
Voice 목소리





"Are you girls ready?" Mrs. Lee called the three girls who were getting ready in Sunmi's room. She opened the door to find them dolled up and ready to go, "Omo, you girls look so pretty!!"

Indeed, they all looked stunning. Haneul wore a sky blue strapless dress with embroidery on the waist. Eunji wore a red spaghetti strap dress with black overlay sparkles and floral appliques (wait, what?). On the other hand, Sunmi opted for a simple white dress.

"Let's go downstairs so you can take pictures!" She ran out excitedly.

"Sunmi-ah, your mother really funny." Eunji said.

"Mrs. Lee is a pretty hyper woman, Eunji-ah." Haneul told her. The three girls walked down stairs, where they found Sunmi's older sister pigging out on the couch. She complimented the girls on how pretty they looked too, "But Sunmi-ah, are you getting married or something? Why a white dress?"

"It's because white suits her best, Unnie!" The other two girls said in Sunmi's defense.

"Arasso, arraso! Go, have fun!" Saemi shooed them away, too concentrated in her drama.

"Here girls!" Sunmi's mother popped out of nowhere with a camera and started a mini photoshoot.

"Omma! We'll be late like this!" Sunmi complained. Her mother's face fell, "I'm sorry... I'm just too excited for you..." Sunmi smiled at her dorky mother and hugged her tightly. The other girls awwed in the background. "You girls should go now. I'll call your father."


"Oh, look at who we have here!" Himchan exclaimed when he saw Daehyun coming in, "Our Daehyunnie dressed up so nicely tonight, what could it be for~~?" Daehyun wore a crisp black suit, but of course, he looks good on everything, so...

"Shut up, hyung!" Youngjae complained.

"Geez... You guys are no fun!" Himchan pouted, "Anyway, your dates haven't arrived yet?"

"Of course not! We wouldn't be here otherwise." Youngjae told him.

"Oh, what about your date, hyung?" Jongup asked him. All the others turned their heads to Himchan. Which lucky girl did the famous player choose?

"Secret!" Himchan grinned, "You'll see later, she's the prettiest girl in here."

The others rolled their eyes at Himchan, "Sure..."

Aside from the obvious, Yongguk had invited his cousin to the prom. Of course, no one else knew, and he looked forward to see how many people fell for it. Himchan had his mystery girl. Jongup accepted an invitation from a cute girl from his class; she was obviously ecstatic. And Zelo? He recieved many offers, but declined them all. In the end, he just came alone. With some luck, he might be able to find someone to dance with; if not, he'd stay by the snack bar enjoying cherry tomatoes for the rest of the night.

"Oh, B.A.P!" Someone called from afar. They all turned to see the cute girl in a pink dress approaching them.

"Bongcha-yah, you look cute." Himchan's comment made her blush.

"T-thank you... Anyway, how's the prom so far?" She asked.

"Not much is going on..." Jongup replied.

She chuckled, "Because your dates aren't here yet?"

"Oh, who's yours by the way?" Youngjae asked her, but she looked down, slightly bitter.

"I-I was too busy with the committee... I didn't have time to find anyone..."

"That's sad... Maybe you'll get to dance with someone at least." Yongguk tried cheering her, but it seemed useless.

"I'm still pretty busy right now... But don't worry about me! Just enjoy yourselves!" She beamed at them and left.

Suddenly, Himchan had a brilliant idea, "Maknae-yah, you should go dance with her."

"M-mwoh?!" Zelo had been too distracted to know what his hyungs had been talking about.

"Come on! She couldn't get a date because she was busy, and you didn't get one for being too picky. At least dance with her!" He insisted. The others thought it was a good idea, and encouraged Zelo too.


"Hyung! Can't we go too?" Ricky complained.

"You didn't get invited, did you?" Chunji laughed at the visual maknae.

"Ricky-ah, those parties are no fun anyway." CAP told him, "We have our own prom next week."

