
Journey of Life

*alarm rings*

"ummm, stop ringing. I'm still sleepy." you murmur to yourself as the alarm continues to ring from the table beside your bed.

Nevertheless, the alarm is still ringing.

"Argh, stop it!" you growled and cover your face with your pillow.

"Hailey! get up now! It's 6 in the morning. You don't wanna be late for school, do you?" you hear your mom talking outside your door.

"5 more minutes mom." you answer and start streching your body. You sat at the edge of your bed to make your blood runs to your body but it seems like someone has cast a spell on you, no matter what you do, your eyes still closes by themselves.

"Hailey! Get up already! Its 6:30. you dont have much time to prepare for school." your mom said in a loud voice while knocking on your door. Hearing your mom's voice, you immediately get up from your bed and rush to the bathroom and start to have a quick bath. After a few minutes, you go down to eat your breakfast.


*knock knock*


"Hailey!! Hey wake up now!!!"




"Hailey!! We need to go early to school today!! Hey wake up now!!"


"Mom, I'm still sleepy"


"Its me, Jeongmin!! Who are you calling mom?? Get up now! You sleepyhead!!" Jeongmin said and knock continuously at your door.


"Jeongmin??!!" You suddenly get up from bed and rush to your door. "I'm so sorry, Wait for me, I'll go down in 10 mins." You said apologetically to Jeongmin. "Aiisshh~~ What kind of dream was that?? I thought I am already dressed up?? Darn!!" You said to yourself as you started to have a quick bath.


You are riding the bus when you check the time in your wristwatch.


"I still have 10 more minutes.." you murmur to yourself and look outside the window. Today is the resume of your class after the two weeks of holiday.


Minutes pass and now you see your beloved school, Faith Academy, you get off the bus and run toward the school gate.

"Kwangmin!! Hey, How are you??" You exclaimed as you run towards him leaving Jeongmin behind you.

"Nothing. Well, lets go now, I dont wanna be late." Kwangmin says with a poker face and head towards your assigned room, leaving you and Jeongmin behind.

"What's with him, Jeongmin?" you ask Jeongmin and start to pout, you really hate it whenever Kwangmin acts like an old grump.

"Well, I guess that is the sign of aging.. hahaha" Jeongmin replies and starts to laugh his heart out.

"Yeah, you're right." you agree with him after that.You really cant stop from laughing since you know that Kwangmin is the youngest between the three of you. 

"Okay. I think you're fine now, so lets go to our classroom now." Jeongmin says and starts to pull you.



"Awww, Hailey, I forgot.. Math is our first subject starting today, can I sit beside you??" Jeongmin says with his puppy eyes.


"Of course, that's fine with me." you answer and smile to him. Since it is the resume of your class, its been a tradition of your school that your subjects will be arranged bottom-up which means your last subject before the holiday will be the first subject when the class return.  And that means that your next subject will be history, so you will be needing Jeongmin beside you in that subject .


"Hailey, Jeongmin.. over here.." someone shouts when the two of you enter the room.

"Kwangmin, I thought you've forgotten about us." you while taking your seat.

"Why would I do that??" Kwangmin asks in an unconcerned tone and begins doodling on his notes.

"Urrgghh, why do you have to act like that?? Do you have to act like an old grump, huh?" you ask and hit him lightly on his shoulder.

"Haha, then why are you so irritated about it??" Kwangmin asks and smirks.

"What?" you ask him back and look at him with a what-do-you-mean look.

"I really missed you hailey, haha, did I have my victory in making you annoyed?" Kwangmin asks and laughs.

You pout your lips, thinking that Kwangmin just put a prank on you and he is still there, laughing on what he just did.

"Ya, ya, Jeongmin, look at Hailey, she's pouting her lips again." Kwangmin complains while pulling Jeongmin's sleeves.

"Hailey, though you're cute when you pout your lips, dont make it a habit." Jeongmin says politely and smiles at you.

"Whatever.. im not listening to both of you" You murmur to yourself and just face the front still with pouted lips. 

"Hailey sshi~ don't you know that Donghyun hyung will kiss every girl who pouts their lips?" Kwangmin asks in a low voice.

"I dont care." you reply and roll your eyes.

"Oh~~ okay, ya, Donghyun hyung." Kwangmin suddenly calls Donghyun and then you see how Donghyun looks at you.

