OnTae - "Drive Me Insane"

SHINee Drabbles~!

au, humor — wc 663

dubu-yah: Before Tae got drivers permit, Onew and him would learn by riding at night.Onew would talk with gags and Tae would panic while in moving car

a/n: i changed it up a bit, i hope you don’t mind~




"There’s only a fifty-percent chance we’ll die, so just relax and don’t worry about anything ‘Minnie," Jinki jokes. His smile is bright and his eyes are shining but the way he’s gripping the door handle so tightly, knuckles white, betrays his actual fear.

"HYUNG!" Taemin shrieks, borderline hysterical as he turns the wheel with trembling hands, at the same time slamming down on the brakes and making the two of them jerk forward. Once at a complete stop, Taemin turns to stare at the elder with terrified, large eyes that are wet with unshed tears. "That’s really scary, don’t say that!"

Jinki simply chuckles, tense shoulders finally relaxing. He releases the death grip he had on the hand so he can cup the younger man’s pale face, thumbs brushing tenderly against the soft skin. “I was trying to funny baby, you looked so scared,” he admits.

"So you joke about me killing us both? What a great way to relax hyung, you’re such a riot," Taemin groans in response, dripping with sarcasm, but it doesn’t stop him from leaning into Jinki’s warm touch. Taemin’s lashes flutter closed as he breathes in the comforting scent of the older man’s cologne.

"Sorry," Jinki apologizes sincerely, tenderly planting a kiss on Taemin’s forehead and nose. The younger man whines needily when Jinki makes to pull away, so Jinki indulges him with a soft press of their mouths. When he pulls away again, Taemin still isn’t satisfied, lips pulled into a pout as Jinki resettles back into his seat.

"Hyung~!" Taemin begins, fingers curling into the front of the elder’s shirt as he attempts to pull him close again. "I’m stressed! You owe me a real kiss.”

Laughing, Jinki shakes his head. “If I did that, you’d get hard so fast that you’ll beg for a quick in the backseat.” When Taemin opens his mouth to protest, Jinki is quick to cut him off. “Don’t act like you don’t know what I’m talking about, babe. We’ve been together too long for that.”

Taemin huffs, exaggerating his pout even more as he finally sits back properly in his seat, the frightened-child act long gone along with the crocodile tears. There is not even a hint of guilt in his expression as he grumbles, “Damn it, you knew. You just don’t want to in the car because the last three times we did, the seat buckle left a bruise on your arm.”

"Just drive," Jinki replies him with an amused smile, pinching the younger man’s cheek. Taemin attempts to flinch away but to no avail, as there wasn’t enough space to move in the driver’s seat; plus he secretly liked it when the older man babied him, but only Jinki was ever allowed to do it.

Suddenly an idea pops into Taemin’s head, and he turns his head to grin mischievously at Jinki. “So what do I get if I drive perfectly in traffic?” he questions, one head resting on the steering wheel and the other on the clutch.

Somehow, Jinki misses the confident way Taemin holds onto the wheel, so he says with a doubtful expression, “Then we can in the backseat, just like you’ve been plotting all this time.”

"Yes!" Taemin exclaims gleefully, before setting the car to drive in one smooth movement and maneuvering the vehicle with a practiced accuracy straight out of the empty parking lot and into oncoming traffic. Jinki’s jaw drops as Taemin drives them down the road, no longer trembling or looking scared out of his wits.

"You already knew how to drive, didn’t you?" Jinki finally says quietly, still in shock as he stares at the road ahead. "All this time. You were just pretending it was your first time."

Giggling, Taemin sings back, “You should know me by now~!”

Later, when Jinki follows Taemin into their shared apartment, he tenderly rubs against the bruise forming on his arm, glowering at Taemin as the younger man hums happily.

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