Still, he wanted to go, "But Chunji-hyung and L.Joe-hyung are going! Even Changjo is going! Why can't I go?"

"Well, Chunji was invited." Niel explained, "L.Joe is a student, so he has to go. And Changjo... wait, why is Changjo going?"

"I met someone in the talent show and she invited me, problem?" He said nonchalantly.

"That's not fair! I want to go... " Ricky whined.

"Too bad! You should be concentrating in next week's tests!" CAP told him. The three boys who were going smirked at him. Poor Ricky...


"Whoa... the place looks so pretty!" Eunji exclaimed, "Bongcha and the rest did a really good job."

While looking around, she stumbled upon someone...

"Eunji-ah! Y-you look so pretty... " Youngjae muttered.

"I could say the same... " She kept staring at him.

Jaeeun were so enthralled with each other, Haneul and Sunmi were easily forgotten.

"Tch! You better not leave me once you find that Highlighter!" Haneul complained.

"Jagiyaaaahhh!!!" Someone randomly screamed, but obviously, the two girls knew who it was...

"Lee Chanhee... Stop embarrassing me!!" Haneul smacked his head. Chunji whined sadly, "But aren't you happy to see me? Let's go dance, Jagi~~" Immediately, she was dragged away by him.

'You better not leave me? Who left me first, huh?'


"Oh, L.Joe-oppa and... Changjo?" Sunmi looked at him weirdly, "What are you doing here, Jjinbang?"

He scoffed, "Of course I have a date."

"Really?! Who?!" Sunmi queried, but Changjo wouldn't tell her. "Fine! L.Joe-oppa, who did you come with?"

"Sh-she's not here yet..." L.Joe told her, but Changjo noticed he lied, 'I pity you, Hyung. Sunmi looks really pretty today...'

"I'll go find my date, bye~~" Changjo left the two alone. Sunmi decided to look for Daehyun, leaving L.Joe alone.


"Oh, L.Joe-hyung!" Zelo called him from the snack table.

"Junhong? What are you doing here? Don't you have a date?" He asked, while taking a seat next to him.

Zelo sighed sadly, "In the end, I didn't accept anyone, so I came alone."

"That's sad... " L.Joe felt sympathy for him as he was in the same situation, "But there are many girls who came without a date. Maybe you can find someone to dance with."

"Aish, you too?" Zelo cried.



"Oh, Amy-ah!"

His cousin smiled happily at him. Her gummy smile somewhat resembled his, "I'm glad you invited me, this place looks so nice!"

Yongguk smiled sympathetically at her, "Cheer up, nae?"

"Don't worry, I will." She sighed deeply, "I'll get something to drink, you wait here Oppa."


Himchan walked around, trying to find his date. He invited a waitress at a local coffee shop, but she seemed nowhere to be found. While walking, he accidentally stepped on a girl's long dress.

"I-I'm sorry." He bowed politely, but when he looked at her, he was completely blown away. The girl he had stumbled upon was beautiful; he couldn't help it but to stare at her like a creep. 'Is this what they call love at first sight?'

"Yah!" She made him snap out of his daydream, "What's wrong with this guy?" Immediately, she left, not wanting to be near the weirdo. Himchan was still dumbstruck because of her, and stood his place like a fool.


Bongcha sat down to rest. She had expected this night to be full of fun, but it turned out the other way. "There's still so much to do..." She muttered to herself.

"Oh, it's you Bongcha!" The exhausted girl looked up to see L.Joe. Suddenly she felt her heart skip a beat. Why was she feeling like this? She never thought much of L.Joe before... Maybe it was just because of how good he looked in a suit... "Are you tired already? Where's your date?"

She bit her lip nervously, "I don't have a date... I'm still busy with committee stuff..."

"That doesn't matter~~ Actually, I don't have a date either, but don't tell anyone!" He told her, "You know, when you're not busy, I'll dance with you."

Her eyes got dangerously wide, "R-really?" He nodded. Before she could say anything else, another committee member came up and dragged her away. Her collegue went on and on about the food, but Bongcha's mind could only think of the conversation she had with L.Joe.


