Who to love.


Choi Minhee (You) is forced to move to Korea because her father got a new job there. A school life filled with romance, who will she end up with? 




Choi Minhee (You, OC)


-16 years old

-funny and clumsy

-awkward at times, but overall social

-just moved from America

-Smart and athletic

-childhood friends with Kris


Kim Eunji

-16 years old

-smart and knowledgeable about relationships

-a bit nerdy, but well liked by the guys at her school

-Minhee's first friend when she moves to Korea


Wu Yi Fan (Kris)

-17 years old

-athletic and tall


-has liked Minhee from a very long time ago

-Minhee's childhood friend


Kim Jong In (Kai)


-17 years old

-stuck-up but caring on the inside

-good at dancing




If you had to choose between your childhood friend who had loved you for 10 years, or a curiously handsome guy which you just met, but is strangely kind to you, who would you pick?

Decisions are regretful, but when it comes to love, the consequences are doubled.




UPLOADED CHAPTER 2. love you subbies


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Hey :) I got here through the random story thingy and I must say, you have great English. Your grammar is superb, like, seriously. Well, you got yourself a new subscriber :)
hey your poster is done now, please come pick it up.! Need more poster? Feel free to always come and request. You're always welcome at PRS ( Poster Requesting Shop.) . & Sorry to come and comment here, but your page wouldn't let me post a comment so there's no way for me to let you know. Again Thank You.!
om nom nom nom nom. I SHEE YOU. update update MWAHAHAHA ;D lol. you didnt lemme read itt *CRIES* like the pic of jongin thoughh(: