Welcome Back

Our Old Habits


'Oh my god, my back's killing me', Youngjae complained, keeping his hand at the back where his left hip was. He was getting pretty bad cramps lately, even crying, and Junhong didn't know what to do with him anymore.

He tried to make him workout, take painkillers, but nothing helped. The thing just came and went whenever it liked.

It made Junhong sad, watching as Youngjae struggled for breath and tried so bad not to cry.

But first thing's first;

Youngjae was like a walking allkpop, if you breathe, he knows, if you breathe the wrong way, he knows it even better. That's why Junhong was always up to speed with who ed, s and will who, who said what about who on facebook, who's fighting, crying in the bathroom, in France, pouring buckets with water, bringing people to grass-lands, who has the better dress and how's professor Kang's wife feeling today.

The reason he starts like this is because, we all have friends that you can describe just by pointing out something that makes you laugh (in the most positive way possible, you know, that kind of laugh that actually means 'makes you happy'), makes everyone laugh, whether it's something they do, say, or is just a part of their personality.

He wasn't a gossip girl (and thank you God, that's really kind of you, really, you're such a sweetheart, Junhong thinks), he just - knew everything, it was just who he was. Probably because that smart brain of his calculated 2+2 and 9 out of 10 times you'll guess what's happening in some teen's life because they're all the ing same, they do the same ing things, they think alike and dress alike, so you can predict which of them will be the CEO of a music company and which of them will work as a pissy waitress for the rest of her life the moment you say hi to each other.

Their school wasn't a bad school, you know, there weren't much bullies, all guys were friendly with each other, even with ones who wore glasses and stuttered, girls got along just fine, yes a popular crowd of a couple existed, but they weren't exactly anything people could give a about so people naturally didn't give a about them, so technically they were the same just with better shoes, ugly make up, and bad music taste (Justin Bieber) (minus Hyosung, she was their girl).

Currently, Youngjae and himself were in grade 2, yes, bravo for them, and they liked to make trouble and people laugh, dye their hair frequently so neither of them now remembers which color came first and eat ice cream when times got hard.

They had pictures of themselves on walls when they were just fetuses, just two of them, with Jongup, with other friends, doing stupid stuff and sometimes normal (on rare occasions) and funny birthday cards that went something like 'You're ugly and your mom's ironing board is ugly but I love you so much and I hope you live 40 years more (that's enough) and have cute, y children with your favorite celebrity'

'Yes, all that doing nothing all day workout really gets to you'

'Shut-up, if more than 10 people are doing it, it's considered a sport. A hobby, at least'

The only flaw in their little relationship, in other people's eyes, was that they both had another best friend at the side. But it wasn't a flaw because 3 of them were best friends amongst each other, as for the fourth, Junhong and Jongup liked Daehyun, Daehyun liked them, they've grabbed cups of coffee a couple of times, but him and Youngjae were soul mates. In a totally not-romantic way (which, by the way, a year from now, will appear as a sentence full of painful sarcasm). And it didn't anyhow make Yongjae and him drift apart so they were good. Life was totally okay.

'Why are you small smiling for yourself, is there something you're not telling me?'  Junhong asked, eyeing his friend suspiciously.

'Let's see. I broke your Optimus-Prime toy when we were 5, and Yongguk is back! I mean, I'm picking him up at the airport after school, but he's back!'

Yongguk, the older brother. The source of a complete heart destruction, the girls say now days. Now that's a whole other story.

'Wow. Really. I haven't seen him in like, what, 4-5 years'

So, when two of them were just little soldiers, Youngjae's parents got divorced, not long after them, Junhongs's parents got divorced too, now, being the kids they were, they didn't whine, or cared particularly, nor did they start that classic kid drama asking their moms if 'dad doesn't love us anymore', no, that level of consciousness doesn't exist at the age of 6. Junhong just asked his dad will he still give him chocolate, if the answer was yes, then he was fine with everything.

Seeing how their little relationship turned out, and how many pictures they currently have together, stuffed in their boxes under their beds, Junhong actually spent, as a little human, more time with Yongguk than with Youngjae, even though Yongguk was 6 years older than him and Youngjae was much,  much closer.

From what he have heard, as really expected, seeing how he was when he was a young boy, the only side of the older Junhong actually knew, Yongguk had grown into this perfect God, that was hot, smart, funny and kind at the same time, and girls went to extreme measures just to get his attention (Youngjae once told him a story, and you're better off not knowing it, trust him, the expression 'literally everything' will work for now).


