
Voice 목소리





Sunmi's POV

Hmmm~~ It's too warm and comfy here. I don't want to wake up... I snuggled closer to my giant teddy bear and kept on sleeping.


Wait. I don't have a giant teddy bear, do I? S-so what I'm hugging is... Omo, it can't be! I must be dreaming or something. I don't want to open my eyes! B-buy I have to. I need know if it's all a dream or not!

I slowly peeked with my left eye... and closed it immediately! I-it can't be! It's either I'm going crazy, or my mind is playing tricks on me... Again I slowly peeked, just to make sure... and NO! It's 100% real. D-daehyun is right next to me, a-and I'm snuggling closer to his chest.So, we were sleeping together. H-he didn't do anything to me, right? Just HOW?!

I tried to free myself from Daehyun, but I couldn't. Aish, this boy, I'll buy him a huge plushie so he stops cuddling with me! But, wait... it's not like I dislike it. His perfect face is so close to mine. His messy blonde hair, his perfect skin, and those plump lips... I extended my hand and started caressing his face, tracing from his forehead down to his lips. It's so weird, I've never felt like this before, not even with L.Joe-oppa...


Daehyun's POV

I slept so well last night~~ This position is too comfortable. I looked at Sunmi. She looks like an angel while she sleeps, and she seems so comfortable... Guess I'll just wait until she wakes up.

Some minutes later I felt Sunmi shifting in her sleep. She started snuggling closer to me, and obviously, I held her tighter. But then she suddenly started touching my face?! Omo, I imediately stiffened at her touch. Do I have something on my face? Or does she think I'm bad-looking? No, she told you already you're really handsome, Jung Daehyun! Then... does she like me too, perhaps?


Sunmi's POV

Cut it out! You're acting like a ert, Lee Sunmi! I freed myself from Daehyun and ran to the bathroom. I couldn't believe how red my cheeks were when I looked at myself in the mirror! Now what will I do? How will I go to school if I don't have clothes? And my parents! Damn, they'll hang me once I go back! Ottoke, ottoke?!?!


Author's POV

Sunmi tip-toed out of the bathroom, hoping Daehyun was still asleep; however, he had woken up already.

"D-daehyun...?" Sunmi called softly, looking around the apartment.

"Sunmi-ah!" he hollered from the kitchen. From his tone, Sunmi could tell he was happy.

*He probably doesn't remember anything from last night... * she sighed in relief *he'd think I'm a ert if he knew*

She entered the kitchen, "G-good morning... "

"Morning~~ " Daehyun chirped, "Sit down, breakfast will be ready soon."

After he finished cooking, both sat down and ate silently. To Sunmi, the awkward silence was killing her; on the other hand, Daehyun was overjoyed.

"Umm... Wh-what are we going to do? We have to go to school... " Sunmi said.

Daehyun just smiled at her, "Let's skip today~~ "

Sunmi almost spit her drink, "WHAT?! Jung Daehyun are you crazy? You've been absent for two days in a row!"

"So? I'm still sort of feverish..."

"B-but what about me? W-what will my parents say when I go back home? Oh, Oppa will go mad when he sees I'm not in school!"

"Hmm... Just tell them... you stayed at Eunji's house?" Daehyun suggested.

She rolled her eyes at him, "Yeah, and I skipped to stay at her house, while she went to school? Jung Daehyun, that won't work!"

"Wait! Let me think... Why not tell them you felt really sick, so Eunji let you rest at her house while she went to school?"

"Hmm... that's not bad. It could work, but I need to tell Eunji first. If she tells Oppa that she doesn't know where I am, my parents will find out I was lying." Sunmi said.

"Call her then!"


While on Eunji's side...

"Yeoboseyo?" Eunji answered.

"Eunji-ah, I need a BIG favor!"

"Oh, Sunmi-ah. Where are you? You'll be late."

"About that, if L.Joe-Oppa asks where I am, tell him I'm at your house."

"Dafuq, why?"

"Just do it! Please? Tell him I stayed at your house last night, but I felt sick in the morning and you let me rest at your house. Please! I'll explain it all later, but please? I beg of you, Park Eunji."

"Arasso, arasso! But you better explain yourself tomorrow!"


Back to Daehyun and Sunmi...

"What did she say?" Daehyun asked.

"She agreed!" Sunmi cheered, "Now, why did you want to skip?" her smile turned into a stern look.

"Umm... it's just... I need someone to take care of me! I'm still a little sick."

