Part 2: First meeting, in disquise! :)


A week went by faster than Daehyun and Jaycee expected. They both have had a busy, and yet quite
exhilerating time.

Jaycee found her work to be stressful and the people she worked with were kind and entertaining.

She made a lot of friends throughout the big building in the Jung corperation and she did a fine job learning her
new tasks each day.

During her first week there, she overheard a lot of gossiping and small talk amongst her co-workers about Mr. Jung's only son, Jung Daehyun.

She discovered that he was fed up with his rich life and having servants wait on him every hand and foot.

A lot of them said that he has dissapeared and thought he must have run away from home.

They gossip and wonder how Mr. Jung is taking it or if he knows at all that his only son has left his spectacular life behind.

They said how Daehyun didnt like getting so much attention and the only kind of girls that wanted him, only want him for his riches and powerful tittle.

She felt bad for the poor guy and when she found out that he works as an assistant to his father at the company and is supposed to show up for work, she hopes that perhaps one day she'll meet him and make a good first impression for him.

She saw pictures of Mr. Jung with Daehyun spread around in his office and believe that the young man was handsome.

Each time Jaycee went into Mr. Jung's office to see how she is enjoying her time, she would always take a long look at the pictures of Daehyun and wondered what kind of person he would be in real life.

As for Daehyun, he moved into the same building as Jaycee without her knowing, but of course, he made his own disquise with the help of his close friend.

He changed his hair colour from brown to blonde and sometimes even wore a wig. During that week,
he got himself a job and a bunch of new things.

Daehyung had gotten a new apartement in the building where Jaycee lives and he really enjoyed his new living quarters. He thought it was very cosy and very homey.

Daehyun even bought himself a new wardrobe and changed his name to Jung Chansung.

It was a deleriously hot day in Seoul, and the two of them were walking home...

(Jung Daehyun's POV)

"Wahh! The sun is so hot." I mumble to myself, heading out into the blazing heat, and making my way towards the nearest grocery store.

I pause for a minute to collect myself, and I glance around my surroundings.

I wipe my sweaty forehead and lean onto the black metal bars to the fence surrounding the grassy grounds of the building, taking a short break from walking in this dreadful heat.

I can hear many cars honking in the distance and a group of woman close by laughing in the grass, having a nice picnic in the breezy glade on the other side of the street.

My blonde bangs are swishing over my brows and hiding my innocent brown eyes, including the rim of my cap.

I feel cranky in this heat, and I'm mad because I had to step out of the cool air conditioned building to grab my first set of groceris for the week.

I am wearing my favorite white wifebeater, and a pair of cream-coloured manly shorts.

I can feel the sweat-marks under my armpits growing and my t-shirt getting drenched within this horrid heatwave.

I sigh heavily, and I step onto the sidewalk, trying to figure out where the closest grocery store is. I haven't been there much yet, and I really needed to stalk up on food.

"Exuse me, sir. Can you tell me where the grocery store is?" I ask a random old man that was walking past me, clearly more crankier and sweatier than I was.

Thankfully, the smaller, older male stepped beside me and looked at my map I had in my hands.

I took my map and grocery store list with me, in hopes of getting directions from a local citizen.

I tried calling my good friend up to see if he can help me, but apparently, I think he's still fast asleep at this late hour in the afternoon.

"Yes, the grocery store is actually close to this building, kid. All you have to to is walk straight down Young st. until you get to the end of the street, turn left on Blossom avenue, walk another mile, and then when you walk to the end, you turn left. Arasso?"

The man explains, wiping the back of his neck with a kitchen cloth.

I shake my head and bow thankfully, folding up my map.

"Ne, Kamsahamnida!" I thank him, patting his shoulder.

"Make sure to stay inside today where there is air condition, araso?"

The man nods his head and laughs, shaking his hands at me.

I chuckle, and register the directions the man told me a few seconds ago, making my way towards
the grocery store at full speed.

(end of Daehyun's POV)

(Jayceee's POV)

"Ahhh! This air condition feels great!" I say to myself as I enter the local grocery store in the city.

A gust of wind hits me like a tital wave and I practically lose my balance after I slip through the double sliding doors, grabbing my grocery store cart from the side wall.

My, my, its terribly busy in here! Of course its because it is so hot outside and so cool in here.

They even have better air condition than my builing does. Bleh, its not fair!

I slap my purse down onto the top part of the silver cart and I rummage through my expensive purse, searching for my list.

When I find it, I quickly look for the first thing and find the most important item I need on the list; Milk!

"That will be in the frozen food section." I say cheerfully. I set my grocery list back down and I push my cart in the drection of the refrigerators at the back.

On my way, I gradually start peeking through each aisle, wanting to see who is all here and what type of food are displayed on the shelves.

When I got close to the end, I abruptly stop and found something way more interesting than milk and being in the grocery store at all...a handsome fellow looking at the cereal section!

Oh boy, did he ever have hot muscles! This dude is definitely a babe!

Even though he wore a gray  baseball hat, I can see the blonde bangs on his forehead, and he wore a y white wifebeater and a pair of cream coloured shorts.

My mouth animaditly fell open to a large O and I didn't notice it, but my mouth started filling up with drool.

To make sure this man didn't notice I was staring at him, I slightly push my cart a few inches ahead of me and I hid behind the end of the aisle, peeking through a few cereal  boxes to keep a close eye on him.