The reason behind that little fact is simple: Yongguk and Youngjae got separated. Youngjae stayed with his mom, so he had to go visit his father, every other weekend, if Junhong remembers correctly (Youngjae doesn't do that 'dad visiting' as much as before, so he doesn't know anymore), while Yongguk stayed at his mom's; So, whenever Youngjae's mom had some free time at her hands, Junhong's did too, and considering they too were best friends, they always hung out together, dragging their kids with them. So, of course, Junhong and Yongguk saw each other as much Junhong and Youngjae did.


Their moms used to bring them to this nice old-fashioned vacation house and let them run across the big yard with a nice view on this big, big field. They used to play soccer and tell scary stories up in the old tree house. What made Yongguk so amused was that Junhong never even flinched, not even on the mention of something that made Yongguk himself feel kind of uneasy.


'-The the zombie jumped out of the freezer and yelled BLARGHHHSDJKSKADJSKD-' Yongguk screamed, pointing the flashlight at his face, trying to look convincing and sound intimidating at the same time.


'Cool' was the only response he ever got from the younger.

Junhong liked him when he was young. Not as much as he did Youngjae and Jongup, but close.

But the feeling was very mutual. He understood why he and Youngjae were friends; they were really different from other kids.  In a good way.

He never minded watching over Junhong, teaching him stuff, doing childish things with him, and even then he in Junhong's eyes showed potential as the most perfect soul soon to be walking the earth.

He was nice and humble, he cared about world problems as much as he did about Youngjae, and whenever Junhong saw the two of them hug he kind of wanted to cry 'cause he didn't have a brother (but throughout his friendship with the blonde standing now before him, he realized he actually had one).


Don't get this the wrong way; the distance didn't hurt the brothers' relationship at all, since Yongguk demanded to see Youngjae every day for at least 2 hours.

But then, Yongguk got older, he went away to study, wherever he went, Tokyo, or somewhere big for big people (in soul and mind too), and he left Youngjae. Youngjae cried a lot after that, thinking Junhong didn't know, but things got back to normal eventually, with and without some help from the mentioned boy, mostly because internet camera interaction became really popular.

Junhong was never there in times of their communications; he actually, doesn't even know how Yongguk looks now. For Junhong, he disappeared and he just never appeared again. At first, it made him sad, the older was kind of like his mentor, a person he looked up to, but he got over it after some time, even after Youngjae, because he felt this hole in his stomach he then, couldn't quite understand, both because young people tend to do that and because one day Youngjae told him Yongguk says Hi actually everyday to him, he just forgets to bring it up.

He never really visited, because he was really busy - with stuff, you know.

'Yeah' he said excitedly, 'and he's staying. For good'

He smiled at Youngjae, sharing the good news with him, head pressing against his locker, warmly, brotherly, a littleeee bit mockingly;

'Did he came a changed man?'

'Actually, yes. So, you're coming to dinner tonight? I'm really tired now, so I'll tell you everything later?'

'Yeah, sure'

'By the way, did Jongup tell you?'

They started walking towards the exit, the two of them being the only two who weren't pushing and killing each other just to walk out of school as soon as possible. Jongup had to help his dad with something so he left earlier, being the perfect subject to talk about.

'About what? Noo - . Himchan?'

Himchan, Jongup's writing buddy from Japan. He was Korean, but he went there to study. Just like Yongguk. The two of them didn't even know how one another looked. But Jongup liked Himchan so much as a person, he often mentioned that he wouldn't care if Himchan looked like a hybrid transual.

'Yes, apparently he's considering moving back to Seoul'

'Are you serious?' Junhong looked taken aback for the second time that day 'what is it with people coming back these days? So I'm guessing Jongup flipped out?'

They finally walked out, leaving an empty school behind them. It was very green. Of course it was, since it was the beginning of their first semester; the sun shined and roses withered. But overall it was indeed a lovely day.

'Of course he did. You know, I really hope Himchan isn't a hybrid transual, a nice god like Jongup, no matter how much he liked anyone, doesn't deserve something like that'


On their walk to their homes, they developed a few scenarios involving Himchan and Jongup. In the end they decided it would be for the best (best for Jongup that is) if Himchan was a pretty princess that had mother instincts.


The thing about Daehyun was that he would do anything for Youngjae.

That's why 99% of girls that knew both Daehyung and Youngjae, hated Youngjae's guts.

Jung Daehyun; people could write books about him, that have about 300+ pages about his looks and his charm and the really example friendship he had with Youngjae and the population would buy it like crazy.

 Now that Yongguk is in the picture, Junhong can't help but think Daehyun is just a two years younger version of him. After all they were really good friends back then.

Even though he'd finished the same high school, he trained kick-box at it; their school had various of sports training attached to its system, don't ask.