"Those eyes." you thought and just smile at Donghyun because you don't know how you will avoid his stares. Then you turn to look at Kwangmin and make a big fake smile. "Stop it." you give out your warning and glare at him.

"Why? Wait a minute, Hailey shii~ are you blushing? Don't tell me you like Donghyun hyung?" Kwangmin says in an irritated voice.

"Aisshh, aniyo. Its the first day of school Kwangmin, dont ruin it." you reply and face the front since your teacher arrives.


You are half listening to your teacher because your mind is busy thinking what Kwangmin was saying moments ago. "He sounds like my father when he said that." you whisper to yourself and then all your thoughts where cut short when your teacher calls you to answer some board problem. You go to the board and luckily the problem is just a piece of cake for you.


"Hailey, you seem like something's bothering you, what happened? " Jeongmin asks as soon as you get back to your seat.

"It is nothing." you answer and smile at him.

"Oh, maybe she is still daydreaming about Donghyun hyung." Kwangmin says out of the blue and you look at him.

"And why would I be daydreaming about him?" you ask and smirk at him.

"Because you think that donghyun will kissed you if you pout your lips." Kwangmin says straightforwardly.

"Stop mentioning about that kiss. it gives me a creepy feeling." you say it in an irritated way.

"blah.blah.blah." kwangmin goes back to being his 4D self again. You know that kwangmin is a prankster yet you cant help yourself from being annoyed.

"Hailey ~ calm down. You know him." Jeongmin said and gives you a chocolate.

"Thanks Jeongmin. I'm so lucky to have you,." you said and starts taking down notes for tomorrow's assignment.

After a couple of hours the bell rings. You get your important things in your bag and was about to leave the room when Jeongmin said that he will be just catching on you and Kwangmin later.

"huh, then who will i go with in the canteen??" you said to yourself and watch Jeongmin walks away hurriedly.

"You're coming with me?" Kwangmin asks.

"Of course. I've got no choice." you replies.

"You can go with donghyun if you want, you want me to call him for you?" Kwangmin asks

You really get annoyed whenever they tease you to Donghyun. Since you are the only girl trainee who is their classmate, they make it a habit to annoy you. It's not that you have a bad impression about Donghyun, it's just that he is the serious type of guy and he seems to be annoyed too whenever they tease you with him. So you don't want to messed up with him.

And because Kwangmin would not stop with it, you just left him and you go to the canteen alone.


At the canteen, someone tap your shoulder and smiled.

"Hey, Sorry. I didn't mean to get that far." Kwangmin said.


"I dont care about you. Go away!!" You said shoo-ing him away.


"Yah, I said I'm sorry, i will never do that again. And besides, you still need to come with me after class, Kwangsun missed you alot. He keeps on asking for her omma." Kwangmin said and handed you some snacks.


"Just don't do that again!" Now, let's go find Jeongmin.We need to split up, you go there and I'll go over here." You said and went to the other direction and began looking for Jeongmin.


 Since the canteen is too crowded and you are blessed with a not so pleasing height. You have to do everything just to see them. Then you remembered one of the steps in your ballet class, the 'Relevé; a step where you have to stand on your toes.' Then you tried it and unluckily you lose your balance since you haven't practiced it for years. you just closed your eyes and wait for the moment for you to hit the floor.. but.. "Hey, I didn't touch the floor, did I?" you asked yourself and began to opened your eyes.

"You should be careful." you heard a voice talked and you saw that you fell safely in  his arms.



hope you will like this story ^^


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Arisa_Ameiru #1
Annyeong, Bestfriend! *bows* ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ
This fanfic is just... ah~ I like it a lot. :DD Oh, and
can you check out my OC story BOYFRIEND fanfic? (feat. Youngmin and Kwangmin)Please support if you like it! ヽ(*≧ω≦)ノ

Kamsaminda & mianhae for bothering! 。:゚*+;(●´・д・`●);+*゚:。

~strawberry_mochi_01 (。◕‿◕。)(a fellow Bestfriend)
Chapter 1: OMG, Love. Love. Love this story!!!! This is also my *another* dream, to be an idol with Starship! huhuhu... curious what will happen in Korea and how i meet another members ^^
Update ASAP!!! :)
Hi dear, i just found your story and i like this one^^
I'm curious who was that, who save me???? hehehehe.....
But i think you missed to put Donghyun in the description of characters :(
please update soon