
Our Old Habits


Junhong forgot how to breathe; he stood there, frozen in place, like a strained riffle, feeling like he didn't even have any rights to even do anything before this God-like creature.

Yongguk was hot. Like, really, really, really hot. His hair was styled up, he was much buffer than before (Junhong last saw him when he was 19, you don't really expect people to stay the same for 5 years, but he was really surprised) and suddenly all those things all those girls that Yongguk knew (or they wished to be known by him) did for his attention and approval, seemed like the right things to do.

Not to mention the perfect lips and the y neck, really, not to mention, because you don't talk about those parts of someone's body, unless you want the owner to slam you against the wall and you senselessly (and of course, Junhong had to admit, amongst the thousands of things that flew across his mind the second he saw Yongguk, that flew too, in the shortest of flash)

The funny thing was, Yongguk was mimicking Junhong's admiration, but Junhong didn't notice that, feeling too much like a fanboy in front of his favorite celebrity (someone George Clooney-like), being blind to everything other than the mere existence of the idol.

Then the older smiled widely, revealing his cute gums (and Junhong's neck got just a little bit warmer, and his stomach tugged at his insides a little bit, kind of like that first time he realized he liked Jongup more than he should, but this was more friendly, more out of admiration and idolization) (but he still wanted to faint), leaned against the door frame and folded his arms;

'Little Zelo. Look at you; - wow'

Junhong was 100% sure he blushed at that comment (just a little bit, but he was really pale-skinned, even a tincy-bincy amount of blush would seem like he's burning up); who in the world wouldn't? And not just blushed, but visibly shivered from Yongguk's, deep, y, trucker's voice, that probably whispered hot stuff in millions of people's ears (and Junhong can't even begin to imagine how that felt) (and he shamelessly admitted to himself, he'd like to have with that voice someday, no doubt about that).

What was even funnier was that this was Youngjae's, his best friend's brother in front of whom he was acting like a high school girl from a crappy teen movie.

He wanted to say hi, he really did, show Yongguk just how much glad he was about him coming back, but Youngjae appeared behind Yongguk, cutting the 'conversation' and dragged them both inside, not shutting his mouth even once. He was always a talker.

Some high-school-girl-from-a-crappy-teen-movie side of Junhong's brain wished he wasn't.

'Hi sweetheart, I haven't seen you in like, what, wow, 20 hours?'

'Hi Mrs. Yoo, nice to see you too, I promise it won't be that long next time'

Youngjae then hugged Junhong from behind, resting his whole body against his own, dressed in a plain black shirt with long sleeves and the simplest pair of jeans. Yongguk laughed at the three of them, looking at the scene from behind the kitchen counter complex that stood in the middle of the kitchen itself;


'You'll be okay, right?'

'For the last time, Himchan, I'll be okay, it's not like I've never seen a plain'

'I know but I love you and I will never forgive myself if anything bad happens to you!'

Himchan; the best friend.

Yongguk and him were kind of in a relationship a long time ago, when they both moved to Japan, but they soon got bored of each other and decided to go back to the beginning and remain friends.

Himchan was, well, pretty hard to explain. He was a pretty princess, more or less; he had mother instincts and worried too much. But Yongguk loved him; there wasn't a person in this whole damn universe that ever cared about him more than Himchan did. Himchan cared about everyone.

Some people would consider that a flaw, a weakness, but Himchan had no problem with it. He was a strong, confident person, nobody controlled him, he never let anybody make fun of him, or use him, he pissed off a lot of arch enemies, but overall people loved him, because he was sweet, caring and sensitive, sometimes he was too flamboyant, but it suited him perfectly; the faces and the hand gestures, along with the leg crossing.

He was there whenever Yongguk needed him, he helped and helped, he cried for him, with him, without him, and Yongguk, well, Yongguk didn't know what he'd actually do without him; he often wondered where he would be now if it wasn't for Himchan.

It's not like Yongguk wasn't a strong, smart (oh, he was smart, too smart) independent person too, he did a better job at it than Himchan did, but he was a troublemaker, he had a lot of problems with himself, he had jumped off the railways plenty of times, in every way possible and Himchan was there to snap him out of it.

