shot a look at him, but he didn't notice it cos he was on his way of laughing too much. Annoyed, Nichkhun grabbed the nearest cushion on the sofa and threw it to Kim Bum. It didn't hurt him of course. He looked at his failure best buds. Looking at their ticked faces was making him to laugh even more.


"YAH!" Nichkhun called his attention." What's there to laugh about?"


"HOOOO!! Dude, don't you get it?" he tried to speak even though he was dying from his laughter. "The car's not destined to be yours!"


"What do you mean?" asked Mario, narrowing his eyes.


"It's destined.... TO BE MINE!!" he laughed more. "That's why you're always tie!"


"You're crazy, aren't you?" Mari said. "You already have a car."


"So what? Then I'll have 2."


"Don't tell me you're our brother too?" Mario joked.


"I could'nt be your brother. My mom's not a foreigner."


"Oh com'on, Bum. Stop joking around." Nichkhun sad. "Think of something new so I'll have the car."


Bum tried not to laugh. "Don't worry, everything is under control."


Mario hit his head.


"Aww! Why did you do that?!" he asked, touching the part of his head that was being hit.


"Under control you say?" said Mario. "No i know why we always failed."


"And why?"


"Cos you're here. You're a bad luck." Then he started hitting Bum with a cushion, and Bum was trying to block his very important face with his arms.


"Is it my fault if both you ?!" he said behind the hittings.


"Aah... we you say?" Nichkhun joined his brother and hit Bum. They're just having fun... A friendly fight though.

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KunnieA #1
wow..i love it.update!!<br />
143teentop #2
mario, as in mario maurer?omo!!update soon!!