OnTae - "Teeth"

SHINee Drabbles~!

249 words
Dentist!AU » PG-13


I dislike going to the dentist, but my yeobo wanted this, so here we are.



Taemin flinched when the dentist pulled back his cheek with the cold mouth mirror, the circle tip digging into his gums and pulling a whimper past his lips.

“Oh sorry,” Dr. Lee’s honey voice murmured, removing the mirror, “was I too rough?”

One look at the handsome dentist’s crestfallen expression and Taemin was a goner, already shaking his head in denial. “No, not at all! I just have sensitive gums.”

Dr. Lee’s eyes narrowed and he pursed his lips in disappointment. “Oh, Taemin-ah, that’s a sign of gingivitis! That means you haven’t been brushing properly. Or perhaps you haven’t flossed? You know how important flossing is.”

Bright red patches bloom on Taemin’s cheeks as he twiddled his thumbs together. “But I do floss!” I do it for you, he adds silently.

Of course, Dr. Lee just shakes his head, adjusting the light above Taemin’s head and pushing the younger man back into the seat. Even with the bright bulb shining his face, Taemin nervously watches from the corner of eyes as the doctor brings out an array of scalers, ranging from blunt to pointed, glinting in the harsh light and ready to dig between his teeth.

“It seems we’ll have to do a thorough cleaning today, Taemin-ah,” Dr. Lee says with a smirk, picking up the sharp periodontal scaler.

“But hyung~,” Taemin whines, “last night you promised me if I you off, you wouldn’t be like this!”

Dr. Lee just cackles. “But aegi, you do that every night.”




A/N: Someone please explain to me why everything I write has a ual innuendo in it, whether it’s hidden or not… orz

I’ve been writing a lot of OnTae lately, I know. My next long fic is OnTae, that’s why.

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Maybe enjoying/Loving your M rated one shots