It was long story, a story that took place in Tokyo, with Himchan and Yongguk, and people they knew, it was long and it was bad, but after all that crap, they both managed to finish good colleges and Yongguk managed to regain his pureness (as much as it was left).

'Yes, mother number 2, I'm safe, the plain didn't crash nor was it kidnapped by flying monkeys'

Yongguk excused himself from the table, leaving his mom, Youngjae and Junhong to talk about their school, himself, neighbors that renovate their houses at 6am and food, saying he had an important call. 

'Oh my god, that's good'

Himchan sighed in deep relief at the other side of the line. He was supposed to come back to Seoul too, along with Yongguk, they were supposed to fly together but Himchan got held back.

'I can't wait to be back too, you know, see Seoul and all'

'Yeah, it's pretty much the same since the last time, don't get too excited'

'Wow, thank you for ruining it for me, you truly are the best friend anyone could ever ask for'

Yongguk chuckled. He already missed Himchan.

'Don't lie to me, the only thing you're so eager about is being in the same city that kid you like so much is, I don't even - Himchan, are you ever gonna tell me his name?'



'Sorry about that, worried friends would be worried friends'

'Tell me about it', Youngjae muttered under his breath, almost choking on his food when Junhong stopped eating, straightened up, and directed a face at him and an eye look that said 'Next time you have cramps, I hope you die <3'

'I just, can't stop looking at you two, I-'

Yongguk stopped in mid-sentence, struggling with words a little, in the end deciding that just point at Youngjae and Junhong would be enough.

'Yeah, we drank a lot of milk'

Very smooth Junhong, very smooth.  He didn't even like milk. He watched Yongguk make a face that suggested that that seemed reasonable enough and maybe he even didn't say something too stupid. Luck ted you sometimes.

'And Jongup made us go to the gym, every single day, and we hate him for that'

Yup, Yongguk was really glad he was back. Seeing how his brother and his best friend turned out like, he couldn't help but feel proud, considering that he was with them almost every day when he was just a teenager and they were just little cartoon characters running around circles for ages; when he wasn't with Youngjae, he was with Junhong, doing stupid stuff with them, laughing his off at their stupidity and teaching them stuff he'll soon find out they never forgot.

He saw his little brother every day, but Junhong, that's what he called the highlight of the evening; with his cute face and his stylish blonde-blue hair, his talk about hip-hop (Yongguk had to admit, the kid had his heart once again the moment he mentioned it; he somehow felt 10 years younger, as if he's gonna go back to babysitting again, but only this time it'll be much better)  and smart, funny, sneaky comebacks Yongguk came to adore almost immediately. They shared a couple of looks that Yongguk couldn't quite define, but he liked them, and it looked like Junhong liked them too, as if they hid a special meaning and were just between two of them (even if to Youngjae and his mom they seemed pretty normal) and, if Yongguk's gut didn't play tricks on him, there'll be plenty more of those.

Him and Youngjae were still the ing same, they still did stupid things and took pictures of themselves, with Jongup, Daehyun and bunch of other people Yongguk knew, or yet ,didn't.

'I saw Daehyun, but how's Jongup doing?'

'Oh', Youngjae exclaimed 'he's fine. y and a little bit in love with a person he doesn't even know, but it happens'

Yongguk immediately thought of Himchan, and smiled 'Yeah, it does'

'So, are you nervous?'

Yongguk's look shot up upon hearing Junhong's voice, a small smile spread across his lips 'I mean, about coming back, contacting old friends and all; adjusting?'

The older smiled back at him (and Junhong smiled even wider, making the other more eager to talk), scratching his head half-nervously half i'm-not-sure-ishly;

'Yeah, I guess, I mean Daehyun is always an option, since he's the only one of my old friends I kept some kind of contact with, the other's probably forgot about me and probably think I'm a prick - '

'Hey! Watch your language young man!'