Sunmi gave him a 'are you kidding me?' "You're such a baby."

"B-but it's true!" Daehyun defended, "Usually when I got sick it was really bad since no one nursed me... "

Sunmi immediately felt sorry for him, "Okay... you have me here. I'll be your personal nurse until you get well! Now what do you want to do, my patient? It's like 8 am... "

"Let's go back to sleep." Daehyun stood up.

"Okay" Sunmi replied, but she didn't move from her place. Daehyun looked at her.

"What?" she kept on eating calmly.

"What part of 'let's go back to sleep' don't you understand?" he said sarcastically.

"Well, go back to sleep then."

He sighed *she's too dense at times!* "Aren't you coming?"

As soon as he said that, Sunmi choked on her food, "W-what?!"

"You're tired too, right?" Daehyun asked.

"B-but there's only one bed! A-and you'll be sleeping, so-"

"Don't worry it's big enough for both of us." he said nonchalantly. Sunmi still didn't move from her seat. "Nurse-shi, you're under my orders now, so come." he ordered. Sunmi was obliged to go.

*She looks too nervous. I think I overdid it... But she won't think I'm a dirty ert, right?* Daehyun thought.

Both lied on the bed, but wouldn't look at each other. Sunmi turned to the side, while Daehyun stared at the ceiling, deep in thought.

*What she did in the morning means she likes me, right? I still haven't confessed to her, and it's all that stupid smurf's fault! That day... What was she going to tell me? And if I had confessed that day, would she have accepted? Or am I just friendzoned? I thought there was a high chance that she'd accept, but now that the bastard's back... Maybe her feelings for him came back to? Aish this is so confusing and-*

Daehyun's internal monologue was interrupted when he felt some pulling. He turned around to find Sunmi pulling his arm. His heart skipped a beat.

*But I definitely can't lose you to him... * he sighed and fell asleep too.


Some hours later...

"Sunmi... Sunmi-ah... Ireona~~ " Daehyun gently shook her. The two had been sleeping comfortably for five hours already, well, at least Sunmi had. Daehyun had woken up an hour ago and couldn't sleep again. He gazed at her during all that time, but he had gotten bored.

"Hmm... " Sunmi groaned, "Omma... Five more minutes please... "

"Aigoo... you sleep too much~~ But wake up! Let's go watch a movie or something." He kept on calling.

"Daehyunnie..." she got up and rubbed her eyes, "What time is it?"

"1pm. Let's go out!"

"Okay... Let me just get dressed... Wait, I don't have any clothes!" Sunmi, now fully awake, panicked a little.

"Just wear that, and I'll buy you some clothes later." Daehyun told her.



"Okay, we're here. Get anything you want and I'll pay for it." Daehyun spoke once they got to the mall.

Sunmi hesitated for a second, "Anything?" Daehyun nodded. She wandered around for a little and soon came back with cheap, simple clothes.

"That's all you want?" She nodded. "Are you sure?" She nodded again.

Daehyun was a little shocked by this, girls usually buy lots of clothes? He was ready to waste at least 50000 won (about $45). He also recalled from the time he was... well... stalking Eunji and Sunmi, that she had chosen many nice, expensive outfits for her friend. So wouldn't she do the same for herself?

"Don't you want any other clothes? Money isn't an issue, so don't worry." he told her, but she turned him down.

"I just think these fit me the best." she replied. Lee Sunmi might be good at choosing outfits, but she isn't fond of wearing elaborate outfits herself. After all, isn't simple the best?

"Nope, it's not right." Daehyun said, "Go back there and get something prettier!"

"What? Are you my mother or something?" Sunmi complained; nonetheless, Daehyun reminded her "Today you're under my orders, Nurse-shi."

Defeated, Sunmi went back to look for other clothes. She came back for Daehyun's approval, but he didn't accept and sent her back. After a while she finally found something that would satisfy both of them.

(SO CUTE! >w< I want it... )


"See? You look adorable~~ " Daehyun said while ruffling her hair.

"You're so picky, Daehyun. Your future girlfriend will suffer a lot!" Sunmi exclaimed.

*Then get ready to suffer, Lee Sunmi...* he thought, "Well, now let's go!"


Finally, they went to the movie theatre. To save time, while Daehyun was buying the tickets, Sunmi would buy snacks.

"Hmm... which one should we watch?" He looked around and found a very interesting Japanese movie, "Let's go with that one."

"Did you get them already?" Sunmi asked, approaching Daehyun with a huge bucket of popcorn.