Himchan recieved a message:

Himchannie, mianhae! >.< I can't make it on time, I have to work another shift... Sorry! I hope you still enjoy the prom.

He stared at his phone for some seconds. Himchan had forgotten about his date completely; his mind was too busy thinking about the pretty girl with the long dress...


'Done! I'm not busy anymore!' Bongcha thought victoriously, 'I'll go look for L.Joe-oppa~~' But before she could do so, someone suddenly grabbed her arm.

"Bongcha-yah..." It was Zelo, who - for some reason - wasn't his usual confident self, "W-would you like to dance with me?"

"U-umm..." She really wanted to dance with L.Joe, but Zelo seemed too lonely... "Sure."


A slow song suddenly came up. The sky couple, who were more of the hyper type, felt sort of awkward with such a slow song.

"This is... boring..." Haneul mumbled to herself.

"But you know, ballads are good when you want to talk." Chunji said. She wondered what could he want to talk about... "Actually I came here for a single reason. Next week my school is having a prom-"

"Well, I won't go." Haneul spat bluntly.

"I understand why you wouldn't want to go..." He smiled sadly, "It's so unfair... I wanted to show all of those fangirls how strong my girlfriend is, but since she doesn't want to go..."

She scoffed at him, "Is this your way of convincing me? I told you once I'd never go back to that place."

Chunji leaned closer, whispering into her ear, "I'm sorry for being so rash... I just miss you... " 

The stubborn Haneul suddenly melted. Of course she missed him too, but she didn't have the courage to go. Haneul wanted to slap herself for being so weak, why couldn't she bring herself to go? No. Kang Haneul wasn't scared of anything; she had to get over this.

"Chanhee-ah... I-I'll think about it... B-but if I go, promise me you'll stay with me the whole time..."  She said, not looking up at him.

Chunji was taken aback by her sudden mood swing; however, he found it really cute, "Promise~~"


After some time, the party gathered at a table.

Jongup and Changjo brought up their mysterious dates, who felt a bit left out because of all the people. The maknae couple had had a lot of fun together, Bongcha completely forgot about L.Joe.

'Oh... Crap! L.Joe-oppa will hate me afterwards...'

L.Joe wasn't angry, though. He did remind her she'd have to dance with him at least once, which made Bongcha really happy. Jaeeun were too busy with each other as always, and surprisingly, the sky couple was the same. Himchan's thoughts lingered on the mysterious girl until...

"Amy-ah, this are my friends." Yongguk presented Amy to everyone. She slightly cringed when she saw Himchan.

"Oppa, that guy is your friend too?" She whispered, "He's weird!"

Yongguk couldn't contain his laughter after what he heard. He looked at Himchan and back at Amy. Himchan was staring at her so intently, Yongguk's poor cousin hid behind him, "He doesn't stop staring at me..."

Himchan couldn't help it but to feel sad to see she was Yongguk's date, 'I don't have a chance with her then?'

But where were Daehyun and Sunmi?


Song: Kelly Clarkson's 'Breakaway'

Sunmi had been looking for Daehyun for pretty long, but with no luck. Every once in a while a random student walked up to her asking for a dance, but she refused to do anything until she found Daehyun.

'Where can he be?!'

She guessed he was probably in the restroom, so she waited out for him to come out. After around 10 minutes, Sunmi got tired of the weird looks she got from people coming in and out. Anyway, Daehyun wouldn't be in the bathroom for so long, right?

Sunmi looked in every single place she could think of, except for one...

While walking through the classrooms, she noticed the stairs to the rooftop, 'Why didn't I think of this earlier?' Immediately, she ran upstairs and flung the door open.

And there he was, staring at Seoul's skyline. He heard the door opening, and turned to see his girlfriend with a smile, "It took you long enough."

"What are you doing here? Everyone's downstairs having fun."

"It was too stuffy in there." He replied, "It was quite boring actually. I find it a lot better to be here."