(She heard that from the other side of the house, Yongguk couldn't believe it)

'Sorry mother - and, my best friend, the one from Japan is coming back to Seoul in a week or two, so I'm not gonna be so lonely after all. Plus I have you two now, as my equals'

He small smiled softly and kind at both Junhong and Youngjae, his face dropping to a sad little puppy kicked out in the rain when Youngjae told him 'We don't want to be friends with you';  Junhong intervened and neglected Youngjae's statement almost hysterically ('cause God he wanted to see Yongguk again), and they talked, and talked, and talked, Youngjae and Junhong agreeing to give Yongguk a tour of the old neighborhood sometime soon(he told them he took an apartment maybe 5 or 6 blocks from his and Youngjae's suburbia mother's life, and Youngjae told him (too excitedly) that Daehyun lived in the building next to his, so he'll drop by more often then (Yongguk tried to look hurt that Youngjae would rather visit Daehyun than him but failed miserably)).

Youngjae and Yongguk said their goodbyes to Junhong, but still Yongguk found himself listening to Youngjae's and Junhong's school conversation on the front porch that ended when Youngjae said something really stupid and Junhong told him 'I can't listen to you anymore' and simply left.



Youngjae found himself at Daehyun's apartment the next morning: he didn't want to wake the other up, so he used the spare key Daehyun gave him a long time ago (in case Daehyun wasn't in town, at home, or like now, was sleeping) and slowly walked into the warmness and coziness of the latter's house.

He loved being there, even more than at his own house. Was it just because of Daehyun (because the apartment smelled like Daehyun, looked, even acted like Daehyun and because there was no place more comfortable and friendly) or something else (like the architecture of the rooms or the dashingly good view on the rest of the city and the sky); Youngjae wasn't sure.

He opened the door of Daehyun's bedroom gently, that way making sure Daehyun really didn't wake up from his deep slumber (because it was his day off, he always slept like a hibernating bear on his days off, sleeping off all the sleepless nights and afternoon naps, because all of the stuff he had to get done; it was either kick box or college or help mom and dad or always be there for Youngjae, all done with just good will;), he slowly tip-toed to the bed and smiled at the sight.

Daehyun was sleeping comfortably in his large bed (when he got it he told Youngjae he got a big one so one day when he actually talks him into moving in with him they could sleep together every night and Youngjae kind of went full PMS at Daehyun's cheesiness and started crying), his hair was messy, his covers were all messed up, more specifically the cover was just in between his legs and a little bit over his hips; he slept in a white undershirt and black comfy pants, in a perfectly straight vertical line; Youngjae carefully snuck into his bed and even more mindfully tried to hover over Daehyun without waking him up and making him all creeped out;

He somehow managed to get above Daehyun's body, his hands on the both sides of the older's body, his legs bended at the knees just right to the other's hips, with a small smile on his face, and the moment he decided it was time for sweet-talking Daehyun out of sleep (no matter how much he appreciated Daehyun's sleep time, he couldn't just let him sleep all day, it would ruin him the next time he needed to get up early), with lines like 'Dae my sweet cupcake' the older opened his eye and upon seeing Youngjae's 'angel' face (he loved calling it like that) he immediately laugh-whined;

'Oh my go- Youngjae, sometimes I really wonder if you're normal'

'But I am, kind of, well at least my mother thinks so, so it doesn't matter'

Youngjae whined back, bringing their foreheads together, tracing his fingers lightly across Daehyun's shoulder with one hand, keeping the other hand somewhere between Daehyun's neck and cheek (and there was nothing unusual about their superfluous skinship, they both found it very normal, even though in every other case movements and touches the two of them shared would make a normal person come undone, honestly).

'Come on, get up sleepyhead'


Daehyun then suddenly moved one of his legs to sabotage Youngjae's and make the other fall flat against his own chest, gripping his thigh with one hand and his lower back with his other, to flip him to the side of the bed; he put Youngjae's leg over his own pair and pulled him even closer;


'No' five more minutes', Dae'

'I was gonna say 'let me stay like this forever' but you know, whatever'

'Stop being such a grease ball, please, I'm going to spill a pitcher full of water on you, you know; no, I'm gonna throw a pitcher full of water at that perfect face of yours'

Youngjae punched Daehyun's chest lightly, trying to meddle out of their hug, laughing softly, and that just made Daehyun burst out laughing too, causing just what Youngjae wanted: letting him go.

