The Pain Just Got Going

Listen To Him
~Three Years Later~
"I asked her to marry me Baekhyun" Baekhyun almost chocked on his coffee, is this why he took him hear for no reason, was this the reason? 
"You what." Baekhyun asked, still sort of choking.
"I asked her to marry me. Last month she told me that I made her life the best it ever was and that she wanted us together forever. So I bought engagement rings and asked her to marry me last night. She looked really happy and didn't hesitate to say yes. We really love each other Baekhyun." 
*Snap* And there went Baekhyun's last small, bit of hope for them. They were really in this for the best. He could do it. He could keep waiting and waiting for this giant ball of happy to realize what Baekhyun feels and what he know he feels for Baekhyun. Chanyeol will never see that and Baekhyun could do nothing about it. Nothing but smile though the pain and fake it.
"I'm really happy for you both Chanyeol. I wish the best for both of you." It was the same lie every time. Say your happy and that you want this for him. Baekhyun made this the only lie he could tell and make it look truthful. Chanyeol didn't see the pain in the boys eyes. Years of growing pain build up and can never be released. Or else the worst might happen.
"I want you to be the best man too. Will you?" 
It stung like a million bee stings on one spot, the center of his heart where love lies. And in this case, love is a lie to him. Never could such a thing like this be called love. Love isn't painful, hate is.
But that's where Baekhyun was wrong. Love is painful, it's the worst pain there is even though it brings the best feeling in the world.That's it's balance. But the side of pain was more favorable to Baekhyun instead of the best feeling of love he wanted. Hate is the never painful, unless your only hurting yourself. Turning love into hate will give you just that. Pain. So that's what Baekhyun was cursed with.
"I would love to Chanyeol." And like the moment couldn't get any worse, Bruno Mars' It Will Rain decided to play in the cafe. The tale of my life.
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Beau1996 1372 streak #1
Chapter 4: Wise Tayeon
secret_silenterz #2
Chapter 4: I LOVE TAEYEON VERY MUCH ❤ Thanks Taeyeonieee hahaha
Chapter 3: plz update soon i really can't wait to see.....
lazygirlxsica #4
Update soon, neh?
kpopmeme #5
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^