JongYu - "Warmth"

SHINee Drabbles~!

au, romance, fluff — 180 words




jinki hasn’t really put much thought into their relationship. it was just one day he woke up with jonghyun’s face only centimeters away and he couldn’t help but close that little distance between them, gently pressing their lips together.

in his defense, jonghyun wasn’t supposed to be awake—not really—and he definitely wasn’t supposed to open his eyes right when jinki pulled away. least of all, he wasn’t supposed to drag the elder man back in by his neck and crash their mouths together, kissing him hard until jinki became dangerously lightheaded from the lack of oxygen.

if you asked him, jinki could recall every second of that moment; the way jonghyun’s lips felt against his, the younger man’s warm hand on the back of his neck and waist, the way his heartbeat raced in time with jonghyun’s, the warmth of the bed sheets that curled around their bodies, the comfort of the soft morning light, and the life-changing realization that lee jinki might just be in love with his best friend.

and that kim jonghyun might just love him back.

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Chapter 48: LOL Kibum's judging stare is the best (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)
Chapter 11: Sueño con OnHo así de calientes ellos muy guapos, ys y follan delicioso (艸*>3<*)∵ぷっ
Chapter 10: Que cositas más linda(♥´ω`♥)
Purplejaybird #4
Chapter 58: Hot love!
Literally comment on every oneshot I like lol...
Sorry but also not sorry...
Purplejaybird #5
Chapter 56: Kinda want this to be a seperate fanfic/ a storyline...
Purplejaybird #6
Chapter 55: Love this!
Konda want a sequal to this...
Purplejaybird #7
Chapter 50: Really enjoying reading your M rated one shots!!
Purplejaybird #8
Chapter 34: Cute love this!
Purplejaybird #9
Chapter 29: So sad but love it anyway!
I love all the oneshots lol!! But the onkey ones more lol...
Purplejaybird #10
Chapter 27: <span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/406360/27'>?/Onew - "Roused"</a></span>
Favorite love this!
Maybe enjoying/Loving your M rated one shots