'I'm gonna go make you some coffee, you better get done before it's made!'

'Whatever you say'

Youngjae looked behind him while exiting the room and Daehyun looked back at him softly:

'So, how was 'older bro' time?', he asked out of the blur, making Youngjae stop and turn again to return the sweet stare.

'Great. I couldn't be more happy'

'I'm really glad, but that last part kind of got me, right here' Daehyun got up to a sitting position slowly and in a kind of ill-like way, motioning to his heart 'in the kokoro'

Youngjae scoffed and turned his back on him, forming a stupid smile (again, he smiled a lot around Daehyun, and again, nothing unusual about that either) on his face; he lied. Time spent with Daehyun made him extremely happy, even happier than his time with Junhong or Jongup or Yongguk (but that didn't mean he didn't love them as much as he loved Daehyun: but their 'love' was kind of different, his and Daehyun's, he just, couldn't explain in what ways exactly, yet), so happy that he sometimes felt like popping like a balloon in front of Daehyun just to show him just how much he made him happy; but he never did it. Sometimes it was more fun just to watch Daehyun try to be the person that made Youngjae the happiest. One day, Youngjae will surely tell him it was him all along, but not today. He stared at the coffee he was making evilly.


Daehyun stared after Youngjae for quite some time, even after he disappeared from the sight. Another whiny 'Daeeehyuuun' from the kitchen made him snap out of it and get out of the big, feeling-like-something's-missing bed lazily.




'You better be awake my favorite sleepyhead!'


To: Jongup

From: Himchan

Time: 11:04 a.m.

Jongup jumped slightly at the sound of his phone announcing a new message; the phone was right under his chin, but he was busy staring at an imaginary dot somewhere in the room, daydreaming.

He did that pretty often, when Youngjae or Junhong would be talking to him, he would just stare through them and his head would fall to the side looking somewhere far away. If you knew him well enough, you could've guessed why. Some people other than Youngjae and Junhong knew about Himchan, and they, unlike the lifetime supporters of every form of love, you've guessed right, Youngjae and Junhong, told him that internet friendship and Himchan in general are a waste of time, that he should find someone else to hang out or be in a relationship with, because what if they never meet, or if they meet and Himchan doesn't like him, and Jongup's eyes would water a little but he would keep a straight face that told people 'I really don't give a about your opinion, peace out'  and he'd just turn his back on them (and Youngjae and Junhong, the lifetime haters would say good job, that's how it's done with es, Himchan will adore you, I mean look at you).

He smiled sheepishly when he saw from whom his new message was; he immediately read it and quickly typed back.

'I am! I'm just daydreaming c:'

To: Himchan

From: Jongup

Time: 11:05 a.m.

They had a very weird 'relationship'. They knew each other just over the internet, they didn't know how one another looked, and quite frankly they didn't care (which actually wasn't really weird these days, everyone is just like: internet friends, yo); they really liked each other, at first it was tumblr, then twitter, then yahoo messenger and stuff like that, gmails and then phone numbers; the last one was most practical.


Over the year the two of them spent 100.5 days worth of hours talking, texting and writing to each other old school. Jongup had 1600 messages sent to Himchan just this month, not including the ones he deleted so Youngjae and Junhong, no matter how much he loved them, couldn't see them and make fun of him.

'Hehe, I really wonder what about. ;) And hey, guess who's gonna need to clear out his planner and sign me into it?'

To: Jongup

From: Himchan

Time: 11:07 a.m.

Jongup's hear missed a beat. He almost dropped his phone out of his hands ('cause they started shaking so freaking badly) and his stomach did a really weird kick (because of excitement, nervousness and fear, he wasn't gonna lie). Are they; or is Himchan just messing with him; are they REALLY gonna-

'No. Noo. HIMCHAN?'

To:  Himchan

From: Jongup

Time: 11:09 a.m.

'Yes! I'm officially a Seoul citizen again, thank you very much'

To: Jongup

From: Himchan

Time: 11:10 a.m.

Jongup basically, to put it simple about his feelings, fell out of bed. After all this time, they were gonna meet. After all the texting and crying because Himchan wasn't close, they were gonna meet. After all that wondering how Himchan looked and sounded they were gonna meet.