"Yep... Woah, isn't that too much?" 

"But I know you eat a lot so I bought this size." she said.

"Oh, come on! I don't eat that much!" he said, gaining a glare from Sunmi. "Liar! You'll see, it might not be enough. So which movie are we going to watch?"

"I don't remember the name, it was in Japanese."


As they waited for the movie, Daehyun had already devoured more than half of the bucket.

"See!" Sunmi said, "It won't be enough!"

"Shh! It's starting!" Daehyun shushed her.

The movie started really nicely. It was really interesting, and Sunmi liked it... But some Japanese movies are just...

"WAHH!" Not only Sunmi, but many people screamed at a gory horror scene. A ghost had seized the woman's face and squashed it. Then it smashed the dead woman's body against a wall and went on to the next victim. (My friend explained Japanese horror movies to me... i-it wasn't nice... )

"Y-you didn't mention it was this type of movie!" Sunmi accused while trembling in horror.

"I didn't know! I can't read Japanese!" Daehyun cried.

"Well, you should have-AHHH!!!" Another ugly scene appeared, and Sunmi immediately hid in Daehyun's chest.

Daehyun got startled by this sudden action and didn't know what to do, until he noticed how scared Sunmi was, "I-it's alright... It's just a movie..." He patted her head lightly to calm her down.

Sunmi, forgetting about the movie, reddened at this. She could hear Daehyun's heartbeat and calmed down.


"Geez... that movie was horrible!" Sunmi spoke when they got out.

"I'm sorry... I really didn't know... " Daehyun replied *But at least I got to hug you*

"Don't worry, it's not your fault." she assured, "I should go home already and get ready for a scolding... "

"I'll take you there."


Once they were close to the house, Sunmi bid goodbye.

"It was fun~ Though we skipped classes and my parent's will kill me... I hope you get better, Daehyun-ah~~ "





Aigoo... it took me so long to write! Mianhae! >.< These days have been a mix of busy and tiring... I don't want to bore you guys explaining why (think I might write a blog about it...), so I'm just sorry... I'll start writing another chappie, and might upload it if it's done~

On a very weird and irrelevant side note: some days ago I had a dream with Daehyun and it's driving me crazy! >.< I get so flustered thinking about it... Daehyun, what are you doing to me? Zelo is my bias!

*Sigh* Thanks for reading~~ Comment and subscribe~~ ^.^



Remember this, Babyz?





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Chapter 1: Lmao this is weird who's Lee Sunmi. T^T
aegyo-kid #2
Chapter 65: Finally finished re-reading this story!!!;) it's 3:25 AM in our country haha. I really wanted to finish this before i sleep. ;) thanks for a good story author-nim. So many conflicts but everything was solved. You should have added some cheesey stuff with Jaeeun couple thought. And what happened to Himchan? I think you should right extra chapters though... like what happened to the rest of bap members and to bongcha. But if you don't want to it's fine :) reading this again is definitely the best choice i made :D
aegyo-kid #3
Chapter 18: Author-nim so did the bullies drop a pot on haneul or a desk? It says in the previous chapter that it was a pot but it says desk here
thatasian07 #4
Chapter 8: Daehyun's eyes when he did that hair flip in that gif thoooo. xD <3
syayuuri #5
Chapter 65: Ah I love this story :D
Chapter 65: Se acabó :( this is the end .... this fic was amazing I really like it
Chapter 65: First of all: T^T The story ended~ Uwaaa~
Next:The ending is cool and the best~ Even though it was simple but its still sweet! I'm very satisfied in its ending~
Blablabla: I will miss this story.. Sorry bcoz I just arrived from the Philippines last nyt at 3 am~ and only now I finished reading it~ U are my favorite author ever !! Friendly and sweet~
#2Blablabla: The note after the story in the chapter 64 totally touched my heart! I totally agree with it!
#3Blablabla: I will miss u a lot authornim^^ Thank u for replying all my replies^^ I wish u luck for ur school days! And sorry if I had said some mistakes or wht so ever~ lol.. Its been fun knowing u authornim~^^
Chapter 65: Your story was amazing author-nim. I hope you make another one, maybe of Zelo? I don't, he's my bias so ... you know =) anyway, deabak and hope you to have more stories =D
nasomi2011 #9
Chapter 65: Thank you, Authornim. This was a wonderful story, a wonderful concept, and a wonderful cast of characters. I hope that whatever you plan on writing next will get lots of love and support! Thank you for such an amazing story! :)