'Thank you for doing this, you're amazing'

Naturally, Daehyun agreed to pick up Yongguk from the airport, mostly because Youngjae asked him with those puppy-eyes of his, and slightly because he wanted to see his old friend again (you've gotta admit, even though we have some people from our pasts we really don't want to see, because old memories start bursting out, there are also ones that we had good times with, and we're ashamed to admit we often forget about those).

'No problem pretty boy, anything for you'

As really close friends, we get over those kinds of applications, we get used to whatever they say to us, and we no longer blush or remember something nice they said about us, because they always do that.

But it's was different for Youngjae. He memorized every smile directed at him, every compliment, every hint of flirt (because that was just how Daehyun was, sometimes he just couldn't keep it from leaking out of him and he did have a soft spot for Youngjae, so it happened a lot), because it was one of the 10 things that made him happy.  A person who could describe Youngjae's fascination with Daehyun, the amount of attention he wanted from him, didn't exist.

Junhong often tried to imagine them being in a romantic relationship, the picture usually being very logical, even more logical than friendship, because sometimes it seemed like they were doing everything in their power just not to go there. Denial, Jongup called it.

They were friends even before Junhong came. Daehyun presented everything Youngjae valued and loved in this world. He was the person that took care of him when he was sick, let him stay at his apartment when he was angry or sad (because Junhong couldn't do everything) and hugged him whenever he got the chance, because it was something Youngjae liked the most. What was most interesting in their little 'affair' was that they never, ever got bored of each other. Junhong was really jealous of that sometimes, because he got bored of people really quickly (except Youngjae and Jongup, of course), something he hated about himself the most.

Youngjae got up from his seat, trying to keep the excitement down. He bounced left and right, up and down, cracked his fingers, and made weird noises.

Daehyun watched him over concluded hands, which stood below his nose, covering his smiling mouth, eyes being equally amused by every Youngjae's move.

'Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god'

He jumped up and down in place once again.

'People are watching you, Jae'

'-Oh. OK. I'll just. Sit down. Then. Ok. I'm fine'

'You know, I thought you'd be jumping and screaming at the first sight of myself here, but instead, you're sitting'

There was it. The burst of happiness and fighting back tears of joy. He jumped from his seat like a maniac, toppling Yongguk to the ground.

'Okay, okay, you don't really need to break my neck the second you see me, I'm supposed to be here for a very long time, there'll be time for that'

He had a deep, y voice, and Youngjae couldn't have been prouder. To have such a perfect person as your brother, it was incredible.

The older, indeed y, with a killer smile and tiger eyes, his blonde hair pushed up a little, clothed in a leather jacket and light blue jeans with some shoes Youngjae really liked (to the point where Yongguk almost gave them to him in the middle of the airport) greeted Daehyun eagerly (when he managed to get rid of Youngjae, and stand on his feet), with that bro hand shake that rips out your arm from your shoulder, amazed how the younger turned out like. They were always much alike, there wasn't no point denying it.

'Looking good there, champ'

'You're not so bad yourself, old man'


'I can't believe you, you're not here 4 years, and one of the first things you do when you come back is laugh at my cooking!'

Their mom, a really nice lady, not young, but not old either (perfect age for having two grown up boys, some would say) was always sensitive about her cooking. She always had to do things alone, so stuff wasn't always perfect in their lives, but she managed. Regardless of what she thought she didn't give to the boys, and what she thought they really deserved, the two of them thought of her as the most wonderful woman on the planet who cooks the best meals.

Their father was a dickface. Actually, if you asked Yongguk, he would've stayed with his mom after the divorce too, but his father had some connections, and the court made the decision of separating the brothers. He wasn't really a to him (Yongguk learned to shut him out), but he was a mean person, vicious somewhat, he used people a lot, and when he yelled, Youngjae wanted to cry. He really had a weird high tone; it didn't just make him want to cry, but everyone else. He claimed he loved his boys, but he did everything but help their mom with Youngjae.

When Yongguk was 18, just before he left, he and his dad got into a big fight. Chairs and vases passed through the air, Yongguk being the one to give his dad a reality check, so from that day, and every day after that, he stopped being a (gradually), especially to Youngjae.

The younger visited him from time to time, but he would just come back annoyed, so he stopped doing it. Now, they don't even call each other.

Yongguk asked how was the old man doing, but Youngjae just shrugged his shoulders, telling him 'Don't know, don't care', and Yongguk didn't want to push it anymore, because he understood.

(Junhong dad was a too, but that's for some other time)

The woman looked at her oldest son, trying to seem like she's hurt, with a big spoon in her hand, but the moment Yongguk stepped up to hug her again, she dropped the act.