He smiled stupidly big to himself and let out a girly squeak (kind of like Youngjae sometimes used to when Daehyun), covering his mouth with his hands, his eyes watering a little, because;

They were gonna meet. They were really gonna meet.

'I can't breathe. Himchan'

To:  Himchan

From: Jongup

Time: 11:10 a.m.


'Yeah, I feel the same'

To: Jongup

From: Himchan

Time: 11:11 a.m.

11:11. Jongup scrolled down his archived messages and found one Junhong sent him a long, long time ago. It was a list of same two-digit numbers in time, and supposedly they all had a meaning, 11:11 meant he or she is thinking of you. His cheeks began to hurt from all the smiling.




A/N: Hello! Sorry the second chapter took so long, school killed me this week, I can't move. This probably has a lot of mistakes, but I don't have the strenght to fix them now, I'm really sorry. Well, I hope you like it either way ;)

love, victoria





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Chapter 2: YOU SERIOUSLY NEED TO CONTINUE THIS STORY BECAUSE HOLY IT'S AMAZING ;; I freakin feel regret finding this story after 1 year and now I'm just (hopelessly) waiting for you to update OTL So if youre out there PLZ UPDATE I LOVE U <3 :))
Chapter 2: I like this story :) Looking foward to the next chapter!
Chapter 2: You have too low self-esteem. Your writing style is very good, I really like it! English is not my first language, but I read your story with pleasure.
The characterization of B.A.P is absolutely perfect. I love every single shade.
The relationship between Daehyun and Youngjae is my favorite (not because they are my otp, but because you've described it in a way so ... beautiful, sweet, perfect) and I can't wait to read the next chapter!
So please update soon!
(Also, you're very funny and I smiled all the time)
ShimEunKae #4
Chapter 1: Like allkpop, if you breathe, he knows.
Lol I laughed so hard
SaturnXK #5
Chapter 2: I like the story, though there are some grammatical errors here and there.
TOPJaeLoveChild #6
Chapter 2: waHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH pretty very pretty... Zelo hasta las manitas por Bang-sama XDD
So So... hot Zelo´s dirty thoughts about bang :3 but He isn´t the only one ...
thanks for a great chap... author-ssi
Mangoo #7
Chapter 2: I like it! And I like your writing style, it's humorously and witty and doesn't make any sentences boring, it just gives you feels and sometimes makes you nod in agreement about statments you could comprehend because it's so lifelike and understandable. yeah!

I like DaeJae and the odd (but not in a bad way) realtionship they have. It's interesting and it's obvious, maybe not for them, but probably for everyone around them when they see those two together. And I love friendships like that, when they care so much for each other, know the other one by heart, inside out ...yeah, but I don't mind for friendships like this to turn a bit more romantic haha ...(someone give them a push, ideally against each other lol)

I liked the magical moment between Junhong and Yongguk when they saw each other again <3 That was nice! And how cute Jongup actually is, getting so excited about every new message he gets from Himchan....and not to mention his excitment when he knows he'll finally meet Himchan <3 Like a school-girl having an innocent crush on someone haha
awwww this is really awesome, i cannot wait for a new chapter^^
i loved Zelo's reaction when he saw Yongguk
DaeJae are so cute
HimUp finally getting together^^
+ Yoo Mother is awesome<3
Chapter 2: wow this is so goood!!! omg all my favorite pairings and the storyline is just so great!! between all of them.

daejae acting like they're a couple and being soulmates but not actually going out and that's still totally fine because they act like a couple anyway.

banglo being all cutesy and awk around each other cuz they are just too busy being all fanboy. but i can't wait to see this cute relationship.

my precious himup!! omg i want to see them see each other. im so excited for this meeting!! i love himup

and younglo!! omg this is my secret pairing. i love younglo and them being like inseparable best friends in here is just <3

so love this and looking forward to more.
Chapter 2: Oh no, I really like your style :D
it's funny and it suits the story n.n

Everyone has a special bond with someone, it's really cute :3
and I like the story line so far ! Good job :D <3