Sunmi scoffed, "Do you intend to stay the whole night here?"

"Hmm... Considering the fact that you are here, maybe." He turned to the landscape again, "Remember the time we came when we first met?"

"Umm... First day of classes, right? But we didn't really know each other until some time later..." Sunmi walked to the railings and stared at the beautiful night sky, "You know, you and I are the same. We were both too shy and wouldn't talk to others, until we met..."

"Yeah, it feels like we were destined to meet each other..." Daehyun muttered to himself, but Sunmi heard clearly. She couldn't help it but to laugh at his cheesiness.

"You've definitely changed, Jung Daehyun."

"You changed a lot too, Lee Sunmi." He retorted. "I wonder what's next..."

Sunmi gave him a weird look, "What do you mean by what's next? We'll be Seniors next year, then we'll graduate, then go to college, then get jobs... And so on, that's really obvious."

"What about us?" He smirked, "When are we getting married?"

'H-how can he say that so bluntly?!' Sunmi blushed furiously, "Who says I want to marry you, huh?"

"Then you don't love me?!" He feigned a hurt expression, but quickly laughed it off.

Sunmi rolled her eyes at him. Before she could reply, Daehyun pulled her in for a kiss, "I love you, Lee Sumni."

"I know that already, you've said it many times..." She looked up to Daehyun, "I love you too... I love everything about you. I'm really glad I met you... "



Sadness, pain, sorrow... We've all gone through that. Whether it was big or small, it hurt us; it left scars on us. However, regardless of the circumstances, there's no excuse for us to close ourselves. We all have a past, a story, a voice, and it should be heard. Even when we feel miserable and lonely, there will always be someone there for us. We are all amazing and special in our own way, and there's always that person who will see the light in us. Remember, you may just be a person to the world, but to one person you may be the world, and like our cute Zelo said, shout your voice to the world!




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Chapter 1: Lmao this is weird who's Lee Sunmi. T^T
aegyo-kid #2
Chapter 65: Finally finished re-reading this story!!!;) it's 3:25 AM in our country haha. I really wanted to finish this before i sleep. ;) thanks for a good story author-nim. So many conflicts but everything was solved. You should have added some cheesey stuff with Jaeeun couple thought. And what happened to Himchan? I think you should right extra chapters though... like what happened to the rest of bap members and to bongcha. But if you don't want to it's fine :) reading this again is definitely the best choice i made :D
aegyo-kid #3
Chapter 18: Author-nim so did the bullies drop a pot on haneul or a desk? It says in the previous chapter that it was a pot but it says desk here
thatasian07 #4
Chapter 8: Daehyun's eyes when he did that hair flip in that gif thoooo. xD <3
syayuuri #5
Chapter 65: Ah I love this story :D
Chapter 65: Se acabó :( this is the end .... this fic was amazing I really like it
Chapter 65: First of all: T^T The story ended~ Uwaaa~
Next:The ending is cool and the best~ Even though it was simple but its still sweet! I'm very satisfied in its ending~
Blablabla: I will miss this story.. Sorry bcoz I just arrived from the Philippines last nyt at 3 am~ and only now I finished reading it~ U are my favorite author ever !! Friendly and sweet~
#2Blablabla: The note after the story in the chapter 64 totally touched my heart! I totally agree with it!
#3Blablabla: I will miss u a lot authornim^^ Thank u for replying all my replies^^ I wish u luck for ur school days! And sorry if I had said some mistakes or wht so ever~ lol.. Its been fun knowing u authornim~^^
Chapter 65: Your story was amazing author-nim. I hope you make another one, maybe of Zelo? I don't, he's my bias so ... you know =) anyway, deabak and hope you to have more stories =D
nasomi2011 #9
Chapter 65: Thank you, Authornim. This was a wonderful story, a wonderful concept, and a wonderful cast of characters. I hope that whatever you plan on writing next will get lots of love and support! Thank you for such an amazing story! :)