I feel my heart skip a beat, and my body tingling all over...what in the world could this

"Who is that guy?" I ask no one in particular, cleaning my mouth off with my fingers.

A few people pass by me and I can see them pointing at me, wondering what on Earth am I doing.

All I do is roll my eyes and continue staring at the y man in front of me.

On the other end of the cereal aisle, I see a little old lady about 9'10 and trying to reach one of the cereal boxes on the top shelf, struggling of course.

I shake my head in disbelief, and thinking I can possibly flirt with the handsome gentalmen in the same aisle afterwards, I harshly push my cart across the other aisle and speedily make my way to the side where the lady is on.

Too late!

The man must have seen her struggled and come to her aid, for she nearly fell and he caught her!

That scored him even more points for me, and I practically melted at the sight of him.

Once he put her up on her feet again, I slowly walked up to her and tapped her shoulder on the other side, cutting in on the tender moment.

"Which cereal did you want, miss?" I question her, gaining her attention.

From my side I can see the woman blushing badly and putting on her best ayego. I can't help but smile
and laugh quietly to myself.

That girl might be old but goodness, she has great taste in hunky men!

"That one up there, the one with the big red K on it." She answers, pointing at a Kellogs cereal box.

He nods his head and tell hers to push her cart side. He stands up on his tippy-toes and grabs the desired box, immediately handing it to her once he grabs it securely.

She bows thankfully to him, and pinches his cheeks when he lowers his body again to her full height.

"Omo! Kamsahamnida!! Your omma is lucky to have such a sweet son like you!"

"Your welcome, miss! Thank you! See you later." He says, his voice vibrating through my ear canal and sending chills up my spinal cord.

"Ne, see you later." The old lady turns around, gives me a wink, and dissapears into the next aisle.

"Oh, thanks for wanting to help her out...but I got it." The handsome fellow states, taking off his

"Ah, that was so nice of you to help her. Thank you!"

He smiles and bows his head slightly.

"No problem."

He's about to turn around but I walk up closer to him and tap him on the shoulder, wanting to talk
to him more.


Luckily, I catch his attention and he doesn't leave my side just yet.

"You look, you come to this store often?" I ask him, starting to get closer to him
and studying his features more closely.

"An-Aniyo...I just moved here." He answers, stuttering slightly. He jumps back the closer I get near him, and he doesn't give me full eye contact.

I wonder why he got nervous all of a sudden?

I stood still in my spot and study his face more.

What is it that got me attracted to him so much?

"Oh...but you know, you do look that I think about it. Have we ever met before or worked together?" I continue asking him and I notice that the more I question about his appearance, the more nervous he becomes.

"No, I don't think so...miss." He tells me, scratching the back of his head.

"It must be my immagination, please excuse me. Well, that was very nice of you to help out that elder lady. Do you know your way around here a lot?"

This time, I seem to build up more courage and I start off my flirting tactics by twirling the ends
of my long black hair.

The boy shakes his head, and I continue.

"If you want, we can exchange numbers and maybe I can show you around town sometime?" I suggest, batting my eyelashes.

"Ne, that would be very helpful. Kamsahamnida!" At that, he pulls out a pen and paper, and hands them to me.

"I'll call you the next time I'm free." He explains. I nod my head in agreement.

By this time, I feel my gitty schoolgirl side rising to the surface and I take a deep breathe.

We exchange numbers and wave goodbye to each other.

I never forget his handsome face, and I found out that his name is Jung Chansung.

"Haaaa! I can't wait to see him again!"

(end of Jaycee's POV)

On the way home to the grocery store, Daehyun and Jaycee bumped into each other going into the same
apartement building, later on that early evening.

Surprised and excited, the two of help each other put away their groceries and go out into town for dinner for a celebration. Celebrating Daehyun's new apartement and Jaycee's new job.

The two of them instantly hit it off and Jaycee has no idea that Daehyun is really her boss Mr. Jung's son, Daehyun,
from the pictures she saw in his office.

The two of them spend hours together that night, engaging in deep conversation, flirting every now and then and enjoying each other's company.

The night faded away quickly and even so, none of them wanted to depart from the other.

Now that they knew they lived in the same building...they planned to get together and hang out more whenever they were both free from schedules.

(end of Second part...)

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Chapter 3: Uwaaahhhh Daebakkkkk Y.Y but ended i wish to have a sequel or if you are a fan of BTOB can you do a Minhyuk and Ilhoon version even though its not like this? Different plot and just a simple short story?

Overall this is Daebakkkkk >.< Saranghamnidaaaa
I am loving the plot ^^ Ill comment again... Omgeee i love plots like this ^0^
Chapter 3: Wahhhh one word ADORABLE
Chapter 3: this is so cute!!!! i love it! =)
Chapter 3: Wahhh~~~!!! Soo cute^^
Chapter 3: THANK YOU SO MUCH UNNIE! I REALLY LOVE IT. It's exactly how i imagined it to be. This is really great. Thank you once again!!!!!
Chapter 2: PS: I love Daehyun's pictures that you used in this fanfic!
Chapter 2: Thank you for the lovely update! Another amazing chapter done by you, unnie! :)Hmmm i hope that Jaycee and Daehyun will become close soon.
Chapter 1: Yay! First chapter is daebak! :) I really love it tho, can't wait for the next one.

Didn't expect Luna to be Daehyun's friend!