'No, mom, I love your cooking you know that, I was just joking'

'He's lying'

Youngjae whispered behind them, which caused Yongguk to quickly grab a fry from the bowl, successfully avoid his mom's angry spoon hitting, and chase after his little brother.

As they both laughed from the other sides of the hallway, someone ringed the door.

'Oh, that must be Junhong! You know Youngjae, maybe I could work something out with him mom, and we could all move into the same house, so you and Junhong wouldn't spend a second without each other, what do you say?'

Yongguk laughed lightly at his mother's suggestion; laughed even more when he saw the look on Youngjae's face that clearly said 'That actually isn't a bad idea at all'

It was a nice evening, not too hot, like summers will usually be, but perfect.  

'I'll get that for you, little bro', and with a gentle smile on his face he opened the door to a boy with blonde-blue hair he once knew as little Junhong. His smile kind of flattered 'cause ing wow. What was with these kids and their perfect growing up?



Junhongs thinks.



A/N: Testing, one, two, three.

So. What do you guys think? Confusing? Short? 

I'm not actually good at this, but I'll try my best. I know I have a weird style of writing but I'm not good with that 'And then Yongguk jumped out of a moving train into the ocean, with a MP5 in his mouth and stopped the MOTHERING APOCALYPSE' and I know there are fanfics out there that are 100x better than this, but please give me a chance <3 The second chapter will be better, I swear, I'm just slooowly guiding you into the story.

love, victoria


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Chapter 2: YOU SERIOUSLY NEED TO CONTINUE THIS STORY BECAUSE HOLY IT'S AMAZING ;; I freakin feel regret finding this story after 1 year and now I'm just (hopelessly) waiting for you to update OTL So if youre out there PLZ UPDATE I LOVE U <3 :))
Chapter 2: I like this story :) Looking foward to the next chapter!
Chapter 2: You have too low self-esteem. Your writing style is very good, I really like it! English is not my first language, but I read your story with pleasure.
The characterization of B.A.P is absolutely perfect. I love every single shade.
The relationship between Daehyun and Youngjae is my favorite (not because they are my otp, but because you've described it in a way so ... beautiful, sweet, perfect) and I can't wait to read the next chapter!
So please update soon!
(Also, you're very funny and I smiled all the time)
ShimEunKae #4
Chapter 1: Like allkpop, if you breathe, he knows.
Lol I laughed so hard
SaturnXK #5
Chapter 2: I like the story, though there are some grammatical errors here and there.
TOPJaeLoveChild #6
Chapter 2: waHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH pretty very pretty... Zelo hasta las manitas por Bang-sama XDD
So So... hot Zelo´s dirty thoughts about bang :3 but He isn´t the only one ...
thanks for a great chap... author-ssi
Mangoo #7
Chapter 2: I like it! And I like your writing style, it's humorously and witty and doesn't make any sentences boring, it just gives you feels and sometimes makes you nod in agreement about statments you could comprehend because it's so lifelike and understandable. yeah!

I like DaeJae and the odd (but not in a bad way) realtionship they have. It's interesting and it's obvious, maybe not for them, but probably for everyone around them when they see those two together. And I love friendships like that, when they care so much for each other, know the other one by heart, inside out ...yeah, but I don't mind for friendships like this to turn a bit more romantic haha ...(someone give them a push, ideally against each other lol)

I liked the magical moment between Junhong and Yongguk when they saw each other again <3 That was nice! And how cute Jongup actually is, getting so excited about every new message he gets from Himchan....and not to mention his excitment when he knows he'll finally meet Himchan <3 Like a school-girl having an innocent crush on someone haha
awwww this is really awesome, i cannot wait for a new chapter^^
i loved Zelo's reaction when he saw Yongguk
DaeJae are so cute
HimUp finally getting together^^
+ Yoo Mother is awesome<3
Chapter 2: wow this is so goood!!! omg all my favorite pairings and the storyline is just so great!! between all of them.

daejae acting like they're a couple and being soulmates but not actually going out and that's still totally fine because they act like a couple anyway.

banglo being all cutesy and awk around each other cuz they are just too busy being all fanboy. but i can't wait to see this cute relationship.

my precious himup!! omg i want to see them see each other. im so excited for this meeting!! i love himup

and younglo!! omg this is my secret pairing. i love younglo and them being like inseparable best friends in here is just <3

so love this and looking forward to more.
Chapter 2: Oh no, I really like your style :D
it's funny and it suits the story n.n

Everyone has a special bond with someone, it's really cute :3
and I like the story line so far ! Good job :D <3